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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 4

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 4

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


FI'BRl'AKV The te-liniln of the I'enlleHlUI A-h-Wednesday Special The p. Iiltelitlal of Lelil la L'lli day. Till" Ah Wedm -day, Hie dnj that In Catholic couiitile. und among of the Catholic and KpUn'p-l church end. the sennit of and men) making and b.

gin. the pcrl-a! of forty dav. bv Fa.ter. which the forlv day. that hrl- nl In and which l.oUcrveil by them with special scrvlics and prayer, and by attaining from f'sal and the nubile and bol.leroii.

I name of the dav in. of am lent manners. lu the dut. head with were, lu primitive Iii.icn murks of profound grief. Examples of frequent in herlidure.

The i eii-1 le. of Wednesday In Roman atludlc i-ounlrie. are a i tlliuatlon of thi- ancient wuii: Tl Id linen of the altar mid fiagim-nt" of wimmI are burin d. and tin' ashes carefully eollei led. the eel ebrallon of the linn, the prlct, in I lining robe, recites p.

nlleiit nil p.ullli. unit ol. cninlv bices the lin ull tn luillilul approach und pro.tiate tliclii-elve. while the prie.t mark, a sigh of the with tlie a.hes, upon the forebeud of each ot them, repealing the ord of he anal hi ma protiouiiied Ukiii Adaiii fur bl "in: "Ri liieliiber. mull, that thou iirt The Tine Wa) liivirate.

Thrlrurwo lu ln ltiai h-rblc il'l" lull" Hie b' In.u. la the It. at I. In- no ted inii.tltiiei Hie 1' sioi.1.1 il II. tic tht.

end, Is grt'Bllv to in-l. rrcd lo iiiniiv -'fl, hut I ralhe aid. to illge.ll.Mi Till. .1 ltolg.ii.le. the h.

Iher, bowel, and eii.iirll.u Ilia epe 1 1, ii. ii -h Hit- rei'iiUr channel, of rflele mill uwlew notitcr thrown by Hie iu. I- thu. 'll i made mslille.l an lin s' that and I mure at lite regular dl. rhir-ei'l eterr leal tliiu Hon.

and li Hie Iiirthercl1.i id reiid. rliik' Hie iii lit malarial epidemic An'iriiiit I'lrpHrallnH, He.liii. dl. me -I the public waul for and'.', I. f.

in Paiker'. Hair the very nuin'. Ilniulriitl and all I Imm the suit never lull, to rt-lore gtan t.r laded hair lo II. umihlul color mid beauty.

FHllHig hair I. ly rli. by II. lic, Ii irodiice. grow til id beautiful young hair, gloy and luxuriant, Ihal evert.

me. The.e prop. rile, In II. eXqlll-lH' M-rllinif Mild purllt id ler 11 the growing latnrlte id I he toilet etert here. Sold III large la.ttle., .1 mill and (I im, bv all fii'l druggl.t.

Aiu ri Atom tii: .1. rs.plntf rat liar- III The)' Weaken I lie taiwel. Ulld leave Hl. lll nil than beloiv. I

Ill.l lion Iri ltiitlng aiereul and sull billon, medicine, pii Voi-r'. XKi.r.TAiK I.hkk which will in, I niilv schleie the tit -Ired nblei I. lelavalliin of the without raining pain weskeiiliitf tlit-tii, hid promote and and deiiiiute Hie Id. mhI. The pill, are by all VV, W.

MAltMllN, whnlcule Stfeiil, llliMiinint'toii, III. I.ISI VKNT InHIHK OF A Ml IN I A Cure" Seurulu'lii. Face Ache, Klielllliall-iu, (iolit, Kni'ieil Keel, Sore Throat, 11, and nioiil. ol etert li re III iii. ill or animal.

The remarkable lire. till, remedy has cf In ted II a- one ol the 111.1.I I in ih rl iiiil and tillllil'ile tnedli ever dl.coteo il for I lire Slid relief of pain. M. No. IM sixth Your Liniment Iodide ol Aiiiiiionia i- cured niv rlieuiiia- llN'I'll J.

W. 'fiiuiltiii i him. I IM 1 1 IT -r. II. A.

Mlin-r, chair fa. li). tltTINI. I'm a Hew ani, Minerva llliak. urn i i i icrroirw nii.i liatld reiiimel Kmik- March 8, iiiMiii) ni i'Mniw.

tl. W. Aldilt li, Iteeil, wl ti.rf. I vi i in. ir it Niullh, liiirley Hall.

I ol. mall, i'i llttuw. 11 1'MIS. I it 4 c.iriu Ni.rlh and I t-lilel HtMiS. National Male, 111 Malli l.

IIOIilll l-K IX I. en. I'. Ituwi Ii, l-rael llarrla, March m. Itett.

I. Itoneii, Inter, Man II. ImTU. IIOOUN. Maxwell A north ldet.

f.iiair. II hhli hU, tl Norili Main l. Mo. II K. Iliiitiili, llmlory of I he ntiii.

row in ii. Ilmal al all (irta-erlfa. Ilr. I'riff'a- Mci le A I'rlif, liicatro. IIIHI I iM KilOIXi.

lens, l'i North Main at. W. .1. Ilniwuell M.ilth aide of I.O I IllXi. Kirk A Hnker, ea-l id miiare.

ii(M Ilei-d .1 llai u'er, t-outh aide of itirf. I M. A .1. t'H-u, eat aide "I fiiiarr. li: nsis.

Ilr sltheiwiMHl, riiiithwei.1 ronii-r ol njiiaif. T. Iluli lilnoli, eonier eiiler and (trote itici I link A kev. roulli aide of 'Ute. W.

W. Siillli at. llltV I.IKIIIN. II A llvmali. IT North Main at.

Hl.wllliaiii A Sniia, norlh aide nf Mimrr. T. Winid, cnl nlde ol t-iiaiv. ni i ti- ii H. Mi lutvre A Co.

Hauler A IT Wall New- Vork. i i ioi 1 1 C. A. in Went Front at. A.

II. Ilraud, I III Weal Front al. J. N. Wanl, eaat id a.iiare.

i i imsimtt. K. Wolt'lllliot, 214 Center t. Ileweiiler A, aoiilh aide atiBn. I.IIIK Utll.N.

Kvana A I'utrlck. 117 Kaal Kriiiit-al. Nii ci ill a A I'd North Malu-at. C. M.

Camp, near I'lua-nlx Hotel, i lilr-litil in UlTiSoulli Main at. B. K. lliaiM' A Iiifi Weat North at. Kvana llroa -Ull North Muln at.

Clarke A Aldrlch, Weat front -at. hoi si: Bally rimiih, -MM Norlh Kuat-at. II AlCItU till- Holder, Milner A anlilli aide aquare. Ii. II.

Head A eaat aide ol aqniii-H. iioicsi: (i. Kn'eac, IIH North Center at. M. L.

Moore, 111 South Main at. job ritii PAtTTAiiiiAI'ii I'liiitliig Eatahllshinetil. i.o usiimis. Chaa. II.

(imehlln, Weal Waaliiiitfton-at. i.tu Win. II. Whltehend, with Stevenaon A Chaa. K.

ilH North A. B. Davidson, Lexington, 111. i.t.iirs nu oils. Cooper A lU'iWest Front ut.

lleulli A Norlh Maln al. lioinii t.i:i: sti.ios. Howell A Hamilton, I.uth, Februarjf Sfi, loT. ti i tt Woolen Mills, sal North Muln-at. Kohert Loudon, Kaijle Works.

SIC. Albright A Knox, Dnrlev Hall building. Miss K. A. Howard.

4IH Kast North al. J. S. Fuller, H01 Mam at. XITKIS.

Duff. Havnie. C. L. Capeu, I- A P.

K. R. .1. Hiiiiii, policien wanted. I'llVSK I lS.

Di-h. Hill A liarnea, Hill's Block. Ilr. Louise Ltawson. riioTot.u.triiY.

M. J. Mayea, McClun Block. Bell east of square. Dr.

Kwayne's me.dicinua, I'hiladelnhia. Br. Jaiut's, 2(M Cliicago. Hev. J.

T. luiiiaii, New Vork City. Littletleld A Calarih, N. II. J.C.

Hii liiirdson, Fever and Ague Cure. Dr. Jacques, Cinciiiuatl. Couipany, Detroit, Mich. Hop Bitters Company, Kuckester, N.

Y. Fever and Aue Cure, ,1. C. Klchardson. CoiikIi Syrup, Dr.

Bull. kcai. I's r.tTi:. Mclntyre A l'otvle, Dnrley Hall building. T.

M. Walker, west side of square. D. M. (iridium, Los Angles, Oil.

Louis, aW West Front at. STOVICN. Chillier Ouk, II. Read Uro. si: M.tiiii.T:s.

New Howe, 30 Union Square, N. Y. F. Hammond. Inn West Singer.

J. B. Daliliu, liM Kast North-st. TAILORS. Rude A Ileltlger, north ol square.

Tit I STKLS SALLS. Hudson Burr, R. S. Power, March IT. Hudson Burr, Wm.

Stewardsou, March IT. Henry Capeu Hanlev March 10, 1879. C. W. Neeilham, Hewett.

March 1, 1879. T. C. Kerrick, Van Buskirk. February 27, 1879.

ENTERTAINMENTS. 1 I' ie 1. II ALL. Mr. Tillotson, Milliliter, has the pleaanre of announcing a special ol Amerl-ea's greatest emotional actresa, CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, Supported by a carefully "elected Dramatic Company.

FRIDAY evening, February 28th, will present Sheridan Kuowlea' master piece, the famous comedy, in live acts, aa pluyed before larre and delighted audiences in most of the principal cities of the idled Statea, entitled "Tlie SATURDAY afternoon, at 2 o'clock, a grand matinee, when will be presented "JANE SATURDAY niirht: TIIK ISIILV OF 1CK. AdmiHtMon to matinee only 25 centn. Price of flrimtxHioii in eveuiuu 75 cent for rewired seat, centi1 for general atluiifnion aud 35 centK for f- tv. Sale of rem-nec comnifuce lhi morning, at Nlaxwull'e book ctore. 15-M DAY BOARD $3.00 FEB WEEK, AT THE ST.

ELMO. i i. I. fX.B art smiblmhnl fm ml, frr for imrrl form. A mlttttrHl iMrtlam.


bulllrllltlitf elllin II lli II IHM DRKSSKI) l-HICKENS. TL'KKKYS AND al n- A. at Al.lHili HIK'- ANOTHEIi LAKliE UT OK THE C'EL- A loiii.ln-i rn.Ui.l rat l.thl I II. till' I'lHI Al lUtf II ltl't A C(. I KP KN I Nt'K PATENT loi noililiij- i-Mt inilil" m.ok.

li.nt ikiii- pi le ith k1'1 ALMMi II lOi KKATKS LAItUE STOCK AND LOW III 1.IKH. MII.NKK 4 CfTI.EIiY TABLE AND PCKKET. A Him 1 11 ni HiiH.h It Mil NV It A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fi'esh Fish T- CIIISIIOLM m.o.'s. N'liTliK In r.

bv elM llto all Iho.e holilllli; ilin. Hie ri.iH.liU Loan hi.iI Tru-I onn.Hi.v Hint Hi. Iln r.i'.'''.er wllliln linn dm. fn.iu K. lili.

I'''. loro' b.irrid Iri.lli ri ill ot am In the liimd th. i. will, may lii ri ini" I' A I'm TWENTY-ONE Mkl TICKETS TOR $3.50, AT THE ST. ELMO.

ASSIGNEE'S SALE. I )Y VI It'll AN OliHEK OK THE I I nn. Male Hi.lrlcl Court lor tin- Soiillieru In-irnl ot lllinoi. in the matter ol the Hank inpin ol io Hi liner. Hunkrnpi, I mi lrlVV.

THE ELEVENTH lY OK l(t II, at ten i 1... a to the bidder, for ca-li In hand, at the door ol the olirl holl, ill Itl.K.niniiioii. M. Lean counly. Hie InwilllMb tibeil real e.lale, lo wil: Lot two 1 4 1, i.rm ul Hie imrth halt id HLh two i .1 i Itl.u.iiiiii.rliiii.

a. lilatteil i.i. in in. t.i i. i and r.Horibd in id, Mdi iin Counly al-o the we-t hull ol H-i leet taken oil ol the ea.l -idc ol lot I I'll, lllurti ot lour iJ', town twenlv thr iii north, raiiL'e two i-h-i, all 1 vitti and ln-iiiir in Hie My id Mi-Lean and Stale ol lllinoi.

Said to la- made -iiliieci lo a uiortfaire on nil ol property to the' panv, of New ork. for nine thoii.atid and tllly ijl'-HTi dollar, and accrued to Hie tine, uow due and unpaid, and to all other lieu, and ell en in brance. upon iirocrty WM HI KK IIAYNIE. i.eore Itruner, liaiikrupt. SPKCIAL SALE oK- Boys' and Children's CLOTHING.

To iniike room for our new Hirinir Ho. we will our eiilire ol and hildieu Suit- and Oven-oal al prime c.i-t for the next lilteeii day. I Suit, from School Suit, from Suit. ALSO Lined I'linl. at Men'.

Buck OloH'H and at. Men'. Wool Sox at Men'. Hiill.h 4 llo.e at Underwear from $1 fill up up 4 mi up .115 Men's Overcoats at $2.50 and Upward. AT THE OLD STAND OF Baker, EAST OF COURT-HOUSE.

PUBLIC NOTICE Ih tn-rcbv pivon that on the TWENTY EIGHTH DA UK FKIiUt'AKY, A. I). 1H79, at th hour of ilirco o'clock p. m. Hiiirt day thi'ru will he a in'f(ji)e of the HtockholdtTH ol the DttnvilU Pfkiii Kailrond Company, at the ollice of the com-nany, at No.

North Ci'iiter street, in the ciiv ot Itloumiiijrlon, county of McLean and State of Illinois, to consider and determine whether the haid rompany will conrolida1e it tock, pnperly aud Iriiiu hiH'M with thone ol the IndiauapoliH Danville Iiuilnad Company, a corporation organized, or to be organized, under the Ihwh of the Stute ot Indiana; and whether thin compuny will approve und ratify the ropoted article of coiir-olidutiou then and there to be mhinitled to the Haid lneet-iriLr; and whether the Haid Danville Pekiu Kail-road Company will enter into a contract for the purchhKe of ttie IndiauapoliH. Kloomluton WeHtern Itailroad. together with the l'ranchiHe and property ot the IndiauapoliH, Hlooniinyton Wentern Kiulway Company, or any part thereof; and whether the nto kholdcn wiil approve the contract then and there to he Huhmitted to them by the board ol" tor Hitch purpone, and whether or not a mortgage or deed ot trunt (-hull be executed upon the property ho purchttHd, and bond executed to bf necured by paid deed ol trunt or mortae, and, it ho, to determine the amount and tenor thereof, aud to transact all fuch other hunineHH at may properly come be- lore naio Jlv order cd the Board of Director. Ti13 CHAHLES L. CAPEN, Secretary.

Get Our Prices. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY On IMutt I'Kclicrw, 'hm uimI Nhik-ci-m. It oh In, -e'(all Irislx'H. Iliui-r N-tN, 1 -rut-l 1'haiiilM-r NrtM, Ac. I1I.ASSWIBE, SVTTS.

"Olll.l IS. IMttKHt llllt.S. UOU1X Ac. Cluuuleliers, Lamps, And I.aMP (iOODS ol all kinds, and SCPERIOR IH UMNO OILS, rieliven-il In .11 nart nl lh OAS CONSI MEKS can reduce Tor liaht so per cent, bv u.ine our Bonanza Ailachineut tor.burniiii; oil. Call audwf? COOPER y.

10.1 wist rnoxT-NT. Receiver's Notice An lnter'tiinr liciuinlwciicc of Karl) Im cf tlie Pioneer. Hie A Chapter by Captain J. U. Ilurnliam tir Ue Burma tt (''.

Purl hM Ink Hlryf Ni lrait County. We have atated that the early aettlera of BliHHiilnp (trove found KlckuHi Indiana lu re. who. under their i hlef. Itt lice a.

werealwaya friendly to the though at tlrat they n'l threutetiliig lunguape, i tiever committed any dl.turbuiicc. As late a. three Indluns had Mio l.ft. though they apiaared iHcasloiia tly ully travemlng the country In ah directions, One family eetii to hnve been living in Bl.a.iiilngton after the lia ullon of the county rat. Ml I.

CAM WA ritUNTIKH I'OI N'TV u- on. ut of the State was lljl lO I mm pnigreaaing from the south toward the north, when the Winnebago Indiuna In the north were Ira friendly than those III thi. region. The flowing In the Illinois, In what Is now Woodford and Man-hall conn, ty. had a few settlem, while portions of Liv-ing-toii, which was all Included In McLean, till 117, were beginning to have a few pioneers along the grovr mid lushes of timber kirtlng the Vermilion river, Ris k's creek mid other Sot a setlier was ever killed by Indians lu McLean county so fur as we have been able to learn, a fact that Is quite remarkable when we consider the ordinary fi.ii.litv of the frontier settlements through the I'nltcd Mutes.

hut bile our settlers were thus lominme, they did not pa-" unheeded the cull, fr others le happily situated. lu ll 1 UK III Al a. HAWK A broke out in Bliaiiulngton and the sur rounding count sent a whole company yolunleem, under command of ('apt. Merrilt L. Covell.

A. (iridic)- as first lieutenant. Hi, Id in second lieutenant, und mere ere in all tlftv-slx men. Each man furnished his own horse, gun, clothing und accoutrements. These tnaips t''k purt In what was known us Stilliiian.

ib-rcat above Dixon, in what is at present Ogle county. But one man was killed from this company Thos. O. Rulledge, from what is now new in count r. A full rrport of all that biippciieil on this expedition is published elsewhere in tins work, and we will content ourselves with a stati incut of fact in relation to the liidiuti troubles which have not been bcr ire present-ed to the public, but hii huve been frmii aiirvivors.

uud ale here given for the" first lime. When the tnsips from Tazewell und Me. Lean counties had returned to Ottawa, and were there ni ll.l'INO A I'OKT for the protection of the settlers, supplies arrived from IV kin and aiiuts on the Illinois river. Word was received that the people ut Bloomlngton were tulklng of building a fort, and that there wus general alarm along the Mackinaw and through the whole region from which their troops hud enlisted. It was thought thut the Kickupoos might hnve been tampered with by emissaries from Black Hawk, hose great success on the Ris river hud of course emboldened him greatly.

And no wonder thut our volunteers ere agitated. They hud left home a short time before, fully persuaded thut their own wives and little ones were sufc; und now to learn that there wus danger lu their reur.they were tremendously agitated. All the best horses and guns of the settle, menu, with the most resolute warriors, were thus absent from the point of danger, and the ease looked desperate. Rumor, per-haj, slightly exaggerated the dunger; but, even at this time, with a full knowledge of the actual risk from the treacherous Indian nature, it looks as if these men hud the best of reason for their actions. Thirteen of them, headed by David Simmons, who is now living in Bloomington, determined to RETI'KV HOME AXD OCARD the settlers, although their time of enlistment had not expired, and they run the risk of be.

ing culled deserters. Besides Mr. Simmons.we have the names of Bailey Coffee. Clem. Out-man I.

Miirfihv and K. Orendortf. On the second dny'after their start from Ot tawa they arrived in uiooinuigion, iiere nicy t.r Oil whole IMIl 111 lilt illll. Ulld TC ceived with a perfect ovation of gratitude and thankfulness. Those men afterwards all received honorable discharges, their action huv- ing been considered right anu proper, even a little unmilitury.

In a few days the balance if the company returned from Ottawa, and in the meantime authority hud been given for raising a company of rangers for service on the frontiers of McLean county for sixty days. -i i i A Ion us nuiii near me cusv euu im iv-Inaw timber, at Mr. llenline's, where the in u-liiit iu flow 1 nu'ndull' T.CY. ington and Money Creek were in the habit of assembling lor suiety. I tie company 01 rangers made this fort their hcadquurters, and patrolled the region north, Indiun Grove, Hooks creek, vermilion iiuioer, uuu all places where the inhabitants were unprotected.

Captuin John S. Rhodes was the communder, though Captum Covell is given by some authorities as the chief olll- ccr. Volunteers ulso turned out ho were not attached to the company, and Capt. Covell, freBh from Indian warfare, may huve taken Ills turn ul tins service wiinoui navmg oen mustered. A short time after thin a whole battalion was iniule up in this region for military drill, and of this regiment Ciiptain Covell wits mude Colonel, and he was after thut mude a General of militia.

Owen Cheney was a muior in this regiment and A. Gridley Adjutant. Gridley wus lit a later day chosen Brigadier General oi Annua, uuu uis title has properly followed him to this day. TIIK COMPANY OF RANGERS if anrvli.A In fl-iin rdimrthe frontier from Ottawa to the MarkTnnw, though even at the time opinions ol the uesi inioruicu wcic divided us to the real danger to be apprehended from the Indians. Probably in this case tlie tliorouirli nrcnarfltions made bv our energetic frontier prevented a general massacre, and thus advanced the public interests and kept the settlements from famine and distress.

Even as it was, quite a large number abandoned their homes, preferring to be on the safe Bide of a doubtful question, some of whom never returned to the county. There were about tifty men in this company, most of whom were raised in Bloomington, Stout's nnt IM Tnll-n TilllllUP By the hitter end of summer all aanger oi Indiun troubles hud vanished, as biuck iiuwk was captured, his bands broken up and pence fr nor frontier never to be dis turbed bv hostile Indians though of wars and rumors ol wurs, our pen must, again inuae mention. r.iRLOJl COXCEHT. A Most Enjoyable Affair Last Night at Dr. Wakefield's.

Although the storm howled without and tlie swirlinf snow dashed viciously around the corners, and swooped down from the eaves, a goodly company of cultured people assembled in the parlors of the residence of Dr. Wakefield lust evening. The concert was admirably executed in every particular, the performers seeming more than usually gifted and inspired by the happy surroundings. The followlug wus the programme: Jubilee Overture. Weber Mrs.

Flora Hun- ter Miss Belle Rood. Reading, "Old Huldu" Miss Lilian De- Garmo. Song, "When the Pule Moon," Gabriel' Geo. B. Crawford.

Song, "Serenade," Schubert Miss Belle Rood. Reading, "The Courtship" Miss Liliau DcGurmo. Quartette. "Come. Dorothy.

Come," Kuck en Messrs. Crawford and Swick, and Misses Rood aud Pike. Miss Lilian DcGarnio, of Normal, fulfilled her part of the programme charmingly, und was so often and so vigorously encorea that she added to her performance, "Darius Gruen," "The Little Outcast's Plea," and "Curfew Shull Not Ring To-night." Jnn lit In-t FOR RENT. iH KKM 1 rod (in at si Kilo Mil II 'lilt KENT -N" Kl lllMiiiilni! niinliirul'li' mul iiIi biiiI. rr.lilcll.c lor Mlil' lalllllv V'T I mi I.

it i i i Kl(. la' 111 ft r. IiH KKNT -Thr hiiuw. Kl I liciuul Tin- hoiia la in iT'xhI ilt-t Iih lilMtetvd il llrwlv Itailetl. lf'l '''i nd a abundance 'iull rood Iin.iI.iii; half a I.I.

sk Ii.iiii 1 ''-'-I will be rented tin-apt. Ith thr rlMli'tri- l.mfT i. hii. II .1. -i Inquire the hniiMv linn, in1" r.

Iln I.VMII IINVN FOR SALE. IOH liAl.K Tin- in llniif in i-'lj llli oi-ll. clalcni. foal h. mul i h-wu i All for Ai'i'i I M.kCII mi -i 1 from iti- Vnm-ii lr.tfl V.

1.111. C.lll'.'ll' I. II I.i.'.l I' ii. Irm: lml mill lake li.u-c In nutUu-a-i'l.iit I' bid. AlU- to I Hi.

i It. -mi fAI.K i hi. ii. 1 du el It tic. M.h Ir.iin i Ik- I' I.

pant mul "ul1 II on" 11 with matched fl. Hiring. 1 1 Ac. I 111 l.itt -im. Hurt i.h inn.

vri' i i'1 I WW KKK VMKHAl.F. nil KM II SMiK A L-, ..1 t. Mrm, mil'' Hi'i 1 fmmihl. rnv I4-'. buck 1 1 i -v i nl it.

Ii "I IhK bAI.E t. 1 1 m-. I4 i ir irirli' tnrm In in I i -t mlli- (mm niniMii nil Unit; ill and ti.iini; on lianl I'ri. nn.i til d.m'u, In.iHii. i' nil I.

ii ir- 1 1 in cut. nti tin in Tin-i l' tor p.r mii. an -M' IOK bAI.E An "'hi n-furiii In N.ininl I' 1 xhlp: liin- in hii'i-i' ii i i-mi" li-iired: wmiiii: liur.l. A nii flfl lux i ir.

f. i i. AW'ly to I M.WAUvK ii 'in-. It. 1 XiK SA1.K Ki II IM.i: Tlii- H- (arm.

rniitaiiiiiL' r., fKiralliiu.nii ii-i Im- I li.m"-. 1 rrtl, nlli-il-. n.j.;' I'li'lilv -inill. Will in i -I-- In' I rtr.

Alililv to I Al.hh n. iini.l JOK SAI.K lJiu.r.' 1 in Iirm. in Ir tinivr timii-liii. 1 Hmni-n; Im li-m--. l'i barn.

in-. Imr.l. A. I In i In a ln-li lurin. Ii I fur I "I lml li.iw war ul at jf.1i "-r m-n- A I I 'I'.

A I.K It. 3.1IK lAI.K-K KXi HVM.K mtv ai-n- farm. 4 TiiihI: Im hou-c 14Hi, ami nu 1. Imrn ii.n: ri (. hu-h'l: craimry.

uml Im mI1 and cI-iitii: in. luiiil ii.i: ninmili'rahli' amall fruit; "I flue cniM- ul iiL'ur iimi miiIiiiii. hIi.miI tni-n farm into 4 ll. nl; h. iiinl.

pirn, liWIn iiii-adiiw ami ii-i I'm p. arrc. lAiinld take a larm in uri or or pari wild laud in tin- haiaui rami, t'it-u l-i Ii to T. WAI.KKK. TO EXCHANCE.

PO EX I'll ANiiK An a. Iiirin in s. couulv,"H; Im a roiulorlalilt', niimll touai" anil tinrn; -i" ai uii.l.-r and hoo! I'ri. Would Illiamiiiitoii jr.i..-rl rpo KXl'llANtlK-A L' I In lk-lavan. l'rii-i-, Jl.ri.

li'-nl fl'l n-r niontli. Waul to tor a hiiiiiII unprovi-ii luiin in kaiia or in I'l'iiUul lllinoi-. Apply T. AI.KKK. rn EXciiAMiK to am In Normal I all hill no Iioiim'.

I'l fH. trade Tor a larger lurin and pnv in Apply to WALK KH. MTU EXt'HAXtiE-I" hi i.rnirii' in Morn counly, knn-HH. Tin- i all rich plow and fluclr liv ncwr litiliiii: fH an ai're. Would cxcIihujc lot a larui, uitd pay Mime diuVrciici'.


S. HUM AM) Dower Aociiitiou nioin-v on lurin land, ritv, villntri- and cliui-ch pioiM'tti-. at ix rent. For paniculiir applv In I NKtJA HUN EH i A SON, ri'-idcnt ul'ciiI. Iln Ent Illoouiiiinm, III.

117 ti ONE TO LOAN In all miiiih, al ciim-nl rat en and modcrati' coinnii-ion-. K. is. I.N'l YUE CO. FINANCIAL.

to i month. Book went free explaining Addrees BAXTEli Banker, 17 Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARTIST. At atudioTueHdiivn, WeduesdiivB and Satitrduva JPTOCRPHERS. II.

BELL, NortheiiKt Corner Sijiiiire. aatilaction izuarauteed. FURNITURE. N. WAKI), UCj North Maiu-Kt.

I lowet price. Bei at ARCHITECT. HA. MINEIL OHice with lllonmiiiiriou Chair manufacturer ol Sin-h, Dooix, Blind, Mouldint', Ollice and Library Eiirniiure. J)JENTIST.

R. (i. 1). SITHEHWOOO, Ollice Corner Square, Bloiiiiiinton, III. JVUJSIC.

JS. FL'LLER, teacher piano, oman, bar- inouy, aud cullivatinn nl the voice; Wll Maiuat. MISS E. A. HOWARD, teacher ul piano, nrv'iin, vocal culture, guiiar, panning and drawing, fio.

4B Eat N'nnh'H. LOCKSMITH. C1HAKLES JL GMEI1I.1N, mm Went keeps all kind ol tire-anna, amuiuiii-lion aud aportiut; apparaiu. JPHYSICIANS. RS.

HILL A. BARNES, HIII Block, Bloom- iuglou. tl. jK-rtin-2 R. LOUISE M.

DAWSON, Ollice KI7 Kat Waahiiiutou-Bt. to a. ni. and 2 to 4 p. ET.

HUTCHINSON, I have removed a my ottice from the old I'ost-ottice lmildini to my residence, corner of Center and Otfire holirn. troin 8 a in to 4 in CjCJTY. M. J. 8.

CAPEN, 213 North deal em in all ktud of Crockery.olar audtiueen ware rnllerv mid Hinted Vnre ABSTRACTOFjnTLE, AC. "PIUDENT BI SINESS MAN WILL hi' real e.late wilhout a corret AliHruct of Title J. W. t'OMI'TON ullice aoiiiliwe.t corner ol t'ourt-bouae baaemeut. ATTORNEYS.

AY HLLIAM H. WHITEHEAD, ATTOIiNEY al Law, South ol Court llou.e, HloomiiiL'ton I. 8M-rml attention given to collection, aud ti 111 eltlenieut ol i-ftaten. 1H AS. MEHTZ.

ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oltlc North Main iih Kowell Ham- lllou ALE EI) liAVIUSiiN. ATTORNEY AT and ot the 1 eace, ollei lion, and 1'Mi, ate liu-ine-. a peeialtr. Account, maile nut and luadv wilh Cuiin A.Uiiiiii.iraiom, Executor, Ac. ''ii 10 crrv.

HarwiHKl A o. are (i'ltllit lllaiur load of HuriuV lri- rliei row era. l.m.-r. of kihmI, rich milk try that at Nlei iilU tierkili line hri ail. Situ- Kni, n.llicllilliif IIP, and the Ih-.

imi fur the liimiry III tlu'rltjr Idm't full to tr it. AUIrli Mrua. lim oil I Ilia day I. rd 111. new anlcauf uiiitin and alaml l.l' yard.

Idm allk, direct fri.lll Hie llnailterii In Sew York, lit rik'iire. lower than ever '-ifore known fur the nniw t-raile of In- a'i tloli Invited. W. T. VNihhI.

I II. O. r. Tin-fiini rul ol our decia-ed l.ridher, Kred ernk ii-t'iiliil. will take place ouTlinr-da) in-vt al ni iN-L III Iiolll ma re.iucine.

on Uid Market t. Mi inl'i r. of Iteiiu in. I.raiue I.imIl'c, No. T7.

and rAertreeii City So. ttl.ii l.rolln ln III tiaal .11. Mil. nil arr ii. in.

lln.tliil.of I lilalld will llliet Ul I o'eliak. at their hull. By order of tin; i I.I.....I liaU'e. Ileriiiali orati, nee. i balk-e, NnlHli.

I. consul Ttik. -I l.e, Ion ul uiruiii.t r'led. Maker I. for to lie li.ed for lewd tilirMi.e., not for keepiiiif am Ii a lioiie, the wording of thi' i-oui i iih ndiir iniL'lil lead nniie to po.e 1 I limLe out of the Ken.

lit the te.terilar. and iiiade a de.per ate run lor liberty and life. After a Ionic run a liiroroiia llirlit. he n. allot, and i hopped to deulh in the atrert.

Vr .1 Hiwk. who ha. laeii i.i out hi. of lt(m at the McMilliin land, on Kn-t ront la pun Ini.inif a ci. mi, lite new mid will open It III' ill the illll l'iiilditit, eorm-r of Kroiil and Ka.t .1 reel.

in, a i'. ntli eaine lu re from li In Mill mid idelililied ll'it h. the tramp Im i. In Jail for Mra. aa liellilf the auine ra.eiil who tupped hi.

till mid purloined therefrom iihout i a few diiK HL'o. -Mr. an old iit IHinr. ju.t of town, ia ipiile 111.

Vra. David ox. who live, near Bloom- in if (irove, atillerini; from luiik' fever. Mr K. K.

Bennett, of tlie lllinoi. Central di M.t left for a trip to llenver yesterday. -Mr Clifton II. of Clinton, wua in the i-ily on ye.terday on lecul hu.ine.H.

-Mr. ofthiai ltV. la aull'erlliL' aeverely from a aore throat mid other Intirtni- tiea. Mr. and Mil Wurtier fnieenk arrived from ye.lerduy, und will visit for khort time.

I'rof. Kiiliurd Schrialer, of Cleveland, (hio, the (jyiinittat, arrived in the city ye.ter. day, and will remain a few daya. Mr. Persiiiu'er, of the Ay, attended the (iovernor'a reeeptioii last nilil ut a fftieat of Col.

(ieorjff Hrrogip. Kd llumplirey left yesterday uflerniam for fiprincflield to attend the (iovertior's re. eeption, und visit friends in the city. Mr. W.

llifliy Smith deimrta to day for Winlield, KuiiKiiH. in hich city lie Intends to enifujfe in the real ealale luiMiieaa in that eily. Mr. John Weed, of tin: 1.., H. departed for Clyde, N.

yesterday, auin. nioiied hy a telegram uiiuoutiein the serious of his fatiier. Mr. Lew Barber, now in Clileat'o, eamc near tieini; broken Into frairmeutH the other day by the kick of a home. As it wiut, he one leg budly hurt, und now limps grtu e.

fully. Informution was received yesterday from Kusscll, Kansaa, stutini; that R. (i. Weed, formerly of this eity, was somew hut better, but his condition wus such that he could not recover. Mr.

Charlie Gowdy leaves a few days for Wichita, where he bus been intend-injf to locute in the book trudc. Mrs. (iowdy will go to Minoiik for a few weeks until her hubbund is peruiuncntly located. A up. ().

Hubich, Rochester; J. B. Sear-ape, 11. Kutinp, New York K. D.

Tracy, C. A A. ruilroad, Chicapo; T. II. Smith.

J. A. Murphy, Chus. E. Morrison, L.

M. Ticknor, Chicupo; L. Kllemun, I), lleymun, (ico. Van Dyne, Chus. B.

Isinp, I'hlludeltihia; W. A. (runt, Mr. Smith and wife, F. Waldo Meads, Boston; W.

II. Loom is, apent Charlotte Thompson; T. P. Manning and wife, Jack-sonville; J. C.

Hurphur, Indiunupolis, und P. J. Sliurp, proprietor Roodhouse, are umonp the urrivals ut the Ashley House. NORMAL. Mrs.

Ambrose Bush is very sick. Elde. Dille was much better Inst nipht. Mr. Condit ill return to Chicago this morniup.

Mr. John (ircpory und family left yesterday for Ciridley. Mr. Charlie Colton is seen upon the streets again. He is here visiting.

Mr. J. F. Stewart and wife, of Paola, are stopping ut the Taylor House. S.

N. Fisher and family ill leave for Chicago to-day, und make that their future home. The students that take interest in the gymnasium have tuUen a new departure and have started out beppuis to raise means to help defray the expense of gcttinp new gloves, Ac. Mr. Eugene Ford has been suffering ex-eedinirlv from a treat abscess on his neck caused by being chilled through, ufter running to cutch a train.

The abscess wus opened yesterday by Dr. Moore, and Mr. Ford Is much better. Presbyterian Revival. The storm laat night no doubt kept niuny away, yet the church wus well filled with earnest listeners to the sermon by the Rev.

H. H. Wells, the evangelist, from these words, And that Rock was Christ," found in 1st 10-4, last clause. On Monday night the evanpelist portrayed from Belshazzar's drunken feast the downward course of the sinner, ending often, as it did In Belshaz- zar case, in utter ana hopeless rum. The wages of sin is death.

Lust night the evangelist in contrast with man's full and ruin hem up Christ, the suerillce, for sin. The sinner's saviour, urginir upon ull who had not accepted their substitute to yield at once to the gracious invitation, uud tae shelter behind that Kock, which is Christ. hen the opportunity was given, uianv rose lor the prayers of (iod's people, this showing llieir own interest in these eternal verities. The Noble Guards. Company of the 10th battalion of Illi nois National Guards gave a select dance at Armory Hall on lust evening.

The attendance was quite large, but not so large as at the previous dunces, on account of the severe sierra which prevailed during the evening. The music was furnished by Browning it Steele with Will Browning as prompter. The guards will give a niasuuerade some time in me near tutiire. llOLDKB. (iospel meetings will be held in the Holder i o.

uun ii, commencing sunnay evening, March '2, 1S7H, and continue every evening Pnmmi.i.'tn. mi n.In..L' v. .111 y. ,11. 111.

1 1 1 notice. All are cordially invited to attend the K' n.jrifvii me people oi f.ou are asaea la nan oi the meeting, t. K. Mitchell pastor. du.t, and unto du.t imm return." In other churches these mbnlle rites are omitted.

A-H cillie-ua) I- one oi I red dins of the l.elitcll be. Ing observed to ub-lineiii iih the same rigor and di-volioti ii-llie iiio-oi in'i) wTlh It it Ii Lent end-, and hi.b an- In memory of Christ's pss.lim and death. In the Catholic church of this illy there will be lllil-s ul MUl cm iimnilng in i lll. beginning llils morning ill al-o lu- scrvice each VAcilncsiliiy mm rrnm.v i t' 001-. on Wednesday evening the or vice of the bends, and benediction, mul on Friday evening the Million-of tin ro and In in -diction.

ti stt w'. I'liisciinal i hull there ill lie vii-e at Ibis morning, and ut -4 p. m. next Friday, and tbereiifler during Lent service at p. III.

mi ll Wcilnc-da) ami Frlibo, 1 hailolte Thniiipii. This beautiful und talented woiuuii, one of America's greatest einotioiiul iiclrees, will inuke her iippeiiriince in Dnrley Hull on Kri-duy und Saturday evenings of the present week, ulso giving a matinee on Satur day after n. Mis. 1 ever since her Mrsr appearance upon the public stage has I great favorite in. i clu.s of tin-liter 1'iicrs.

and to day she lias a stronger hold upon their allec. Hun and estimation than ever before This is caused by the fact Hint she constantly Im proves; that while she Is nil urlist if consummate genius, niiisu uuu is still a devilled uiid luiinstakitig student. Miss Thompson i ill in i i nu in iii im" by uppeiiring iis Julia, in "The Hunchback," i on hriduy evening. i nc ruyi suys the following concerning this fu- moils actress: ler genius is recognized here, and news- i' are mil lieeilell to en I fort 11 the people to her entertainments. In the line of her plays with which slie lias fuvorcd St.

Paul during the engagement just emicii, sue In oiif.ortiiiiit to iIIhiiIiiv ber rare talents, unci the universal verdict is that she is even better than before. It Is nut pos. siblc to truthfully assert that any one of her renditions is niitcr than another, for all are as near us euu be eviieeted While feeling admiration and astonishment at her wonderful rendering of the difficult and thankless tie tu.r In Knst I.vntie. the sen sation created by her Julia In "The Hunch- buck" is perhaps more thoroughly satisfying and pleasurable. There is such a perfect n.ilnr..liu...

(iiiil litter iiliseliee of nil lllllieiir- uncc of study; such careful attention to every detail, uuu siien a ninsn 10 ner win uuu sin-cun apparently do nothing with which to Hud H7ATA7. HKSC.VKP. A Fitful, Frantic Feni'iuiry Day. A constitution thut is proof nguiiist such fitfully changeful weather us that of yester day and bust night would do to join an expe dition to Nova Zeiublu. At noon yesterday it was a dismal and dreary, but not uncomfortable, dav.

A little later the clouds again let down a si-uttering ruin, hich thickened into a disagreeable shower. About live clock the ruin ceased, and flukes of downy snow began to fleck the sky. In ten minutes it was an Arctic snow storm, me iuikcb winning spitefully in the grasp of a strong north ern breeze. By 10 o'clock, when tlie snow had ceased to full, about three inches ot snow had covered the earth. The temperature rapidly lowered, and the snow begun drifting, hinting at belated trains and delayed mails.

At midnight it wus a fearful night- one that was full of cruelty und death for those without shelter und lire. I hough not as cold us some, it us as wild und pitiless us any night of this remarkable winter. DO WXS. Mr. G.

A. Davis, postmuster, who hits been engaged in the grocery trade for the pust three years, having purchased the Interest of Mr. Cowacn, lias iruueu me enure siocs. uuu buildings to Mr. Oliver Stuten for farm, and will give possession in ubout two weeks.

Mr. Davis wfll move on the farm this spring. Mr. Ab. Lott and Mr.

in. Kusor loaded two cars for Kansas, this week, with household poods aud stock, where they make their future home. BLVE There was a spelling school ut Diamond lust week, and a rousing time at Grand View last Friday night. Mr. John Bipps, at I nion; Miss Lou Scott, at Pleasant View: Miss Rosa McCoy, ut Center: Miss Lena Horney, at Grand View; Mrs.

Weed, retained ut Spear's Harve; W. Crumbaker, returned at Blue Mound; James W. Tuvenner retuined at Diamond. Lodge meets every Thursday night. Blue Mound Lodpe will pluy the drama, "Fruits of the Wine Cup," on the evening of March 1H7'J.

Characters: Mr. Hamilton, James W. Tavenner: Mr. Baily, Mr. John Crist; Chas.

Bully, Lytle Stupncr; Andrews, Prank Henslev: Speculation, M. F. Bovard; Jeremiah, Henry VVilhoite; Kate Hamilton, Miss (Jora Crist; niary, -niss jua ouigncr; Surah, Miss Lillie Crist; Flora, Nettie Davis. IIEYWORTh. The Rev.

Mr. Everly commenced a protruded meeting here on lust Sabbath at tlie M. E. church.which he will continue through the w-eek, and perhaps longer if he meets ith encouragement. The concert held here on last Thursday evening by Prof.

John Peters and his singing a very enjoyable affair. Some of his scholars deserve more than a passing notice, Miss Bolin and Miss Marion in purticulur. Miss Steele and Miss Mclntire, of Bloomington, played several pieces on the piano, with which the audience wus highly pleased. Jumes F. Brown delivered here, on last Monday, 33 head of fat cattle that he sold to Funk cV Johnson ut 4 cents per pound.

They averaged pounds. The hop cholera hua broken out here in the lust few days among Campbell Wakefield's fine lot of hops and is playing sad havoc with them. Our fellow citizen, J. IL C. Dill, came home from Springfield on last Saturday evening und spent Sunday with his family, und left on Monduy for Springfield to attend' to his duties there as clerk of the committee on appropriations.

Lorenzo Vanvaley, whose health has been failing for some time, so much so as to prevent him from carrying on farming uny longer, has determined to sell oil' all his personal property. The sale will take pluee at the old Vanvaley homestead, three miles southwest of here, on next Saturday. Mr. Frank Oglesby bus been here this week visiting his cousin, W. H.

Oglcvee. The patent right man struck here last with a new patent washing machine, hich excels all that has ever been here before. As a natural consequence all the ladies are happy after giving it a trial. We uudcrstand that Nath. Low and John Washburn have bought the right for part of this county and will have a large number manufactured, and before long the laugh of Washburn will be heard over the county as he perambulates it to sell the new machine.

1 1 1 -111. S. Cl.tllK-IIN. Tivoit. inn in coiiiiit.

Sold by Fl'N'K I.Ai KLV. lll.aiiultigtoii. III. I IM Ittl. vii The runeral ol MR.

1 HKDKItlt I KG AND will lake place from Hit1 residence. No. West at two t.Vl.s Thursday aflerniaiii. Friend, Invited to attend. OH SALE TO-DAY.

A LITTLE WET, HIT AWFUL CHEAP. FIELD, M0HRIS, FENNER CO. held a special and peremptory sale of linen goods of all descriptions, of the importion of Messrs. Jas. F.

White slightly damaged by water at the recent fire in Worth street. The attendance was one of the largest of any sale that has been made in a number of seasons. N. Y. Bulletin.

Mote Bis Lot of Goois -FROM TIIK WORTH STREET EIRE. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, CRASH. LOOM DICE, LINEN SHEETING, DIAPERS, DAMASK, FROM THE ABOVE SALE. Also a large purchase of Cottons and Domestics, Marseilles Quilts, White and Colored Embroideries, to be closed out at unheard-of Prices. Fitzwillam Sons, No.

107 West Jefferson Street. THE PICTORIAL Embracing full and authentic accounts of Every Nation of Ancient ana Modern Times, SHOWING Tie Causes of Their Prosperity ani Decline, AND INCI.UDINO A Full and Comprehensive History of the Rise and Fall of the Greek and Roman Empires, the Growth of the Nations of Modern Europe, the Middle Ages, the Crusades, the Feudal System, the Reformation, the Discovery and Settlement of the New World, With Sketches of the Leading Characters in the World's History. II AMI'S I. .411 Author ol The History of the I'ulted Statea," History of the War Between (tennanj- aud France," "Pathway to the Holy Laud," Jcc, Ac. Embellished with over 650 Fine Historical Engravings and Portraits.

MRS. H. E. BUFTON, Agent. History of tie Mi,.

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