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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 THE PANTAGEAPH, BLOOMINOTON, TT.T.TN0I3 FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1917. BIS YEAR IS PREDICTED wtmBi FIVE MEN JOINED ARMY YESTERDAY McLean county leads all in district. WCSLEYAN UNIVERSITY ON THE In If I rould set lhr yoer columns Urn words to en old fourth of July suti-4t begins like lias: A son f'T Ihe heamlna" o'er na. An anthem of Juvenile A raptuious heeristiniiig chores, I'nr this la Ihe Fourth of July, i horus. this Is Ihe l-tmrth of July.

Tbe glorious rVunh of July; A rapturous hear tai tiring, chorus For llil le the Fnnrth of July. VUTON. Fred Hasting haa received ear load of rock phosphate te be put oa his farm, If the weather Is favorable (be Christian Knd'avorers ef the st Mennoalte Church will hold an Ml door memory meeting next Runday evening at the church. The meeting was pnetpnned a week, but the te'MO and program will be the sun body in do something. Finally, when the rmwd had calmed down woo tan released the now frantic canina from Ihe cauae of Its worries, an empty salmon can, point ef which had penetrated Its lip.

The dog had evidently tried tn get at the Inside of Ihe ran and ll'k It. Tbe npnning, whirh was surrounded with several sharp pniiila. was Inn email ami one of ihe points had caught on the hungry mongrers hp. BOOM. and whlrh lies directly west ef the university campus and connects the same with the airfa dormitory.

How. erer a walk will be constructed between the university and the dormitory and other Invprovatnents tending toward a pleasant and baentlftil connection made. A report of Iter, rarker rTMetite wss oonMderad last evening and other mutters of interest to the school given attention. The committee la vary enthusiastic over the prospects for the mining year as an eipreet themselves at the meeting last trfit. ItSl QUkHVat Meeting ef the Eseovtive Committee Then the two last linns of the iae ef the Board of Tructeee Last Evening Ull Plane.

The Honor Roll of Army Watk" Corporal Hopper Reoivee Hit Diesharga, And tyrants have even since trembled SPECIAL In hwr or the rnrtn or uiy. The rborua to last verae Is: hini. nilnnts Weal van Pnlvenrlty of i To hear of the Fourth ef July. h. vinhiiu.

smrth or Julr. SOUNDS NOTE OF WARNING And tyrants have ever since trembled. Tn hMir of Ihe iurth of Julr. Friday and Saturday I WfNild enprei'latn It very much If I could get the rest or the worns to URGENT NEED OF PROTECTION. CUT THIS NOTICE OUT AND SAVE IT BLOOMINGTON CHAUTAUQUA July 18-24, 1917, Inclusive The Regulari Are In Frame.

Join Them Now! Week' Honor RolL Monday-Ijiwrenoe lieveraga, "Itv. Infantry; liuurrt U. Washburn. Normal, balloon department sMtnal cort': Arthur Hubert lpoiiirnic Hn. n.

n.Jd stillrys Ceul AdkUis. MrUan. Birdltal ooroe. ti ls eong thro some or your reaoers. MUM.


Bericklew ef Deeetur Telle ef Nsus it for New Regi- ef Stats Guards. Tuesday-- Uuyd McMillan. iMiwna. Infantry. Wednesday -Frank llodireon.

fl Fast Chestnut street, city. Held artillery. Thursday-fluy M. Flnlry. fllhem "Tbe state of Dllnola win be In the earns position when the piwent res J-e B.

Itaetev. Tte lrlan kas beje Sa. aimnia Ua lal Sea Wednesday, July 11 kM Shwl ArfXBMK rVela PROGRAM OF VITAL INTEREST PLANNED. County Superintendent B. C.

Moore Arranging for Annuel Meeting ef McLean County Teachers. ments of the national cuaida or etve a son I'lty, mediraU i'4na; rArl sisr yaei. ee swiai am. si. pupuur, mint! are ordered to Kurupe.

and tin. Hey Worth, field artillery; Wr-r which will be la a vary short time. In M. I'uul, IM) Fell avenue, mrdlial oirpe; t'arloa Hampmm. Ilandolptt, Uvorbltal raunaaaet fee) Imtm 10 heiS, kfe bsMMt sn.1 leans Lov.

marf Maer, nm ptumm. Iuhvi la lul.e lertue "eaiw IkUim" hf KraM UMeaL Om Itestauqaa anlm Thursday, July 19. all prooslilliy, as the city of JtUsmv tabMtak (1ml Maexml rkiaeeel-Tte Ifllaaa Srilel. TVs a) aae at ta eatv Saa weal allejrtMna ea tto aialnava naOaa el eav laSav. Ington would be If the Ore depart.

tendon, Tenn. nel.l artillery; aunt and polios snd sherlfTs lorora rrnre AtU-liriTy, ArminirUin, ine.tltsl I we! ana inMeaaeetaJ aewSiaauaa. 1 raetosuag. Maaw Setk Si Easlsk corps. -anrto ASeimw to nntla White Hals Trimmed Milan and Milan Hemp $2.48 10 $7.50 Nice assortment of Trimmed Double brim Milan Sailors and Panamas 95c 10 $1.95 ALL Major joerpn It.

Jtorlrklow of l- SaUet leawnnaAtieae. A total of eleven young unatOL Mrs hae calur, who was In the, city yesterday ss representative of Adjt en. Frank lUoominrton, 111, la on the Ilonm. Hpell It wlih a bl Never before la the history of the Institution has the advance registration and the I prospects for a eotninf, year beso so bruhl as appears during this sunt mrr. JUinot Waeleyan.

eipcrlrmlne a great rw Just pent, tsitb In point of attendance aod Interest, will enjoy aiuathas year of equal and gnrnli enthusiasm fur kmrnUia, or Uie Indications whli are now pointing Uiat (aft are all wronc rkveratary of War Haknr. President Wilson and other men prominent la the affaire of state kin Issued state menu urging the jroula of the land to so to acnonl and especially to time university or cuVea, fur thf anrae that the ooentry will, tatuw of the war, he In nnd of Ireidnrahlp I in civil life. The great drain which the war prnrrutM to make on the 1 man of the country, both beraiase of 1 the actual warfare In whlrh the mm will be engaged and bereuee of the great Industrial necessity of the present day, will deplete tn a certain aitrnt the ranks of Ummi who hare been trained for leadership. It la up tn the yooth of the land tn fin the cape In Uma ranks of leadership by attending erhnnla whlrh will fit thrm fur the leadership whlrh will be thatra. This la trna of the emtnrn also, and the rail haa been sent out tn tearhara and ml lege and onlrrrsl.

ty prvaa dents to nrge a areatrr attendance during the corning years. Larjwr Attendance. llimni'f this call annua to have beeo anticipated, for there Is every belief that the coming year will are the greatest attendance at Institutions of higher learning that tbe country haa ever eiperienced. This far la proved from the word which cornea thai the applications for entrance to Harvard University whlrh have to be made early In the year hare already exceeded the capacity sua law as eveenae a a aej gialert m-wvtaiMr lertuee Aawrtm Sfi't tto Warld lw-kaon. coming up to note the pn.e-rtuia that haa been made In the or- thia ririolty have linked their llres and rest lots with I'nrle Fam In tV preernl "Army Week." Mi lyan I'ounty Is hading all oilier count I' ganiaatlon of a company for tho rraUeae." KUIa lH.Hu.

MeUkMla keaap at Snutk Asofea roiwwr oawiel The laiei.t IVurn1 proposed new regiments recently In the state In enlistments by 111 Ilaaaa iaag lalea raafarr amra, ra eaawa a ito Maanal Aawnauaa of hamaaaajlaa. A fleral (Vavrert Tto Miaraa Rallaa faert enter mi Una nanuanv a fciga grade inafaaw eal llaliaa amat. eawaet uualiiaiav tirval leriaea "i-a aUiwat )ela" la. Vieaall Iraarkt ll'lla. aaa af lr Alaalwl yrraxtos at Aaaerva, tnorised hr the livtelature to take men.

hut thai Is nil rensen FeveraJ prominent lerturvra win appear upon the pletform at the annuel Mrlsvui rounly teacher Institute which will be held at the Nor-mad university building August tf and Ji. Ilraldee the lectorra there will be a good list of instructors to old In tlte two days Work County Fuperuitntident II. Misire le planning lo make the Institute this year the most anorresful that Itaa beeu In the history of tbe county. He Is betiding every efbet toward a program complete Inter ny the place of the eight trlmrrit. now young men should not answer Itaesaav.

Aa eaisis'lv grmi wilt qiaelrU h.Ty awwaw 1 a p4rm.eial swaeiaa aeier Sjnsle AitmiMota to I eela in eei-vicr end which are to So abroad call of their I'reeldrnt. eeivrtatiy In the near future. hen he has appealed for 70 000 vu. ketnaiaaewl Sisr 4 enjeeaawlinSB Major Itarlrklnw met Major V- r.lunlm who ere Lrhtlns men! Mary laaeme Item, itaeu Monday, July 23. Oraal KaterU'ln ill Pay.

Oewt rnvnint Tto level lra Holler and a number of men who ars With oolv the field ert.tlery. In- aseistlng him In forming the nw fuitry and medirej norpa loft to hit naile AaVaaaaa He also attended the drill 1 laaieatir Heariias TW company at the Y. V. A. drill ball last eve.

treat liwiil Tt-er a 111 ft wUvtMMS least -rave." tie "lleind riaae," Mania, rloaiae vtti eto4ir eleina (Wuaee my Mlfil MmvuI nam I lirMiaf unt. Friday, July 20. Anemone Sjna-1 A.ttaiaviMi rtvtta esting and full of good Jiinsa for the It Is lleoty a rush for the rectitlns office will lie mails Inday and tomorrow, the final days of 'Army eek nr the last ehance for the men of da Haael HaiSeala TlUa li ftaaarwl pwdilri la. nuts'. teachers of the itiunty.

The list or tlue who will conduct the ranous iiiovw. am win nmuu 1 tow Why Need of New Regiment. Major Karlrklow Bounded a note I the draft age to enlist In the regula. to he and to form a setrnanisiral hreni di. wi lajprejueaiiavw.

Black Trimmed Hats army oeiore oemg rrmerM'i-u. rart of the Institute woper Maer laaenee fluea aaimfa. of warning to the business men end hesds of the manufacturing and Now that the greater number or tlKTrJ ,0 wll head fha Ua, eHlwte I abewed nr tne regular army men nave lanuea language and literature department Tme le Half Price France and those who have been In (Tuf jijaiumg. Inatructor of I lurw alees aiiiw iaiiwl tinea the concentration ramps w.ll take jnmamahlp at the JVone manual hmie ivavwrt Tto a Mala a their places, it will lie a chance for hurh will, with the! tH asd aaaaiat eevmas the Mi f.eaet Oraal IMertaueaeet (kavert Dartaer's Tar. giaian Jabtaw aaagiia (aiaa toal aaiaa.

elaalataai aa-Jodae, aMt taaa rawy aaetiag aeaiag Simia Ararawiee raada erekiaa aUakliag llaarl I lor told, piaaawr lerfuee "THiasi Wartll Whila" far. hreai kiaf. t.reat, kiawnraws, dramatic, alMaaenr Ctaaalar IVjeeert pnrtner'a Viryiaun JeMlaa Sieem Mr 'art lav, tto imarMiaa with Ito Jahilre I amaauif, 11 oar al IM heal ae tto piallorai. Tkia will ha a grwat euerrrt. Tutadsy, July J.

Aflenenn Siiale Adsiaaiaa IS rseaa Brlak Snweej aaaed hum tto Ijaataloa. other Industrial Itmututlons. He stated that apparently none of them realised the danger of sending all of the st tte guards away wllhout having a reserve tn protect public property. He referred to the rerent mutiny In I 'is penitentiary at Jollet, quelled only with the aid of state troops; the recent labor and race riots In Kost KL Louis and which the local authorities were powerless to control. The atatti the rerruil to get Into a good trim-1 im among thoae instruc.

Ing camp, and likely lie nl scross i ra ctujaen for this year's Institute; the pond to Join the regulars tf ne Tf. ii. f. KM Icy, H. N.

enters the army servli-e. The I geography; of. F- W. Westoff. I.

In some rlties for the last two music; Nells Haley, prl-of "Army Week" la "The reirulsra mary euimrMsor of the Isinvllle are jn rYance. Join them now 1 achoola, will have charge of the prl-Thls ststrmenl la being met wtrh rnary work; Adolf Moots, superviw.r surress In hundreds of offices, ru etit of physical culture. In ehsrge of thr success in nunnretj or onicea. rscem of iinysnwi culture, in rr Dozens of ratrimmod Ilats, all colors, all wanted shapes; values to $3.00. Special SOc6 Beadma- "Die Hrjuaaaatian af Aent Maa llaral la.eeid troops were rushed to the scene, lie also spoke of tbe Impnrtanee of state Ureal Miaual Oiraert-- Tealraera BrrafNaffaV KVirar i-a'-a.

I levln Wnominrton, and there are mnnv tnainlng; ITof. more young men who can into ard. of the country srh 1 hool depart troops tn guarding property aftrr recent cyclone at Maltoon regular army service now la-fors "iey mer.t I. F. N.

will have charge regular army service now la-fors "icy mer.t 1. F. N. will Charleston. At any time the eerv mhratra The a ll to Ito grealeat untoatra amriiis aa a 'aaiilaaaaia efalfiam la ATarr.ia dunng Ito eunanrr nl ISI7 Mr Th.fetor a gwal Irader Many nr tto errehrej thai terare'ia tore tore a-ad'n in TtMawaa etaintoaa le- rheatra id I hi -as" TVf 'll raa Ml Banes- the erralrat earn arts raer fcrerd ktiwusr a.iwie Arimuavw ivma Prrliale eavltaf Mary laareaea Olalea (asa-a'U lerae.

"Pillar Ijfteej Im Oilman StKt. author. reMrllietar In Irony awaa aauraareaa, Ueranliunai, kaaiiewal. live via ravaaar MarsiaVeal (imrl Rmal Walrti Mala 0ar ami aamaal M-aan lane. Pa.ka, il I'anat ana hai'is III.

tratufe" e.lnaata kt rtat airanae rkena ef lae.laaia Ue Saturdsy, July Si. Aftaeenee Aowta Teela Ureal aiMraaa- S-aree aaena, mew kwaat Waarunguai. a seal eue! aealur. rnpuiar OHM ait Tto All Amanraa leicnt. aeisaaM veejatik? imaaelana: lav.

I ens, irff ivai.tit aatene. f. T. I'. fiae Kl'irs Irv ns r'aula.

Baeaing- Sincla A-tnuwioa laiiu. Hum Tairet halt aenr Keatluur Imrathr Waril. rOavling alle Oaaaaai Pefilar li-The All mer.iB Qnlatet The weiiM to great al ifraf laaliea if ttor did aoOlitat Imt aing 11 a.Hlid ha a trrml eetoatnl -raiiuaiia if tto. did raotroag hul pU.i ttey "lh ptar and au Pninilar lerme- "Hat Hall Irr. tlatirv airt la Clara has thia lrctuea anrailar, snd Una leruir Ida Siala kira eavslar.

Sunday, July 22. ARrrannri Sml A.tmiwioa It Carta, rapula oe-lure "Tto Son. nuwder." irajt'n- KaeairaT arre Admueina Tt Carta, of that eastern sotiooL There la on Aiuht that the same may be said of similar Institutions of the country. The entailer universities ore ei-pertmring an Influx of Iniulrtra which show that there will he a record break In if attendance neii year. Isrrrlng the present month Coarh Fred Muhl and Iaul Snyder, the bitter a student at W.

1', hare been ont over the elate In tr.e Interest of the school. Rev. rarker Shields has aim been doing some of this work aloiur with his other duties In connection with the university. Thetr efforts have In part resulted In the scores upon scores of Inquiries received at the nnlvenrtty. Two stenacraphnrs are kept boxy with the correepondenoe work and others are assisting tn the work of Informing prospective students of the merits of the university.

The applications for residents by the young wmnen atndenta of the Prata-le Nradinr llaarl PndirHlr llrl Cneorrt Tt'atrliar'a artnidwie. Ices of the state troops might be required and If the state does not provide the three reserve regiments there may be some bitter regrels over the neglct. 8hould Co-Opersta. The point was brought out by Major Ilencklow that the bualn 'a men of ltloomlngton should oo-oper-ate to see that ltloomlngton and County furnishes a full company for the new leaerve regiment. The Association of Comerre.

he believed, should get behind the propo are taken In the draft, jof the country problems, and Mie Meny Are Cembleca, '-'l-''. charge of Ihe domestic art depart- The majority, however, are km-s menta! biers. Not of a professional class, but nnoV8tion J7, Ji iKui-nntendent It. C. Moore Is plsn- caught In the drait.

)n(r an department Some "Draft News. Idling the coming year. This will be Testerdsv two men were overheard thai In all the domestic art depart-In their delivery of "dope" on ihe ments the pupils will eew for the draft. It was summed up in the fol-td Cross and make thlnus for the lowing way: Of all the men romfe-t bags for the soldier boys, tered about one-half will lie dlsquall-j This Is expected tn be a source of fed on account of disability. if he great Insptrvtlon to the pupils.

It Is remaining half a quarter will he certainly a patriotic eiideavor. Ira Niartem rrmaraatla aiieiciana aanr amil fr.furra An innaaal "awl aiad aeelina am la era- Or lite ainai'W atiatem. of tto rvaeiM Linrerl Mr, Thalrher "III ra.iall matuit Ito emirrft during tolri tto aflerreen and eaenlne; pr'erama Th a la nee nl Ito Lupvt anan-al oinnetiaiur Hlnnmirerra and -init haa ever had. il KrT Tlirrr arr tan airida i.f Summer Hats Unusual Effects at $5 $7.50 sition and do everything In Its po adult eaang tirhrta riral ai Ml nnn er to aid the formation of the pro married men. Thus leaving about Ih Iranatrmal.le ll.

liet tornrid A 'l eaann GOSSIP OF THE GARAGE. posed new company. Himllar action! per cent of those under the draft should be taken by other associations law liable to tho service as "e-o- Urkrt is Ito Immediate tasnK ualr. Mia-IVat turU al thai pnie are anlernlaat Uraela Aa anon aa Iher ara all eild, tto wm lioaat will east te rrnls Abyemsl Mud Holes Irritate Motor, iste on East Washington Street Deal era' Notes. Mnny romplelnts are being filed thruout the state, and young men 1 scripts." The summary almost ellnu encouraged to Join the new command I mates any chance for the "slacking and thue be In a position to serve the gambler," but they continue to ks.ip state when occasion demanded.

away from the recruiting station. Major liarlcklnw believed that thus making quiet business for Sr-when the business men of the state grant Jonea snd riergeant Vaughn. realize the danger of leaving the im- Two Visiters Yasterdsy. by motor car owners concerning Ihe diKgraoeful condition of Kast Wash ponant cuiea wimout muiiary pri-i in- Vaughn of Osama, father street pavement, east Of Hob tectlon they will get busy and mae tnaon arreer ant rirvnnn ine 1 nn a steps to promote the companies of, the three new regiments. Hlooming- Wealeyan at Kemp hall for tbe coming yeer are pouring In a month ahead of time, which Is another Indication of the attendance for next year.

$8,000 In Scholarships. The northalde school will hare about $6,000 to be Invested In scholarshlpe thia year and many Inquiries are being mode conoernlna this fund. The board of trusteee will meet after the Fourth of July to consider tbe applicants for scholarships snd the awarding of them. There are many Inquiries from worthy and needy men and women recording- the opportunities for work during their school year. Thorn residents and short visit, lie slartea to ints citv is reimrt.

IRVIN THEATER TODAY AND SATURDAY Another smashing "Knockout" wriltcii by Willnrd Mack, the well known aullior and 'iayrifrlit. fentnrinp; two of the most popular htars of filindom. ton and Mclean County should quick ly raise a company of 110 men. At present only forty-six are enrolled. It was stated by Major llarirklnw that the chancea were that when the In an automobile, hut heavy ratify A due to the interfered and forced him to take abysmal holes.

No leas tbsn four train. I.rokcn springs have heen reported Corporal Hopper Here. during the present wees. Ftangers Corporal Harrison Hopper arrived1 on a sightseeing trip are given un-hcre yesterday to make his home. He favorable Ideas of the city when they received a provisional discharge from encounter such a condition of the Kort Sheridan, where he has been pavement.

selective draft starts that the exemption board will omit men who have From the workroom, big graceful sailors of two-tone ribbon-straw with big Georgette crepe brims, $7.50. New wbi to-satin hats, $7.50. Best of all, more new leghorn hats the most wanted hat of the moment at $5.00 and $7.50. Mrs. M.

T. Henline 203 W. Jefferson St Illinois Hotel Bid taken the oath to serve the state by Jo'nlng the proposed new reserve reg- Iment. Those boards will recogn'xe stationed for the past year with 'he Pr. Hnrry Howell has plsced his the necessity of retaining state regular nrmy In the signal corps.

HOUSE PETERS KATBLYN WILLIAMS business men of Kloominclon who can favor these prospective students with work should make themselves known to the university authorities, who will In turn make It known to the student There la one plan which promises to put Internet and enthusiasm In guards, well drilled, who are ready to He enllMted at Kort in "er a seven -pascuKor go to ths call of the Governor for 11J as a private, and thm marked 1 riot duty, or for any other need. It service advanced to Ihe position of li 1. hardly likely, he thought, that the corporal. His progress 1. on.

of the na.vnVh aeven men who agree to Join the new many steps made at the present fen ments will be tAken in the draft. I by recruits who have entered the! J. 1 mi e-ti Those, therefore, who have no denlre service in mis ciiy. avenue, hss placed his order for Boosting for Truck Drivers. ii 7 I-4D fluirk slx-cylindtr touring the coming school year at the Wealeyan University.

A sum has been set sslde by tbe board of trustees for the proeurment of extra speakers, who will appear from time to time upon the programs and during the chapel hour at the university. Tbene speakers will give lectures and addressee along the many lines em WOMEN'S to go to Knrope sJiould Join the state ruards and at the same time Se allied with their friends and neighbors instead of being scattered and becoming aanjoclafod with strangers. Major Tta Tick low believes that as soon Ihe young men of Blooming-ton and Mclan County realize this that they will respond to the call and Ttalph Murphy of this city arrived car. from St. lxiuis.

Mo Tuesday, where T. F. Rhea, of J20J North Mcla-sn he stated he enlisted In he regular 1 street, hits been delivered a 1K17 army as a truck driver. While in. Maxwell sedan, which he ordered re.

this city he la giving advice to anvtntly. voung men who may wish to ent.T Mr. Myron Cirlesheim and son the service as truck drivers. The Henry, of liist Front street, will v. 1 -i, III.

i-hicaao Knnriav. The trio HEN'S SUMMER It's a story that concerns the dramatic, lives of two atoms of humanity who nrc swirled as the sands of the desert, in the remorseless eddy of life, who drink to the dr'fs the cup of bitterness only to rise supremely to a wonderful happiness and wealth. It's a story that frTips yon body and mind. If it is rotitrh, il is rouph with that red b'ooded roughness of the west that we nil like. The plots is rieh in realism.

An excellent east. The day is called a' The Highway of Hope SUMMER SUITS $15 fill the ranks to the full quota. Prompt now ha U) themselves wiM be made by aulomublle. J-tlon and a first-class company will Mr, nn1 Mrs. T.

K. Haves are In SUITS S15 be factors In early acceptance tionsi suid then return home to Chicago visiting relatives and friends. 7 rail. A number of Rtoomlngton JI iiU men received Information yvi- be selected. braced by the achool.

such as art, literature, science and so forth. It Is expected that such a plan will do much to enrich the student life snd make for a high aspiration on their part. Attention to Freshmen. Special attention will be given to the freshman class next year. The beginners have always received a sort of bntt end of everything at LJO THE DOG WAS "CANNED" But the Point of Attachment Was Unusual His Protest Drew a Crowd.

We have all heard at ons time or terday from Mr. Murphy In rcgsrrj to the work, but they did not like the Idea of paying their expenses to Pt. Iyouls to take the examinations. The regular army pays all the expenses for any kind of work In ony Young men between the sees of 1 and 45 are nrred to attend the nightly drills at the T. M.

C. A. snd le.xrn the objects of the new company. Major C. Butlor Is ready to answer all questions and InforTntion ALSO: VICTOR MOORE in "MOVING" Comedy.

branch of service. At the present Matinees 2:15, 3:45. Evening 7:15, 8:45 Admission 10c, Children 5c. Srr1.r,Vrm the regular army Is not in need another of the proverbial dog which ra deSrau, In htra th tiwni rfimnvriv "ers- this division of ran doWn the alley with the prover- most colleges. An effort will be made st Illinois Wealeyan next year to make the first school year of a student the moat pleasant possible.

The program will be so arranged that the freshman will become adjusted early in the school year to the new ready for muster In July. Prompt, -a7e'; bla, cans tied ,0 hi. proverbial Ull Murphy presents to liloomtngton Here's one better Yesterday at nbout 4 o'clock pedestrians on Wash ex- young men could not be fully plained. BA.TUUII la no Outfit for Infantry Needed.

Illinois Is In the market for equipment of all descriptions for outfitting the new brigade of Infantry that be organized immediately first for ington and Ka-st streets, near the library, were startled to hear the furious yelping of some canine tn riottreMN- A few minute later, the Win. S. Hart conditions surrounding him that he may early become a factor In the activities of the school. Gainea Wslden. Mrs.

Minnie Walilen and CASTLE TODAY Those who are Interested In l-61 afflicted hound hove In sight, run state service recently authorized by Gaines were married yesterday af. ning wost on WaxhlnKton. tail be ernoon about 4 o'clock by the Uev. tween his legs, and hiKh pitched MEN'S-WOMEN'S CLOTHES FOR FOURTH OF JULY Get correct and comfortable 'clothes before the Fourth It's easy the Menter way. Summer Suits for Men Blue Serges that can't be beat at our lorr prices $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25 1 Fancy weaves, snappy patterns new and stylish at the same price Boys' Suits In abundance.

George W. Reed at his home. 05 'lo-l() culls Ifsuinif from his throat higher education are requested to come to the university where the matter of entering the college can he talked over and the kind of work to he taken by the student considered IN 'WolfLowry' vey avenue, Normal. The groom is quick succession. Something was tot- 1 ini.iui T7 mini iui wiuin 000 was appropriated.

An Important feature of Gen. Pick-eon's mission to Washington is 'o secure as much aa possible thru government Issues of ritles. ammunition. ira The couple will reside on lne mailer. Women withdrew from a fruit farm about a mile north "fiiho immediate vicinity of the on-j by those who are acquainted with Normal.

The Rev. Mr. Reed. volume of noise. I'asseri-hyl the conditions and the circumstances and tentage.

the proposition peine performed the ceremonv. nan pre- stopt to watcn. rieveral tried to and know what the work means. that the new brigade wll be mobil thr daughters of viouslv married A meeting of the executive com ized In a training enmp In Springfield the bride. mittee of the board of trustees of the Admission as rapidly as the commands can fe recrultnd.

mustered In and fitted out wesieyan University was held lust 3 I WE DO A3 WE ADVERTISE for active service. evening at the Woman's Exchange, at which time matter pertaining to "top the dog. It kept on going. Finally when In front of the library, two women managed to stop It. Several men rushed across from the Y.

M. C. A. In a short time a crowd of about tiwenty-flve people had gathered about the hapless creature. Ono woman wanted to call a doctor.

"Oh. the poor thing," exclaimed another. Still others cried for some- A Thrill Story of STANDING OF CLUBS Red -hl ChleD me weirare of the unlvarsltv unit To Hopadale Farm. Pay $1.00 down and $1.00 a week on any $15 purchase. On larger purchases the moat liberal terme can be arranged.

Free alterations. Blooded Men JL vf Smith, of Kast Washington street, left yesterday for a farm near needing Immediate attention were given consideration. A quantity of routine business was taken care of by the committee and several mat Hopedale, where he will be employed during the summer. Men's Suits $15 to $25 Raincoats $10 to $15 Women's Suits $15 to $40 Dresses $8 to $30 Home for Visit. Herbert "Happy" rVnruson, for American.

Won. Lost Pet. Chicago 42 22 Huston 39 25 New York 35 26 Cleveland 33 32 .108 Ietrolt 30 30 Washington 25 35 .117 St. Louts 24 38 3S7 ters concerning the school which will be Riven out inter dtscust. As te Mace Property, The committee has not fully decided what will be done with the Mace property recently purchased merly of this city.

Is In Bloomington visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. knruson is employed by the and VNomeri S.1! 3 1 Night vLl'lL mMmJ A Central Drug Company of Chicago 38 .345 CI jj DANCE At Funk's Grove, III. Saturday, June 30 Music by DORNAUS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION $1.00 Philadelphia .20 National. Won.

New York 36 Philadelphia 56 Chicago 38 St. Iiuis 33 Cincinnati S3 Brooklyn 26 Boston 23 Pittsburgh ...20 Pet. .632 .610 132 ,448 ,11 Ixist, 2 23 21 29 36 S3 33 3'J it 1 WANTS AN OLD SONG. Can IJ Sink a U-Boat? 1 firaateat. an oat faarinatio war gaaar aver Invented lor csildrua aad growa-oy fverjWudy caa play.

Waua this paper te-eaarrew. PANTAGRAPH WANT ADS SAVE YOU MONEY Reader Calls for Complete Text ef a Ballad of the Long Ago. Editor Pantagmph: I am wonder-.

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