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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A1 jtfrjtttttttl pn a SiiTOiiMpi jit 4 WEDNESDAY M0KN1NG, MAUCIl 7. 1877. NIJMULK BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS, Turrvrv-trrnvn vie. ah 1 I'Jil 1 S. SPIIINuFIKLD.

I'EKIN WHISKY CASES. farcer. Id htox, March 0. Jimmy Blanchaid, LATEST NEWS Ualtliiiore Market. llALTiMiing, March I.

UlN-MUed, nwt, Mc; Mller seiier Alar. tSBBUI HLooMi.ur'i. March 6 Ths following price. are paid by SI no (union, ei.oci4l.25 per bu. Mutter.

I7m2c. uer iiound. i WATCH SALE. AS 500 Job Lot oi Watches and Chains to be Closed Out ill a Month. low ai $35.00.

Call on or address a. low JAMES P. TRYNER, Cor. Main nd Dnrley Hall. Bloomlngton, 111- ELECTION HATS.

GET YOUR ELECTION HATS OP Wolgamot, Fashionable Hatter. Finest stock of Wine Stiff and Soft Felt Hats in the city. Latest Spring Styles Just Received. SILK HATS Fitted to the Head Perfectly. 214 JSTortli Center-sU West Side oi Square.

Crockery, China and Glassware. aold-Band China Tja Sets. 56 Pieces. $9.00 and upwards, and full line 'of artM.Band and White French China, of our own importation, at lowest Lamps, Toy Tea Sets, and full line of China and e'" Boxes and Toys of all kinds for Christmas Presents at VERY LOWEST PRICES. REED BARGER, South Sido Court-nouso Square.

Bloomlngton, IUinoi HEW DRUG STORE, At the Old Post-Office Corner. KYIcDOWELL PHELPS, Prop's. We have opened a new stock of Prugs, Medicines, Perfumes, Fancy Goods, Toilet Soaps, IPorte4 I and Doiueit Cigars, CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN 10 IRE-SCRIPTIONS by MR. PHELPS, who is a Druggist of large experience. We have a fine line of new goods suitable for Holiday Presents.

Call and examine them. THE BROADWAY SILK HAT, (Special to Psntsgraph SrKlNuriKI.D, March t). In the Pekln whisky cases the following persons pleaded guilty aud were fined W. II. Mc In tyre and Hiram VanDervoort, two hundred dollars each; D.

S. and U. T. Rislnger and H. E.

Keckler three hundred dollars and costs; John L. Smith, six hundred dollars and costs Imprisonment omitted. The other cases not yet called; Fiauk Fletcher In Sangamon circuit court Is being tried for uiuider on change of venue from Logan county. CON FLAG It AT 1 0NS. Destructive 'lre at Jarksoosllle, III.

-I'oalorla, Destroyed. Jacksonville, March 0. An old land-maikof the city, kuown as Stacey's. comer, the southeast corner of tbe Public Square, was destroyed by fire about half past four this morning. It was a double two story brick, with five -wooden attachments, and was entirely destroyed.

The building were not worth more than Insured for $100. The stock would aggregate about $10,000 pa ttally insured, and much saved. The losers are Richard Wahle, owner of all the buildings; George Hobbs, boots and shoes; Robert Sbepard, marble works; Mrs. Betty Hillery, millinery Jesse Dunavan, meat shop; Charlie Rand, boarding bouse; George Hobbs, tobacco stand Richard Wahle, dye shop John Ptasyck, plany tuuer, aud U. W.

Faircbled, sewing machines. The tire was evidently Incendiary, as It started simultaneously In several places. Grand Havkx, March 6. The Andres House was entirely destroyed by fire this morning. Loss, $3,000 insurauce, Cleveland, March 0.

Leonard's Opera House was totally, and Bobbins' Block was partially, destroyed by fire early this morning, at Kostoria, O. The loss on the Opera House is $10,000 insured in tbe Home, of New York, $4,000 Cooper, of Davton, $1,000 Millvllle, of New Jersey, and on the Jefferson. Loss on the block, $0,000 insured in tho Home, of New York, l'henix, of Brooklyn, $1,000. The origin of the fire is unkown. WEST YIKGLMA.

Installation of Matthews. Wheeling, W. March 0. Henry M. Matthews, was yesterday inaugurated as Governor of the State.

Speeches were made by tbe retiring Governor, Jacobs, and the Governor-elect, after which Governor Matthews took the oath of office. The cere monies were concluded with a graud inaugural ball last evening. wel'don Tbe Attempted Amamlnator or Gov. ernor Packard In Philadelphia. New York, March 0.

A Philadelphia dispatch says that William Henry Weldon, who attempted the life of Governor Packard at New Orleans on the 15th of February, arrived there yesterday, accompanied by his father, Rev. C. F. Weldon. He is at large on $5,000 bail, but it is intimated that be will not be prosecuted, owing to the interposition of friends of his father.

UENEUAL NEWS. A new Insurrection is reported to have broken out iu Bosnia. jt Wm. W. Jilz, a St.

Louis man, who some manths ago, in "self defense," killed the brother of a girl whom he had seduced, and has since been in jail, has just been released by order of the State Supreme Court. The colored members of the Republican Legislature of Louisiana, headed by Lieut. Gov. Autoine. prepaled and signed on Monday a long address to the people of the United States urging the.

necessity of the immediate recognition of the Republican State Government. A Galveston (Tex.) dispatch, 5th gives this one-sided account of politics thereabouts "Tbe Democrats carried the municipal election by nearly .1,000 majority, and elected eleven of tlie twelve Aldermen. Many negroes voted the Democratic ticket, and in one Ward where the colored population predominated the leading negro politicians were badly beaten by white A London financial dispatch of 5th inst. says "The Bank of France has announced that it will hereafter make advances upon bar silver at 1 per cent per annum, with a margin of 10 per cent in French rentes deposited with tbe bank. This is a return to the custom prevailing before the panic in silver.

The effect will be to steady the market, and may be regarded as indicating faith in the future value of silver." A Calcutta dispatch of 5th Inst, says that a treaty has been concluded with Khelat. (wherever that may be) whereby Great Britain agrees to support tbe Khan against foreign aud internal foes, pay him an annual subsidy of $50,000, and expend $12,000 yearly on public improvements. In return Great Britain will have tbe right to occupy the chief towns and construct railways, tele, graphs aud forts. The loss by the St. Ix)uis fire of Sunday night is now stated at over half a million dollars.

The principal lowers were Simon Gregory, $225,000 insured Clatlin, Alien $190,000, insured $155,000 G. B. Allen, iron building, now stated at M. Bergin, furniture, $15,000. There were numerous smaller losses, Including some destruction of plate glass in tho front of tbe Lindell Hotel, near by.

One man, William Brown, a boarder at the Orleans House, was buried in tbe ruins of that house, which was crushed by the falling wall of the Allen building. Ue was dug out dead. The quidnuncs at Washington say that the following selections have been made for President Hayes' cabinet: State, W. M. Evarts of New York; Treasury, John Sherman of Ohio Interior, Carl Schurz of Missouri Attorney General, G.

W. Mc-Crary of Iowa. A little less confidently it is asserted that ex-Senator David M. Key of Tennessee, a liberal Democrat, will be appointed Postmaster General. It is said that be has been summoned to Washington by the President, and has gone thither and that he will accept if appointed.

I ELI NWIIS NEWS. David Epler, an old and wealthy citizen of Jacksonville, died on Monday last, aged 72 years. The Secretary of State has issued a certificate of incorporation to the Chief go A Alton Elevator Asociatiou. Tbe incorporator, are W. II.

Mitchell, George St rout, and F. E. Hinkley. This Association proposes to erect an elevator of 500,000 bushels capacity ou tbe track of the Chicago A Alton railroad near Thirty-first street, Chicago. Ground will be broken as toon as the weather wuu cri'aieu aseiiHiiii pmiio uui chancer of Charley Ross, has been at ir ouruiary.

f. S. tXlltA AA0-V. MONDAY, MiRCU 5. At niKin, the Nnnatr called tu urdi'r by tli clerk, ami tlie proc lainailim cunri iuiik the extra eluii wan read.

r. lUmlliun oil red a resolution ehmiHliiK linn. '1'. W. t-Vrry prrnhh'itt intrm.t anil dlroi'tiMn Mr.

Howe Pi ailinlnl-ter the iiaih to hiiu. Adopted, and carrleLoui. Mr. Kerry took the, chair, an I very lir erty returned thank. He then il the oilh Ui II," newly elect, Senator.

When Mr. K'-lloii, of liiimana.ciinie lorward, Mr. Hogv ohii-eted lo feweauod him In. Mr. Anthony ottered a resolution iht credential ol cotitel)d Henaiom lie on ih tahle until to lour row, wine adopted alter a hrlef colloquy between Thuruian ami (junkllng.

Mr. Kellouir wa. not Morgan I.amar Mou and and Mniler, rmtet-ant. In. in Noulli Carolina, were all objected to, ami not Urover (r.) did not appear when called.

Vies Frenldent Wheeler wa. then In, and yery lirietty addrewed the Senate. '1 he then moved tu tlie eat porlleo ol captlol ui wltn. the In.uuuralloii ol tne rremuent anu on rrniro-inii to it. chamber, adjourned until now to-mor- (hlCMCO Produce Market., March 6, IH7T. The following fid ore. the receipt, and rn.ut.uf the undermentioned article, lur tbe part i KecelpU. Hhlpment, riour, barrel. 1 Wheal, bu.uel Uom, bu M.MnJ Oau, ba Ki.KxJ W.4.I0 Kye, bu W.I 7.U3 Heel, bri.

Pork.brl. Lr7 5.3tU Lard, lb. 211,170 Li-o HiK. No- Cattle, No a.liJS WHEAT No. 1 at SI 2iyi.l.2IV for rreidi I ai aeder March; Mtller April, and -T eller gAy-cloidn at v' N1" March ll.IV4l 21 Mller Apnt, and -ller May.

No. SepriiiK ill aold at VilM, aud rejected du at ii.ic. Market lair. KLOUK i'ue uiaraet cloned at tbs anneted Kane. White Winter Eitra. Pair to choice do 7.23 Luw Ui Medium do 75 la.T fancy Weetern Spring Exti a. 7.00 (7.i0 Good to choice 6 IK) (7 Do-Low to lair do AM Choice and fancy Mlnue.ola ti.fto u7.79 Common to choice do 6 (Ml iftli 73 Uood to lancy Minnesota (palont). 8 (0 Cither patent. Choice Spring; Superfine. 4.73 3 30 Fair to good do 4 (W fcxl.SO Low and common do a no 41 "0 Kye Klour 70 Buckwheat Flour oo u.s U0 OUKN-No.

sold st for frexh 3 v4iVg seller u940itcael'ir April, snd Mtller May cloung at 10 tor car-lot. auku lor regular and Mller March; pic wller April, aud 4:1 Miller May New huh tolled In wild at axe new mixed do at :ti.y 3tio, and rejected at 3.1 mane. Market dull. OATS No. 2 Mild at .1.1 for regular: seller March Miller April.

Ucjected in 2tc. niai Kci uiiu. HYK No. 2 mid at uyynbjo caan uic rauur March. Market linn.

HAK1.KY No 2 In tor regular 52c actler March; aellor April. No. 3 iu aoiuvu. niar.ei PilKK. pork c'omhI at U.4n caMi or wll March; S14.M Vyl4 0 aeller April, and SI4.85& 14.S7 will May.

Market fair. i.AKl Cloeed at or Mller March; t.T2 neller April, and seller May. Market lair. HAMS Sweet pickled, Uold aud Gtovernmeat Hoods New Yohe, March 8-Noon. UOLD Olo.ed at U.

S. 6s, 1HH1, U. S. Ah, 1SSI, coupon. IT.

S. 1HII3, registered V. 8. lttS, coupon. I).

8. IM13 new. rcgl.rered.... 112 112 lotn, in. fj.

S. S-2IW, lWIA, new, coupon. 108 V. S. 8-2IM, registered U.

8. H7, coupon. 112 17. 8. lStM, roistered 8.

5-2e, lHtlH, coupon. V. 8. regl.tered V. 8.

coupons (J. 8. 3s, reui.tered 1 1.1 ll.f, 110 1, III 1 10 $123 C7. 8. Sh, coupons 110 U.

8.6. 122 Peoria market. PsoaiA, March 6. OOKN High mixed, 37lo: No. 2, 3o; re jected, 3(c.

OA I NO. wime, wigjivHv. RYJi-tiOc bid. Toledo Market. ToLBDO, March 6.

WHF4T No. 2 amber Illinois, Vl.M: amber Michigan, seller May, held at SI.34, tl 33 bid. CORN tliuh mixed, spot, 43ltc; No. 2, pot, 43 yc No. I white, 45c.

OA I NO. HC St. Louis Market. 8T. Louis, March 0.

WHEAT No. 2 fall, 91.43 No. 3 do, 81.3!) (gi.qu cssu. COHN 3fic cash. OATS bid.

PI KK 1.14.76 bid. HOOS-Hacon, 8.25w)8.4S light, lifi.00g,3.21 butBheis', 5.30(ji3.78. New rork narket. NSW Yobs, March 6. WHKAT No.

2 Chicago, No. 2 Mil waukee, 8143. COKN New Western Mixed, 563580, and OA I western, oni FORK 16.80 lor new men. rurmicn narket. LivsapooL, March 6.

"FLOUR 24(259. Qa A.1 vhltA. 10fl 3,1 10s 6d club. KK 7dai0s lOd. COKN 2l3df24H(Ml; old, 24 8dg 238.

PORK. 62. 6d. Chicago Use Stock Market. Chicago, March 6.

CATTLE A quiet feeling prevailed In tnn market, liuver. were present, but in tho excited state of the market, on account of open orders being refused In some there wa. only a limited inquiry by local Shipper, were looking around, but only one sale wa. reported tor choice steer, at 3.12) for adroteof 05 head, and two drove, of steer, and ihetrerh receipt, were 2,114 head. loJ head at the above OATTLS BALKS.

No. IK feeder. 65 choice At. Prtci) .1,01 4 20 5 12l 20 i 3 03 HOUS The market opened tolerably Arm and steady at about yesterday, 1'ric ranged tram 5.40rj,5 30 tor fair to good light 5i5a.5 70 tor rough to good packing grades, and from 5 63i9 tor Boston, Providence and Philadelphia The market was steady up 11 o'clock, with a prospect that but few will be left unsold. The fresh receipt, were head, with at the above Boo SALES.

No. At. Price, No. At. Pries.

No. At. Prlco. 235 S3 55 434 S3 90 6 00 63 43 49 61 44 23 30 35 271 3 55 21 6 50 54 62 44 51 47 47 66 64 46 29 89 66 2'8 221 220 2h9 2ti2 213 290 206 212 319 420 6 50 6 60 6 30 379 374 452 446 186 14 2(15 221 5 DO 334 2C9 262 406 331 340 300 5K1 237 215 5 8 55 6 50 6 70 5 70 6 63 690 6 5 5 50 5 5J 690 6 90 6 90 5 41 543 6 45 6 4.1 85 6 50 6 00 5 40 8 50 8 65 5 30 6 45 6. VI 600 52 24 63 27 The Oral Markets.

Bloomihstos, March 6. White wheat, J.XXX 2 .11 Red fall Spring Urahau, One-eigtU Hack 1 I White meal, per bushel Tel low meal, 10 lb. 1 "0 Hliorui, ptr li.ilb 60 Bran per 100 Hi. '0 Ship per 100 lb. too white, beet, 35 lbs.

223 B'ack oau. bert a 23 ew corn, 7S lbs. 30 Bye 8 gales grain os tbs street about toe higher. Special to Psiilsgrapb. Hot K.

March 0. Two propositions regarding tbe new State House came tip to. day. One, a resolution by Mr. Armstrong instructing tbe committee on Public Buildings to consider the advisability of abolishing the Board of State House Couimlsioners aud to report by bill or otherwise, was adopted.

The bill to reimburse the State House fund for certain amounts necessarily used for remote purposes not contemplated in tbe original bill, was read the second time, ami referred to the Appropriation committee. Both these measures are likely to cause discussion aud a sharp fight when they again come up. A bill offered by Mr. McKinlay to reailopt the common law, giving Courts instead of Juries the fixing of sentence In cases of conviction for criminal offences, caused a lengthy discussion, occupying uut of the forenoon and part of the afternoon session. Many speeches were made for and against the bill, but it was finally ordered to third reading.

Mr. Merrltt's bill authorizing attorneys to preside as judges by consent of counsel was orderedt to ltd reading. Pardon was issued to John Evarts, converted of larceny from St. Clair county on representation of J.inle and State's Attorney. Prof.

Dana, Jof Yale College, has written Gov. Cullom expressing his satisfaction at the proposition pending to establish a State Museum of Geology, Mineralogy for Illinois, to receive tbe collections of the second Geological Survey and of the Natural History Society. He says these collections are of great value to men of science everywhere, and should be properly classified aud preserved. Tbe Senate was mainly engaged In second reading of bills. A resolution was presented asking Congress to submit constitutional amendment for electing President by tbe people.

Also one asking Congress to prohibit the transfer of insurance suits from State to Federal court. Haines' general banking bill was heated In committee, and Sbutt's bill for same purpose recommended to passage. Tee Senate bills known as "Kehoe's bills," arranging for holding town aud city elections on the same day, were considered today by the Cook county delegates. There seems some doubt as to the manner of stating the "emergency clause," and subcommittee was appointed to examine the matter and report to-morrow. Ray.

PBESS OPINIONS. The loangaral la Highly by the London Papers. London, March 6. President Hayes' inaugural is published in full and creates a very favorable inforable impression. The 7mesaays: "Tbe greater part of it was of a character that might have been well received by men of all parties." The haily News 'says "The principles Piesldent Hayes enunciates are excellent." The Tdiyraph says "We do not Imagine that even his candid opponent will complain of the tone and temper of the address, which deals with questions of the highest moment.

Mr. Hayes speaks with tbe dignity and frankness becoming tbe Chief Magistrate of a great people, aud point tbe way to ends which, if they cau be accomplished, will redound to bis honor and that of bis country." Cincinnati, March 6. Tbe Commercial ot tills morning editorially says, in regard to the inaugural "The country will recognize with satisfaction the characteristic flavor aud tone of tbe famous letter of acceptance. In this part of the country the people have been acquainted with the President, and can assure the people at large that bis letter of acceptance, which so strongly commended itself to tbe intelligent aud thoughtful, and the address which reaffirms tbe sentiments so declared and confirms the policy indicated in the letter, are tbe true index of tbe character and purposes of the man." The Gazette expresses the opinion tbat "the address will be approved by the great body of American people, of. both section and parties, and that intelligent European opinion will regard this paper," emerging from the smoke of such a conflict, as a noble example moderation, national feeling, patriotism, sagacious perceptions and bigb views." Tbe Ennuirer styles the message "The usurper's inaugural address.

Tbe inaugural address of our defeated President." It divides the address into five parts, and discusses each part separately, commenting upon them iu a very bitter tone. FOREIGN. London, March 6. The Japanese troops have captured four steamers from the insurgents at Satsuma, at Komomats. The other provinces are quiet.

Paris, March 6. In the Cabinet council to conssder the amendments of she Press law President McMahon said he must insist on tbe retention of tbe clause relative to defamation of foreign sovereigns. Tbe Committee of Chamber Deputies, on the request of the Government for authorization to prosecute Cassagnac, decided to grant the request. They previously examined Cassagnac, who declared he never had any intention of insulting the Chamber. London, Marh 6.

It is reported that the German Postmaster General will shortly propose to the Postal Union the introduction of a postal card serving for all countries In the Union, at the rale of a penny each. The fall Mall Gazette says of General IgnatiefTs mission, that England cannot consent to an arrangement which would simply fix the time for a geueral scrimmage over Turkish territory, unless Europe agreed to give Russia her own way there when the time came. CALAMITY. Additional Particulars of the Bateman Hotel Holocaust. Pittsburg, March 0.

A Earns City telegram gives tbe following additional particulars of the fire at the Bateman House, yesterday. Up to 9 o'clock this morning, five bodies have been taken from the ruins. The remains of Brown, of 230 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, have been identified by a key check. Charley Bateman, aged 12 years, who was rescued by bis father, died of his injuries this morning. Mr.

Bateman, the father, and only remaining one of the family, lies In a very critical condition. Cobsjra Sentenced. New Tokk, March 0. Joe Coburn, pugilist, convicted of shooting it.h atLemnt to kill policemen, baa been sentenced to ten years iu oiaic niwu. in a per do.eii; plenty.

Money, i.tvou. Lard, II c' le. Cabbage, 7.W1.00 per doren. per bii-tel, Wi ner Hide Hacon, IV), e. Inc.

New rutiothy p-r tuu. Straw, Sl.ix'i. f.i i per ton. rat 'IWm8B pay. 'alSe, ltreM-eil hog.

(wMc. 4 o.ei 44 1 3l( Hheep, .1,00, Wi.i'l, as.i.i per eor Hard eoal, eg, siu.ito; nut and 10.00 got coal, at xhalt. delivered. delivered, St. per load.

at elevatnr, 3o er loa.1. FreMh Kl-li. pl-rT. fi 7.W4.7S per dotes. Live tin 7 vi pound, lirewcd Clneki t'rc per Itt.

Ureiaed per lb. Hioira. w.nil and rxt-Te. Flnennwaahed wool, gupifie. Moil in in iiuwa.hed Fine waehed, 23-7c.

Medium waahed wool, Cured 7c. Ojod (Ireen Hide. 1c. Cut and Scored 4c. Tallow, J'ett, each.

Nowcontrols aiidoperatetheollowlng- Line to NT. I.OI'I. 4S4 Ml lee IIII.IIMMO llMHAL, I III KIIO l4 V. TOI.IIIIMtlkKOHl OI I.IMt to t. KM.Kito to ui.oousuro, Miles 474 Ml lee 41v Mile 400 Miles Sit Mile CONNECTING IN CNION DEPOTS AT Ms, EfflillJJ, Qicr Keokuk, reoria Bloomington, TO AND rBOIf ALL FOISTS Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, Nebraska, Colorado and California, And forming the Leading Thoronghfars between the Missouri ana Mississippi alley, anu New York, Boston 4 And other Points in Enabling Passengers who travel bj ths "Wabash.

Fast Line'j To reach the prielpal cltle. la ths East and West Many Hours in Advance oi Other'Lines. No Change of ear. between rissuua and Joseph and A tchimn (b10 and between Toledo aud Kansas City 7u0 niiloe). All Express Train, of this Llns are fully equipped with Pullman's Fnlaee Nleegtlas; WeatliiirlioiiWs Lately liiistroved Alr-Hrake, and Miller's Platform aad iisler, rendering a senoiut acciieut almost aa tmituiwititlltv.

R. ANDREWS, General Superintendent. W. L. MALCOLM.Oen'l PaM.

Ticket Ag" T. Aeni. Bloomlngton. Leave, rtloomiogtou. Arrive.

teorla Rock l.laud. tialesburg Cedar Rapid. Uttumwa DesMoine. Omana Lincoln San franciHCO. Uuincy St, Joseph Atchison Kansas City Hannibal Parson.

Houston Galveston EASTWARD. STATIONS. NO. t. No.

4. No. Leave. bloomington Arrive. Ohatnpaigu Tolono Mattoon UanviHe Terre Haute Eyatisville Indianapolis Cincinnati Dayton Columbus 7.anesville.

Wheeling Washington Baltimore Pittsburgh Harriehurg Philadelphia New York Crestline Cleveland Hurtalo. Benton Loni.vme Nashville Kt. Wayne Jackson Detroit 1:13 a Hi a.rr 8 oil a.n 11:20 a.n a.n 12:05 p.m 9:30 p.m 1:34 p.m 11 40 2:43 p.m 1:56 s.m 3:17 s.m 1:15 s.m 2:47 a.m 6:45 s.m 1:00 p.m 4:20 S.m 8:45 s.DI 9:25 S.m 4:10 p.m 3:0.) p.m 6:25 p.m 6:35 p.m 6 IK) p.m 11:30 a.n 11:33 4.10 4:66 p.m p.m 10 20 p.m 11:43 p.m 12:15 s.m 12:30 p.m 3U20 a.m 7:35 s.m 9:07 p.m 7:35 p.m 7:50 s.m 3:56 D.m 3:20 p.m 8:25 p.m s.m 9:12 B.nj 7.45 p.m 3:60 s.m 1:35 s.m 10:35 a.m 12:05 p.m 2:30 p.m 2:40 p.m 8:40 a 7:30 D.m 7:20 p.m 10:15 p.m 4:20 s.m 7:10 s.m 1:20 p.m 8 50 s.m 1:45 9:25 s.m p.m p.m 11:25 p.m 8.2i s.m 1:40 a.m 6:40 a.m 10:15 a.m 10:20 a.m 3:25 p.m 6:15 p.m Train No. 6 will leave Peoria, dally, but Saturday night will run to Crbaua only. Irain No.

2, Monday, will run troin Champaign to Indianapolis only. Allother trains daily, except Sunday. Reclining Chair Sleeping Car. with Stats Uoomsare run on Son. 6 and 2, between Indian-aiioh.

and tialesburg, and on Noe. 1 snd between Cincinuaii and Perla via Hamilton and Indianapolis. Through Coaches run on No. 5 and 2 between Indianapolis and Ualesburg. GEO.

B. WRIGHT, Ksceiver. JNO. W. BROWN, Ueueral snd Ticket Affeut, Indianapolis, Ind.

KVl '-i farther information ruruiruiiuu olbuu, -----Bddrees C. V. WEBB. Aent. Bloonuugtoc JOB PRINTING InlEndless Variety, at the A large assortment of Stock and Typo on hand.

Best facilities for doing work accurate ai4. with WKBTWARD. aTiTiom. No. 3.

No. iV 1:15 s.m :40 s.m ll-Ut I 910 a 8:40 S.BS :20 S.m 1:10 1 9.35 s.m 1:2 p.m 5:00 a. Hi 10:54 S.m 7:10 s.m 12:50 p.m 1:10 p.m 12:30 a.rn 10:55 s.m 9:60 p.m 3:40 p.m 8:00 s.m 10:43 p.m 10:00 s.m p.m 6th lay! p.m 9:50 S.m 9 45 p.m I0 0.5ii.iu 9:10 p.m 10.05 s.m 11:20 a.rn 10:30 p.m 11:20 s.m 3:03 p.m 1:37 a.rn 3:08 p.m 11:00 a.rn 10 01 p.m 11.00 s.m 11:00 a.m 10:65 p.m 2:15 s.m 2:25 p.m 9:00 S.m 1:00 p.m i 5 i I I i is. i i'. i It I i WASHINGTON.

The Contested Ohio Seat in CongressThe Ohio Senator-ship. Senate Excitement Over Lamar and Kellogg. Wa.iiinoton, March 0. The Military Academy mid post or West Point have been constituted separate military departments. Tho commander will report directly to the General-in-Chief of the Army, who, under tbe War Department, shall have supervision and charge of the He will watch over its administration, aud the discipline and Instruction of the cadets'and will make reports thereof to the Secretary of War.

By order of the President, Major General Seufield has been appointed commauder of the new military department, und will make his re-ports direct to the Adjutaut General be same as division commanders. In matters of instruction and financial administration, be will' address tbe Secretary of War through tbe Adjutant Geueral. President Hayes received a great number of nenule at the Executive Mansion to-c'ay, including Messrs. Wells and Anderson, of the Louisiana Returning Hoard, aud dele-cations from dillereiil Mutes. The east room WAS thronced.

The floral eagle presented to President Hayes was placed on a pedestal in tlio center of the room. Tbe Republican members of thd Senate bad a caiicu this morning to arrange for tbe ehtction of standing committees. Morton, Sarcent. Morrill, Allison and Dorsey were aniiointed a committee to revise tbe lists of Republican membership, aud report to a future meeting of the caucus. There was also some desultory interchange of views iu regard to the course t) be pursued concerning the Mississippi and Louisiana contests, but no action was taken.

The President has received a letter from Senator Dav is, resigning from the Supreme Comt. William K. Rodgers, private Secretary of President Hayes, touk possession of his cilice this morning. A consultation between the President and a few fi iends as to tbe formation of a Cabinet bad not, up to one o'clock, resulted in any conclusion. Information at the Executive Mansion is that William M.

Evarta has been designated for Secretary of State, and Seuator Sherman for Secretary of the Treasury. Leyond these nothing was absolutely certain. About noon members of the old Cabinet appeared, this being the usual day of meeting, anJ a regular session was held. All the members were present, including Secretary Mi ri 11, who was cordially greeted by President Hayes. Mkmitiib, March 0.

The report from Washington, that President Hayes has tendered ex-Senator Key tbe position of Postmaster General is received with great satisfaction by all parties, not only as a worthy tribute to Mr. Key, but as indicative of tbe conservative policy of the new President toward tbe South. SENATE. Washington, I). March 6.

Mr. Wallace submitted a resolution that the cre-deniials of L. Q. C. Lamar, Senator-elect from Mississippi, be taken from the table and he be sworn.

Mr. Anthony moved that the Senate adjourn. Rejected yeas 15, nays 36; many Republicans voting with the Democrats against adjournment. Mr. Blaine said that Lamar's credentials were entirely regular, and he was just as much entitled to be sworn in as he (Blaine) or auy oilier Senator sworn in yesterday.

A lively debate ensued upon Mr. Wallace's resolution, and Mr. Spencer called for the reading of the report of Mr. Boutwell's committee upon Mississippi affairs, submitted at last session, but the Senate refused to have the report read. Mr.

Dawes advocated the swearing in holding that Lamar had presented himself with the proper ceixuicaie. Mr. Blaine argued that tbe report in tbe Mississippi case might show that the Legislature which elected Lamar was not tbe legal body, but he should be sworn in now, aird all this was a matter for subsequent inquiry by tbe Senate. It was dangerous to skip a Senator taking the oath, who presented himself with the proper credentials. Afler further debate Mr.

Spencer said he was opposed to seating Larmar because the Legislature which elected him was a fraud. He then sent to the Clerk's desk and had read a part of bis remarks, tbe report of Boutwell's committee on Mississippi affairs. Mr. Tliurman said that no matter what was contained in Boutwell's report, there was nothing affecting the prima facie right of Lamar to a seat in the Senate. There was not one word in that report which touched the question before the Senate, and it was out of order to call upon the Senate to sit here1 an hour to listen to the reading thereof.

Mr. Morton said the Senator from Ohio (Thurman) laid down the doctrine in regard to a prima facie cause, but he (Morton) begged leave to remind the Senate that one year ago tbe Senator stood on the other side in the cas of Pinchback. According to. the doctrine of tbe Senator there could be no investigation as to tbe Legislature which elected Lamar, but there could be as to tbe one which elected Pinchback. He (Morton) had not changed his mind, but held to the same doctrine now that he did in Pincbback's case.

There bad been a sudden revolution on the part of the Democracy. He believed the Senators objected to should be called in tbe regular order in which they are named. The Senator frouS Louisiana (Kellogg) was here with a legal certificate, but objection was made to swearine him in to-day on tbe very gfound upon which he was stopped from taking his seat yesterday. The Senator from Alabama (Spencer) bad the right to interpose an objection in the case of Lamar. It seemed to him (Morton) that this was an attempt to have one doctrine in one case and another doctrine in another case.

The motion to refer the credetials of Senator Lamar to the Committee on Privileges and Elections was rejected yeas 1, nays 67. Mr. Hamlin, from the committee to notify the President that the Senate was organized, reported that the President would communicate to-morrow in regard to executive business. Obituary. Chief Justice Moses, of tbe South Carolina State Supreme Court, who, in sucb an extraordinary manner, sided against the Republicans in the official conut of tbe returns for President and State oflieers, died at Columbus, in that State, yesterday.

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