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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BLOOTOTGTO ILL, SATUHDAT MORNING, MAT 30, "1903 Corn Belt Drug 8tors Sold. Cornell. A deal waa made yeaterday by which Jk WATER BOARD-g RECOMMENDATION Taxt of tha Report In Regard to lnnova tlona Propoaad In tha Water 8yatam, A Moincr's Cropeey, Much corn la being; Cropaey. shipped from Oertrud Oraeser la sick with typhoid High School Commencement Orator. faver.

Mr. James J. Qulnn became tha propria tor of tha Corn Belt Drug etore. a well nmnkB Feared 8h Wa. Band concert at tho opera house this known bualneaa house on the north aide evening.

r.ninir Into Consumption. Bom. to Mr. snd Mrs. W.

V. Riches, naturday, May ii. a girl. There having arisen soma misunderstanding in the mind of tha publto about the proposed changes to be made In tha water system of Bloamlngton. under the report of the water board to the council Charlea Shackolton left Monday for Mr.

J. Hsyward, of Tremont, visited hla daughter, Mrs. Dr. Hayward, this week. Ths M.

B. Sunday school Is Disking extensive preparations to observe children's day on the 14th of June. C. H. Pratt returned laat night from ten days' trip through tha south.

He visited New Orleana. Memphis, Vlcka-burg and other points. Chicago, where he will go to work, Mlas Lulu Cornell went to Wnorr.lnr- a week ago last nlgtil, tha Pantagraph here prima the text of that report. At ton Wednesday, and will study music dur Messsgo JToOolhsrsi; Any Lady Can be WeU and gtnntH and Retain Her FreabneM auul Good Looks If Sbe Will Onlylfold Drags. OTHER'S T0NI0, HATOEE'i OUT TO WOMEN.

Whan a woman finds heraeU weak, worn-out and nsrrouai when ih realties that bet womanly ohartn Is disappearing, she naturally leoxa snout for soms panacea, aomethlng to roe- ing tn summer. Its meeting last evening, tha council de Walter Cornell, who haa been visit ferred final action" on this report. In order ing relatives here for the paat two weoka. to give the people time to fully digest ion ror Oregon Monday. Mrs.

J. W. Huston and her daughter. of tha aquara. He purchased it front Meaara.

John U. Oarver and Charlea R. Weaver, who have had a partnerahip proprietorship In the store. Mr. Qulnn la now the sole proprietor, but Mr.

Weaver will remain with him for aome time aa manager. Mr. Oarver retires from tha bualneaa and will open offices In the Ev-ana building for an Investment brokerage bualneaa. In which he has a very Mattering prospect for the future. The Corn Belt drug store was established by Mr.

Oarver, who came here from Farmer City seven years ago. Ha first conducted the place on the east aide of the square, then moved to his present site. Mr. Weaver has been associated with him for about a year. Mr.

Qulnn. the new proprietor, waa formerly connected with the general offices of the C. A. Ha is a man of good bualneaa judgment and will no doubt hold and enlarge the already very satisfactory business of the drug store. A very hard wind storm swept through our village Monday, breaking tne report, which la aa follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of ths City of Bloomlngton: Julia, are in Bloomlnglon, for the pur pose of having a surgical operation per' formed upon the latter.

enaae tree and tipping W. Mayman's osrn over. leentlemen Tour water board desires Ross and Harold Jamison, little sons me thank offering progs of th Woman's l-oreign Missionary was not given Isst Sunday night on account of bad to present for your consideration tha fol of Cary Jamison, are visiting their grand lowing statement of conditions aa they mother. Mrs. Simon Jamison, while their mother Is traveling In the weat In search of health.

C. K. Llahness ha been quite slok from the effects of vaccination, aa have several others In our village. nor ear wj usaiin ana Dustily. Ignorant of tua properties of the preparations she uses.

Hie loads hsr systsra with drugs and poisons which may give temporary relict but whlob steadily undermines the constitution and ultimately result in physlaal breakilown. Molber's Tonle Is a natural system bnllder: Is a sondantatloo of the health-giving trulls. Sowers, buds, leaves, roots an 4 grains of wild-wood and Hold. It does not sonlalo an. atom of 1 drugs, Impurities or poisons.

II ssnds tlie (lame of ills through the veins ant arteries In the form of pure, rloh, red Mood, tune arcing the eihaualod org ant lo renewed actlTlty. II sals the nerves a-qulvnr with Ufa Maroa. weatner. it will ba rendered next Sunday night st th M. K.

church. Mr. F. E. Madden waa reelected principal of the Cropsey schools with an Increase In salary, but be declined to accept and la now spending the summer at his mother's In rlloomtngton.

His work both In school and out waa very satisfactory. Eight carloads of cattle and hnga were shipped from this plane on Tuea-day night, by the following parties: Ward, three cars cattle, one car hogs-Msrk Bpenca. one car hnga; Ie Warrick. Robert Abbey and H. L.

Barnes, each one car cattle. Miss IiMa ETble of Decatur la visiting exist in our department. During ths year ending April 10th. 1M, there was pumped 7o7.22.000 gallons of water. Kstlmatlng this at 15 oenta per 1.000 gal kins, the sum would be SS.

The actual returns to tha department from aalea of water during the year were Kven that 60 per cent of the water was used hy the city and ran away through open hydrants, and that enouirh waa sold at reduced rates to deduct 10 per cent more from tha amount, there still rei uilns a discrepancy of Many of the meters are Incorrect, and register too low. Tour committee believe that these condition. ee k. im ought Slskery.

Mr. M. C. Klein, the head baker at the a ray Bros, store, on yesterday purchased an Intereat In tha business. Mr.

Klein haa been In the employ of Oray Urea, since the bakery waa established and the new arrangement will make no difference In the plan of bualneaa. thef or not consumption can It certain that it can be avoided. treatment and plenty of sunlight Mr.H" the first warning eymptoms inlaiou disease and ths follow-tatement will be of priceless value who follow Ita advice: feared I rln to have ntlon" aays Mr' w- Brooks, is West Main atreet. Mertden. i was in a wretched condition mind and body, completely run nd unable to attend to any of my hold dune three thin nd pala, awfully tier-i.

uh frequent headache, and some-T iMy gpella came over me ao that f'M not stand up. Thera were al-I continual palm In my back and ail over ma. The doctor fd nearly every other day but I did to improve and my frlenda I for me when my mother Lord me to take Dr. Pink I (or rale People. They cured me.

tak" lh'm for whlle and color returned, my nervea 11, quiet and all my- old trouble. Iwareo. I am strong now and In Srt health and have no more fear I i If Into consumption. I will Ii recommend Dr. Williams' Plak lor Pale People." pills which cured Mrs.

Brooka are j'unfalllng epecinc for all diseases fTom dlanrdera of tha blood and i.i. Among the many dlaeaaea they cured are locomotor ataxia, partial St. Vitus' dance, aclatlca, sj.ipla. rheumatism, nervoua heads' the after effects of the rrlp. palpi, in of the heart, pale and sallow com-g ins snd all forma of weakneaa either dr or female.

Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People by all dealers or will be sent po.t-i on receipt of price, fifty cents a bo; Junes for two dollars and a half, by Ir. Wllllama Medicine Co, trnectadr. N. T. Ir not trust the word of man who a he has the genuine Dr.

Williams' .1 run In bulk. None of then famous frrr leave the factory eacept In pack-, hearing the well-known trsrie-mnrk Awd of the seven words "lr. 4 Pink Pills for Pala People." i. i and Tim and vigor. It gives a healthy appstltaJ sue a wiihiq win ssre tor the oealiliruL food with which you flu strong normal stomach.

II banlahos dranepsla, Indlirestlm. proved, and to that end we make the fu. 'lowing recommendations: Downs. The elevator Is hems nushed rapidly. maroa menus.

-W. 11. Farrnn and F. II. Harris were In Mt.

Zlon Krlday. Th publlo school cloaed Friday with opproprlats by tha CI. A. R. Mrs.

B. A. Friedman returned Friday from Chicago, where aha had been visit-Ing. Oeorge Conover relumed home on Thursday from a trip through th lied river valley. Prof, Morris and wife entertained the member of the graduating class Wednesday evening.

W. II. Adama nf Ruah Hill, and O. Adama nf were called hers by the death of their mother. Mr.

and Mrs. J. p. Stnutcnhomogh left rrlday for West linden, where Mrs. Stoutenhorough will taks treatment.

soastlpstloa and tus thousand and on Ills paoit. liar to wnmesu II wlU make yon feel hettnr within ten minutest attar you begin using It, and II will sevsr let p' In the good work until you are well. The price Is onlyMosaia for a large hettls. from your druggist. Patrick O'Rourka and u- i.

1 00m this anu ueuverea tnelr week. That the superintendent of water and llpht. In connection with the water board, be Instructed to employ an assistant whose duty It shall be to Inspect and test all meters in the city; and when any meter la found Incorrect that he repair eueh meter. Id. That all meters.

Inspection and testing, snail he replaced and sealed Out of Jail. Carl Ooetske put In Jail recently on an old fine was let out yeateday. Lexington, TCiaborale axerclaea are to take place today In honor of Decoration day at Lexington. A change la contemplated soon In ths sewerage system In Ixlngtnn. The old eewere are to lie enlarged and a threa-foot aewer rim along Main street.

This move haa been needed for aome time and will add greatly to the health of the cltl-sens. Mr. Woods, who haa been stek foe fc "si.s wees eseerrn, ema BOS OMBl ieinaersiniuiiiM PC 1 esnsr is snp. ouiaiiiari. sn a Motosr'gl 'ii ediss Uo.

oaiceso, in. Mr. Ksiar. mother of John Kasar. la visiting her daughter-in-law, Mrs.

Mary Kasar. Corn is bringing It cents and oats -Mr. a. n. Doolev of the lrMhi.i.ri.H In eucn manner aa to prevent tampering irewlth.

hare a Sunday school attended the state td. That whenever a mi 1- Mr. Oatea lost eattla hv clover. Mr. Thnmaa Howes lost two a few daya, waa taken decidedly worse on Rev.

John H. Mueller, the orator selected by the pupils of the hlh school of this city to addresa them at the commencement exercises at the Urand Opera house. net Monday evening, la noted Mr. William Harmon lost hla fine thor-oughbnd Jersey enw. inureaay evening and his death Is looked for at any time.

Mr. Woods Is one of tha prominent farmers of Islington and of later years haa resided just south of the M. R. church. His sickness, though of a for fifteen years, of which ten have been In tiloomlngton.

His addresses, lectures and sermons are carefully thought out and are models of good English and of modern thought and scholarship, united with deep religious convictions. Ills subject Monday night, will be "Impulse and Perseverance." The teachers and puplla of the high school, as well as the auilirnre can depend on hearing a thoughtful eloquent, and acholarly address on modern lines. He la of tlie 1'nltarlan church of this city. aa being ane of the moat scholarly man of Hey worth, Miss M-ud Clark of Paxton 1 Ing friend her. ahia-t time, haa been vary acuta.

the city. He la a college man. being a graduate of Tale, and Ms eloquence and learning are fully auiireclutid by a lara Mrs. Whltemsn. who hss heeei leo Mr Heeler Wilcox la In Clinton via.

Arrowemlth. F.lder J. F. Smith deliver the Did-oration day address st Carlock today. Dr.

Ooldlng haa bean entertaining hla uncle. Mr. Handera, of Helena, Ark. Kkier S. K.

Fisher and family were the guests of Mr. Mark fisher Wednes-dsy. Mr. Mark Fisher enjoyed a visit from his parents, who live st Washburn, 00 Thursday. Mr.

Brown Lessmsn of Lincoln waa th guest of bis brother. High lssman. thla week. Mr. Prank Ashky enjoyed a visit from bis brother.

W. II. Ashby, and wUs of De-cstt this week. Itlng her daughter. Mis.

Roy lloyt. for her health, died and th remains were brought te Islington m.1ar. Mrs. circle of admirers. Me la still a young O.

W. Craig Ron sblDoed tw.i ears man although he has been In the ministry of hogs to Hlunmlngtne. Thursday. Whltemsn wsa bora Kehru.ry Is, Mr, I and died May I. lot.

The funeral will Rev. Heymour Rmlth nf Iowa Ctty. Ia, III preach In the Christian church on Fair Mtn.itJ Cmfariton it What li Solicit or Our be from the Raptlat church Runday al 3 p. Her en. Ira Whltemsn.

Is a member of the He pi it church and also of th Hkptlst quartet. Sunday at 11 o'clock and In tha evening. Tha uivyor for the tnterurb.n road viCci came through here Thursday evening go Mr. Harold and Mia. YOU DON'T HAVE ing norm.

Tney May close to the CentiaJ right of way. To consular quality ws'vs doas thai Isr yea. Yosr oely eossKlsiatioa la Rcmgin entertained th senior snd Junior rlsaaes and teachers of the Islington high school Thursdsy evening al the home of their parenta. Mr and Mrs A II. rogin.

In the country. The attendance rtimliered about twenty flv. The hours nf the evening wer ieni in a most en)oy- Lecty. Charles Rrndler and wife re. Id Ing Wa.1 of Leroy, are the parent, of a 10.

iound boy. born Thursday. ble manner, ftuppcr was served. Asa floddsid and Wife returned hej. Msrtsburg.

eVhool rinsed Friday with a picnic. Little Thrlma I'hllllpsen. daughter nf Mr. and Mrs L. A.

rhilltpaen. fell from a hammock and bmk her arm. Miss Nein ptather lectured Thursday evening on mission, st the K. church tn quiia a good crowd. Sh goes Iram her to Th new restaurant Is printing up Ilk a there being quite a fierce of men st wnr Mr.

Nail. Ih pro-prist or, haa ordered a dels fountain. tnsi 01 sesortnwnl and pries). HOTH AHE KKillT HERE. Onr wiodow gad stors displsjr trot Coseiactag to csreful buyers.

Toilay our pactal ibowlof li rat GRADUATION AMD WEDDING GIFTS ad we csa please ih ssoal (aatMieas purchaser. nvibj yon Is call. Sread. believe ft It ha lightest and favored loaf of bread In the city. j.rei.

of satisfied customers with us. bread Is cents loaf to all it This Is as tow as la consistent quality of goods use. I d-mards for our bread lesd us 1 ik. tht our bakery goods satisfy worthleaa It shall he replaced hy a standard meter, purchased from the rlty and the cost of this meter satiu.ll ba charged up against the property. 4th.

No charge shall be made for teat-Ing or repairs msde by the Inspector, except actual com of new parts or meter la I used In such reialrs Mh. That the Crown" meter he adopted aa the etandsrd meter for use In this rlty. aa In our opinion this meter water" 'or UM wUh city th. That all metera now set and In uae by water takers may continue In use ao long aa they are satleracinry to the Inspector. meteis and those taking the place nf meter, worn out.

mu.t be of the make adopted hy the rttv; and these will be fuml.hed by the eliy at actual 7th. That the water hoard he In.truet-d to purchase a teeiins mitflt and to nt up a suitable place for testing an ruiir. Ing meters. sih. That a hnu.e tn houe canvass be made hv the Inspector lo a-certaln that all miters, fuiure.

and piping are In good repair: and In case, thev are not notify the consumer to have them pill Iri repair at once; sl.n thai th. in.pec. tor by this canvas, make a complete Met of alt pieces where rlty water I. need th That no meter he put in or re-mored by any plumWr or other person or .1.11 any water he turned on or off hv anv person. eep Un.ler the direction of Ihe of water and llaht or his assistant.

Any persona vMallng the. Instruction. punl.hed to th. full mint of the ordinance provision. lHh.

That whenever the streel valves ar. to he turned, thi. mu.t he din. under Ihe direct of ihe euperlnlendent of w.ler snd light ee hi. a.el.lant.

IJlh That on and after Repiember Is) lol Ihe charge foe aster shall he St cents per I aewi gatku eacept tn mariifscturlng and lndu.lri.1 plant, the minimum rate in remain al cents per qusrter In in.ianre. mentioned Ihe rat, he ncd In each case aeiioa e.f the cttr council. Ile-prctful-ly submitted. lift VA laviri. vrtr, Kl'ltiiK ete-rHi- COMMENCEMENT AT LEXINOTON.

Interesting Eaerolsas to bs Held Nsxt Monday and Tuesday Evenings Tho accaiauraate. Ths annual commencement eserrtsea of the Islington schools will be held on Tuasdsy, June 1 The baccalaureate sermon la to be delivered tomorrow at the auditorium, by nev. W. Cannon, of Lincoln. There are seven members of the graduating class, five girls and two boys.

The following Is the program: Class "Not to Live. Hut to Live Well Invoratlonilev. J. A. Monk.

Orchestra. Helutatiiry Addresses snd Oratlnn. "Tfce Course of Kvnlution Irlie renr. "InMuenra" Myrtle Wnkerson orchestra. trratlun "Allrulem" Wee Jnms Keeav.

"Value of the Htgrur KMucatlon of Wnmtn 'lara lli.k.-v Oraimn. "wt of the Mar.h the Lilly Oruws' )ra-e Hrk- tHchest'a JI. "Value of lUvmond fiimnsn Hoena From Leroy. The delrgatea, Meadamea Newton, lawton. Illrney.

Caasaday and Rhlpp and 'as L. I. Mace, returned yeaterday morning from lroy, where they attended the convention of the lllmlng1on dls-trlot Woman's Missionary Hnclety, which closed Its aesalona Thursday night. lira J. U.

Wirt, uf BajbriH.k. was elected prealdenl: Mrs. J.mea, of leroy. secre. tary, and Mrs.

Cassailay. of Hl.x.mliigton, treasurer. They refort the emeriti, hlirhly profitaMe and 1 ulertalnlng The evening mee.tlmra Were eeie'lally largely atnndod, and the em lely be lls l'ekrsm. of Lincoln, addressed the meetirg the Orx nl-ht and Thursday nitht Msa fill. kle.

H.rltign..l. Ilw r.nil.enc secret of young lie. l. oik. gave an liilrrr.llng addles.

Iliw i the fraturea of the conveniion a cnni.ta given by iuii Ijiiher cmi. of lemy, Thi. soei. iv w.s organised In lehniary with nine memure and In ao Short a time he. tnetiaeed uulll Ihe rneniherehip la nineteen ti la a hranea I.

ly to the II a leong women, and In 1 younger e.e irty I. larger Ih.n Kiel of 11m tli'lhris The Kelh.f Ke ietv hu I lie from Kalrvlew. Fulton county, where has been leeching foe Iwo rear Mr. tinddald has been msde principal nf th schools at Ipava at a much larger salary than he la now receiving Mr. Ouddard la one of the youngest principal.

In the state, and letlnginn feels Justly proud of his rapid advancement In hla chosen work. tiecncstlnn dsy Ice. will prop. rly obseiveel In l.emy laday. Key.

lar. Scott of Itloomlngton delivers ths principal address. Smith and Newton rtrlttln. who live south of town each had a car load of fat th Chicago market thla Wee a.

They rvellard good price. Wllllama It. sot hss an extra fin. load of r.r-e en ths fhlcago market Thursday They wer all punch. sed In and amund lroy and one of thera Weighed pound, and roenmsnded Ih.

Waynesvllle. Mr. Rett and W. r. lYerrr wer ki 1 union rrktay.

WsMen. Mrs Sarali Rwaig Is visit truf In Farmer City. Misses snd Alms Ptillllii will nun leav fnr 1 heir new hum In Mia-einrt. wher their parsnl.

haaled last spring, -llarrtngton Mm nf wttoelln will aon npan a buggy lor. In Wsidon. lb leasuii uf th is of 1 heir pefifierty In In I'lstt rnuniy rnetropoti. Wslkrr Atchison Is remndelln hla high market prle They were all heavy draft henea and en of th best load shipped from her In a king time. Company large residence nne mile west of town Jtf a Trial af Promt A'tuer CuiUmir.

ray Bros The Helping Hand gorletr meet nett Wednesday with Mr (l.mhrel rd Conk hsa moved te town and oe. lot Meanh Std sHuaea Nlaasaiaeus III V.lxll, Addreeera and Oratmi. "Trifles Lillian Kent. I eupiee Wesley MhatTer'a house on Malthy Street. nt.ier tidy oulnuir.bered three mem- Olilutw.

-Tlie Messrs lllue sheared sheep far Messrs Ab snd Macfe ANls this week. Mr. Charles Cheney haa Ihe lumber en the ground for the erection sf a new hieuae. Mr. Msury snd Mr Petersen are cut-tltaiirg corn and several ether Reals will The canlBta the work of Rev Mr Kerry will a.

1st In In ded Store j. waia-at rreet-s. sv rur irciDirsnrHlvl ication uf ih church Clarence, u. rtunday. eeieysiS Key.

rtou.h will Breach ths tlie roora women tr the ie.eeiitation of rtlrtent sr. la. eueh aa the Indian. mo'ia etc. of thi.

rounlry a. 1 hey ap ll foe help ftom tlie mte.lon.rv am'WIy I Wes a Hew feature for oreeenl Mra Newton e. Sliea OrMy. Mr J. Farl Taylor waa a Ittaeealna-Inn vurMar last Wednsaday.

Quite a gd deal nf rorn and osta ar wing S'tlveeed to the elevalur M.a.1. her 4)rMley has had ansae very etrellenl ralres nt 1.1. The. far they hav soaped anr eertie. alth-ush eei fee, eewaeien the wind ha h-es tuns strong academy baeraUurcet aermisi aunday at 1 he iTe.hYten.n church a gV sa as- Uel.

TNI Orchestra Presentsilnn of Diplomas 'ip. rliitrn.1-nt A I. ImIm llenedlriu.n- Itev A II Ccwr On Mtoulay at the Will held the rltMins i.f tlie uplla of the elhlh grm i- The palron- are aa f.llw Mrdsmes Cover. II II i lUruun. K.

Mv'on-neli and Meters The t'm will he as f. .11,1. W.rvh l.l.le srd W.liet Mush. te- A II Cutter. I'eelusl a Mr Jamee Wlnehrtnner la Kin -Mr II nines snd son shelled and delivered 4 es buahei ewevi 1 ihe this weeg Mr Millard liasae I se KvieKela.

fiirkie who was on ba way to Upr trig Odd very ba with a complice lkei nt i i 1 ia nc4 much hopes erf her recovery. ruti, Water Hoard. After Crip tahe awaasasss a)w sas r. llorsford's tVe- ill rteriialu The i r.i. B.

rg-ant" lea prut a I lieUirsiKfl ftulltirg of lie hls' Ksr Adame I I. Sittt'i Acid "lr. I-tile t4 In C.I re Criuitt. 3' ffsaeaaer' eaaeseer.tva evesevyeeeeseiseseseseee). Phosphato rs to tha rleraM.i- I.e.

mi, tl-1 i' a -M. lea lli. Mreetl I twirestne Trte fMleex Inn f'n THOSE SAMPLE SHOES 4 scrv acd 4r-ibj eeewts ajfbeUtsv and 'e reatM slerp. 1 rc selling like hot cakes. Why shouldn't they? A person is foolish to buv shr- eUrr, n-r A Tonic tad NerreFood.

same onps hrf at ess than wkcUsaU prices. Dont jut it off but come now wiitethe tssortmtnts are fresh. -el a-l l.r,ra rri.trt.1 (r4 Vtiihfa annuel A Urn. and Vse ll.r- Veeth "The fll.Og ,4 t-tn lliimi.hrey lel'VrneXel -4. llarge Hsssars" I l.e at.

II.S rr. -Miiitsea Kieley-. Vims ke.ii.ib-e. -Tve ,4 rt OWT tlefttle N.neV sVig Una I Hit I He yu. -CUas r4 aufetn A I.

I He lbn.4t.tke- He rrm r4 I I e.l.Jttr Id irttele TImi Me Stl Wen 9vuf4 tm ae4hee e. evt Ike i-wiiul awd IKe T'H A eall kM e.l.e4.d I f-l Just a Few of the Plums. tadeM Vw New Stylish Millinery )IL CURE YOU. Udlwa Kid ss.s keaa 75C UdUg iWi hi- pun. I riefeee tile rTl IKe eh.1 'Tsevjiav'.

a. a .3 fW laa, WiM, Pl.25 TW a-eel -4 eluel.e see pewett.ef II live" ee-eeire II Mm M.H.a II 1 Pmlili I. HrwiMii Disavia Om iaeg awiee) D'eKee, I'ltr lWf Here ee I ave. Udlavg Kid fthaasj, wets is Uad H.a: C. PIU --drrr?" s-.

at very moderate prices. Though, if the truth be known, those prices arc the lowest in the city. ladlM es ftrwd kl kid wksavs, Uaat aU sM wesia Ilea. IKe A 51.75 Special China Sale. A set like the above decorated prettily, gold lined uith gold knobs set A kett'tf Ijrfgimt are Jttffjyed in ear At Dtn't sit li tn iktm.

-T rlawH aad Arraw" Msad feswwd vrstl. aaai mm sW m. ksi aw SMe sg a-w tsKael-te rkla alehet SiM a sn wti is e-w cMsear eeet, TV U-A t4 sake saea s-4 In tlx asraa ewaa e4 a f.a aa- a Usa t4 rV'n as le- B.H kM iwtm eaka sjee a. lies li s. aa taws.

5,90 s'a'w Jatlla) MarWseS) Kkse), Masl swsa las sasiail aaea, jVj. 4 p225 ladtesa rilrs n.s KM wfcasrs, msj ssals, deskiwdsik sW. A kk mm-t kawta t. g. sstl $2,25 CkMdrwa'a Utt KkesM, 2SC Ckllde.

Kid kk kw Wsj.W.e,4. -aa Ckltdrww'a Uw iallasj kk. iWf I. aar aa. at sae4 iM I Key to I leeieee at I ge M4 wt Ihtt tla eaSWelb-et If I1 IK 1 insurance.

V- "nrcy, N. Main leal Ike Ihsl mk ,4 IS. Stevl kee ai I H. ae4 Kei Ket-lr. Ke eea Wll.

e-ee4 ltf e-4 Ike elll IK. I He Wf e. e.M ISm eefe K- a I. tie tKeee ISje SK t.e.1.

IKe f.a, Meat IKe v. ee is. I He IHel lie. aeeeset (Hex Ke I. iksi Ke IS eIMIe4 he SKtleeef IK.

se4ra llee kee-a le Itfi IK. I eeeee Ke SU We law se-4 WIm, fee4 Ke SKI IHeeel iKe SHeAe IKe e. Ckltdrww'a. Kid rtssa, mwwi fs gMst.sgj a I.

i a. Ikiidrsa st Calf wei 1 1 as Cklldrwg' Kid ke-M, Kca 14 sua hsd wlga dial Tins Waist made of fine hitc India linen in the Monte Carlo effect. A very beautiful waist at -w Other rv ihJti have l-en received- for Summer wear both in the white and colored. 70C 75C 80C 95C That Carpet must purchased vomerine. Ilir when all the rcttiot and clioucNt fum rtu arc di lay in the most reliable dijiartnutit in the City.

II but yiiu ha.c a ui.Ie an asM.rtimnt of fwic pattern a can be found anywhere. ircW fir. Ckiidrww'a sVaa Calf kh, Mw m. ank It Sh Ckltdrww'a Kid fekawa, ks 1 1 I e4 Ke etoleejs fee K-ae Ke wm e4 IKe $1.00 $1.00 CklHrea'g Uaek Kid khsea. wt ksha.

atsx ts 11 Mis wwnk ti Hires 1 ootbccr assiewaBswaaWessaawesWBe, 1 k) Shirt Wai5t Suit Sale. a4 aKKe Wave le Kille. la ina Ke Ke. Kel e- K. pe-esw.

ee) r-e Ke ei exhaeeea a 1.1. tm K. ie KeK.I Ke I Ke KvW IKe 4 lee. sm SeHHeil I K. IKe.

WIS eW-4 a.aiie a a l.eai re WI4 ea lee te seeie Kal 'K-ee Weee I Ke eUet.e. le- I e. he. ee e. ee e.

a4 se) IKe ie Hee SKe Seel iKeen K. (tm m4 r- es HM emeu .4 IKel IKe 'e ge. 0 eeeS M. S. eH4.e IK.

IKel I Ke ee'eH4 e'ee- eW.eee eee I. IKe IK. WeeSlee) Ate Wee4 e- Ke Sm.IOT SJ4ee. Ieee 4 l'-re Ti 1 SilkWaistSale rfin( r-as Its ewry stl. 4 te a4 Tafl.ta UWtilSS.lW.Ulxj w.eMk las Massif.

TWsisvw Cp asJ gfa MlaeW Caff kkwasv, M'r ''1 85c Mium1 esa rt4ll tl.M,i taU4s.l. IK 1, a 51.05 kaea, kee.f nawsi isn pm t-r a4 wksagl ke it g. a. 51.15 NImm1 IM Ikm, U4 svl ke let sk akssMt, ii.i 51.35 CeSJfsl," WkeT kev WWal Us, gwd iseSkt. II f.

a. l35 TUt sv it tw it rw eVfw'f Jt.f t4 laVm 1 nc aic am, ic uiu mc yi t.nly. 1 hry arc worth from fjoo to 1Un uuk to 5 ..08 Vajsvrvr W.VV VI ka Ur7 I. iS.easel I eVlia ars 4 IK. Si.e-eai ef let sf A h.

ea Bkese) le aeseea SeXsawSe aiuatit ejsasaseajaaa siAeseeWKef USe HKMIlel 4 hexfe. nm kJ.

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