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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 17

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 17

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SEVENTEEN A THE DAILY PANTAGRAPH, BLOOMINGTON, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1926 Bloomington Homes of Distinction I Grecariew Greenvlew, July 16. Mr. and Mra. PONTIAC HAS AN EXCELLENT POOL Swimming Pool Made Possible by Woman's Will Wliltten Stone arrived home Wedneeday evening from Sioux City, Iowa where they spent several days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Walbert. The Charles Worthan DrarfTatlc Was Established Largely Thru Effort of the Woman's Club. show arrived here Monday and has been showing nigntiy. Mr. snd Mrs.

George Jolly, and daughter, Franklin wsre guests of relatives here this week. Robert Rowe and Ralph Hawley CITY PROUD OF IT arrived home last Thursday after spending their vacation at the Camp Meymore at Mt, Zlon. -Miss Ruth Droece and Cecil and Russell Iewla of 8t. Loula arrived i 't7x ft -4 i' "fsiZJi 'wTT' Jr -rs jv sear --iiMP i mil- 'JA)m here Thursday to spend several days visiting with Mr. and Mrs.

Harmon Miller and family. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brandt nd daughters Helen snd Emma left Wednesday for Backfoot, Idaho where they wlll spend their vaca tion viisting with relatives. Evert Cooper, who seriously In (By Staff Pont lac.

July IS. Pontlac resident ir proud of their swimming pool, uhlrh Is believed to be the best of Ha aixe In the middle west. It was made possible by the will of Mrs. Harriet Humliton, beloved philanthropist, who left an estate of much of which Is to be used for civic improvement and educations! purposes. The pool, with tome extra equipment, cost nearly 150,000.

It Is one of the most popular swimming places In this port of the stste. Glenn "Frenchy" Hausler Is In charge of the pool this year. Here are some of the dimensions that give an Idea of how Immense the pool really Is. The pool proper la an nrold. SO by feet, with a capacity of 253.000 gallons.

The outside dimensions of the atructure are 111 by jured his eye Friday, when a nail which he attempted to take from a ooard with a crow bar, flew Into his eye Is Improving and hopes are entertained by Dr. Prince of Springfield that he will not lose his entire sight. CAMP-HUMISTON POOL AT PONTIAC. Two men occupants of a Btilck coupe bearing Iowa license, trsvellrg 000, making the buy as an Invest Minonk at a rapid rate of speed, failed iv Cridley mnke the turn at the ilademacner I -aw- ment. The rooms are occupied by Frank B.

Illff with his implement store and he will continue there. Orldley, July 16. Joaeph Htuckey, corner Tuesday about four mllea who has been tn very poor health for south of this city, causing the csr to turn over and start afire. The oc- 17J feet. The bath room la a long some time, waa taken to a Peoria Mlas Melita Htoddard.

Mlas One the most outstanding er.panta were not hurt hut the car Haiel Htoddard and Miss Hara Heih hospital Tuesday. was completely destroyed. room having a minimum width of 14 feet. inches and a length of bath rooms and dressing rooms are lorated Htoddard are sailing from New York Plieto kj Star make this tntereatlng hmiaej doubly attractive In summer, but 'tha atvle of the place needs no enhancement from growing thlne-a to make It noticeably different. Mr.

and Mrs. E. E. Plersun planned and built th's place, ehlch was latsr purchased by Tom Benedict has purchased a among Bloomlnglon ana normal hornet of distinction. Is the residence todHy on the 8.

H. orca of the Royal Ford roadster. has a most distinctive architecture, differing In many ways from the usual variety of this form of cement house. One of th unique features la th sundial ovsr the entrance door. The well planted lawn and shrub- Mlnonk, July 16.

Minonk Fsns and the LaSslle Indians will clash at Sulton'a park In thta city Sunday afternoon. Tomatoes and aweet corn from local gardens are on the nttrket. Farmers are cutting wlwut and oata Is turning ripe rapidly. Klre destroyed the Henry Matter farm residence, seven miles west of Minonk, on Tueiclay. About 120 attended the Metho Kenney mall line for Southampton.

Knu- under the high walk and around the whole pool. The pool Itself varies In Mr. and Mra. Elmer Bunn spent of Dr. Paul E.

Greenleaf at the corner of Broadway and Highland In land. They will apend three week Julv 16. Mrs. I. C.

Howard and inuraaay in reoria. depth from I to feet, having not daughter. Ruth, of Oakland, are less than 19 percent of this water Mr. and Mrs. Roy Frey Intend Normal.

Thla bouse, which is stucco. in the British Isles and then cross lo the continent to remain until Heptember 17. wadabla depth or not to exceed feet. spending the summer with relatives moving to Kl l'aao soon, where Mr. Frey Is manager of tha Armour In Kenney and Clinton.

On the other hand the depth at the shallow end Is enough to permit Creamery. Miss Alleen Wstson baa been Iron turning over and burning the right wrist. suffering with a badly burned hand, Mrs. Blanche Clatfelter returned dist Kuinlny srhonl plinlr nt Miller park In Hloomlngton Wedntaduy. Mrs.

Thomas TrowDridKO ana caused by hot grease popping on It to her home here Tuesday, following grandchildren. Heymour and Ger Mr. and Mr. Gordon Mule re a visit with her brother. James Freed Misses Jtnnl and Alice Rowe at Juliet.

Wetdoo Weliion. July 16. James Bammon of Decatur. I visiting his sister, Mrs. Ilium McKee.

Mr. Hertnon Holfretter and children were In Clinton Turaday. Mrs. Mlilnle Hand mad a bual-0-sa trip to Clinton, Tuesday, were Mt. Pulaski visitors Thuisday turned Wednesday from a month's wedding trip spent In New York.

trude Rusk, of Canyon City. and Mrs. Florence Toombs of Amanita. are vlaltlng relatives In Mra. J.

E. F.llla and Mlas Hara Mr. and Mr. A. T.

MrKec of Mrs. Henry lii-hm. of Nllfe, attended the funeral services nf the Clinton vlalted their datirhter. Mrs. Prize Winning Students on tn Historic! Expedition Chicago.

July 1 Thirty American and tlx French high achool studenta, winner of an estsy contest on "The French Pioneers In North America," left here Inst night on a special train enutpped with an historical library and a museum for the northwest, aa memhere of the Columbia River Historical expedition. The students will visit points nf historical Interest tn Minnesota. kenney and Reason. A. N.

Rowe. and family Wedneaday, la a gjeat of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jurgcn Murine.

swimming the entire length. Far Meet. Tha endi of the pool are square! eff to a width of IS feet, forming a rectangular section In the pool ItillO feet, which can be used to hold swimming or raring meets. A arum gutter la provided amund the entire pool, the top ot the Up being exactly 1J feet below the top of the surround-Ing deck. The pool proper la tuh-drained by having a complete S-lnch aemer and 4-Inch drain til drainage system as well as Inches nf gravel underneath the pool floor.

This sub- A band of xvpeles caused some former's niece In Iw Point Wednes day afternoon. James Brlnkley and daughter, excitement here Thursday with North Dakota and Montana, and lll participate In the unveiling of monument! at points on the Columbia river. The governors of Minnesota, North Dakota. Montana, Idaho, Oregon pnd Washington are co-operating with the historical tovletleg In U'e states, and the Franco-American Good Will association In organising the expedition. ToFaTFuiie7vie7nc7 Rorkford.

July IS 11 tlon of a candldsta for congreaq In th twelfth district to fill th vs-ancy caused by the death of Charlea Fuller, will be held early In Augut, tt trii announced today. The meeting of the aounty chairmen, wha name tha aandldata. will be called by Cook ef La Salle, rha-rtnaa the eonr-eaaeni eAtYme. William Htlmnert Is here ft mi Helen, uf lecatur, visited re atlvea Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel Kiefer en Mrs. Kosa Adams Is Improving oettv th'evtry until rounded up by Fret-port for an extended visit villi tertalned a number of little folks on In Kennev tnj Irat nt the week. from a recent Illness. the officers and started out of town. relatives.

Tuesday afternoon In honor of the Mrs. Ellen Monroe of Chicago la Clyde McConkey has returned Mrs. W. ft. Mill, of Treaton, lu alxth birthday of their daughter, from Kenney.

arrived In Mlimnk Tuesday to visit Evelyn. They were traveling In a Plerce-Ar-row touring rar. Wheat and oats are being cut this week. The wheet acreage la quite a olt under normal, but what le rut la nrovlrg a antlsfactory spending a few days here with rela tlves Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Toor of Tay lorville are spending a week's va relatives. Betty and Duruthy Stlllman are visiting th'lr grandparents, Mr. and The Mlaslonary eoclety of th Floyd Jonea Is horn t-om HI. Congregational church will meet Mra. Ollta Keel.

drainage system la to provide safety against the action of frost, as well as turned Wednesday from an eighteen day trln. to Mammoth rave. tha home of Mre. E. V.

Neuhouser ration with her father. A. N. Kemp, A aurprlae v.aa given Sunday at Tha oata are ripening very I Kentucky, on thru th east Into on Wednesday p. July 11.

Th quality, and other relatives. an Indication of any leakage In the pool. An expansion joint between the weidon Hprlngs for Mrs. J. W.

per Mary's Imip.ial In Htreutor, where be submitted to an operation. R. Q. Mi Henry, of Indianapolis. waa a guest thla week of his brother, V.

B. Mrllenry. Mrs. Vf. Howard haa a badly sons of Clinton, formerly of Weidon, pool floor and the pool wall la pro uneven owing to the wet weather Canada ai.d spending a few day In causing the plsnttngs to be uneven.

1 Detroit with relative. Tt P. Blem and nit'y re- burned wrist, caused by an electric leader la Mrs. E. M.

Adama. Mlsa Kathryn Brown of Venice. California, ta visiting with friends snd relatives In GriUley and vicinity. vided by using an especially fluxed Mra. J.

J. Fleming la suffering from a eeverely sprained arm and M's Minnie Rohenhorst Is 1 spending a weeks vacation at Kin- leg asphalt. The Wker-room floor contains IS floor dralrta. with the floor eloping "4 -Inch per font towards all drains, and finished to a smooth steel Wyatt Halcomb Is closing out hie The Brown'a moved from the Waldo ta California a few years ago. Mr.

and Mra. J. P. Oulngrlch entertained the former's brother, Ben stock of lines recently purchased from sir. Miller at Clinton.

U. E. Hunt waa able ta be up Gulngrtrh, and the latter a daughter. Mra. Harold Grimm and huaband.

town Thureday for the Bret time In ever! months. all of Garrison, la, thla week. kake. atlseta Msyme and Margaret Neu are spending thie week In HI. Lou I a.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zrrbte and family, nf Net ton. were gueate during the week at the Mr. and Mrs.

Jscoh Parth home. Mr. and Mre. I-Tank V. Btoneman and children, uf F.lmhurtu are the guaala of Mr.

8tnnman's parsnta. The M. missionary society writ trowel finish. This altowa for alueh-tng-out with a hnee and keeplrg the floor In Hewn condition. Thla floor la also auhdralned with 4 Inches of gravel ad a com rite drain ttle eve-tern.

All footing are carried I feet he'w the tops of alt Moore or ground, to Insure them against frost action, laalpwaw. The pool proper contains the following equipment: Ten pine hold a hamgurger ataad on Main street Saturday right. Mlaeea Beaul and Helen Kent, of Urtdley. Mlsa Mtnnla Hlnea of F.llwood, and Mlae Carolyn Jnnea of Hharon. Pa, departed: by motor for Tellowamne Park and polnta of Interest In Colorado.

Mra. Iwla Wileon and eon weat la Pmtoka Thursday to speod ft tew days. J. milavon of Clinton, eame Tueeday to visit wlUa his daughter. Mia.

David West. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Htoneman. Joseph Rufing and John Mulr Mra. Leah Klnpfeneteln and two daughters, and Mre.

W. Mitchell have returned from Ashkum. where and two children, all of Peoria, at they siere doing carpenter work on tha fornier'a farm. Mr. and Mrs.

W. D. WHs and tended the funeral services of Mre. J. W.

Ceyle Wednesday. Mr. arid Mra. W. H.

Boles sod sons. Junior and Klmer. of bee. W. Va, ere guests at the Mra.

CUa No. of the M. P. church waa entertained at tha home cf Mra. H.

Miller, Wedneeday aluraoon. Mra. Z. N. Ilutrhlaon, who aub-mttted to an appendix vperatiott at Mennunlta hoepital.

la doing nicely. Mr. and Mra. Walter Marvel and children departed on Wedneeday for ryeiel Lake, wher they will spend K. J.

Pre. ton batne thla week. Mre. I tlesser and daughter, about ten daa on an outing. Merle Clbba who waa In en acci Mla Neutna lieaaer.

has been here ladders for the bathers 10 nee to get tn and out of the pool; a IH-lnrh! galvanised pips) handrail around the eatlre pool lust above tha arum gutter; lea algna Ind.catlng tha depth the water: 11 hlch-dlve boards, twa adjustable two all-feel elides, an electrical fountain, at let. drinking fountain, guardmp. and flosta ta prevent people from awlmmmg from the shallow Into the deep water. IIS feet of two-line rein-forced concrete rall.n around the utelde of the promenade. 17 reinforced concrete lighting standards with loo.

watt light on each standard, fmir Tin. oaf overhead llehts for lighting the pool, and IS reinforced concrete beni-hes placed since the picture was taken) for the apeetatnrs. The heth contains a waiting-reorn. fleet alt rm attendant's dent at lroy on Thureday after- from thla week visiting old frtenda. es Grace Halt and fluneda Robin.

n. of RItnlnton. w-re week-end gueeta at the Mr. and Mr. W.

tl. l.lntlley home. Mr. and Mra. Sevl-m.

cf t'hlrago, and Mre Marasret if Itenver, fid. were gurata Mlnolk tilends and relatlvte this week. I'hlilp It'hiandrr and R. Car-tar ami la Wavetlr TUursday. the eon Kt nnr, are visiting Mrs.

Marvel'a parenta. Mr, and Mre. Allia HunL Kied Jackn auhmltted to a ton-ell operation Monday at Warner hoe-pltal Mi. Mi Daniel af Cbesnpalga la vtaitlng kla Uauahter, Mra. rraak Coffuuin.

and family. AH' a t'etereoa of Kenney, la visiting hi grandparents, Mr, and Mra. Due I'etereoa, Itev. J. T.

Ilutrbienn and family left Slubday for New Hahro. to visit boon, hn pi oli truck In whkh be aa l.l lug tru by a train, aa able to return lu hie borne here that evening He wae uninjured ex-et for a deep rut In ble forehead, aliho tha truck waa completely de-Uuyed. The farm residence of Mr. and Mra. trunk Mr, eouih tf Gridicy waa burned tn the ground, Thureday n.M.n.

The bouae had Juat been painted, the work being finlahed but a ehurt time Iwfnre the lire, Hume of the furniture eaard. A num room, women'e locker-room, men's locker-room, four ete of tnileta for snen end wrmn hthe-e and nw. f.a-mer sfter bis farm and the latter to vieu relative. reUt.v.e for about two aeea. E'mer Knyon and hi ber of Grtulr)- pevple repuad4 le Mr.

and Mre. Gerald Prince and 1 the general alarm Ik retu Kenvi n. ut TonJa. were gut of Minonk friend Mra f. IL I'blllla eubmltted to I Sore, and en equipment room.

There re It private ere for the women and IS f.r men. Filter. CMerinatera, Tha eejulpmmt room root a twa SS lnch r.te.o niter, ene I'eradoe) ehlornetor. valve nt of S.tnch and S.lneh nine containing ten gat- sn of lariioii. Uhk.

bae be-H a lung oltfe Henry bohet and eon. Lea adnMly. an rpvratloo lor apprndt-itta at the I lptlel In I'aUatlno near b.rto I Mre, Will'em fT.nor and Utile KlmUr n.otnli't Mr. Ibillu daughter, ll'len tf I' tmnaton. ere uea'i Tiely of Vr tn lhal plar en ln4.

and I rmialnrd until ri-U morning. hi r. ML Tuaniia Martia attended a I nrVil lunrtteon Wedneortay. aiaen bv th lml-d Omega arjrily Montlcrllo. valves: aleo S-h p.

etertrtr pump anfa pareate. Mr. ia Mra jr-o ell gettliig alono ee oeit ae ruld le I Jarefe I hl'lla bad been I eg aimor tr recirro etteg the pooj at a rate of 11. ga'looe per hour, equilibrium pit. and ail e'e-trwal res- The Vtaeecing M.rrsetit cm- 1 Mr, jralir Ma-oul lung bee torent.

Mr. and Mra A. ot ef Bloomington Merchants who believe the law of averages holds true in business, and nc doubt it does, can advantageously apply it to their advertising. The greater the coverage, the greater the customers and profits. "More people told, more people sold." paay le building bin-h sddjtloej al Nr ,,4 JJr.

t.bei trot. Bunn in Atiington lleitli'a. lite resr lie ete to uwd Maneneld. ha been vieillrg Mra. Tha I ghttog tvetem rooal! of It Sa.oatt light.

IS lee-wstt light. 14 Qusrrtl Eads FstsIIj rv.ka'o.a. Is, July IS t-ttHe lee.wait vapor-proof Iphia. IT watt ttaht. ee aov noted, an ItaOtt-leg rtndrt aeouol toe pool pnr, I tenets.

4. tiled to aoret- and four TM.eratt eveeheed Fghta heart a mother. Mre Merry Martin. garage and for the -f a coke oven for Uao of bakery, Chart Funk uffed a dialo. rated ght ehooider efiee.

noon eihea b'e feet be- erne entangled ha a rt-p end be oee drafted several hundred by a bu I thet be aa attempting to lead. The Prt.trin mday eUeae ef M'e W. Van vrtn. vee te water a hove note. Taking into eon i derail) 1 a feet J.

it. The Wentwond Community dub ill hold a meeting Friday night. July II. at cioa. a mio will bo shown and -other feature Hl be given.

A mirellnoua ebooor was ven bv th oocnen ef the M. T-rhurra at lWtt on Stedneeday afternoon Mr. Y'mr intlow, for-f ly Mta I'U To let. Mre Roe nilr and children ef here today often refu4 to Mnrtlon hit roarttage plane but lb hot a'rifk the Me. Mm-eia Whltehtad ho prang betoteo that the pool la re forced roe eete and fu'te iuM'ia4 wllh deep oting.

fend thet the he'h raan ha 1 hem. lx be bad hilled hie oroepeetlv rlle. ao. la took bte I ee- eou'aeiert to a building feet of permanent ateel oeao. end eKrlned.

tH eon life. wuunded ooman will Mra, W. pope. Mill P1 and Rev. f.

Mord-ck er.Jod a pirMc at M.l tr perk la Mourning-ton Toeeday. TTeodure flerdee lite purrbeeod recover. ft.wtur, are veiling the formera Wander what ever beraoat ef thai parent. Ut and Mra. M.

iaaow Mi numpua hae famoo girl sung.diinr runner. the William Jsneaen double bonding on Cbeetnut afreet for rl'e. lu Ml. eenon by tb llinee of price thet rnntlat erurtu-e WH he tntereat'tg. The pol and bath heue cnp In-eluding alt underground ath.

ooet p-aou-allv The equipment he pool pepe oner tt t. and the equipment In the bet fn root pran rally IIS. Thla Mery Tboaf her lalrr-tn-taw. Smouldering Ruins of Inn Hold Bodies of Trapped Guests rxakee total coat nf HI Te foe wmtwl pool and porwuneat hetb.houe fully thruoul 1 The Daily Pantagraph't unusual coverage of Bloomington and Normal and the surrounding territory, together with a remarkable reader interest and confidence, is an assurance to advertisers of the largest possible return in sales at an exceptionally low cost Milr( Aeve.ot eeju'pejient far Kt ta pool and balk Pee Ch.ktre. order to lake ear ef the Mtlle rhl dreo smelt wedteg he bo ba it near one eide ef me pool.

v. osdeg og at ottk en Sfo wt aemrM It. a4 loo pgittleg Kaalott on e-H e4 It frwoa lo IS lorke In eeotH, baa a eeotrel evea or oeer. a4 rotrol. I telly auMraioed eeg retofereed.

and ta a w-ederfultv itt' adluoet to IK eoltoanmg I Tbl esliat td I th of Th aol wae kuiu he Ike Of additional interest to advertisers, who believe in the law of averages, is the fact thi coverage or circulation is steadily increasing in Bloomington immediate trading area that important zone local business houses must cultivate to increase their business. Culvert roenpeov ef far th fueotahed II toe of In Sk e. -v. d'seapo'ia. The p1 wae deesgned W.

fl.nis of l-ntng. Mkn. Henrwrtk Weyooatp Jwly Mary tbevk h) taking a two weeks' a fro dutiea at the pool office wttt vlH oi'k Mia Asaa terlteg pilnoeniogtow tbe week. Me. aai tin itev fTV at- a 0 00 7 1 j- eeS4 tk ueel ef Tb4e oepe.

nr Holder ew Thottdtg rean uu tlrloaa ba been ateitiog at 'b bo ef be thtr. Site i rt'ber. pen ef mta week. TV ueloo Suede eight rboerk 80,000 Pairs of Eyes Will See Your Sales Message In The Pantagraph eoevte will b)4 th rietn tkunk mm 0.u.a b1nlng I X. Nee I Ote peetee of fbur.k.

will to S. I a 1 i el mW ew WlaSnain totVloee are beieg to Ooeeoaop fe Mteg 1 Sl: part of Me eler level oevoegv the air bv brweig i rbee alawiele roneel A 'hS- a With a eiaroatpe of Si 1 bee Tito aeool4rt rulM -f Teilllgnl )0st rnn in mo teitt.n. ee.r r. 1. 10 bold Ik.

tb.rti-4 k4i. r-l geee eko t. Oebt I. oerspo 4etri4 lb bulldlag Tbt bl 1 iv. utaoatl fca nfaeealoal eearrker.

froea MHbnlettag fbelf fk. Th ateeelopod g'e mt eiarlrtrll br "teg eotornp of eeM eauee a pfetfo tb.os I'tlr-g oer-eet pt.senl tb pee4 of Ik tragi If. w.W-fc f4 In. ett. 4 alat.

10 aeiabborttg Woods SS4 trsejaoo, errwM 1 tm lb tniw" eit beUed devtr. Bvoflj a.

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