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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEQAL. LEQAL. SOCIETIES. Van schoick eounds, Manufacturers, Contractors Builders. We are now prepared to erect bnildlngs, and Ornish brick In quantities to suit purchasers.

leaves Chenok for 4 p. m. July 23. Fare for the round only So. C.

J. Gillespie and wife Mft this city Thursday for a Centennial ti ip to the east. Win Wyckolt and wile left on the excursion train Thursday. Tbey will take iu the Uau.euuial bel' re their return home. Elbm Clapp, John Dodge, Tom Dunlap and others, wliosa nanus we did not learn, arrived home Wednesday uight from the Vrrmi lion river, where they had been on a Centennial hshiug expedit on.

1 hey report mosquitoes plenty. Dr. H. Thomas quite sick with au attack of blllious fever. Since the ailveut of green cucumbers and new potatoes there has beeu several cases ol cholera morbus report-d.

None of them have as yot be-n veiy severe. The ladies of the Congregational church ot this el'y have formed a Missionary Society. Mrs. M. Fales Is president.

HE WORTH. There were twenty tramps iu sight on Saturday. The Good Templars cleared forty-two dollars at the lestival. Some time previous to the election last spring, the Council shut up on the Sabbath the barber years, have started up, and will manufacture their Improved coru meal for the Eastern aud Southern markets. P.

Barker started for the scenes of his boy-h cl (New tng'and) on VVeliiesday, to be gone about two uiihs. He will hi de there, who went some two mouths ago. Koliiiison's circus, last Saturday, did not draw the large multitude from the country they expected. The Wenona Union Fair officers are making some valuable improvement lor the benefli ot exhibitor this fall, and will open Sept. 2Sth and continue five days.

PKKIN. Wednesday a terrible mower accident happened on a farm five miles southeast of the city. A little girl 13 years of age, a daughter of Henry Bohn, was standing in front of the sickle, when the team became frightened and started to run, throwing down the unfortunate gir), cutting off her left. arm. one of her ears, deeply gashing her thigli.and innictliisr internal injuries whiih sliQ cannot possibly survive.

Wednesday evening, ax the evening freight going south on the P. J. U. K- reaci.ed itolliB the V. switch aas turned so that the train ran off the track, ditching the locomotive and t.roaking the front trucks of the tender.

No one hurt. FAKMKll CITY- The showers tills week have getierally so far passed around here, and the wet places seem to be drying up very fast. The Odd Fellows on Wednesday evening iu-stiilied the officer elected fur the ensuing term, eter Kolan, N. (1 John A. Page, Vice tl.

nrv Funk, R.j Secrolray, and Fred. Deibcrt, Treasurer. Harvesting hay and oats hax commenced here. A great many corn-lielits are laid hv without plowing In conseiuetiee of the wet weather. Farmers are only claiming half a crop, and will feel thankful fur small favors from present indications.

Dr. A.L. Salmi, of Una place, delivered a very tine Tempi ranee speech on Friday evening of list week, 7ib to a large and interested audience. The regular Temperance organization have monthly meetiiu'S. and this lecture was delivered under the auspices.

MONTICHI.LO. This usually quiet little city, embracing a small population of Industrious, contented, and peaceful citizens, Is now full of excitement over a horrible outrage perpetrated upon a young girl ot this place a short time since by a young man who bas heretofore held a high standing lu society. He has lied escape the wrxth of Insulted fi lends and au outraged public. The history of this deplorable case of seduction and abortion is about as follows: About two yvars ago Hubert M. Bogg-, a young man about 'M years ul age, came to this place I10111 Champaign, and entered the banking bouse ol Houston, Misn A I ii tit- 11, wh.

re bt was eu ployt'l as eik. lu Champaign he bad been employed iu the hardware -shop of Met okh A Motue, anil in that place was gcnetally known as an upright youth and a constant 1 ireli attendant. Alter a short slay bete be becaimi au u. tainted with au estimable young lady, whose par is highly respectable. Hoggs pu-ho le aeiii lint .11.

e. and lu a short time the old sbiry was re it.ed. Turin. gh passiouaie love she was seduced. So lie casi went on, Buggs going with her alien he chose, and seining to havt couipleie control of her.

Natuia ly, in a lew months, the results of th Int. rcourse became ap parent (in Sunday, June 2o, Hoggs called at Ihe house of his victliu, uinl iu an iu erview wilb lie. and her mother, he solemnly promised to marry the girl. Bul lieli id nut given up all hope vet ol rlddl'i ot the girl, lor 011 Ihe next Monday mo 11 ing he coaxed ii Into taking poison tor the pur sj- of committing an alioitiou. The medicine creating a thirst, tho pisir girl drank Ire dy ol water ai Hie pump, ami stait up to In r.siiu but was noticed bv the washerwoman, who the only one in the bouse, to be very pale, i ne woman followed her shortly and on entering th room loo nd tier 011 the I.e.

I In a horrible condition MASTER'S SALE. tieorge Mclubisb vs. El en M. Bunting. George W.

Hunting, Henry C. Wil-on, 11 ins K. Holmes, A. 'J'ryner. Warren O.

Wafkiiis aud-l sse A. vvplson. Uiirftnal bill. No. 13, Ii4, U.

L. Mechanic's lien. Warren C. Watklns and Jess A. vxiilmin, fanners under the tiini name and style uf Waikins Willani.

vs. Ellen Bunting, Henry C. Wilson, Kutus E. Holm George A. Tryuer sod Georgo Mclniesh.

Cress bill. By virtue of a decree, obtained at the May term of the Circuit Court of McLean county, -ita'eof llhn.iH, A. D. lstii, in the above entitl.d cause, I sha'l offer tor le, at public vendue, at toe south door of the Court-house, in the oity of Bloomington, McLean county, state of Illinois, to the highest bidder, on SATLKU4Y, THE FIFTH DAY OF iC- OL'ST, A. It.

at the hour of i o'cl ck p. m. of tho same dav, the following described real lyiig in ne of cl.ean and State ot Illinois, to-wit Lot nfteen (15) aud the sonih half of lot fourteen (II), in block three iu Flagg's second ailditiim to the city of lilooniihgtnn. I terms of (aid sa a are ca-h in haiitl. Subject to redemption according to law as set lorth in said decree.

Hloomiugtou, I uly 12th, ISJ6. 1 0 K. POLLOCK, Mnster In Chxncery of McLean countv. III. O.

T. Kkkvks, Solicitor. Jyl2 td rpKCSTEE'S By th.lT cer. tKinileetl of trust, nearlng dauj the eighteenth 01 November, A. 1).

ratorded in the Record's office ot McLe.m cnuniy, Illinois, In Book 1 01 Mortgages, 01 page jet, Edwin 0. Brewer atul Olive L. Brewer, his wile, aid convey to the undersigned, as trustee, 1 lie lands and premises hereinafter described, tu secure the paymeut ut one promissory note for the sum of nve hundred dollars, bearing date with the said trust deetl, made by the said Edwin U. Brewer, payable ninety davs after the date thereof to the order of Aldricb Htos, and hearing six per cent, interest per annum from date wuich said lands and premises aie descri In tn said trust deed as fol. lows --Coiiimi-ncing one hundred and eighty ISO) feet east ol the southwest corner of the noi th-we-t quarter of section four (4), In township twenty-Uiree (3) north, range two (2) east of ihe 3d p.

tlience est along the quarter section line forty (4n) feet thence north one hundred and taentv (lUo) feet to the south line of North street, iu the ciiy of Bloomington thence west along saitl Hue forty (tu) let ami thence south one hundred and twenty (lai) feet to the ace 01 beginning sit situate in the city of Bloomingbiii, county of McLean and State of Illinois and Wiikueas, It is piovidetl iu and by said trust deed thai in case ol default in the payment of said note, or any part thereof, or the interest ac-cruiug tlierwu, according Ut its tenor and effect, then, ou application ol the legal holders of aaid uote, th" undersigned, assucti trustee, atter baying advertised such sale thirty days in a news, pupor publli-hed In Blts.miugton., should sell ttie premises at public vendue, to the highest bidder, tor rash, at the smith door of the Court-house, In Bloomington, llliisjls, and execute prop, deeds tor tue pieuiist-s mi add, and apply the proceeds as in and by said deid provided and WggRKAS, Default has been made in the pky-iui lit ol ine piinclpal and interest of said note when the same became due and Whkkkah, The legal hold, rs of said note have applied bi me. as such trustee, to sell the said piennses under the said deetl of trust, tor the puriss-cs therein metitinm d. Now, Uu retort-, public notice is hereby given 'hal under and by virtue of the power ami authority iu me vested by said deed ol trust, ami for the ii-es and puipouis tin rein expre-aesl, I shall on Monday, the twkni y-sixih dai of .11 LY, A. D.

lii, the hour of Hi o'clock a at tin- south disir of the court-house, iu Blooming'titi at public xeudtie, 10 the highest bidder lor cash, In putsoaiit'e ol the provisions ol said trust deed, the lueiuises atul real estab- h- reiualiove tbscriiied, mil all the right, title, interest, ami equity 01 redemption of ibe said Kdwiu C. Brewer and Olive L. liirwet, bis ape. tb- rein. JeJb Id JollN M.

HAMILTON, Trustee. 'pitllSIKKS SALE. Whkhkas, John 0. 1. tiray and Marsh A.

Gray, ba aiie.ilid. oa the Hist day ul April, l7.l. bv their certain deed ul tiust of thai d. ile, ci.uiev lu the undersigned the piemises In remalter un-id'one-l, for Ibe pur jsise ol securing the paiuieul uf one certain principal not with inn rest coup-ms attached of even tiaie with said irti-l lienlitor ttie sum uf fifteen htllldrrtl given by Ihe Bald Jt.ha C. tiray bi benjamin Neamali, of Viebtr, nil payable bit (V vests alter date, with iiiieie-l at the rate of leu lui per ent per aunum iroutilaie.

pay ante a mi-amiually and Vt HSHKas, il ass piuxi ie-1 in ami bv said trust deed that in rata- ul default In Ihe payment ol said principal nute or Inteteal rcuisms, or any part li.iatl, at in nine ana ill iu manlier ben, 111 thai ca-e. lb undersigned, on the applH aiinn ul the legal 1 oil ol aaid uol aad uuimiit shoo I.I ha.etlie right, after giving twenty Ai) da s' public 1. title- by atlvt rtla lu Mt it an. uf tue aapapeis pilltlialicl III cnuniy, 1111-wits. 1 1 sahl prt al publie aii.titto to ths uiglnal bl-itler lur ctsh, ami out ul Ihe proceeds bwieul tu pay on Saul prilM'lpai mna at-u uu.

sow unpaid coiiauia, anti 111b rxsx mcreoii anu vs. (aiuea ul sale, all ot winch Bill fully sppear uy xti sai-i xiuai unni lbs Ksriadxti a i.lbc in 4- B.y, llllttula. IB bta.k 1 ul Mol Igagut at -x a Ul Al taelusivSi and xx saaaaa, Itafault baa Itssa axatl la ta -sa-ht ul lb llttvirat cuupus 4a Aptll tat, 11. sf ai.Bty ditllas, all uf ahieh r-mai ia unpa.4. iba bultb-r llf lbs pnsrfnal aut haa d- clarral lb same tlu.

a 4. indelaglM-tl bl bat aaMl a-ld It. -94 an ca ul Ibe pua.r gives IS aabl tatl Us Noa, tlterrlisr, ptiiiaii nolle bx bta I hal l-y vittiM ul to puwet tealad tu a. Im lahlll.tin, HONDA IHE IHIHTV (Sl.T) DAT l-f Jl I I. A.

D. I-s, Itx hour tH u-ntlo u'ek. in lb ftrnooa of dsy, at tbe suutb duuiui lb curl liux-ae. In bcllyii Hltaimiligti-M, e-tulilx uf xtel-ss and xtaiaul liiiinii. nil.

1 ut llu- gi.aal bnblay rati, ties a nbed pr- tula in axUl tiuM 4t- sa-uttuad, ti-tl- lbs atuihaaat iuaiii "I a. 11 -n ihiny s. 1, in loanah.p ua (I), a.ulU-4 I mi li. 14-tal Hit SB X- pin en ball I 1 a ie, lu Jetl ratn siel a. I an-leiiiy ut rdemptsts, n-l ail al iighta ul ib -aid l.hai lirsy tod a.

r.n A iirxy. 1'iril biitaudaaatgusibris. Dalid Jul; Mb, 1 --ill litiN V. Efll. Tru.le.

al. i-Kkka, In I fualaa. fix Iannis 1 not aud 4. lit a Lubt, lb city sf ll-sa ani-kUa.

la Ib.rtasi) a tas aal hiale did at nl btitlu la raiiata ilml sf Itaal. or dal Ih la.iili-a.slb dal ul Mai. A I' KI. and ra Sut-lal Is lb a urn, cass- la Huuh sxbI MmlfSgua. I agaa aaa S4, aa Ine Im uau gdawitueij uiaily, ataxM IN iba aaa x-l uf ruuMly uf Stellas, aa 1 ai.l.

luB.I ",,1. ha-altal liaii isal ul Its ash rnl af 1x4 en 1 1 1, is buah Sua Uie a al.t a lu lb has a a-w cnyi ul lika-sx-BgUia," sbujS sustsy tu-saa wsit is itx-t, a urart ia. pxtaraux at uf bui a ut a. thua-aad al tsatt aacb. brxllltg tlata sub a'4 4aad, a i.l 4a.

gx titer. a inl.rai lbs sua al Ira -r I ca St. pat lasxs -il-l. assi-aauaaiiy a4 Ibl.lB! fa, Batata lteg ihiai by Xuasa tasxr alia, hal lu iba aa-l bua-ka ut saxta.

aa4 aba. tvup-ua. haei laiaraa al lb I at. ut Ua aar akl. annusB liusa and af 'af Ittaif Bxalul.ljf I.

axaa- tliy at.l xi Bsaaxa, aabl 1144 deal panklas thai la etas 4 4.1 III IS pa. Bant ul aa.l huaala at bsw aud ska ax tu i-aad, st taa ufikvbgxl h-i-lf ul aad hua-ls sf all. kanu. ai.a4i-.4 aaa fuf la.nty laia ta a B. a.

1 aif pi at.4 IB xi.lataa caiuty xb-l ht.l tl aba. I etui ssay hs laafal ua Ih. xbltiula4 bi atl aa-l M-awx list -l an-l 11 uf aa-l lana.a I any sag I Has I at-y. h- B.l'. haua and aaa gas, 41 ira.iaia ai pabi, au.

t.a, a I 4k hsss xa, ax -I IIU'I -I lalll prutklrs lkl a taa ul del.ail ta p.ia bi ptiur-i al a aal ib. btaal ax Ik. la tut lhas lha abau. af Saul ii.t l-xi aaax Ik-tat-, aaaisxi aad la laiataa hs 4 Uasa a4 aaa ayliuld-ng Is Ih. But a ad gtsl la-b beadbtaa.

Bha-1 BS-4 BXS1 kl tat 4-is a-a4 at -I Ib Bad yttBI St a-4 la 1 k- aaa aad lb aaa 4la-4 a lb said d-aaa hal B. alaiad aa-l Ik.

aa-l ItasiMxl huaals mt Sala I. seal iausaau.1 tiwx Saab, lallt-g da la alxib ah-dsy uf 41st, A I' I a aas it. a 4 supa-d. ana iB-waa iataaa. fruatia Jn at I a-l ya-t.

au4 I'- btgtJ kaaict Uf ka-l kail -U a SaU. ka. 1 af S-bllX 4. Ib- k-l. ul a.a lk- -at aaaa, BUS l.aj.

mt Ik- HaS Has af aaa. u. hs 4 as a- .1. iaa a 4 has tbxl sa aa b.

I a I IB afa trntm -I a si. -1 tu -I Haa 4a4 liutfal IM II. I lu aa aarf-l hi Ih. a I a. a aawd tl mH Bi.

1 a-. -I. uxiAuaa. I aid lu aatl la Ib l- l-a t-U. pl'ta 4 IS at ik.

i il laih it. .1 1 1 a a. aa aal al p.t 'I. la-a la) lu igaM bad bx, lu hi''Ci fr IHIWH 1 1 It a DAY It-I of Jlll.l ataa.B h4la.l btt-a la-x IB IB tutxtBaaa mJ Kl ba 4 Ib lb' lll.lax.ta IBel day Bsakf la il bagalkat lh tha M. a I xa.ilag iba It aaa, aad a .1 xa.

at a-! 4au lt X-- Iba put. Ixaaat a 4 4 xxu is taa "4 ika uaa- as ua 4, a ..1.4 ia a- 4' a-l I ts-sat ial'4 al tie. il at sgtasa tax IBal I gt.ib 41 ul 4 taa H-i l. 4k I 4 D. TiaKaa, has 4ss it a ut III .4 PERRY SPRINGS, tii (a h-t Th.

aat Bl t-et -a 1 i. WAT! OH, frtpritur. Ik.a ikat J. Bdl 4. e4- i.

a- x-a. IS. 1 i JTJT tt-4 ft 4.1 I VTaV'-i rpBUSTEE'S SALEWmerea, Elsie Lane A and Sidney C. Lane, his wi iu ber owu right, of the county of DeWitt and state of Illinois, did execute and deliver to the undersigned then certain deed of trust, of dabs the ninth oay of June, A Ll. 1K7 and recorded In the Kcorder's Othce of sattl LleWitl county, In Hook 11 of Deeds, page conveying the loiluwi described premises, situate iu lue said county ot DeWitt and State of Illinois, to-wit: The undivided two-it thirds of the southeast quarter of the nortu-'t east quarter, ami the north seven-eighths 14 of the northeast quarter of the southeasi quarter of 'section twenty bve (i).

township taenty-one (2) north, In langeoue (') east ot the 3d p. in i- and the north three-f-urtbs jj )of the noithwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty (30), town twenty-one (al) north, in rauge 11 two (2) of the 3d p. also the entire south half ol the south half ot the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, and the the norm hall "ot the no tn halt ol the southwest quarter of tne southwest quarter of section thirty (30), town twenty-one (HI) north, in range two (1) east ol -third p. cou anting 111 an m. acres which conyeyanco was made in trust to secure the payment of oue certain promissory note of twelve hundred (1200) dollars, bearing even date with said deed, and payable rive yeais ttiereaftt r.

with Interest thereon at ten per cent, per annum, payable said interest payments Oting suuwu uy rauu. the said note, and which coupons bear interest at ten per cent, per annum from and alter their maturity respectively and Whkkkah, Said trust deed provides that In case of default In payment of Ihe sa'd note and Interest as therein speciti.d.theii, 011 the appli. ation of the legal hoitler thereof, after having advertisetl such saic twenty davs lu a public newspaper published m.McLeau county an.l State of Illinois, it shall aud may be lawful for the und to sell said premises, and all right aud equity of redemption uf the said Klsic Lane and hid ney 0. l.atie, bis wile, their hens and assigns thereiu at public auction and Whkkbas, Said trust deed further provitles that 111 of default iu payment of piinclpal and Interest as there. specified, then the whole of said principal sum thereby secuied.

and the interest to the time of sale, accotdiug to the tenor ami effect tl the said indebtedness, shall and Buy at once become due utid payable, and the said premises be -old in like 111 tuner and with the same effect as tl the salt! Indebtedness bad matured and WHguiCAS. The coupon showing the semi, annual interest on said note falling due on the ninth day of June, A. 1. 11 ti, is part due aud remains wholly unpaid, and the legal holder thereof baa, by reason of such tl- fault, dt-claied the whole of said Indebtedness, with the Interest thereon to he time of sale, to he due and payable Immediately, and has requested that the said pieuiises he sold and the proceeds applied as provided iu said trust deed aud Whkkkah, There remains and Is due and unpaid 011 the twenty-sixth day of June, A. upon the indebtedness the sum of fweive bundled and sixty-six dollar-, and Interest Is still accruing Uhiii the said principal Indcbitdne-s and past due aud unpaid coupons at the rate ol ten per cent.

tcr annum. how, tlicreloro, by virtue of the power ami authority lu me vested by the terms of said trust deed, ami lu compliance with its prons ions, 1 will proceed to sell the aboie-dm-ribed premises at Ihe south door ol the Court-house, In uie cily ul Hhsimiiigtoii, in the county ul McLean, 111,1 state ol Illinois, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash 111 band, on MONDAY, THK THIKTY-FIHST (31st) DAY tiF Jl'LV, A. D. IHitl, between the boui sol nine (111 o'clock In the fore. 10011 and lour o'clock In the afternoon of sain day, to sutlslv the above Indebtedness, togetlur a lib the costs and ex pr uses ol executing this trust will execute and deliver tu the purchaser a deed of convey lice 111 tee of the premises so sold, is provided 111 saiti oeeu 01 uusi.

Dated at the city or Hluouiiugtou this twenty sixth day of June. A. Isle. CtittV DUN WKKD, Trustee. .1.

tioitiMjN Pouiik, Solicitor lor Trustee. ai-td SAI.F. Whkkbas, Hubert Funk 1 and Virginia funk, his wile, 111 ber own right, Uie county ol aud stale ul lid execute and deliver to the undersigned then two eei lam dials of trust ol date Ihe taeiftbday if iN-eemlH-r. a. D.

ami teourded lu K- cold r'solttool said county ol McLean la H.s.k 01 Mortgages, pages lJ aud lid. respectively, and uiiveimg the following described yt una situate and bring lu "the tuaiialilp ol 1 link Uiote i-itlliitv ol Mi l.caii and stale of Illinois, lo- Bit I beanitbeasi quaiter of the noithaaai quarter 'of section seven (') the uoilbexsl quartet of lb-- southeast quaitei of section a sen (it. the ea-t all of the sttuihweai quarter of secnou eight (S) "Ihe east hall of Ihe imiiliweai quaiter 01 a'ctinii seieiiieen IT) ail In township laeiity-lwo (Wi, 11.. nh 01 range on 1 1, ea-t ot lb 3d P. run Lining Iwo huudred and lorly a.

in." who rapei'tix coiiveyami a )ere uiau Inuuatuisc-uie ib paimeiitid Iwo etisin ptuunaaurv lis one lor one ihou-atnl dollars tl.issii, be.iin, tveti data with the said ileitis, ami du one yra tlier Ibe date literati, Willi inleieai ineia.n ai in ate vl a air cant, per annum, pa. able and alii, said interaal panssm beiiis b.tan by eouaiiui at lav hi tu aaul not. lb. tlier piudiiaaiiy buwt 11a lbs sun of tbise tbou bx hundr. dollars (3.Mai), and alai sxeuly Uale.l with the said Orads.

and tin Bv. tbarealler, with liueiaat tbaiaus at a pi nt, per annum, payab asml annually, aa.d In-eisal payniriiU alsv Latitg xkus by euupuns at lussd and which euui-uns baar Inlet- a. ai tra rani, par axinaia I ruia sad all Ite matunly raaeuveiy i aou, 14 uaaaaa. The sahl trust da d. did prorbb-lbal is ra-etH drlaull IB payment of saal aulas and the lull at a.

there. a turn, on in sppitca of in gal b-d-lvrs uf aaid but, alter bat-ng a-lti ttua sut aa lor thiiiy f.aii day a in le ues.papxil p. mud In 4. 1.eas ruuuit aim xsir ol llliia-ta, 11 tball aim sasi be laalul fur tu-nidi iMgiual lu all aasd press ami .11 ngbl anal tB -I rrtb uipiM.a ui ibe Hubert una anu Viigima funk, bis in bet own light ut her--, ben a and aa. gtut, Ate, lb, at pub b- aal.

tiaaaaa, Saul lu.ldeed further pmtnlta thai rasa of -ntlauil IB Pal sstltl ul pus- ipal alal in 1 real aa 1 beta a pruvkiai. Hies lee ax.u tmriiuil suas Ibalebt ax Btal. aad Ih. inlrrral urn. ot ua, scuttling tu ih.ieuur and sflre- and shall and Bx) si slit'.

I. usa. dua anal aad lb. said pr- utd la Ilk. sxaniati, and ana lb. dxl as tl Uie aaul adeblrilna-ax bad BXluiaal and. xt sistxx, laa sxb ixi-Uiiaav tout for sit. lltuu.aiHl dullats. lal di.a Ut iBsif'b (l.tbi ay ul hsa.axu-r. A.

I a paat due. au-l bt resxalli du and It paid us seal suit lu. aua al bx buiMlral -aullal a ssij an4 iui.ra.1 li-r. sa Irusx lbs asbl date anlu lb praaaul liw tn-l. MMsarxs.

Tb cauts ibosing lb seat I sm.aal li.lneJ us Ib ka le ba thiiiy bx has-lial kill a Xtl, falling tlx SB IM a.i ib (l.lhl day ul Jan. A. la kaal 4u and BMM. si-d lb krgal bi.UI. I I ha l.aauB -H aut l.issll la.

latalll. abuiuf axnl lal. l.l.dn.-a 4 UtiiK-B. han-lltd 4.4 aia taj.xtai am ll.ia4 Iha-truS. lu USX ul Bi laktSttlntl lasuuxd.

airly, a. ka. Inal Ib. a-d la aald aal Ih. llwaal applied, Sa is aa-4 liual Baals Sua, llusr.

i-as. by snii. af lb puay ah-l aa I but 11 Is Ms x. aal, by Ibt Wis al saal tiaa ew4 IB B.a siib Ill

aad luall Ih Sbns d.ltU.d bl.BxiaB at lb autiih svt.4 al Ib uat4 haaa. la lb cut al ll-uoaubalxts. IB Ih taasi, al M- I aa assl aiau 4 llbwa, al habile au- is ib gu a. itata-b In haal UNKiDAV Tllf. TIIIHIt flH-riJW DV l-f 41 Ll A hal art a Ib hoartuf kin (H al ihe thah Is Ih lutt sa-l l-at 1 nut th.

cbn is ih aiura-a-i ul aald 4x. la aalaly Ibe stout 4-artlbaxl Ia4ahl u-a-lket Bilk Ik 1 aal aad llasa4 rattag lh-a tyaal.aal sill 11. ihl 4. lit h- h. bull haast a 4a4 al iusltlis.1 la a at lua mesa ass ax a4-l, a aiui btal IB aa-l daad sf Hi Daadal ih ciiy sf kwaaiibgiua.

raaali ul Viel.a aad aials si tha Issatf xsih I. 4ay mi Jan la Ii4l4 la. 44 fft. Traasa. J.

uiIU-a fltlltXl tutb Ibat lu 1 taataa J.b 'I'MI af a) I f. Wiiiiii. H.ihif t't I lata hW.1 al tlx, kaxl'ki ilxl Ikx lb 4a) ux a. 1 1.. M'laa Iiliaa-a.

la h-s-4 44 ad Mmtgagae. ua bag. tlabal Ixlss an4 axil II (Xis-sl ul xu 11 a haaiiaa Sal. Ika aad Ijaal aWa.4. Sxa.

by lb sa-4 kxi.a. baisl-aia ibtaa ai flusa lb 4ls Ibata-I bs'bu- lal tt 'lt' Ija 1 1 1 lu.i.a lai anaasx liusa dais ahi. aa-4 lauds and at' va4a.t.lal IB Willis tl-ad. a. k-is-si I'd nasi plus IS la.

aaulhaal iaatl -4 a. I laaai)-biba -s tuaa Is-xt, aaih lai-g lh Ihlid htlaclyal S-lultaa, lt. i. laa kiid N-asxal, xuauli mi M-Uss aa4 Bii af I l.twaa aa-l I I I La tl Bllllll, IX aVal Ibai la lava IB Ih It, asM al Ma Ik. a.

a-', sa Buy a-u-x tlS.k lh. B. aat4 ng a-lla I. 4 ua apt- bais-a at iba bl h- ul aa-l Su4. Ih Ba.ragia4.

a sa. I- X-. alh-t t.g laa. Ikut, 4a, a la a as. a kaiar.l'iaalt.

akauaikg-uB. a-a, ta-i4 .1 av-et-hj la Ika al k-X-u-l lut aaaX al 1k. alk 4 a lb. h-u-x la ax-g-a. I '1 a4a l-t Ih.

I----- I ib 1 -u a is au4 4y aad.a.4 a.a- "taa.rr!.. IWasll ha. haaa kU la Ih. aay, -4 IS. r-al -4 bsxaia- al haul Sax fhatogklh aa at Sa-4 mwt ha.

aau. 11 St a.l Ih. as in aaiibbl 11 yaxsa- ml aal4d tl ifca aalpaa a Sa laai yaki a--a hut.hy Ik SI anuaa a mtm saw 4 bt aa-4 4aa4 4 Itaal. a-4 tu. Ik mm, aa4 -al aas --r- a atllKIMt.

tn rirtrfMii luf i-r Jtbt.A It. a aa ba. ha Ba aul ika ahua a Ua. taxtl ha IX Uu Slaa, aaaa. as I al ha lha X.

at had ba In tassh. IB. Bxa Baa. mwmw a-utaaan. as.

a.iba4, a- 4 a I ht i.iu-, -Buttaat. a 4 ixiiy at S4-SK-I --t aa-l 41 thaad Bssbs Bad klsts I aita, ihaswts. aa4 I ai.l ta.a a4 ba Ikat aatxba at a 4us4 af la laa al iba ytasx hi ahl. a atsvx44 us aas-l asd Isaxsa) ft' XBt(Xax, Jab 14 l4 I WILLIAM M. 44 HI 1 1 Al, I KEMKMUKANl'E LODGE No.

77,1. O. O. in its ever Tocedav evening at on o'clock, Hint 114 North Maln-st. mJt.

EXISTS. I) A llKNTAL SUHOKOH, Office i 1" North nl street, over Ku gg' shoe tme Hlo-lllllllMlill. II. PHYSICIANS. K.

B. HA UN, Geiiman PnvsiciAN. nfflce, SI 3 North Lee-st. Particular attention given to diseases of children and women. Vaccination Irom o'clock u.

m. to 2:00 p. in. myi-W JULIAS F. STAHL, M.

D. May be found at old Alton Depot during the day, and in Dr. Hill's ollice, on East street, after nine o'clock at night, iulo-tl' KS. E. A.SHAW, M.

PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, No, 217 East Kront-st. Gives special attention to the treatment of all diseases of wumen ami children. ii23-y JK. A. O.

SAB1N, Phyhiuiaw. mortice and residence, Leroy, Illinois. Special attention will be given to the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Also tciuale diseases, and the treatment of children. n4-y H.

Physician, Oftlee and residence 812 corner Walnut. Special attention given to nervous ajd diseases of women. sel-d I) U. C. K.

PAKKE, SUBOKOM, (KHce Smith A Swann's Block, BloomlnUm. Ill Gives special attention to diseases of tcmales, Uncases of the eye, and all cases requiring sur-gicH I treatmen, ATTORNEYS. I LI. I AH H. WHITEHEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, South of Court Home, Blonmitigton, 111.

Special attention given to collections, and to ettiemenr or estates. Lb'KKD II. DAVIDSON, Attorney at Law ami of the Peace, Lexington, Illinois. Collection and Prtbat-t Imsine. a specialty.

Account made out and settlements made with County Court tor Administrators, Executors, Guardians, Jix-tf ptlUMAS SLADE, Attorney and Counselor at Law, and Patent Solicitor, North over Kvans' Grocery Store, Hloomiiigtou, 111. JAI1 legal business promptly attended to; coliec-ions made legal liitruiiieiits carefully prepared and patent procured In the shortest possible time Urough the co-operation of one of the best patcut-aw hroit in W. Illusion D. up'sj-v HMrtllUlil.1 K. lint UKII C'BK AUO AM) ALTON KAII HO AD.

H0KKIN8 ailllTR. Arrives. Knpreaa Mail 2 p. m. Lightning hipres I flo a.

in. Denver hi press p. m. BUHHINK bourn. Arrives.

Knpresa Mail p. tu. Lightning Express i Mi a. m. Dvuver Klines IS a.

in. JA KIlNVII LK DIVISION. Hl'MNI!) (AST AMI SOUTH. Denver Express arrives Way Freight arrives Block Kxpre-a al'NNINIl ttr i ami agar. Denver Kxpreas leives Way freight ILLINOIS KM HAL K.

K. UiMMU RoKrH. Leaves 2 in. il isi a. hi.

5 10 p. lu. leaves. 2. to p.

in. 2 4ft a. iu Ma. iu. II a.

id 7 lai p. iu. i 41 p. m. t.M up.

Paaaetiger No. 2 I'awtigxr No a a 17 a. m. 1 p. m.

J3 p. ui. freight No. sol tu. Paw -nger No.

I raaciigrr No fr-lghl N.i. freight No. 3 II p. n. 7 .11 a.

m. ti in a. iu. b.l-u p. IU.

I .111., HIOIXll XUTo.1 AMI vst-rtli." H. Jit OIB4 AT. Omaha Express Il.y Kiprras and Mall Sight ExpreaM Way freight Krelgbl mil it T. rrlfle fxprsa Day f.xpri-a. and Unl Omaha Kprk 4 .11 a.

m. pi ox p. m. i p. II a.

iu. a mi p. tu. II vi p. w.

ft in a. II p. m. lils. iu.

i iJp. u. Hi a. iu. Was Thruugb freight.

Tkiuiigh Ktglit l. tinL aixuii avi, )rx KAII.WAf AND IILtfixllXI TH IMVlKl'JN. mum ast. Lull i Ki re A 1 1. line EprM I a.

tu. freight aiel Ae-uuiiuol4lMU 4 a. ui. ui int. nivg at Seil Through IplrMl II 11 a.

I and i i. f.iiirMs in i. gl.l and I p. KOir AKIIIV AI. AND l.ivixn nf NAIL AT liT nrrii Arrtvo.

.1 4 p. ai. ai a. at. Ill p.

m. I m. i ii M. 1 1 p. m.

I I It. I. rt. xl I A I AW. I A A ilk le.M.tVll' b'ea i.

Al ii a. a. p. m. In a.

II si a. tu. 1 IX n. I ix ax I ix 4 4 IX p. p.

a 1 p. p. iu. UI. ki p.

ax. ax. M. iip a. a.

I III ax In ibj a. at. 11.. lit ltl lMIgl 1 A lil. II l4UU.l ll'fMl tlihsmiuir liteag ai vti4L.

ii.gii4 a.r 4 M. Jill M. a. iu I m. Tut iu na w.

1 a u. .1 a. a. 1 1 sa. M.

4 a I li HI. 10I.KDU, rtOKIA iV UAUSAW HAILWAV. ON ASH A iM a 4-H AMUrtlK AI'lilLK-b, l. Haiu. a.ll pMluaai 44TW AMD.

No.1. No. I. P'xsiia Ann. II I Ii.l.n I.

lb a .1 i. nr I' I) II t.M, Mill lU'ia lriliia a I a as I 4 IX ax I a ax I 1 a a a a ax 1 1 I a a 1 1 a ax Mta II a ax. Hp m. I a ax 1 1 i pax a m-4 at ax. a II J-pax I I 1 ax a ax i i ax a I I li a a JX 1 14 a.

paptalaxlal' Iu I lli.i-"l aa.1 S. nn'x aaa rtra IK ri.u,.i.' i '-4 Saw rTWAKi: s. s. I. p.o.

A II iiiiiim 4a xx l.tia 14 I ax xx II ax ax II 4 ax ax xi.ux 1 ix pax a ax I ax asil I I Mi Im a I pala. ill 4 Ht mm l.aM I iiim. lax a.lx N.iiwx Hitoia i k.a aa4 ay 4-i i. 1. a.nx ej l.lxH in ax a a i aitvaea 4ii mr t.n.

pmia atfla tevM ix Jxiiai I KIN Ila1 lltwl. rl.C Nal Mi iMai I'm i. a a im M.l' i i 4 a IIAII.KV MASTER PAINTER, n-itrtT' No. 401 N. Kiin'-m.

I' O.Uin. Jrifti4l. OUi-r rbliB(. doat i-ttr DAILEY PLUMB.

I i FRIDAY, JULY 14. 1MB. Flala for making strawberry boxen, at ALDRICH BROS. tub covyry. FC.VK'S (JKO rt.

David Tbompcon baa threatened to whip Mr. R. Mcllvain, a citizen of Co, on account of Dome bard words growing out of the trespass of stock. PADUA. Mr.

Llovd Painter haa juxt returned from the Centennial. Hrris.m Ham ban been engaged to teacu the Center school. oak aaom. Jonathan Sharp has gone the way ot the rich CenUmiiialward. Rock Creek Farmers' Fair will be held August 27th.

Rye will average from IS to 18 bushels per acre. GRWLEY. W. Nlergarth fell from a bin lu Seiburii Call- eifs warehouse on Saturday last, a distance of thirteen feet, and was somewhat Injured about the bead. Margaret, wife of Thos.

Anderson died on the M. T. C. Drum has bought an interest In Sheet's restaurant. LEXINGTON.

We are informed that the camp meeting of Normal district of the M. E. church, will be held on the camp ground near Towanda, commencing August and continuing over the first Sab. bin li Intlie month of Heptem' er. The meetlnc will be under the direction of Presiding Elder P.

Hall, of Normal district. WESTON. A train of Ave baggnge cars and sixteen coaches passed through here Wednesday eveniug en route for Brlgbam's dominions. Miss Mills, of Normal, has contracted to teach aur public school during the fall and winter term Mr. Pat.

nut ti is sull'eiiiig from malxrlal fever. Mis. J. E. hxley started Wednesday morning Plillndelphla, her former home.

She will be au-ent aitue weeks visiting relatives in that city ami a'so uie centennial exhibition. RANDOLPH. Win. Kurr shipped two car-loads of hogs on Tuewlay, the llth Inxt. They were shipped to Chicago.

The heavy rain of the past week has very much interlcT.d with haymaking, and, consequently, very little has been done (hat line of business Mr. Arm-pinei's at house hail a visitor mi Saturday night, tl'e Kih who carried off some 3 poll nd ol bacon, and ntarted with a Jar of laril, luit lor soiiie unknown reason he leit ll sitting iu meuoor yarn. ELLSWORTH. It does look serious. The ground Is so soft that it alll be aliuiM to cut the small gralu and nie.idowx.

It la believed lo take this neigh borhood over there will be ten bushels on an aver ae of corn raised to the acre. Old corn is spoil lug In the crib and roads so bad that tanners cai. uol get It market. Jonathan Holdrrn and others sent to ChlcatO ami gt a neine, and are dragging the iinls and siougiis lor cai-n-u. ney nave caugiit about am.

and aie still at it. W. L. tapp has moved bis family here from iiioomingioii, ami uas gone into tne luiutivr busiuess. MlLka.v.

A. Line left fur a visit to Ohio on Monday, He will lake In the Centennial show before returning ts. Vuuiigman bas sold his entire harness and saddle stink to bis brother, Ueo. will rout Hi il- bis business at bis old stand. The Catholics are baring a Jubilee here now at the silence ol Mr.

It van. Tin contemplate building a house of worship this fall. 1 1 the village trustees would re vulva their official imm- in ilia dirH two ol a certain groeary store lu ibis biaa liiav might ttml a 'atinaut! nog" Ibai wond rival ibe oriirrs oi a lauxaia, and can lux ai lu. mediate abateiaent. Tlieis has been rain fur nearly thr daj aial li gei.eial cry Ix ibai there la a piuapex't lul a mourn.

It KOI. A danra on Wediie-lsv evening, In Baker's ball, un.1. trie an.pli-r. of the l.ll.rsry A xaoi-latum, bat the aawrlatiun VI. Nerved them rul.t: the i.mvra of Ihe auciaiam ought lo have known belter Iban lo go Into eurb cul lion, eieiellv praxrrm "rliiig rvrnlii! iraxrrm rung rvrnmg."ii A Nua are feeling a rar-suad bogs for AuguM Urllx.ry aHd at Mi. 1 be uais ia suit, niig frusa ruM a gnud deal the bay cop wx. lo-avter iban im xaaHi, but lb. arall ri ll raiinul be lakea rar. of A-buiy ll.fuetl lougbl Hue rart uga of d.

aim d.x. agu. I -e Da.aili aai drix-s a Oi.a.priug asgua be raxeutly purrbaMl of rd. l. ibn uin bas adile-l another rrisiusa rar-has.

ai.l liiiir lu livery. In xrlnclrs ate Iroux L. ene e.ialtudiaenl rorosi. Thing are looking a Utile axsre lively.

There bas brra sal rain lor savrral days (Ju'y l- Or oa high lalel beginning la Hk like It Blgbl xauwiking if tbe II kx fasurabu) oaia are iKglamg a besttm sllb rux4. suum lMi are beginning lo ha v. How. To akal extent lh ill a. lJa raiasH ba M4 lue l.

x. lu baa ba.aMr.l ixe, bal lb gluasal Is II a b. Id calling i'h a Machine. bax. b.d aio b.

ba.1 IrxHibi ia Nortbera rorx. Im a.lbh.. aaaxnt Mmg.a aad I I ft into a drtlraHr. ak- a xs.rtgxa dr.a a man I an.1 ti ai aax.ii bul aa iil bait snsrl. aaxi b.ll itonxc-ila'alv buughl a iriutxrr, i ulb rail.

Iwiel re vl. th. aia bib w- as lw uf Ibe am. i aurrb, Is said lo I rsxa. rwl4a.x4.

A bail a asslM-ra af Ibe Maswixaiy uri.y af ihe lwl prxyianaa ckairh af lii.xai g4 a rassa ss aa lb Israswe rxrrssa a Wrdasal.y, and axl aa e.exl hasslwe af asraa-halla charvh ar Ibis tu llev. K. t' i.x's.abrs lby snxc-l plralc linaee. Aamag lha UkaaxlagiunUne at J. W.

IHMweaa an-1 aifa. I'aia and aire, assl albeta. Th.) hal aty slnaxsl want auk lb. K. excaissuB fia hate tk.l.isMx ara sasklae h.y Ihw a.k I an was a ii.

sxsa.i Mx baralay.rus Ibe gi iba a.ek ih any iaxtianca 4y mil. cxixacMUxi'g ii axia xmw a 4i a eaiastM xl-ii a lib a ssM.f af a roaaly xl.a. m. K.asly, af lha fiank I will tsaea IM aia'xw aksaa al buiiife i.i-t. .1 A let.

Va 1r.n.d aa4 Mas II.I'Ml WliaMi kaxo a caxph.xa4 I. Iak yhaiga ml 4, wk-at. fMC lha tm4 axaual aid eutaaxaa. 4'h al a.Habai, was a.ll rapsaaiml 4 taaa aa Ike fMiih Aaist a a ante ax al la aa lha ra, .4 as sa.aj ssrn aenl la aag-as aa-l Tie af l.l.a-ly -t lh h.aa-k'a 11 a- aie al H'oaa'e uiaxe, ah al la. bi4 Axga.

Thosa. ha tsy saleable aw, a "i r4. a Its I A A tx.ilra 'aaisaaf bsxe ix4 a. iu mt ll ka ra.lahl". Ma I' 4) farxMaca kx aiM sxi aad has la-a aa fwSaanai'ax.

XI 44. abi.t--a-4dJ.aM k.aJay cxlllag akil sa has. lie alrw a ra kaa-ia-iMSi 41 ia. ix-laxxea ssf Mr 44r4 a.asaa. IU ax a la.

ea raay aah xi- bias? fAagta, (k I S. I. SSMsVm Mi caieai-iaia a IliagJ aal a I -s IS. b-a4s rM4W Ml Uraa at 4lcaaa 7.T!f xl.tlsa a.yah k. 44.

Ja Hal. "al h. lag ar aaa to ua lha aexat axaxas h-h aaratlagaaa II aa4 Cl4'4 Aka.1 Ihifiy af aa4 altlsaaa ha lha s-a' aa 4 Ike rx4 M. fc skal'h af Haaxa-agxaa 4a fhsaalay. ha lha Wa ls far.

IHI Vew4.4 assxwal aa-sM 44 smi. m-f-i ai.axxl Ik a' 4 asr 4'' aaal kalaagxM 4a a44ss skank-a. ae axa ta Uial 4a. axey bare a faatl N.r (1 r'Hx-al he 1 t. a4 lha.

dayaasM hs 14- a 44 a I a-l a a -l I a r.h- lul I '-ax h. l-a i ae puouc win nmt it to their advantage to can closing contracts. VAN SOHOICK ROUNDS, Contractors and Builders, Address Pnsr-o-flce Hm wo. IM-rt" Harwood Bros. Co.



Dha Tile. Wi open Wars. GllAMITK WAKK. Bar Ikon. vVaodn I.cmiikk.

Baiib Fkni Wihk. Macuink Heltisu. In Fact Everything for House and Farm Furnishings. HA1HV000 IUtOS. Wast Side Bloimineton- REPUBLICAN TICKET.







McFARLAND. F'iK ailr.HIFf, JAMES GOODHEART. r-u i iinNHt. WM. B.

IIENDRYX. Now mmum, aa-l oorx'r th rmioalng Linaa iml. ixai lul I nil la HlxxINII i.i xv. 4 XXI I lx. Il 1twiilM I IIMII.klhlK, 4 xturw 4 mi ia l-lilal a.

aaw 4Hm IHI.H4xI.xmIx.I4I. all Viilwxi flNiSft'TIViJ IU in r.r AT SI. Lonis, lliiM, Qiacj, Keokuk, iVorli Si Ulooailnu'ton, Ti ral-w 4t-i f'MaV a Illinois Arkansas Kinas, Texas anJ Califuruia. An.rt -laxii. Iha alif Ta.iaw lb al fi-l i) New York, Boston An4 ottrr p.nnii ia Nw Engtn4 faab'ii hm lxl if "Wabash Fast Line" a i u.a n.

fxM aal i4 Axltioi-f o.tM-r Llur. -uvtaa4 aaa I lit t'" axi-wi. kk ml xi-l At 4 4l kHa All rr- T.i i if la I it a tt1 tiTSxtafca. 1.11.4' iMaivr m.i a xm aa 44 4 (HX.IXI 4.f;M.xxl. a xi tl a a fia 4" T.

Hl A4.4. ALLAN LINK Ovo 8iAS.r. aa 4 ax mm man. r---- i i Itx.iitn.f. Zi AaxVXa f.m.

.1 la I aa-4 awa rixl Arcuix a. xt 4tifii' i iti4 ai'ta. f4afalV aw! i. a. I fnXM ii.i IN4 I iX(fUifc Ul4, ll-fr r44.

flfi IM aa4 "4f i-. a. i I i a. a'4lW4 lit aa a'l aM I aaxai i-. -axaM h.

411 4J A 4X4.4.I I. 4XJ4J, Noxtl I l.aa 4 shop and a useless saloon that afflicts Heyworlh. The proprietors of these establishments aeter-mlned to be avenged, and at the spring election they and their mpath'sers entered Into Ihe canvass with a spirit worthy or a better cause, and through the a-sirtance of those who were blind to the real issue, elected a Council, the majority ot whom are In lavorof giving the barber and sa-loonist the right to keep open their pi res ot business on the Sabbath. The resu Is that hoodlum ism Is happv, and the luture of not a few jouug men Is clouded by the S.ibhath loafing habits they are learning. On Sabbath afternoon or evening this weeK, there were by actual count twenty- nve boys ana men in anu auoui me uaiin i-siiwi'.

The attraction that br'ngs this crowd together, till by its size it becomes otl'etisive to Indies and others whodeslie to puss along the street, Is hardly bet te than the discussing of the last uutuber of the J'olice Gaxtltt or latest scandal. The saloon side ot the stieet is but little better. The Council has even repaired a street crossing from near one of these places to the other, whilst the business houses at the comer are left without one between them Humor has It that lleeu-e lias been granti for billiard tables, to be set up about the 1st of August, wnicb means a em abundance uf whisky lor th' throats of lleysorth. Our poundinaster is eithor beheaded or lias lost bis visioii, or the Council has t.iken all the snap out of the hog law and uiadu our struct a leal hog pasture. 1 here Is too much hog la the matter somewhere.

As the southern-bound train passed over the bridge that spans the creek Just north of town, some half dozen I rge boys or siua I men. who were in hai hi ng, having disguised tliem-olves by running sand on their persons, exposed themselves to the view of the pas-eugers. Such conduct do-serves the severest ceusuiu, and ought to be severely punished. Mr. Vaiiordstrand, from Western Pennsylvania, who has been visiting hiselnldreii lu this neighborhood, returned home Vedu.

sdav morning. 'S'U re Vaiiordstrand, his oldest sun, who has been in the uthwest some three weeks telegraphed bis family Monday morning that be was waur bound at Cambridge City, Texas Mr. O. Waki neld and Mrs. II.

Elder, bis sister, returned Monday evening from the luueral ol their sister, Mrs. Long, near liiiiii, HI. Key. H. K.

I'e iirs preached a historical sernion la-t Sabbath, In which be reviewed the hi-tory ol the Preslivt nan hureb ot Heyworlh, from ll orgaiilnailon March tub, IhiH, up to the present tune. The discourse wasol especial hit' rest lo ll.e older members ol the cliurcti and will probably be published. At the conclusion of Ihe discourse he called for pledges lo liquidate a deb' against tlierbiirib property, the removal ol which bo said lu his discourse the Inieresis of the church imperatively demanded. The cad, though generally unloo id lor, was promptly met, and the amount called tor raised. 1'his amount, wlib iluduea nrexioiislv mvell, and lnt he rontlih hi ly xpei hi obtain fioiu iiieuib rs ol the congregation not prea nt, it is coiiiid iitly will be, with their aval able re-ourees, sntlli ieut to camel aU debts against the chureii property. cuuyriKs. omsoa Mr. John Foster, of Shirley, who owns a tract of 7uv Acres of laud near here baa made dona, lion of torn to bis tenants thai arc. upon It In mil a quenr-of the wei weather and their failure to raise a crop. AUA.

A. II. Connjli, of the Ariel, Max ret in le I from Ihe Crnennial, aud reaaiinied Ihe editorship of Iks' paper. Mr. fneduiaii.

President of Ihe Board-Hoard of Trust 'ex, baa resigned, ami John Mar gem bas Iter 11 elected President lo bis plac. At least si bun ed Iraiupa hxye passed tbrougli Here In th. Ia.t lea days. K. his lor.

griM-er, will rensneio Argenia, amiui Iba I.I ul Augixxt. II o. Ilugln bas purchased J. bit Meliiale'a lisno s. shop.

A gslisst naiue.1 iiasimg. broke iiiio.i.-m i i. nam losl'lenee, lM 1'huiaUx In Ibe ao- ln ot tb. lassily. ainl 0 aorib ol ikitbiug.

rle. part lea aiuuipu-d to blow up tn. xalabuu.a la.1 aaimday nlgbl. kul 4 Hi assl saaeasd. llugera has soul bis roanleuee piowcly In Peter ll.iuieit.

lira Waller lost bis suit agxliut Ibe loau. biat'iii a. A Ooapleof Nweedea, s' rangers, gave baen ar. rested fur oveidi lying and aicrt llosdy abu.wg a am liekmging In liuthrie's livery stable. An laid Somas' tii'SLSa tu bicagu 'and llraial llaxeu lea ax bet uu Ibe pub.

tax an a. A bu, ain of I sr. Butler, for mrrly of Iblsplair, died In hies go on bunday laal. ild Mr. A isiu Hebler has Jut bran brought from Nebiaska, under arrrxx, rbarged Willi kid.

napping a faibrrb-ax ly of Maran, aged a'ol lu xeais. who rail, blma II Teier H.l.iei. I bad lived ailb Ibe inisii.l vest, abrii, annul a year ago, his mother sell bi Inn. until 1 Mr. II, bier li ap.i.

Hi I Mr a basing card Mbm In rhiidb-l. aaui mm aboil, cmtbid and led him. aiel uugbi hlia. Insiu-iry. m-I lo buy hi.

iiw allrr all b.l ai k'S asi bet Usia th buy by ei or svas. stalule IU such rsass saala and tluxol'd. Nil In xlil is is mi li a M.ual Ib.l isa.u.estilouh hi 11.1. I "oa Ibe wir, aad aeal ailb bna lu N.lrfka flo-a a -ad ua, ktooatli.

rulll laio a yx-ax. aiM iixsimih rmpla ad lu lad Ibe aiax. he siee-als-l ia In Hue ileia ine ilia, miiiguig a a iixe gilig bark ax ibe rxa was aid saxn, hx and all ah-lua risl lisal, xlr. ImfoIvi h.hl lul aud tu. h.y aaaidrxi i.

ki. a i I be buy lung lu n.e Mlaukv Slel xci.aHX a o'i 1 frusa salt aad a.a pl pcaiing ll lluaa lulaa. Ilurhll liuax aia asaaar ana Im a bias ox. i ia Hi ubb V. I'laik, of Ih.a aasy.rairy- Ing ai'sjof htosmi l-ij.

Biar an-l b-axtng b'la lu Ihe aaaiaal al eia anojd ad a as la lb al llalga a. I I a1 I i saa.a.a la. akal Sax J.l mi cum omiw aa ul aassssy Im a auk he leuaa la a-uaak. N. via kv lb.

ImssI. A e.allaareha4vaia la laarny ar-iarv- day aighl blesva Vl-aa, lux, tliaa, Aa, aad isx iwayixaiii aia a. asl.aka piuaxlsaal la4ap.esi.MU ax aiviaia aaak.y as aux ia.y xaw in aw aial. ia ai ax im i-vaar. ipuaiikg I a.

its p.aaaui ii. sua. aii.ui ax la laxas al aa xsws II a lsmgul Ibaliaa I i. l. a plans Ih. ax iba ixaasap-aM. a. ti-x a Lass 4 laaasapiHMi awaw ibaa Ihe ns d.ifc.a al issaasui sis wian. auog caniiaal lha aaasaxaaamy i-a piaaa al Ika 11.. a.

tWnsaa i Sxn I. 4. p. avlM.l. a.

uXim I sit.ia.ii b.l ha is. ax aa Ibe l-aauaiala aad saasp lue Uie las) lu. ia. a ih I k. uaxin ha.

aaa aaa ewganx ax aa. fi.aea. Taa head rate r.t!ll kwlasaa i.a.1 ana Itanh al lha aik al.hl Naaa astkMsaiy hall. Tare ahsja aahlie b.ll aad sax.ral taadaasv af halsg ha. II la i aiil ha a luafih ua 1 aaia a a.ib la ax-nag sx-al a toaai I'aiiasa, bay ka liag I u.

i iiiiiiiirs. h4a.rad uvra aa, Mafuaisaad auai-l US a Il.aiy i ai a-. a-lixeihiil I'm, baa. a-aihalif aaaaxia. 4 a day agu- 4a kd a.

bai aad kou-l a xa4 ah. lue Mai.iaAssaaliaxaa inss.l. tfcfkasa 4aaxag-a aaiai.aa sau ai-ix. hi. I.xaa..

lha axiairf.t ar Ik kl ylae ka al Ik. ax.iy b.sui Hi lha s.a-a s.smi. a. aaa-. Ih.

esaaaj aas4 la laa xaa-ag r-ii-. the lal'taaaaal. af aa uaif tvsM a a. 4-a il lbs aad laxa ss WadasaJay ll aw e-wol'd by ria.aaiixa I a. I.

u. ad al. aT uassariexa II aas la aur. a) Ikat a eaa-a-y aai.aias bt nM a lhaa. -f l-d ha la.

ax-lax aaa. ax ssaiaaia l. a. I aada-ksal agai-a la laa aad a.w. Iba a.

lag a 1. tit 4a aa-l lb. a4. s4.MHsa In kax. as r-al b.

xx.ih sa I a. a As Ibaa Haa, saaag wiaaia, aa. 4iis( Sabxa a sa aa aiM his baa la aae-aa, aa4 a aaa Ms a siiiu al axaa-laa 4 a. The a-aiua f- rxvya a hal The saxia ava laa aa a.

akal a. 11 lb. a rasas-t a. 1r aaMgk, akal aaa ka 4 bal ka hTd lha aia-I aa as 4a aia aad saase Usa h-ad at i 4 ux fa'aaaa. as hs.4 a I aaa x-s.

ks aaa aasaka-M aad haa.aa-a saas al ay saaaaa laa ix. sik bia ll, a kena axiaxx laawd. awsiallsi 'Sa aa.ig ia a xaa kaa-aaa. aak'Xa altl Ik -d a.M sf auxk-ag a.a a a a. ax ai ka la.ia"-.

ad aahahi 4x4 yy l- tailing Afyaa am ha eM aaa. ka-s hsaa I kl. hat lib 4xaya-i. aa lb. baxxaf lak ylbs kl I axaxkax-ag f-a- r-aia a'l 1 a henry laa aah s.

ax.ii.. a'l-f i'. 4e haiy laa Irving to tear lo clothes trout her, and eryin, -I am bursting," Help was iminedlat'ly reu di r. bur the girl underwent terrible su tiering, swelling to twice her usual sue, aad violently purging. The nuttier o' the union uuat as ami a h-r daughter rested ire quietly, went downtothe ba to II ml lor slmra th rl waacal Ing.

He was out al the lime, and 01 reiiirionir and bearing of I lie truuiile. be itliereo a few things, sneaked lo the rai way, leaving the hank open, and. in. ling 111 a roai -ncu iiiiu an opportunity ottered. Jump- on a tiaiu and lelt tin t'haaipsign.

Ihe girl, lueanalnle. was rapidly pining aaav, and arning ot bis des rtlona-eiu -d lo decline more ipi.Hv. Hoggs slam in I'tiam paign a'verai ilava, cutting quite a swell anions Ilia old friends, bul healing thai the girl wa growing aurae plepared fly nil Monday Ml-li-nig. we- al i-r being taken sick, the girl died wrecked ami mined, and her family disgrace I he seducer, bearing al I'hamt-aigii of Ibe result of bi. awl il crime, sod.

lenly fled for parts un known, ami is anil unbt aid ol. nun broker. Ileal Is the rents ol Ibe Ulllotluiisle gill burled her Ihe lib ol Ibis iu uith. Lis. tu a.

Hun. It. II. Kwlng, for several yeais county Judge of ligan county, died al Sullivan, Moul trlecuunly. Ill ye.leid xj morumg.

Tha Sumedaya ago It aas stalest In Ibe Seas Ibai a IIi at 1. or growing roia ha en by 11,0 itlgb exln. is tun raiuillv; at Ibaltlm. II aas thought by ami petuiM lha inrrr bai n-4 bash neat Ibai sun- bul a an asi latb-d mat ibe ertiuiaie aas nut a high one, anil 1 tow ae kisaw II we. ad and In la-t n-il high eis.ugu by Hum I.wsi hi iso at rax.

We N-ar I run. xlr. Kubpalriek, Ibis rltv, ah-v a. led Ibe ba id I heart, Ibai Ihrra ba be, fruu una wlss tbousi-d aerea uf full di-a- by Ibe lams aiel bigli Water lu Ibai lows a-une. Tui-kg.

Ktkkaid, a amul Fckhard.a prom Iih lit and wealthy rlllxeu uf Ibis ex-unly, aas ay rr-ati-d la I'rutia laal Saturday nlgbl, f-r sbuuling juis rare ami knocking d.iwa a g'rl Haw list. -a, heller kmss a "Pig's feel," ah, a. a wilh 1, Iran al lb. ft kitxr-l aas exam ilia xl I'ul-alav, ami released on sl bad, abbb sa furhib--d by hi laib-r. IJ.

N. nulbia, l-iniM-'lv Ibis place, bul al pleaeM In I rate. Neb la vtsilliig hare. I ba xuancxal el.lld of J. Itlrhl b) teiy III lib 01 am irx.r.

At 1144. Aaioa Vtutdell, of Iher ick laaoabip, died os Ixanday iast. In his save nix -seventh year. ai-a lty as had his aal. slides aal of b.s ysai US Aa a aaa II ia-a arte araa baa i-y at n.

11. II a aupi.Bad Ibai liter luttb 11 Ing-raills al alau al' a-l sul ul lha IU lilt. Williama Hi-sx. sl.ipp-d lu Peuila Iba s.ak laa ear bi.d.ut oil. nanl I g-asl curs, Me 1 lu Paik aal xlua laa I' txHuiMad I liusa tail la aiablt at i.a.

I biltl, a baa iriuia-d lo ha Is Nrhiaaka. al). atel Via inn. Ih.

ieala uf lr .1 II sx. at. xriiiag is M. lass caahly, si at uc is a.xl-l-aaa. itiaia cars air IB gual d.axaa I- iikti-a aaae.aa al I luaaabtu has tusxplc'sd hta with a ll.lmg prr-eiiy 1 he axaaiasnl haaa sa la-h't laig Ihw year.

1-rfal aaxmnl sf real Mai a.waad, :oi.a, aaa -aal sf hayaseal arajxtly aaaraaad, shal asksast al aal saaauxal ri.a-tiy aaais Ae- l4-i lu Ih. at lb. tfirr-lrsi a-aanva lb. xalaxlkwu al at th ill c.aaalf a ebji-xt t-al ia tlKSaa l-aax hlHIt. S-laai s-X saat IS- csa-a.

ix a ami la a f.a -la n.e fxaax! a.l ba a.kva Ik ill ha Saal fut llax.l 1 1. a liuatd af xnaraax and Ih. tssaahla I ha.w d.cb-1 la hatbl as Mas i .1 at H-a-a Mask, a-xlh al Ih. till, la u-lh--a Ibai aaaha-l III' I I't 4il axc.hy Ih. k-s-i A tal by Ik sua.

ml aalik'BS, akal a hl-H a aiihii-g thaxi, ihiva a twits all si ha aaiurt haal an-1 kal ka, II-a II b. arf aal I aad it saxrt hah a aa ba sssbn l-l la a. aaal agx-aai kaa (a. taa-xcal dauyhlr af Mr. II I.

tl.aaiS, IX 4tadal ikxahna iStlsMas) ll ha-a-l I ii. aa, ai-g aecuaal nua ft all bail, at cm, ly at I lb tas I h. Isiais aay lba ksi -a at MX ba b.s ha haaa 4wanad aal asdusxll 4a sa. 4) SS xlsul Ib.i lb. rtax-a a ha a la'lata I huaiaa Is- 4ai.

aua si ine lr Ik-ax a ka psllc lya-Ml ia laa kisabsa saaii al I i-ais aslbst 4s. kad aa ilxaisxlsa bal.a j-lg. ix let a I stfcsM aVa cuxM ha hraag alias. slismatsik BM' saiia-pattag la n-4 t-bMi b-ta a.iaitlxl aa4 nsax lb) aaa. ba- 4b aal hats, X.

Ib.l Ih aKaulllal xtia kartx IB la hatsaaty a lb lb. La It ba auks lb wt, aa. a. -1 1 sky a-S asn4 hies ka J-lusx, Bk.t a. ba-aa lax.

al al blliag h.xa ga 1 1 a. a.a,rsatt-, ha ht4 si Matya oi la a gi.l Uttx si I ha a yitoixaaa 4a I hsxaxju aa k.a4.a Ball jab. ul bix-k-s. 4 .4 aa a.s.l.y lasx, ag-l i. BI It.

A sxaviing sst haae tbedaHadsy a hl aagxaita a llsiaa aad 44 baawy slab Sia.4 klW t- paslal ktaabal SalU II Xt Mxn At il tax saaxxa. ka k. fatal 4 Hartx. Wiii A laa yaaa aga A aga I k-at lul 4s a tela! ts liyayaaaa sad sxaa, A ta Ibis Baabx 4 aaa a ha litaal. ksaa sasdy aad yxbk'y lhay had 4aa satat hy -kx aa.

Th g-sal avfl af list.s Aiui.y fiuasa harass haia4 Ikeaagk is said iheal altvaiasg. ia aaa hax I am a I ataxia lag gxax.iasfty 4a talk fsi-aa axaxax at amtg tt Ik. a-a x4.t.g ah II. aaa 4 -ax4 issaa, ya.ytix mi Ik Haart. g-al-a.

a 4... taa hah ttrae sixa-al ix ll hs yaat laaeg-a. 4f tahj 4S-' It k) a. arks kutl ax 4 yas'a.

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