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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 5

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 5

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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THE DAILY PAMTAftP APTT PT.nnMTVnTOM TT.T. TtiTTPcnAV iTrmvTvr nrTnDro or moo Hon. L. C. Dysr to Spsak HOMECOMING WILL MANY ATTENDING 1001 two.

A son preceded her In death end Mrs. John Cam-ron, cf about ten ytara ago. t-he is also sur- 'fo'h Main died early Mrs. J. W.

Humphries Mctcalf school visited the McLean I County Coal Company. Ure were piloted ve 'y com fcy Mr. buiieun, manager of the mine. Th-y viveU by her parents, aid Mrs. 1 tenlny jiwrning at Mennonite Hon.

I C. Dyer, congressman rum the twelveth district, Missouri u.l author of the ntl-lynching bill ull speak at the Elooralngton high hool under the auspices Waymmn chapel of Bloomlngton on REVIVAL MEETING of Waller Huston, and two sisters. Mrs. Suddenly uason BE NOTABLE EVEN I sa tne nf.ri.ivt and loading or coal.

Many luc's as to the shaft, cables and Interior, of the were Observation of the working of cables was mailt. Miners with lamps Taken in This City Thursdayeveulng. November Mrs. John TV. Humphries, a well Will Meet Tonlgft Regular meeting this evening at were seen coming out of the mine as known highly resper ted resident verslty avenue to Mulberry street, east on Mulberry to Hchool street, south on School to Ash street, east on Ash to Linden street, south on Rev.

0. A Hargis Delivered Fine Sermon Last Night on "Reason and Revelation." Frank Crogan and Mr Wilhara Mc-Cann, all of Newaygo, Mich. She was a member of the Baptist church. Her sudden death will be learned with deep restret, and comes as a great shock to her inar.y friends in tins y. The funeral announcement will i m.ule lit' r.

Death of Infant Betty Jane, infant daughter of Mr. well as capes of coal and shalo. The "The Mysterious Ring" She Uadtr Tbt Autfiew Epworth League Park M. E. Church IRVING SCHOOL THURSDAY, OCT.

25TH 7:45 P. M. Adults 25c RACHEL GIVENS, COACH. Hundreds of Visitors Are Expected to Assemble Here Friday and Saturday for Auv of members or tno Louis K. Davis i-inuen to Beaufort street, then west waste products were ilisrusKtu.

Ar.y coal nine, verily, er.y pieto will mean more to every child as a result of this visit. Neighboring In post American legion, fca-win Kennedy, a delegate to the national mn. me Dusiness section to the campus athletic field where some vntlon is expected home some time picious Celebration at State dustries were sighted betore return-ing home. NORMAL NEWS IN BRIEF today wm give a report on the ci Jiuuson died suddenly yesterday while on a visit In this city. She came here yesterday alout noon to do some nhr and cnioute here was taken ill and t.ikcn to the home of her aunt.

A private- ambulance was called last evening about o'clock to take her to the Brokaw hospital, but she died In the ambulance before the hospital was reached. Rowcna Huston was born in Hud ball game between the men of the freshmen and souhomors convention. a ball game between the girls. To Speak Thursday The revival meetings which are in Mrs. O.

Btone will sreak at th irom to lltSft Kindergarten Mothers' Club. The Kindergarten Mothers' Club will meet in the kindergarten rooms of the Thomas Mctcalf building this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. Florence Ames, physician for the Normal progress at the Christian churches are Normal University Splendid Program Has Been Arranged And the Occasion Will be Replete With Notable FeaturesOther Normal News. Home esweei uome mission on Thurs will be campus sports at the athletic field.

IRVIN THEATRE av si 'clock At 11 a. tn. the new members Joln- son thirty-three years ago and had lived yiere practically all of her life. school will talk on "Some Health being largely attended. An exceptionally large congregation heard Mr.

Goodpastcr and chorus choir last night and enjrjed a stirring sermon by Kev. O. A. Ilargls. The latter spoke on the subject, "Reason and Indications for Keeping Children Sne married in February of 3010 II I.

-1 1 to John W. Humphries, who iinuaieor- Luncheon will be served In Hoom 35. TODAY survives Home from School." Mrs. J. Wolt At noon the Kini1ei-irni-tn with one daughter, Ruth Irene, aged and the Lowell 3 KOn Hnmninmlm.

Hevelatioii and said in part: man will give several piano numbers. The program will be followed by a social hour. Thn Mwl 1 BASKET PIE SUPPER BOSE HILL SCHOOL W. HOVEY NORMAL FRIDAY EVENING. luncheon will l.

hetri tk iS 'Books never came by chance. They be held In Room 33. owe existence to intelligent people. They show "Reason" and give a I the Illinois State Normal university which is to take place In this city on friday and Saturday, gives prom- 5a At 2:30 p. m.

there will be a game between the Blackburn Revelation." In then, we find three realities, Good, Bad and God. The S. K. U. leara ana the I.

team on the athletic field. Vt Si oduets of the Into ect come from pre ne of these three sources. The i rom to 7:30 p. Writes Home from Yucatan. Miss Eunice Blackburn, daughter of Mr.

and S. AV. Blackburn, 2YZ Normal avenue, who has been teaching for three years in the Turncr-Hodge college at Merida, Yucatan, which is lor girls only, and who was here for her summer vacation has written home that since the Varsity the Man- ible is not the product of evil be ciuo umncr will be held cause it, condemns sin. It w. writ uai arts building, ner will be held GRAND BIG FISH FRY 'Friday Night, Oct.

2G Robinson's Home Restaurant McLean, 111. 'llie w. A. A. the same Hm ten by rvcr lorty inspire! writers ui uuing one or me most auspicious events held at the institution In recent years.

It is expected that many former students and members of the alumni association, will return for a visit at their alma mater and to participate In the ceremonies and pleasures attending this event. A number of former students and many visitors have already arrived In the city, and it is expected that tly committee In charge will be busy on lriiluy and Saturday providing ac rom 7 to Prlrinv .1.. uring a period of more than 13U0 ears. As the sun excecdf the lamp glory even so the Bible iceeds all ner return she has been busier than formerly. The school is Biinnorti-il other books as the "Revelation" of God.

Most men believe In God. "The fool by the Presbyterian churches and there- arc more students there now by several hundred than there was during her first year there. The Sensational Drama of LOVE and INTRIGUE The orgies of the Russian courtesans, the tragedies of the gaining tables at Monte Carlo, the hidden photographic records of the battlefields are pictured in absorbing detail. Brought to the screen at a cost of more than a million dollars, with a cast of famous actors and actresses, photographed in Monte Carlo, Nice and Paris, this great production is acclaimed by critics as a masterpiece of motion hath sale' in his heart there is no commodations for the large number od." Peter said. "What shall bo the Masquerade Ball Given By The Ex-Servica Melody Boys K.of PXodge Jiooms W.

Jefferson Bloomlngton. TUESDAY, OCT. 30TH Fine Muslo. Twelve Sets. Masks Lifted at 10:30.

end of them that obey not the Gospel of God?" Jeremiah said, "What will Hears of Brother's Death. Phllade phian and Wrightonlan societies will meet in their halls, and a campfire will take place on the campus at 7 p. m. On Friday afternoon until th time of the football game and on Satur- t'n, "10r.ninS library reception will be the order. thv 1 oclock A.

sunrise service will ni the Presbyterian church. he headquarters for the Varsity Hoom 14 and for the Ti wl" be Iloon The Homecoming committee con- Cooper, Klias W. Slipper From 5:30 o'clock Supper, 50c Message ou do in the swelling of the Jordan?" was received yesterd.iv "i guests wno win assemble here for this occasion. The festivities of the event will start Friday afternoon nt 3:15 with football game between Normal Community High school and the Solomon said, "The way of the trans gressor is hard." These are "Reason nd Revelation." Some peoplo reason, uy iwins sain or au'j lvern street, announcing that his brother, Douglas Scott, a gunrd at the penitentiary, dropped dead Tuesdav night. Tho body will be taken to Waynes-vllle, the old home, for burial.

Ellis am a sfci ker bu: cannot find bmversity High school on the I. S. alvation." Then God is a tyrant. r. atnietic.

field. 1 "JS Will you acknowledge he is? No. RI ALTO Don tell God you can quit your meanness, just- say 1 am not man J.v""Voru Garlouirh and Lnarotto Manclestcr. enough to be a Christian. A man ho heart this sermon op "Reason Last Time Today Lionel Barrymore in a Cotmopolkan Production "ENEMIES OF WOMEN" nd Revelation" said I read Voltair.

History and Art Club. Mrs. D. C. Smith of South Univer- LOOK! Darwin, Spencer, Huxley and ngersull, but none could answer the WUI 08 th0 hostess for the History and Art Club at her longing of my soul.

What must I do to be saved? I pra'- God I may RITOW AT 3:43, 7:00 and 8:45. Scott, who is in the water depurt-H ment of the C. A. was at Carlin-' villa when the message arrived hut I came home last night. Mr.

and Mrs. I Scott and daughter Betty Louise, will leave today for Waynesville. A Badly Lacerated Hand. I Ed Trailer, an employe of the i Bloomington Canning Company, fell from a wagon Tuesday and received a bad cut in his left hand which severed a Reader. I Returns from Atlanta.

Mrs. Ella Scott and daughter, Betty 1 Louise, Kern street, have re-1 turned from a brief visit with rela- convey to you the meaning of "Reason ana Revelation. luiuurrow arternoon. The program Is to be In charge of Mrs, smith. Farrar's Pianist Known Here.

What U. your life? A hair's breath, heart's beat and you are gone. That is "Reason." What shall be the the coming of the Farrar Concert end? This is only found in "Revela tion" or God's word. If you were buy FRANK MAYO IN "The Bolted Door" She thought she dlj not love her husband, then she found another woman wanted him, and see Mayo's latest picture Also Bobby Dunn Comedy, "Hot Foot" if unipany to Bloomington yesterday as a matter of more than passing nterest to some of Normal's citien lng a piece of land you would In vestigate the title, as to loans, mort Mr. Claude Gotthelf, the pianist, is a gages, etc.

It's reasonable to do the BLOOMINGTON'S i MONSTER Hallowe'en Party Mardi Gras Fete and Queen Coronation Ball AT Consistory Temple lives anu mends at Atlanta. same thine abiut the rrom'sed land CASTLE THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY menu oi rroiessor and Mrs. Fred out you liiid it only in God "Revelation," the Bible. Napoleon's horse nurrenson, ana was entertained In their home on South Main street ritir.

ran away and a private soldier stop iug the stay of the company In the community. jirs. sorrenson and Mr, ped it and Napoleon said 'Thnnk you. "Captain of asked To Visit Relatives at Fiiher. Mrs.

S. N. Rose, 101 East Mulberry street, has gone to Fisher where she will spend the week with relatives and friends. She expects to visit at Tuscola on the return trip. the private.

hy, captain of the ifeguards' said Napoleon, when dis mmsmmsmmmmi uouneir, taught together for two jsnrs In the Arizona School of Music at Phoenix. Mrs. Sorrenson was head of the expression department and puted he said. 'I am rants because Night, Matinee, 13c Children, the emperor says I That is reason. But you are a Christina onlv 10c Mr.

Gotthelf, head of the piano de partmenL Returns to Chicago. R. R. Davis has returned to his home in Chicago after a brief visit with Mrs. J.

Vuluntine. when you have done the requirements of God's word end live it. Then you are, because the emperor's word, the 1L Visited "Uncle Tom's Democrat." Kible says so, that a M. A. (Tom) Brown, 203 North street has returned from State Col When we start on a journey we look' forward to the end, at birth vou Entertaining Daughter.

lege, where he has been visiting began a journey that ends at the tnenas and relatives for ten weeks, you? Listen to "Reason and Revela conditions that section are verv tion." Isa. 1:18 "Come let us reason good and he reports that he and Uncle "Tom's" Democrat" had an together, though your sins be scarlet they shall be white a. snow. Though they be red like crimson they shall bo white as wool." A few years ago Wednesday, October 31st See the Coronation Ceremonies See the Queen Choose Her King See the Queen and Her Royal Maids In the Grand Spectacular Parade and Grand March enjoyable time attending football "DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS" PRES. DAVID FELMLEY.

At 8:15 Friday evening In the university auditorium. President David Felmley will voice a welcome to the visitors on behalf of the faculty members, students, and of the townspeople. At 8:15 Friday eveninar in the University auditorium, the Jester play, "Mr. I'im Passes By." will be presented. The members of the cast have been rehearsing for this production for some time and it Is ex-pected that It will prove to be a most enjoyable event.

Between the hours of an! :30 Saturday morning a waffle breakfast will served at the Manual arts building. From 9.30-10:30 a. m. there Is to be a Hobo parade. The hobo parade is to form on the main drive thru the campus and to march down Unl- games and seeing sights in general.

a young man was sentenced to death Prof, and Mrs. M. J. Holmes, 703 Broadway, been entertaining their daughter, Mrs. George I gomeiy of Kvanston fot' tlio pust few days.

Halloween Party for Welcome Class The Welcomo class of the First Presbyterian church Sunday school will be entertained in the church parlors this evening with a Ilallow-e en party. An interesting program I lias been arranged. Theaters Called by Illness. for killing a friend in a drunken brawl. He was a good boy before this, but he was In bad compt.ny and com Mrs.

Xeedham, the mother of Mr Harry Iveedham, of the Y. M. C. mitted his first crime. Committees and Miss June Flowers, the sister of with long petitions, oreacers.

lav Mrs. Xeedham, who Is a student at men and his own mother begged for Ohio wesleyan university, at Dela ware, are in the city, at the Need ham residence, 13US Prospect avenue, his pardon, at last the governor paid, "I can't pardon him, but I can show him how to die." So he rear God's "Revelation," the conversions in Acts of Apostles and he was converted and obeyed the gospel. That is "Reason" ILLINI Monday Night, Oct. 29th having been called here ry the se rious illness of Mrs. Xeedham.

tnauneey Olcott in Rachel Crotln Hers Play. Broks Arm In Fall. and that Is "Revelation." Aio you big enough to accept it? Dlllard Crosby, former Pantagraph HER FORTUNi: K--AS HER HONOR. ff HER VERY LIFE S3 XH. WERE MENACED -THEN i SOUL STIRRING fs VC 1 SUSPENSE AND pfa JV1 HAIR.

RAISING Kw I CLIMAX pf WnilAM FOX preJfrvu The Selwyns Present carrier of 302 East Locust street, Mrs. Weber Doing Well. Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Klmans, who suffered a broken arm In a fall on some iron steps at the Belch candy Kerala oPccmaajjaal Stag have been here visiting Mrs. Weber, factory Woomington yesterdav His arm is dolnc as well as may be of 1106 West Mulberry street have re expectea. The coming of Chauneey Olcott to the Ulini Theatre, October always the signal for keen anticipation among theatre, goers, will this season carry additional interest in the fact that the popular actor-singer has been added to the roster of Sclwyn stars und is to be seen in his most successful pliiv, "The Heart of Paddy Whack." This rollicking romatio comedy Is embellished with four of Mr. Olcott 's most engaging Irish ballads, namely, "Irish Lyes of Ive," "Laildio Buck O' Jlimi" "A Broth of A Boy," and "Who Knows," and is from the prolific pen if Rachel Crothers.

author of "Th. Visit Rttativss In Fruporl. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mohr, of North School street, returned this week from Freeport, where they have been visiting an aunt.

Mr. Mohr, one of the Normal mall carriers, has been taking his annual vacation. During his absence his place was taken by Three of Us." nnd "Marv The Thlrrt Adv. turned to their home nt Rutland. Mrs.

Weber recently fell and broke her hip. She is doing well according to recent reports. Birth of a Son. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.

F.dwin Brown, of Florence avenue Tuesday, at Brokaw hospital. Gone to Chicago, Mrs. Bessie Valentine, of 704 Virginia avenue, left for Chicago yesterday. She went by way of Teoria and LaSallc. Kindergarten Club Dins at Y.

W. The Kindergarten Club of I. 8. V. will hHve a luncheon at Bloomlngton T.

W. C. A. Saturday, October 27, at 12:30. Call the kindergarten room and make reservations early.

Charles riaker, whose route was car rled by Chester King, substitute car Of rler. IV 5... v- si Homecomers Arriving 'V Miss Marguerite Keating, a teacher the Chicago public schools, and SPRINGFIELD OFFICIALS TO VISIT HERE FRIDAY A delegation of fit-' i from Pprlngfield vill be here Friday morning to inspect street cleaning work in the city. They aro particularly anxious to see the work of th-i combination street cleaner and sorlnUler a graduate of 1. S.

N. U. Is to be here for homecoming. Dr. Irene M.

Blanchard of Webster trom tlic Vrto melodrama by I ViESTSXOS CtSSXSt Va drove, will arrive this afternoon to be the guest of Clara K. Ela for the homecoming. Miss Blanchnrd was a popular member of the fuculty acquired this summn by the council. Superintendent of streets 10 vans will demonstrate the machine to and will take them on an Inspection' Coal the Fifth Grade Visits The Fifth grade of Mine Thomas auoui ten years aso. oi oiner orK in tne citv.

i PADDYWHACK BY RACHEL CROTHERS Hear Olcotfs New Songs Motor busses in Towi. Two large sired motor busses were LINCOLN J. CARTER, WITH CHARLES JOSESSHIftLEY "SSS ALSO PATHE REVIEW BEN TURPIN IN "BRIGHT EYES" CASTLE ORCHESTRA SHOWS AT 2:00, 3:43, 7:00, 8:43. In Bloomington yesterday. They were -THURSDAY ON THE- enmute to i'eorla and will be operated between thnt city and Lincoln.

For some time, they have been In service between Decatur and Cham paign nut were stonned hv en In. Seats Now on Sale at Box Office. Open 9 a. m. to 6 p.

m. Lower Floor First 15 rows next 5 rows 1.50. Balcony -First 2 rows 11.50; remainder II. Gallery, 60c. All scats reserved, plus 10 tax.

junction Issued by the steam lines with which they competed. Lactic acid germs Bive tha havnr to butter. naigiBiBBii The Bargain- Square Imported Hemstitched Luncheon Sets consisting of one 54-inch cloth and six napkins to match in blue rose, gold and green. i i. in" j-i is ii inns a Those Smart Oxfords VSAfe "Tims and Tide Walteth For No Man." 9l(L SjfrA Tha dayg ro11 Quickly fcy an1 B00n tne 8now SlrN if) will fly Winter will surely come and the ad- (Ia) I vance season will bring forth a call for Foot- I wear to cover the openings in Pumps and LjSKL Straps.

We have just received a shipment of Cfrw Ue Oxfords you will want lor Winter. CjJ The New Chicago Beauty hog Cabin Suede Oxfords, calf trimmed, milt- VJ tnry heel Just fine for early Fall. Also XaX The Bloomingtonian iO A new and beautiful little black calf Oxford TIW French toe and low heel. Idnnl for alrect ifcfX I $5.85 A JsJlA lso carry the Irving Drew I SSvV fuGlfl fT-f "Arch Rest" Oxfords, In patent, Jt (J black and brown kid. Showing nt nil timii the host in photoplays and standard vaudeville.

Fatrons coming as late as 3:05 or 9:20 will nee entire performance. The Big Picture the the Whole Country is Talking About! "Daytime $3-48 a set NOW PLAYING The Outstanding and Featured Hit of "Syncopation Week" at the Balaban Kat Theatres, Chicago. "THE ENTERTAINING VIRGINIANS" Blossom Heath Entertainers Personality Plus Pep Entertainment As Well As Music Wives" SOMETHING NEWI SOMETHING FINER! The Greatest Husband and Wife Drama of The Decade. Pepsodent Tooth Paste 39c (Ses Large Ad on Page 9 For Coupons Ws Redeem Coupons) Pepsodent Tooth Pasta Is a scientific film combatant, designed to attack and remove the film on teetu, In modern and efficient ways, also embodying other factors now considered requisite to proper tooth protection. Contains no soap, no chalk, no pumice nothing alkaline, nothing Injurious.

Priced only 39c a tube. Main Floor. HENRI MARGO--HELEN BETH In "Beauty, Grace and Rhythm" "CHUCK" "BOBBY" A Timely Warning Breakfast with your husbanddarn his socks, sew on his buttons sympathize with him always, pamper him accasionally. If yon want to know why SEE "Daytime Wives" CALLAHAN and BLISS Orlfflnators of "Atta Boy Petey" PATHE NEWS. i a 'St i TP.

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