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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 6

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 6

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY PANTAGRAPH, BLO OMDCGTON, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27, 1923. 6' Howell. Guy Garrison. William i. Phydclana and Burgeon time ago to definitely become a candidate In the primaries.

He believed that his four years of service In the bouse with the added prestige It will on and Dr. Edon B. Hart The n. ment waa mad In Evergreen cera. terv.

funeral home, 307 Eaat Grov street. Rev. Frank L. Breen, paetor of th First Congregational church con ducted the aervloe. Tha pallbearer wer Frank COUNTY'S WARDS FUNK TO RETURN TO BE WELL FED TO WASHINGTON MRS.

MARY JOHNSTON CONSIGNED TO EARTH Funeral ervlce for Mr. Mary Ellen Johnaton were held yesterday afternoon, at 3 o'clock at th Birney A. C. SCHOCH, M. D.

UKOLOGY live him. will enable him better to IF YOUR PANTAGRAPH MISSES If Bleomingtefi city eubeenbere, who Panlagraph shou'd fail in da livary, will call Tha Pantagraph office 240 before 9 a'eleck an antra copy will be deliverad by apeciel carrier Report any failures in de READ PAT7ttRAPHWANT erve his constituency If again S10 Grlesheini Bide Fhone 10T0R. Mr. Funk will arrive in Washing THOMAS D. CANTBELL, D.

ton on Wednesday and will ai once get busy with his official dutlea. The Leaves Bloomington Today to Attend Initial Session of Congress Monday. Unfortunates of City and County to Have Bounteous Thanksgiving Dinners. livery before 9 o'clock, pleas, at special corner leevee office at that hour for delivery of thee which have been roeortcd mleeing. ss nn tut at X-ray ub1ciiob end Ooscliern ladium.

I ni ua iu tu trntsau far 8kU Dlmw, Tuwars b4 iik Illinois Republicans or tne nous win hold a caucus on Friday, while the Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner 75c general caucua of the Republican Local Notices house members win tans place on Saturday. Mr. Funk expect some Interesting committee asaignmenta for the coming aesslon. there being only one Illinois member of one of J. W.

FULWILER. M. D. Physician sad Surgeon tawil Practice iVaflseoests 1M WaaMsrte St. Sootk Slee Square TO BE CANDIDATE AGAIN PLANS ARE COMPLETED Thanksgiving DINNER and SUPPER CHRISTIAN CHURCH Hudson, Illinois.

Dinner 50c AT THE the most important committees mat outranka him In enlority. Institutloni of tha county are (lane to obaerv 'Thanksgiving" Hamilton Hotel DR. A ROGERS KIN DISEASES XHlj Treatneat aas O'aaaeila Rllllll fat CtHT tlMIl OtflC I't "leaf rMlHl BUtt- Congressman FVank H. Funk will depart today for Washington, preparatory to resuming hi work a member of the house. The congress will meet in its initial session on on Thursday with ipacla' dinner, and 5:30 to 7:30.

11:30 to 2. Mr. Funk wa hown a report ent from Washington to the effect that Col- Frank L. Smith, of Dwight, might become a candidate for congress in this district at the spring primaries. Mr.

Funk said that he had been in Livingston and Woodford countie lately, meeting many of next Monday, and the labora of the winter will begin for the members. DR. RALPH R. LOAR Physician and Surgeon SM-7-1 Peealas 8 Bmls'iat Special Attention Obstetrics. Fanaea: Ortlee 14941 RmKMM l4.

Judging from the menua announced by thoae In charge of the varloua home of the city, the county farm, the county Jail and the Home Sweet Home City Rescue Mlssloi the unfortunate of the city and county are to fare sumptuously. Open house will be observed by the Home Bwett Home Mission and a dinner will be served by tha ladies Mr. Funk returned yesterday from a tour of Ford county In the Interest Coll buggies, Stern'. Itchy scalp. T-to" atopa It lit' atantly.

Roland'a. Ask your Grocer fer Tacht Brand Fruit, Lee county, Florida. Guy Carlton. ''Evehything Framed mctoes, beautiful gift. Griffin Marquis, 815 Jf.

Main. Thin skinned, heavy, full of juice fine eating Yacht Brand Grape Fruit- Those who eat Grape Fruit recog. nlze quality call your attention to Yacht Grape Fruit. For coM in the head, rub Camphorated Goose Grease on your nose, inside and out. Curle'a Drue- Store.

Doll Cabs! Doll Cabs! The newest line of doll caba for tha eirls. A large lire at low prices. See Col, Smith close personal and polltl-cal friends, and he had heard no mention from them of Smith' proposed candidacy. He had been hear of his candidacy for the Republican nomination at the primaries In the spring. He had previously traveled in Livingston and Woodford, and said that he had received many prem- GERALD M.

CLINE, M. D. Prsatle Uejlte tt DISEASES OF CHILDREN 122-23 GSIESHEIU BIDS. Fsases: Otfic $29. Mil.

Hr: t- 2 te Duly. of tha Mothers Circle at Merchants of the city are co-operating in furnishing provisions for the dinner; others, donation of preserve, Jelly, pickles, cakes, pies, doughnuts and anything In the line of foods. Persons ises of support from the leading Republicans sine had definitely made it known that he would be a candidate. Owing to the death, of ing that Col. smltn might be a candidate for governor and a definite announcement on this subject might be expected from Col.

Smith oon. First practical automobll driven by Internal fore wa that of a Frenchman and now 1 on of the moat treasured exhibits In the Pari Museum of Art and Crafta. It's Getting Cold IT IS NOT TOO -Are You Prepared LATE TO INSTALL -atom: -U a. a. lt.ii l- o.

a Mra. Funk some month ago. It waa uncertain for a time whether or not Mr- Funk would make tha race again next year, but he decided some little them at Waldnian's. O. H.


Sltctro-Tlierttttuucs. Spies! PSftsa. (Wd 1441 Silver Hollow Ware. $5.95. Tour choice of a limited number of wishing to assist with a donation can reach the proper persona by calling phone number 2275 and donations in the form of checks are to be made to Will Ehelper, 604 Kast Mulberry street.

Menu for the dinner will be sweet pickles, celery, baked chicken, roast Koose, roast pig. baked beef, mashed potatoes, creamed carrots, baked beans, peas, corn, hot rolls, white bread, creamery butter, coffee, milk, cranberry sauce and pie a la mode. The day will close with a fine pieces platters, vegetable dishes, (Mate vases, cnop plates, te and coffee pots, etc. values to 11, at only 5.55. Chadband's.

41S X. Main. Dentieta IjbTeTwTcHRISMAN" Dentist Make Reservations Now For Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner gospel service In the Mlsisnn at 7:30 when Charlea Greer of the Wilson Ave. mission, Chicago, will speak. There will be a splendid program of music.

401 Livingston Bldg. By Appointment -Phone 3128. Evenings At the county farm thla year the Toys! Toys! Toysl Our basement Is Just filled with the largest assortment of toys, wagons, bicycles, painting sets, toy furniture and many other useful, Indestructible toys. Come early. Waldman's.

Tuesday Sauaags Special. Kwias Brookfield sausage, S5e, lb. Armour's country style sausage, 11). Country sausage in bulk, 10c, lb. Newmarket Meat Department.

(LISTED A3 STANDARD BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES) "Within a few short weeks Bloomington will be in tha grip of cold weather, without OIL-O-MATIC, you will ba obliged to shovel mora dirty coal and dusty ashes, making more dirt for whoever doej the cleaning. Why not get rid of this useless labor! residenta are to enjoy a chicken Served Thursday 12:00 to 2:00 Enjoy your Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner la our newly decorated cafe, amid plesant and Inviting surroundings. Unexcelled cuisine and faultiest service will add to tee enjoyment of this festive, occaiion. dinner with the trimmings such as potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce. Osteopathic Phyalcltn yDET jToTcunningham-" Osteopath 501-502 Livingston Building, pie and other good things and in the evening they will be served with an oyster supper.

Prisoners of the county Jail will be Burns Cheap Fuel Otf a L9 Architect served the following menu, roast chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, cranberry sauce and pump Mrs. R. A. Rogers Now in Charge of Our Cafe W.H. ROLAND Fourth Floor Cafe.

kin pie. Patients of Fairview Sanatorium Christmaa Cards-Buy your Xmas cards early, avoid tha rush and disappointment and secure your choice hlle assortment Is complete. Pamagrapli Printing Stationery Co. ARTHUR PILLSBURY Architect Teoplea Bank Building Seventh Floor. C.

U. WILLIAMS SON Manufacturers. Bloomington, HI. will be served with a turkey dinner with dressing, gravy. mashed PHONE 3127 FOR RESERVATIONS potatoes, celery, pickles, olives, cran i-Jf It's Electrical We Have It.

berry sauce anil ice cream and cake. Children of the HoUliers' Orphans' Thanksgiving Kitchsnware. 5j O. A. SEARS LPhone 27i.

313 V. Washington St. Home at will be aerved a splendid dinner Including roast chicken, mashed potatoes, cranberry AN a have every utensil necessary for the successful prepiiration of that Thanksgiving dinner. Roasters of all sauce, celery, pumpkin pie and Ice cream and cake. Girls of the Industrial Home will Mjlre Your Reservation For TrtunlriaivSner NU-BON'E CORSETS.

2Z Call Krt. bit. Grant-, uaiaes aerntlare, tar suaraa- aiiM Canats ana Aaaetteriai IPaaaa avaairit, iti4-i, ir tall 714 W. kinds: aluminumware and a moat complete line of the famous Pyre ovenware. The prices too.

are very attractive. Faul K. Wolzeakl 13 N. Mam. Phone 610.

enjoy a goose dinner with all of the good things to make up a splendid TURKEY DINNER i dinner. including sweet potatoes, dressing, salad, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pi. ictory Hall boys will nave for their Thanksgiving dinner, chicken, PRICE BUTTON 8H0P -far autc Stt piaaiaa ana -aaitatta Tr a. aan ir.oa: KarHtthina Ot aar tart. OattaRhe.ft euuani ca-arad.

an t4 113 'Ont Pfnnt Sees at the 3 sweet potatoes, while and dark bread, butter, salad, apple butter, celery, Fcr Your Thanksgiving Dinner, Iai'Kirted cluater raisins, 33c. Ib fancy dates. 21c. Fancy plum pudilins. 2 Ik, pkg.

5dc. Halted sl.00. Fancy rimyrna 3jc and 30c. All the best In nuts. Heat drinking coffees.

ritone's Tea Store, 114 E. Front. cookies and pumpkin pie and milk. Woman's Exchange 5 FROM 11:30 TO 2:30 -7 N. M.

CAMPBELL INSURANCE AND RENTAL ACENCV -406 Eddy Bldg Prion 1718 At the home for colored children a duck dinner will be served with all of the trimmings including seet potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, celery and pumpkin pie. Ladies of the Jeesumina 'Wit tin' Hume will lie served a turkey dinner. Roasttrs Specially Priced at My tor. Orey granite roasters, oval, tolf liaa.ltiii, large aise, 1 medium II. ta.

THANKSGIVING AT THE 7 SUGGESTIONS EVANGELICAL FRIEDENS Phone 2875 f- FOR THE COMPLETE Plumbing Shcp on Wheels Briugb all tools and tjiaienala rigbt -to the Job. A time and auney tater HERMAN G. PETERSON black Beauty roasters, I-plee, rvsoo alcel. turkey sixe. i'c.

There will he Thanksgiving service I Excellent Values in Hound alumlmim rooaieis, 10-lnch, a'Jc. Floor. My Store. Thursday morning at at the Kvangelical Kriedens church, corner jfe I'ronl nnd Lee street. The sermon will be in KnKhsh.

It is expected that a there will be a lai'tte attendance uf 'f member. i BJ a Do you know a man who smokes a pipe? A million dollars worth of 5) matches for Christmas would suit jfj him. i at In the Local Courts tUK 1 at Thanksgiving TABLE Frank Morrison's Son PLUMBING AND HEATING NF.W PHONE UU-Z Kast r'ront (treat. The will of Alniaretia fVott of Kay-brook hs mlmitteil to probale es-tenlay. The iMair cuiiaists cf real estate vxluril at lii.oiiii ad personal property in the sum of 123.

It is provided that Dr. John T. Sfott, hushund of the tesintor is to receive nf 'be personal property and personal -ffects an.l tliiit her in- ill mil! iiiiiiimpin mrTmnn in INDIGESTION, GAS, STOMACH MISERY Chew a few Pleasant Tablets Instant Stomach Relief! CALL WM. ROSS -TOE STEAM AND I HOT WATER HEATING Alls H14 Ham ttae.aiuia I'siaacir la Hm ir furascas 40? Catt eeackei St ea.aa MI-H. TEMPTATION SLICED.

Diamonds For Christmas Great things have been accomplished in the creation of new diamond mouutlngs and tlioae who plan this type of gift will ha pleasantly surprised when Inspecting our holiday stock, which is Dow quite complete. Our new mountings of white and yellow gold, and platinum, ara splendid examples of engraving skill, many being carved by hand. Their charming beauty will endure forever, and accentuate the brilliance and site of the gems. Those who Ltty here are assured of th maximum In diamond quality and value. Our expert council In diamond selection is gladly offered you so that your Christmas shopping may be most wisely and economically done.

A small deposit will reserve your choice until Christmas. Christmas Is also a good time to remount gems from old, unsafe or outof sivle sotting. This can be accomplished ery little cost. We have a wonderful display of white gold and platinum mountings. Platinum Diamond Rings, in Pierced and Filigree Designs, $5000 and Up Platinum Diamond Cluster Ring, $75.00 and Up White Gold Ring, $20.00 and Up Diamond Set Bracelet Watch, $60.00 and Up Diamond Bar Pins, $20.00 and Up Diamond Bracelets, $100.00 and Up Diamond Ear Rings, $25.00 and Up Platinum Diamond Wedding Rings, $50.00 and Up leies's in the estate of per tamer, Janus Vansoyoo, la to ro to her siaHrs.

Hannnh and Marv Vansoyoc, share and shaie alikf. tiuy P. Vansoyoc has been appointed enecutor. Cat in Appeal. 3.

W. Frit Company Kaint Ma W. sii-utt and other is the caption of I a case In appeal tiled yesterday to C. T. ANDERSON TEMPTATION RED PITTED Cherries No.

2 Can 28c ROYAL ARMS Marshmaliow CREME 1 Lb. Can S5C TEMPTATION ROYAL ANNE WHITE CHERRIES No. J' Can 45c ROYAL ARMS COFFEE Steel Cut 1 Lb. 41c of All Kinds Phone U43L SIGNS Pineapple No, 2'i Can 35c the Kebruury term cf the circuit court. The action is one in which the claims damages in the sum of 12 for good purchased.

It 105 EAST FRONT. Furniture. Repairing ROYAL ARMS All klads re iiiAolaiMla. rarialkta rsoairus AtrlMlf aiaa Mr. UU (a SatlMiaa sad The moment "I'ape'f Diapepsln" Fruit Salad DodgeDickinson Co.

ROYAL ARMS SHREDDED Cocoanut Ji Lb. Pkf. reaches th stomach all distress was tried In the Justice court of A. K. Helneman on November when the plaintiff rii-eled Judgment for the full amount of the claim.

Th de-fendanta who are Ida W. Hoott. Hugh Wells, and W. Kay Wells, doing business as the Wells Bros. Company, prayed an appeal which waa allowed.

Judgment by Cenfesain. Judgment by confession waa taken yesterday In the circuit court by May J. Capen, executor of the estate of Frank C. Capen asalnst I. M.

Krlnka In the aum a toes. Lumps of Indigestion, gases, ken 1S. 71s Cast Implr It MARASCHINO RED Cherries 15c ROYAL ARMS Grape Fruit HEARTS No. 2 Can 35c 4 Tears Cnertaace TEMPTATION EXTRA SWEET CORN 14c heartburn, sourne, fullness, fiutu- No. Ift Can lenr, palpitation, vanish.

1 rr. 9 Kase your stomach now! Correct '1 I. LUUUUiN 52c W. P. GARRETSON I 15c digestion and acidity for few cents.

Druggists sell millions or packages. Adt. Marriinp Wnrlrc Home Is Ransacked Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing 309 NORTH MATH STREET. FINE FOR Tha horn 1 W4V Both Phones. PLUMBING, ptwti and Hot Water Heatlnf OAS riTTINO i larp Stock of Gas fixtures ft i West Elm street, waa robbed of lit ACHING KIDNEYS between and 10 clock eatenlay morning while Mra.

Klawltter wa In lh rear of th home-Th thief entered thru a front or. Whtn Bick Hurt Flush Yaw Ha ransacked a front room, taking Kidneys As You Clean Your Bowl. 100 Zait front Straat. away only tn its. me MACHINE WORK Oranga Front Stors cyimrf nelahhor saw Mm.

nut tny naa en rj ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY "I i v. iL Mo" 'lki f't Ut the aid- hii'm nt h.r aeys, Ilk th bowali. somUm th thief because of th nola from let sluggish and clogged and Bd Are You Prepared For Winter's Stinging Weather? a washing machine she waa operating, a iiusning occasionally, else bar backache and dull misery to LER0Y LEGION POST the region. Tr head aches, rheumatio twinges, torpid I FAREATJX TINY SIFTED Peas S5c TEMPTATION LITTLE GEM PEAS 21 TEMPTATION FANCY MINCEMEAT Lb, Jar 48 INSTALLS OFFICERS liver, acid stomach, nlaaplessness and all sorts of bladder disorder. AI a recent meeting of th Bul Krai linat of th American Legion at You limply must kp your kid TVIN CITY TRANSFER Ask Jim Reeder Phone 5960 neys active and clean and the mo meet yon fel an aeh or pain In Leroy th Installation of officer wa held as follows: commander.

O. M. Thompson; first rlee-eommander, B. KPAVKtw ROYAL ARMS SPANISH MAMMOTH ASPARAGUS TIPS UQel PLUM I Fruit PUDDING Cake Per Lb. ILK You will teed a wsrm Wool Robo for your car.

Our T. flargen; eeoond Tlee-cnmmander, Roy Wirt; finance officer, R. B. Kim. ler; chaplain.

Its. T. B. Lugg; mem Bortment of best quality robes la. beautiful colors will pleaso th kidney region begin drinking lot of water.

Also gat about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug atore bar, take a Ublnpoon. ful In a glass of wtr before breakfast for few daya and yonr kid TEMPTATION PERSIAN DIAMOND NO. 1 you. Make your solcction now, ber of th aiecutlv eommltte. Byron Kline, L.

Mlchaai. Percy Phillip. Pawson Carpenter, Don Jonas. Dwight Cookslay and John IP ney will then act fine. Tbti famous salts is mad from the acid of fain.

Following tha bualn meeting priced $13.50 and election of efflcer aa oyatar grapes and lemon Juice, combined JAPANESE CRAB MEAT 18c upper waa rv4 wlta lithla, and Is Intended to flush clogged kidneys and hlp tlrotilat MAIL SERVICE TO BE DATES WALNUTS Pk. Lb. A $17.00 $22.00 them to activity. It also helps Cmprimrn TU1tDCntVlntrallie the acids In the urine All-Wool Heary PANTS SALE MADY-TO-WIArl far Th Celd Winter Tlmg wvwi Miww niviwvni thar na loncar Irritate, thi.a Gifts for men Pill Folds are popular and useful rifts. No mail will be delivered In Blnam helping to relieve bladder disorders Ington Thursday.

Th window will Our assortment is tha largest in tha city and being1 experts Jad Baits Is Inexpensive: makes a in leatner we are able to givg you tha best for your money. coiieS, V. ma in tn evening la time for the man vajna. nuw aaia uiwa iv nsip eeep iotr S5.E0; SB.50; $7.50 Th express company will deliver kidneys clean. F'aaar, a.

only pertahabl anode. Tha Hn I A wall knows loeal nl.l euop eariy. Moore's Luggage Shop 214 'WEST JEFFERSON STREET. office will be open to path, he sell lots of Jad Baits to folks aJ5Fw.) Monroe Tailoring Co.

wiTi. iu irrmg correct Frellht hauaaa will Kidney trouble while It Is only mm aay, out there will rapr amative at the hnuaa tn rf.i,.. wrgt Jailer irouoif. uy an mean have nur OpposiU Illinois Hotel. St oaooioQOOfyo cdWgapioH perishable goods whhh ara called for physician examine your kidney fco trtigut ytiii te rtcaiveo, --m Jjeait twlce a yr, Ajv,.

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