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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HORSES LIVESTOCK Will reach a quick and profitable market if advertised for sale in THE PARAGRAPH'S CLASSIFIED COLUMN INDICATIONS FOR TODAY. For Illinois: Generally fair and Thursday, VOL LXVIII.NO 210 BLOOMIIGTOX ILL WEDNESDAY MORNIVO. JULY 29 1911-TWELVE PAGES AMERICA KEEPS WAR TALK EXCITES lng their money, regardless of the reassuring statements by the officials. Troop Trains Monopolixe Railroads. CAILLAUX MME AUSTRIA DECLARES WAR Reoorta from the Austrian border today state that the transportation of the Eighth and Ninth Austrian army corps from Bohemia toward the Ser IS ACQUITTED WATCHJ VILLA TRADERS WHEAT vian frontier began yesterday ana tnar.

there was no other traffic on the Bohemian raailroads except that of troop trains. The two corps consist of thirty-two Late Dispatches Are Disquiet- Nearly 100,000,000 Bushels battalions of infantry, with a large number of quick firing machine guns. ing and His Intentions Were Traded on the Chi- Jury Declares She Did Not Wilfully Murder the Editor of Figaro. six regimentB of cavalry, two regimenta Are Not Clear. cago Board Tuesday.

of field artillery and, two regiments ot the army service corps. foreign Uttice States That Compliance of Servia With All Austria's Demands Will Not Now Satisfy That Country-High Official Circles in Vienna Are Optimistic. Telegraphic communication wllh Carlsbad and Marienbad was still open ADMINISTRATION AT WORK PRICES GO AWAY UP GREAT DEMONSTRATIONS today, but only by one direct line from the Saxon frontier. The telegraphic service between Berlin and Vienna was demoralized, and on some lines was completely interrupted. Is Denounced as "Murdtrm" By Is Still Seeking to Draw Together Margins of 20c Per Bushel Asked, the Discordant Elements in in Order to Prevent Too Much Spectators As She Ltaves Courtroom.

Mexico. Speculation. Strict Censorship is Enforced and No News of Troop Movements is Permitted Comment of Military Paper. The Mllitaer-Wochenblatt, the official military newspaper, today prints a noteworthy article comparing the Austro-Hungarian and Russian armies to the disadvantage of the latter. It says the fighting strength of the Russian army is uffually over-estimated and that numbers alone are not de Ainnimi nilTf TUV Akl All I rnnTimpn a r- urs i aa MANY PLACED UNDER ARREST OArinANft ruio iaa ufi vit.

rUHIUNtd mAUC, AND LU5I to Reach the PublicSharp Fighting is Reported Along the Drina Representatives of Foreign Governments Are Informed of the Action. Washington, July 28. Altho there Paris, France, July 28. Madame were no tangible developments, the Washington administration exorted itself further today toward arawiug cisive. More important factors, it points out, are moral, higher leadership and armament.

The writer says it may well be remembered that in recent times Russia alone never defeated any army of equal rank and would not have been successful in defeating the Turks in the war of 1877 if she had not been aided by Rumania. It says, In conclusion, that the rive new army corps reported to have been together the discordant elements in tho Mexican Official messages from Vera Cruz spoke of the satisfactory progress of Expectation of war between Austria Hungary and Servia and Us subsequent declaration today demoralized the markets of the world. War was not declared until after the bourses of Europe had closed, but In London, Berlin and, Paris, panic conditions and severe declines in securities anticipated the announcement. At all three capitals, bonJa of the governments of Europe, paign is well under way. English Do Not Desire War.

will reopen' Thursday, after having been closed three days. Prices Rise Abnormally. There was an abnormal rise in the price of provisions today, which caused There is absolutely no enthusiasm the conferences mere Between reinc-sentatlves of General Carranza and General Zapata and an agent of the Henriette Caillaux tonight was acquitted by a Jury in the Court of Assise of the wilful murder, on March 16 last, ot Gaston Calmette, editor of the Figaro. The verdict was returned after fifty minutes' deliberation. The announcement was followed by the wildest tumult.

Verdict is Cheered. Mme. Caillaux staggered and then threw her arms about the neck of her counsel, Fernand Juaborl. Her hair was undone, falling over her shoulders and her hat dropped to the floor. The spectators stood upon desks and chairs.

added to the iiussian army are iuu non-existent. in England for war no desire for this particular war which confronts Great I great Indignation on the part of the Britain, yet there is a general beliet latter soon will go north lo wora uui with the constitutionalist chief the details of the friendly understanding Ambassadors Are Pessimistic. The ambassadoss gathering at the public who flocked to the markets to that her obligations to her partners in lay in stores in anticipation of a pos- I the triple entente, as well as her In siine scarcity. Vegetables in many which have been steadily dropping, registered further losses. In Vienna, the bourse had been closed since Saturday, but there was a heavy run on that already haa been reacned Deiween the army of the south and the constitutionalist forces.

teres! as a great European power, will force her to support RuBsla and weekly reception of the German foreign minister, Herr Von Jagow, late today was decidedly pessimistic. The British ambassador. Sir Edward Goschen, visited the imperial chancel Vienna, Austria, July IS. It is with a reeling of intense relief that the people in the dual monarchy look forward to a war with Servia, which for several days has seemed inevitable and which was today formally declared. Text of Declaration.

The declaration of war wag gazetted here late this afternoon. The text is a.stfollows: "The royal government of Servia, not having replied in a satisfactory manner to the note remitted to It by the Austro-Hungarian minister in Belgrade on July 23, 1914, the Imperial and royal government finds Itself compelled to proceed Itself to safeguard its rights and Interests and to have re Are Watching Viil A vigilant watch is- being maintained the Austrian Savings bank, the most Caillaux. and cries or lor, Dr. Van Jietnmann-Mouweg, as well as the foreign minister, and it was surmised he was pressing upon Caillaux, Assassin!" merged Into one. by the Washington guvernmeni ovpr important in tne dual monarcny.

the movements and activities of Gen- paj, the commerctai exchange eral Villa. Loje dispatches are Borne- erni viii. i ansnendeil all rienllnira in rratn. Rus-ar Barristers Come to Blows. Tho din was deafening.

Several the German government the necessity of action to preserve peace what disquieting in ineir it-nur i France in any steps they may take. May Compromise On Home Rule. The dark developments of the day were received without excitement, but with the deepest gloom. The immediate effect of the war cloud is likely to be a compromise on home rule, since all parties feel that domestic dissensions must be settled at all cost in the face of peril from without. Election Demands Hushed.

The fierce demands of the conserva cases trebled in prices. Stall Keepers Mobbed. Feeling ran so high that in many Instances stall keepers in the markets were mobbed or assaulted and the police had to be called out to restore order. The authorities declare that the sudden Increase in the prices of provisions and vegetables is unwarranted. Emperor Issues Manifesto.

A manifesto, issued by the emperor, after stating thut it had been his fervent wish to dedicate his declining years to preserving the empire from gtoups of barristers came to blows and Twenty-six Socialist mass meetings is not altogether, clear to on iciais wimi mj otner commoditie ana exenango Villa intentions are. The United I on Lonaon ana private discount for the Republican guards, in an enaeavor tonight in the workmen's quarters of the city were crawded to the doors and States is not relaxing its efforts thru to separate them, Joined In the melee. The spectacle of 1-abori and Chenu, its consular agents, however, io Carranza into complete accord. the latter counsel for the calmette family, embracing each other, falmert the tumult for a moment, but It was Bryan Appeals to Carranza. Cfi-nioi-v itrvan annealed toduy to overflow meetings were neiu.

A resolution was adopted denouncing "the brutal policy of Austria" and demanding the governments vto restrain their with furry. Police were massed around the meeting places, but the meetings were redoubled when they left with Mme. course Dor this purpose to force of arms. "Austria-Hungary, itself, therefore, from this moment is in a state of war with Servia. (Signed) Caillaux.

Failinir to make himself General Carranza, asking him to call a halt on Villa, who Is reported to be making wholesale demands lor horses uDon ranch owners in the state of Chi heard, the Dresidlng Judge, followed by the other Judges, marcned out oi the first time in year were not quoted. Berlin Run Grow. In Berlin runs on savings banks, begun yesterday, grew heavier. In London, after the close of the stock market, stocks tumbled on the curb. Effect in America.

News of the declaration reached this country while market were In session anl with It cam an avalanche of selling on the New York stock exchange. Leading securities slumped from 5 to 20 polata and condition par- he room. The advocates toon complete tive papers for a general election have been wholly hushed. The foreign office has become the most important branch of the government, and no one wants to risk the possibility of losing Sir Kdward Grey, with his exceptional influence in the councils of Europe. Government Perfectly Calm.

The government is confronting the situation with perfect calmness. There Is no sign of unusual events at the for-eicn office except that the prime min huahua, consular aavices atste denartment also declared tha possession of the court; some of them mounted the Judges' desks and the burdens and sacrifices of war, says: "Providence has decreed otherwise. The intrigues of a malevolent opponent compel me, in defense of the honor of my monarchy and for the protection of its Jlgnily and the security of its possessions, to grasp the sword after long years of peace." Ingratitude of Servia. The manifesto refers to the ingrati northern general waa smuggling arms "COUNT BERCHTHOLD. "Minister Foreign Affairs, of Au urangued the crowd.

The guards stria-Hungary." HARRISON IS ON WARPATH Chicago's Mayor Announces Break With "Bath House" Couglin, "Hin-ky Dink" Kenna and Sullivan. Chicago. 111., July 28. Mayor Har then cleured a portion of the room and across the border as rupiaiy us available. There was no doubt In the minds of the people ot Chihuahua as comparative auiet was restored.

Judge Is Determined to Fight, The foreign office declared today Alliunel then returned to read the to the meaning of villa aciiyuj, mo udgment, ordering the release of Mme. dispatch to the department auueu. that oven should Servia now comply ister, Mr. Asquith, who seldom visits that office, called there this evening Caillaux. May Demand Concessions.

rison haa parted with Alderman John ith the demands contained in the Cries of Recent reoorts from the border have I ttlleled In their Intensity the domestio J. (Bath House) Couglin and Michael Austrian note the government of the emotion. Mme. Caillaux and conferred with Sir Arthur Nlcol-son, permanent under-secretary. The Austrian ambassador came to make formal announcement of the declara J.

(Hinky Dink) Kenna. who for more intimated that Villa Intended to con- 1 panic 0f iao7. The stock exchange of centrate his forces In Chihuahua, wlih Toronto suspended1 their dual monarchy would not be satisfied. left by the witnesses door, tho guards than twenty years have served in the council from the first ward, which In making a lane thru tha crowd. She Officials at the ministry stated that Servia' reply had made it Impossible covered her f''e with her hands aa it cludes the business section ot Chicago to shield herself from the furious cries and the old commerc.alued vice Jis tor Austria-llungury to adhere to ber of "murderess." lly way of a number tnct on the south side, in announcing tonight his political separation former standpoint and compliance by Servia with the demands 'made on her me aim session.

On the Chicago board ot ions from Carranza after tne consiuu- tionalists occupy Mexico City. How- trade there was a tremendous rise nt, ever, In response to an appeal from the vvheat gnd tne wildest trading in many Washington government urging him to yeanj Thi was on the expectation forget personal differences wlUi lr- Eu wou(, croat8 ranza, Gen. ilia declared he intended to co-operate with the other revolutionary mond for our grain. Other foodstuffs leaders and would do all In his power also advanced. These condition wore to inougurate an era of peace In Mexico.

refleclej alI tne produce market of tude of Servia for the support the emperor's ancestors afforded to Servian Independence; how Servia, for years has pursued a path ot open hostility to Austria-Hungary how Austrian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which Injured no Servian rights, called forth In Servia outbreaks of the bitterest hatred. It recalls that it was Austrian forebearance, two years ago, that enabled Servia to reap the fruits of the struggle against Turkey and dwells on the "criminal propaganda which has extended over the frontier, aiming at the destruction of the foundations of order and loyalty in the southeastern part of the monarchy and the leading astray of growing youth and inciting It to deeds of madness and high treason." from these councilmen, who have at of narrow corridor and back staircases she reached a small side door in the palace of Justice, where an automobile was waiting and drove off un times been his staunchest supporters. could no longer influence the course of action of the Austro-Hungarian the mayor asserted he would wipe out the social evil In their ward. observed. M.

Caillaux left by the main entrance empire. The mayor also said he would take tion or war. Warships Taking. On Supplies. The ships of the British fleet everywhere are taking on supplies.

Soon after it became definitely known that Austria and Servia were at war, all the officers and sailors ashore at Portland and Weymouth were summoned back to their ships. May Paralyze Enterprise. One of the darkest features the situation presents is the probable paralysis of financial enterprises. One exumpln that may be quoted has to do with a Chinese railway contract. The British firm of Pauling, on Saturday, obtained a long sought contract for the construction of this road and proposed on the arm or his devoted friends, the stump against Roger C.

Sullivan Tnrtnv'a reoorts renewed speculation High Official Circles Optimistic Whether the war will be confined to l'eputy Pascal Ceccaldl, amid mingled lemocrauc candidate for United over the ulijniate position that the mili cheers and hoots. States senutor. the two countries cannot be said, but Devoted to Speeches, The parting of the ways Is said to tary chler win laae. Denies Counter Revolution. Jose Custcllot.

personal representa nave begun when the First ward alder The session of the court today was the feeling on this point in high official circles Is optimistic. Even cer men refused to support County Judge devoted to speeches by counsel. Mme, Caillaux had come Into the prisoners' tain knowledge that Russia would in tive here of Provisional President Ctr-bajal, today emphatically denied pub John fc. Owens for reelection. Owens won their enmity in tTe aldermanlc the country.

On the other band, smart declires were recorded In cotton futures at New York and New Orleans. Coffee also slumped, owing, it was reported, to fears thot contemplated financing In Europe of the Brazilian crop would fall. Foreign exchange waa JYmorallted and millions tn gold were engaged at New York for shipment to London and Purls. Servians Leaving Belgrade Belgrade, Servia, July (Hy In dock pale and worn. Khe collupsed lished reports from Toronto thai uou.

election spring when he disen during the course of the address of tervene, however, would not cause Austria to hesitate a moment or alter Maitre Chenu, mho scored her bit Felix Ula was expecting Gen. Huerta. Iikk i. nlan a counter revolution in her course in the slightest. terly.

franchised about 2,000 residents of cheap lodging houses and denizens of the T'enty-second street district In the First ward. Coughlln was seeking reelection. Judge Owens also appoint The speech of the procurator-gen Mexico. News of the formal declaration of to float a big loan for that purpose. It now finds the time an Impossible one for an operation of that character.

Trance Preparing for War. eral, Jules Herbaux, was unusually war ran thru the city before extra mild In tone. To the Jurors he said The report wns very disturbing to Washington diplomats. Mr. Castell conferred with Secretary Hryan and "Your duty lis the defenders of the editions of the papers could reach vendors' hands and was everywhere greet ed a large number of reputable citizens aa election clerks and Judges in the direct Houte.) Many Servian families have left the capital ftr the country districts in spite of the advice of the authorities, while there has been a great exodus of Austrlans and Hungarians from Belgrade and other parts of Servia, Perfect order prevails in the capital, the police duties having been undertaken by a corps of volunteers composed of students.

Military preparations are being carried out With feverish activity. Thn Paris, France, July 28. The French eclared very satisfactory progress to Interests of society requires you to find a verdict of guilty, but no one ex government and people an- utr to be ward and changed numerous polling quietly preparing for war. The gov ward a peaceful agreement with Carranza was being made. ed with a spirit which might be described as close to rellgkiua exaltation.

places to more desirable locations, ernment Is simply awaiting the de Only last week he appointed an entire Attack On Zapatista. cision of Russia. Troop trains are ready and repre No News of Troop Movements. Vienna is absolutely without news new list of Judges and clerks of eler tlon In the ward to serve In the pri Itrlg. Gen.

Funston reported today that the Mexican federal force In marles next fall. of the movement of the troors, which troors have been concentrated In fortl- mat Ives of the army are on duty In the telegrnph, telephone and post-offices. The cabinet met late this Mexico City had token the offensive the papers are naturally fbrbidden to ak-alnst the Zapatistas and driven them fled positions, the headquarters of the army being established at Kragaye- afternoon and received the reports from nearby towns. He says there are print. A sharp censorship haa been SIX GO TO PENITENTIARY Industrial Workers of the World Given Chicago, July 28.

War ran ur wheat transactions today on the Chicago Hoard ot Trade to a total of nearly 100,000.00 bushel and shot price skyward tia tiySc. No other day of the twentlefti century ha witnessed trading here that was equully wald. Failure War Expected. Altho- failure were momentarily looked for there was none announced. Tonight however margins were being called for right and-left and to such a wide degree that it med certain the volume of business tomorrow would be greatly restricted a ccmpared with today regardless of JO.OiiO federals In the Mexican capital.

vatx, but In the event of necessity they will be transferred to Krushevati, 80 miles southeast ot Belgrade. Cutistltutlonaltsl ttoops nave urcome from minister. If any decisions were reached they have been kept closely guarded. pects you to be pitiless. Maitre Ijihorl, who came last, delivered a masterpiece of passionate eloquence.

He closed amid a temjiest of applause, saying: "My wish Is that Mme. Caillaux shall leave re acquitted and that the press shall be purified. Let us keep our anger for our enemies abroad. Let us leave this court resolute and united to face the perils which threaten us." Demonstrations Agsintt Verdict. Demonstrations against tbe Caillaux verdict occurred In several places tonight.

In the boulevards, excited crowds, discussing the merit ot the case, grew to large proportions and when the Jury's verdict became known there were shouts of derision and cries of "down with Caillaux!" ery active along the railroad between Two Months For Trying to Annoy John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Soledud and Orizaba, but are acting in Independent bands. Rlcardo Iipez, at the head of a bund of some 200 Tarrytown. N.

July 21. (Six ot the nine Industrial Workers of the World, on trial here for attempts peons. Is said to oe laying wnste tne section aouth of Vera Cruz, towards the sea coast. hold a meeting In Tarrytown In May, Enthusiasm in St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg. Russia, July 28. The fact that Austria has declared war became known only late In the evening. Thousands of people then gathered.

Cheering wildly, they marched thru the main streets to the Rrltish and French embassies, where there were scenes of enthusiasm. Mounted police eventnally scattered the crowds without great disorder. to charge John JJ. Rockefeller, Jr. with responsibility for the bloodshed Puts Tx On Petroleum.

Tanuilco. July 27 (Via La- established over the press and all means of communication. An immense, but quiet crowd, which constantly Increased in numbers, assembled before the war ministry. Cheers greeted the appearance of military officers and the ministry officials. The evening papers published the following inspired statement: "In well Informed circles, the view Is held that so fur as Sir Edward Grey's proposal is to localise the conflict between Austrl and Servia, the former can declare herself tntlrely agreed with Sir Edward Grey' remarks, but regarding what he has said concerning the suppression of military In the Colorado mines, were convicted and sentenced today to uniform two In one section the mob became so GERMANY PAVED THE WAY Declaration Came Within Two Hours After She Hsd Declined to Join in Mediation Conference.

I-ondon, Ena, July 58. The Auatro-Hungary government declared war against Servia today by a manifesto which la on of the briefest of history's momentous documents. Germany Paves Way, Oermany paved the way for this declaration by announcing her rejection of the British proposal to bring four powers together In conference for red. July 2s) General Currania today Imposed a eprrlul tax of 60 cents. Mexican gold, tier ton on all ork city penitentiary.

Tb seventh mouniea neptioiican guards were hastily summoned to as waa convicted but released upon sub rtroleum produced In Mexico, and In addition a bs-al tax of 10 rent. Mexican gold, per ton for Tampli'o harbor sist the police In quelling th disturbances. A large number of police pended sentence by Judxe Moorehouse. The eighth waa discharged for lack of evidence. Italian Warships Concentrating.

Rome, Italy. July 28. It la reported thut the First and Second naval soundrona are forming tn Concentrate and rioters were injured snd many Improvement. arrests were mad. The tax I to be paid by arming Retiecc Kdelson, the ninth prlson-r.

Maurice and Jean Rostand, son of at HJaeta, forty miles northwest of stamps to Invoice covering oil shipments. In this way the t'uwdray In- the dramatist, were among those taken who was brought to court as a witness on a habeas corpus writ from the wotk- how high or low the market might sweep. i Demand 20e Pee Bushel Margin. Th risk of apeculntlng at all In such a frenzied market fort, ed atrangely one of tho element that promised to bring about speedy order notwithstanding that the close today was at the tiptop of the excitement, with value at the highest pinnacle, leached How hazardous the situation deemed tonluht was shown hy tha action of leading firm In demanding that all customers put tip margins of 20 rent a bushel on every trade. Mad $25,000 in Five Minutes.

Stories of fortunes mad and lost today were numerous, but In moat Naples. Into custody, eriKia illrttlsh) and the Huusteca The Figaro office also was the in Company American) exempted from PEACE PLAN REJECTED house on IllarkweU's Island, waa Bent back to the workhouse at the close the anting today. Miss Kdelaon, who me.Tlatlon. Germany explained to the of a demonstration. regular taxes by a concession from ubllo that her ally could not be ex luus.

will be required to pay the pres. Germany Declares Austria I Tss) Receives Soma Aousintanc. After dIHng at home with her hu. band and a few friends. Mme.

Caillaux, la serving a three-months' sentence In default of furnishing bail tn keep the peace, has been on a hunger strike. ent tux. a coinmerclul one, wnicn Dial did not exempt. pected to submit her acta to an European council aa tho she were one of ha Balkan itatea. This announcement I'h" tax imposed by Huerta was attired In a handsome evening gown, received a number ot close acquain Large to Submit Any of Her Actions to Outsiders.

Berlin. July 28. The German gov. ernment today returned an iinfavor $1 20 Mexican per ton. Local oil men, not connected with the Cowdray and preceded the declaration of war by tance.

DECATUR MAN KILLED "It la Msltre she said, "to only two hours and gsve an exhibition operations, sfftilrs have proceeded much loo far to allow anything to be dne In this direction. Nieh Is Isrvisn Cspitsl, Advices from He 1 crude said that the ''rvlan capitul is now located at Nlsh, her the skupshtina (national assembly met today. AH Servians between 1" and SO years of age able to bear arms have lieen railed out and moblll-atlon la proceeding rapidly, altho the peaaant who will have to leave their arvstlng sr reported to be much discontented. Fighting Along Drina. The Mllllarrtarh Itunderhau reports l'ip lighting along the river t'rina, Servian volunteers, who at-tempted to cross the river, were reso whom I owe the good fia-tune to be Hunsteca conrerna.

say the tax imposed by Carranza would equalize competition. able reply to the Itrlttah proposal for finally free. He pleaded today with all a conference of tho ambassador in his fine talent and I am profoundly H. Neal Loses Life In Peoria and Hi Wife Ha Skull Fracturad In Auto Accident. Peorl.

July 2. (Bpeclal C. II. ot the perfectly harmonious working of the partnership between the two nations, which siood firmly together thru the Bosnian crisis of 190. Ixmilon of the Kurnpean powers, In an gratriui to mm.

cases were not well verified. Tha most specific rase of sudden riches wsa that of a heretofore pbacure 1 It trader who actually pocketed which he had netted tn an Interval of oarily five minutes, Gsllarie Ar Thronged. I endeavor to bring about a settlement The estimated cost of producing nil In this district 11 rent a barrel, making the cost With the tax a frac. tlon over 18 cent. The lowest selling price Is 42c.

of the Austro-Hervlan difficulty. DRASTIC ACTION TAKEN Neal. of iw-atur, waa killed at 1 o'clock this (Wednesday morning, when the auto In which he waa riding waa hit Wtll Monti Net Feasible. In Its communication (Jet-many de Hundred of spectators thronged th Moot Must Eapel Any Member Be PI fNS FDR HIS VAnATIflrJ UUcrle on change and looked down by a street car at tho comer of cham rlares that It considers the sugges tn tr-nrrw hn struggled and having in th "No-God, Ne-Mai-tar" Movemsrt, I th Decree. lutely opposed by Austrlun frontier ber and K.l I in belli at reel a.

Mrs. Neal skull waa fractured and aim Is reported Center of Interest Shifts. The center ot Interest has shifted Shandy to St. I'etersburg, which holds the decision whethsV an Kuropcan war which probably would shift tlie balnnr of power. If not reararnga the entire map ot Kurope, la lo break out Negotiations are afoot there between the tion of Kir Kdward Grey, tho Rrltish It also reports that Servians on their own river transports by Milwaukee, July 28.

A reaolu Democratic Ldr Inform President Wilson That Congrats May Adjourn About August 25. foreign secretary, a well meant and good In principle, but not feasible In In a dying condition. A. T. Hartley, of the Hart Oraln Wels her company, and tlon reaffirming belles In th Supreme ractli-e and Impossible to carry out.

rmntake, killing and wounding a nura er of Servian soldiers. Diplomats Are Notified. Miss Meeda ttleagl a ere aerloualy Injured. Th auto was thrown forty fret. Ilelng waa adopted toduy at tha convention of thn liyal Order of Mooae, It says thst It cannot be expected ti.

mlded In thn pita. The uproar made by the brokers waa plainly audible In the streeta surrounding thn board and notwithstanding that the day wa delightfully ewl It waa noticeable thst few. If any th traders but wer dripping with perspiration, Boars In Sight. In the end thn market resolves Itself Washington. July 28 Informstlon fmm I'emiK-rutlc leader In congress The resolution also reaffirmed th al that a great power having dispute with a smaller neighbor will submit The ministry of foreign affair has thut adJiMirnment mlshl b'Klanc of th various delegate to th WORKMAN WAS CARELESS the matter tn the derision of a F.uro eni.trt'il about Almost led presi flags of their rraiectlve nations MM dent Wilson to begin laying p1n for denounced the "mi-Uod, no.

Master pcan areopaaua. Far leas ran It be hoped that two great powera villi submit to be summoned In the role of hi vacation. movement. Hy the resolution, no ma Into a spectacle of bulla frantically Ittiaalan foreign minister, Senilis hMSunolf, tn.f the Austrial ambassador, which are designed to "localise" the conflict. The nature and progress of these conversations am wrapped In thickest mystery, but they are the last plank the neutral powers are clinging In In fare of a storm which may wash all under.

There la no doubt' In British l.ate September or early In O- believing In uch a creed, or belongin tn any order which ha such a motto or w.i. in sight. In nme quarter there waa accused before snrh a trlbunst. Hat Counter Suggettien. Oermany makes tha counter suggea srivaiiin.

dlalMX a stales to help Iiemoeratlc candidates In their campaigns. tlon that nesotlatlona for peace tldleaaed verl'nl note the forelgu t'- reeenutlvea, Informing them oil the larmlnn of war and declaring that Austria will, on the assumption "'inllar observance on the part ot adhere the provisions The llarua conference of Oct. It, lo, and declaration of London of Keb. It, lvii), I The semi-official Kremdenblatt mys: "War haa been declared. To the peo of Austria Hungary there has been 'T days no doubt thsl it was Inevitable nd popular aentlmerit has given m-I'milit expression ite ratlllrallon of the tn Government conducted between tho cabinets In minds that Austria had fully resolve to utilise the provocation afforde.f by the Karavevo murders to wipe the elead of by a conference.

Oermany however, la prepared to welcotna any WORKED RAPIDLY Ln Bsndit Rob Conductors of Thro slogan ran be Initiated Into the Mona orilrr and any man now a member, who so believes, must be ejected from the lodse. Judke George Hcott, of Iiiibiiqiie, la, Wa one of th speaker In favor of the resolution. Another reaolutlon unanimously adopted voting Immediate aid for the famllte of 7 member of the order who ot their boron In th lent Halein, fire. Dregs Biasing Match in Distillate and Start a Fir Which Cause I2S0.0OO Damsoe. Bakersfleld, July 21.

A work-man dropped biasing match Into aume distillate and started a fir today at Maricopa, near the Lakevlew guh. er, which up to tonlshl caused damdge and Is still burning. The lkevlew oil Treating plant waa de. at roved and four great sump hnta, filled with oil. are burning.

The burn. Ing area covered a quarter of a mile. Hold Me. Angl Responsible. Htamford, July 2.

Mr. Helen M. Anal I held criminally respon slate clean of all accounts against Rer- further siiKgeatlons to localise tne con flirt as far as they are consistent with her duty to her ally. Publlo Very Nervoua. disposition tnnignt lo regard inn celling of margin tn the extent of Hon a bushel a next door to the action ot Kuropean and Canadian authorities In linking thn door of rxchimuea outright.

Th effect of demanding suclt heavy protection for brokerage houae. It wa laid, would to reatrlct spec, ulatlon to a minimum sn.f to shut off en tu re from amall-callber trader who might eaaily work far-reaching damage by Kot Btandlng by nbllsatlnn should tho market Wx an unexpected, course. High Margin Defended. High marslna were defended to. on fats Th public In the Herman capital "'r la also a fact for Lump.

There was very nervous today and alarmist via and served a null mist urn on tier which drilgned to have no result save war. Bt'gesdf Msy be Oeeupied. The next news expected Is the occupation of Uelgrsde. and that even now may an accomplished fact. Reports of small encounters along the frontier have been permitted to pas the censor, but military expert here hellev rumors continued to circulate.

1 he ru lntrurbn Cr Nr St. Lui Within Fiv Minut. St. IhiIs. July 2 A masked and rtned bandit late tonight held up three etrvet cars between HI.

Charles nd Hrblgeton, Xlo. Th robber boarded tb rare at Junction and secured from the conductor, but did nil i olret tb passengers. Tbe ail happtutU Wltuia i'BO fir ft lutes, is something else now apparent to "rope, it a that Austria-Hungary not only a politics! and entity, but also national on the savings banks In which the poorer classes deKlt their money was Carman Miner Killed. Itortmund. Germany.

July 28 Fifteen coal minera wera killed today by a fire hlch I roke out In tbe 1 Unarms piL Hit of Ultlf bodl WW tsuwvsxsd. sible for tbe death cf Waldo It. lotion a prominent nolltuian here, i resumed tm mnrnin. ab eariy as i e'rbak br were bt'g lines of dex.s tb niabt ot June in a finding made Itota outaliU the munirlpnl aavlMM Bsvrae Will R-pn Thursday. moblllullon has already ten eriecteoi by Cxjrsaac J.

l'hlan lvdvr. snd lbs) paapl iiut4 M4 tut thnrnoetiW ptsnrM cit. 1.

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