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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1
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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HKLr WITH IIOCSECLEAMNO? Central Illinois Home Spapcr I S.nre 1846 A rntirirn ciaismM Help Wanted At will aolva the problem PMONK MO. S1ST YEAR. NO. 122. BLOOMLN'GTON, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 23, 1927.

EIGHTEEN PAGES SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS 001 IDEE CANDIDACY Snake Rool Pohoning Plagu ENFORCEMENT IS Before 1800 And Returns Again i Tn III tIAVt ntw IKTUUI WHOLE WORLD HEAPS PRAISE ON LINDBERGH; DARING FL YER DESCRIBES FLIGHT TO PARIS Former Secretary of State Ppringfleld. May SJ In hxperlence of the paat few jraara Ida i preceding iuO Illinois had lead historiana to believe that the the reputation of being a eickl dreaded "milk mlinrii" wag tha elate and these rumore had a marked Mma aa (ha poisoning from the white effect on Hi a tlda of Immigration, a anake root, which tha Illinois of tha records ehows. Moat partmant of agriculture haa brn of Hum rumors were founded upon fighting fir tha paat two or ihraa hat tha early settlers were pleased yaara. Tha eroptome war much to term, tha "milk sick" Thla waa tha aama. caused by drink In themllk or cat- Another prevalent disease of that Irg tha flesh nf an animal Infected day which may hava had nvj 10 with tha poison, do with these rumors tai tha "fever What thia poison wss could nut be and aiua," wich waa producst by a ertalned.

Tha general auppnal- tha malarl arising from decaying tinn aa that It waa emitted (mm vegetable matter in tha aarly fail, nma mineral substance which rts- It waa not generally fatal nJ eom. Ing In lh form of ana. covered v- mn remedies were "tartar emetic, atattnn anil Infused Itself Into tha calomel and Japlap and Peruvian mailer. It generally fatal to hark" Thla latter waa ordinary both man and huat. quinine.

Regular Officials Will Be Reinforced by Citizens' Was Being Groomed by Eastern Leaders. HP RLOCKS MOVEMENT TEST "TIPPLING" LAW PROUD OF HER SON TELEPHONES MOTHER THAT "ALL IS WELL" igi Sms(s eti rant, Moy '21 Captain A. nJherjh, ia hit rouiitry'i from orM fillciJ with praii hint, awokei tliit ninrtiiiijf iroiii s.nuri'1 tn hur arrtniniflr innr-cfiit of he fact Ii miivprs was f.ier ti honir hm e. r.f ginned fr ni Nw York to hiuon alter bieakfast the fler I By Robert T. Small.

By David Lawrence. 10ST Tha iHily I'an'arar ft SirUl Leased Wlrs Washington. May il. Announce- Trans-Atlantic Commercial Flyiof It Near, Says "Lindy" May ill Commercial avtutxin ai. ess the Atutitx la perfectly (, hie at present.

In aptain Lindbergh npinl 'It could be started now." he ld. 'and wiil be whenever It i properly haikd financially by an 'ruamaMnn big enoush to provide a sound und.ition for tr work on bind and se. her duv rhee will be huge 'landing fields' anchored" "Veil think It will rm In five vesr." ra ss a.ked rih, sooner tfn that," he Her Chief Concern Is That Weary Pilot Will Be Al-lowed to Get Sleep. 'nt by Charles L'vans Hughes that CmtfM ISi'T St Ihe Piii'iftr ftr I.m4 'ea Washington, May SI. Washington once more la threatened with a "dry.

clean -up" aa an example to the rest nf the nation. In the belief that the dry enforcement organisation of the government, supplemented by the ln per cent co-operation of tha L'nlfor would neither eetk nor accept K. publican prealdrntlal and that ha favored tha renom- Irt II.,r In, .1. LlndSergh atory ef h.s ninn an1 ftrr nn at porter's.

flight: FLOOD JSCUE FLEE! More Than 150.000 People Whose Homes Are Menaced to Be Saved. It was the first time a private tele. 1 phune call had linked i ranee with Amerl' a. I'Ut It was only one of many oo.iage nrai, lasi anq an ina wme ttr gsMsisise Fhhi I'etrolt, May Happy and tremendously proud M-a. Kvangeline Lodge Lindbergh, at.

ut-hrarted new spaperT.en." he ipt-ise oij genl. rncn are Illinois Rainfall During pril Heaviest io 34 Yean fprlnefield, May iPi Precipitation in April waa the heavliat the slate toss experienced since I All. according to the monthly weather report of the L'. 8. weather bureau here, made today.

The rainfall was more than twice the normal amount all over the state, and more than a third of tha etate't weather bureau stations reported the great-fat total fall on record for April Pmall atreama overflowed their banka enteral times during the month, said the report. Tlrt rosda were almost Impaasalile nioat of the time. ined police force of the District ef cannot auccessfully cope, iwlth ail offenders, a voluntary or-1 the moat significant declaration nt haa roma ihua far frnm Hit pr even's that the w- rid set in t'ie kenersl le re to show lis a I'mratmn for His sandy-haired, aoft-sp ken ested first In knowing wis ire niost dangerous fliirg ifi'il' 'ur r.4trrn camp oi in lirpuuiican ganiZJiunn or miniMere ana cnun i mo' her fapt. Charlca Lindbergh. rriy.

flight. Ti most dar.gero IS rf all wta that laid ins a I-ell mr aviator. This added to latter! HarDart At l'tovar haa on writing ynu nl 1 ith memners haa neen rormen io report to the authorities "authenticated" cases of violations of the law. In the meantime the government, through local district aitorneya. la moving for a test case which may ne close or me mnverearmn i -k.

e.n ia mother. Lindbergh waa I'd rn'B ht 111 "'at criwd running I had! tia.Mdor Myron Herrtrk to mJr) fMr mnm.rJ the close ef the mnvereaMnn fivnrad Mr. cooiidva a i AiMciaua 1 Ami iioTfi rirariT (nai ina unponrnn a r.f 01 nt iTrlucni rv miik tu iiiiu be crowd that bad been standing in th' IT Vi ndidata to run agalnat him between nw ana mv tienuoiican aiiunni ronveniion next jun iiiit arv nui Always Says "We him ever since the word went forth I that at last the young hero had arisen frnm his gloriously earned sleep. a una 10 una nim mnii inf pnm apent Sunday quietly In her little home, thanking frienda who brought worda of congratulation, but s'udl-ously avoiding publicity. Three policemen stood guard at the Lindbergh horn today with Instructions to admit no strangers.

A delegation of fi lends, presumably lellnw faculty membrrs at Case Technical high, wheie the "Lone Lagles' mothet Is chemistry inetru'-. tor, came with greetings. The telephone rang Imessanily snd thru It all Mrs. Lindbergh maintained her calm, unrurfled manner. Told ef Safety.

sa lntled that press dispatches Waahineton. May Roliert T. eimall, well known newspaperman and former superintendent of the southern division of the Associated I'resa a found dead In lied at a hotel here nmt repuhllcana ear: of tha aneniea. Hughat Enda It. Lindbcrgh Can Earn Million If He Cares to Capitalize Exploit.

Mr. Hughes' statement waa not P'emeaiiaiva. it naa no rr.auun HELD IN CALIFORNIA tn.D io ina ooutjcai currenr inai New Orleana. May 11. fix hundred te.avla Imiud nil sever! si ore co.K guard rum chasera and eurf boats and Jvu gulf flatting amucka, the largeit rescue fleet of the fiodd today were being motill.sed at New Iberia and Mortgjn City, fifty miles wett nf here, under the orders of ftcieury of Commerce Hoover to comb aouthctn Louisiana and rescue more than loo.orn) persona, whose homes will be Inundated the next ten days.

The fleet will be divided Into two S'ctlona. One division will ope.ate from New Iberia to bring i.d to more than SO.uiM) refugees 'a ihe west Atchafalaya basin. h1a the other detachment working out of Mortgan City will rescue aJ.Ouu people living In four pariahea on tin eastern edge of the flood, fiekldrs Ihe hum fleet. Hoover haa set a rava been moving in trie direction Mr. Hrnall dispatches are well known in readers of the I'snta-am ph.

The last of his brilliant articles Is printed herewith. r.r Air. ioouaaa io imou mm out After thM. two S'-ore rsmerss had to be sccomm dared: then Lindbergh tol the atory of his ft. ght to a group nf newstmpermen As his first si-t nu'eide the embas.v since his arrival, the young American did a thing that mads him even mors beloved In the hearts nf Ihe Trench, who alresdv bad ven su.

nraise nf tongue and pen ss man has known for vears 1 Wi'h the ambassador aa sn escort I the pilot went to call on the anr- rojng mother the callant French i aviator ''an. tireeser. who a-iueht rn ina auDiert 01 a tniro term. wta nrorriDita dv ina ouDiicaiion 01 tn.l lalsirrjmi Inliirnictl hit nuip from Washington that Mr. i austiaue New York.

May JTOM saved up to launch the wild drair, of Charles Lindbergh waa potentially mi Itiplied more than 50') tlmea Hushea waa being groomed for tha have a far reaching effect on drink-I mother of his sale arrival, Cspt. Ing In public, or in what might he! Lindbergh suught to talk with her 1,1, i himself by telephone, but It waa Art Newman Charged With Having Participated in Joe Adams Murder. rremoency in ina event mat jir. The first part of the flight waa better and than any of ua eg pected. The fleid In New York waa mudly.

which made the take-off a little long, but we got away all right. "All the wa up the ATierlcaa coast to New Found'and we had uncommonly good weather lots bttef than we expected. But for the next 1 Oi'O mllee It eouMn't have been much worse for us. At this Juncture tha remarked. "When Lindbersh aava we' he means the ship and himself A'l the way thru, except when asked for a personal np.nion of aomething.

the flver used the first person plural In describing the vny. sge. "After we got awsy from Ian! we ran Into fog, then rain, then fail. "nuage arcinq noi 19 canui 11-11 eiiii-iiu inn i The. aovernm.

nt has obtained a necessary to carry on the conversa- dm. As told in theae dianatchea when the joung do-or-die sun of the tomrmrarv mjum-tlon as iinst the cate Hon thru a third person at London ei'erday. the Treaident feela thla Mrs. Lindbergh did not disclose middle west broi ght his plane down ronmrni sen le I'nradis he.e In the national capi- aomeinina neea nni aoriae out he hoc hut let it be waa lo.r All ranee nss neen tut tha aecioing anoum ta anna by yung till. lornmilinB II in luimen ii'iiiii liiruiliri I iei iiu in hip! sccessnili to Its dining and dancing know that he intmrned her he had niuc iadln.

tne.itricil. I cor pa of 3 ji motor trucks to bring touched Heeplv by this Visit Lindbergh. tha Republican oarty In convention III gswclateS Petal landed safely and wss feling "fine ing out the Inhabitants of the Twru- all piil.liiity men and publishers. embled. vlley.

Any effort therefore to auggeat al mates is regarded by cooiidee men Gets Avalanche of Flowers clamoring for contracts. Whether the non. halant young hero will be tempted by their prince, ly offer- however, remains to he Leading Sand Bags. A caving dirt barrier tonight atoud iwtrona. Th tippling accessories re.

ferred la In the bill of complaint consiet mainly of thin, tall glasses, bottles of ginger ale or mineral water, and eubicles of well froien ice. Seek Larger Came. Tin-re is no complaint that the restaurant and dancing club has lxen impreaalon that ha does not merit Rssumss School Werk. Mrs. Lindbergh was must concerned ihat admiring tnrongs in the s'rench capital wculd let her son have syme needed rest.

"1 hope they will let him sleep," she said. "It his ehe siiid, explaining her retl-i ence and aversion for publicity between the five "sugar bowl' parlance of Louisiana nd tha Mira.a-s.ppi tluod waters, speeding lo the Sometlmee we flew not more than It was sleeping i feet shove the water and the high- seen He haa aa yet revealed no In terest In becoming a millionaire, and Whll Lindbergh another term. That la why Mr Hughex an ardrnt believer In Mr. Paris heaped 'est wss lOOoo feet. We went up Lieut.

I. Stumpf. representing his soimdlv all morning. Cnolldge, promptly aquelched all gulf of Mexico, down the Atachaii- financial kers in rU. Louis.

le- nn Before Penton. Miy Art Newman. Blrger gangster," who has been sought In connection with the murder of Mayor Joe Adams, of West City. was a rested In Long Beach, today, according to a telegram received by Sheriff James Prttchard of Kranklln county. The telegram was sent by Captain J.

B. Woriey, chief of detective of Long Beach, and stated that Newman has signified Intention nf fighting extradition. Working as Detective. talk and rumors by Uaulng sn un guilty In any way of selling or fur equivocal atatement to tha effect ma bas as a huge relief fleet was being concentrated In the lower basin. Ita'WIiat he es next also is 'hia ai- mining Intoxicating I liquors to He alwava has been permit- guests.

Theae guests are supposed fair I fair." tnat ha would not accept a nomlna tlon If offered and that ha waa six ted to make his own decisions and More than two thousand men eiareo i.icay inai an inniracis woiio be held Up until rapt. Lindbergh's hf'3n lo return. with the Star Spangled Banner of Can Get a Million. homelsnd. The government had F.xperts In the sports world con- the American flag flung to the breeze ceded that the Midas touch hleh on many public buildings, and for the ty-fiva years old snd would not care worked at Mcllas filling sand baga to have brought their own.

for a time the dry authorities of the capital attempted to arrest all the per- and lugging them Into place over slippery paths that led thru ihe to run snyhow. Esst Vtraus Wast. So tha presidential race In the He became the yo ing flier hen the sblde by them, the proud mother declared. Tomorrow, Mrs. Llndlergh will lake up where she left off last Friday night in the class ro'm at Cass Technical, leaching somebody else's boy snd girl the mysteries of mud tu new embankment behind isons displaying a flask In public.

The woman police of Washington I were used for a lime and one of htst lime, a foreign banner waved from the mast of the ministry of the crumbling old ones aa their wheels of his plane touched labour, get field, was something never at Sheriff Prllchard said he would go foreign affairs In honor of a private women and children moved livestock rublkan party la narrowing down to a contest between tha taat and Middla Wast with indications that tained ny any or their nest nets ritiaen. This homaire bv custom la and peraunai belongings, acroaa tha Including Gertrude Ederle. Babe i reserved for sovereigns and the heads Maaiaslppi river to ilaton liouge Ruth. Red firings and Oene Tunney them spectacularly arrested a rather prominent man dining In one of the best of the local hotels. The Idea of individual arrest apparently haa ben abandoned, how-ever.

In the present emergency and many of tha Pacific Coaat republicans sra for Cool Id ue. Out of the middleweat tha candidaclea of Vice concentration campa. The opinions of many of the au. More Rain Falling. Visits Nungesser's Mother Their tak apptared hupeleis at that hitth to try to get stxive the storm but the averate altitude for the whole second l.rmo miles of tha fl ght was less than 100 feet.

"If I hsd known that the weather would he as bad over that part of the ocean aa It out to be we would not hava aiaried, but once wa got Into it, there was not any ns In turning back: there was nothing to do but keep going. "We were mighty happv to see tha dswn which ws ran Into shout o'clock. New York time. In tha afternoon we picked up Ir.Iand. From the map we had and from whar I read.

I knew that Kneland was sort of hillv. rolling country. Franca pretty flat and Ireland Inclined to ba mountainous So when I saw high ridges In front I knew It waa Ireland. I "Pardon me." a voice from 'he outer rlns of listeners called "hut did ynu do the whole flight bv deal reckoning? I am a flyer myself: mv name Is Cobhsm. snd I flew over here from London a fw minutes sen to see you and tell yon that yon hava done the greatest thing I have ever heard nf." President Dawea and former Gov.

ernor Lowden of Illinois stand out Springfield for extradition papers and start Long Beach some time tomorrow. Chief John Stack, of the Illinois highway police, nlso received information of Newman's arrest. It was learned Newman was operating a detective agency under the name of John Rogers, hen arrested. Newman la the fourth southern Illinois gangster to be arrested In connection with the murder of times as ihe ruging currents pounj conplcuously. Ing into the rain soaked levees tore huge chunks of the protecting ram parts and charged upon the new The report thst the Utter would holt the party If uuable to beat Mr.

Coolldga for the nomination Is not taken seriously here though It Is the government la seeking to deal a blow at tippling "facilities." It Is assumed that ithout ice and glasses and ginger ale and mineral waters there will be no drinking In public. The restaurant naturally has replied that It Is not agunst the law to sell non-Intoxicating leverages and that the cafe hag no control over the "or barriers which had be erected in anticipation of the alough late today. of government and not since President Wilson came in triumph to Paris his the stars snd stripes heen seen where it flew this Sunday above the Quel d'Orsay. By afternoon there were American flags flying sll over Paris. No prslse seemed too high for him either aa a sportsman and aviator or as a sterling example of "the very best type of American." All day long men and women whom the daring flyer never hsd seen sent flivvers to the embassy to express their admiration.

On vsa! room wss filled wit!) them great bouquets and baskets of flowers. On one of these Lindbergh's name and address were scrawled In the uncer thoritles finally evolved the maximum tot. i of his earnings for the next vear. should he chocse to devote himself assiduously, to earning. St approximately a million.

How They Figure It. His earning power for several RUtiesxike years, it was estimated, would In the hundreds of thousands The total waa reached as follows. Movie contracts, $200flf0; vaudeville. $400,000: radio. $30,000: his history In book form.

magazine and newspaper articles. SMmhiO; here. Their fight which has bon stretched over i of suspense, still was successful and there waa some not at all improbable that a LaKol-lette third party movement may coma out of the agricultural west and deprive the regular republican nominee of the electoral vote of one Adams. Newman was a former lieutenant of Charles Blrger. gang leader, who Is now In jail here charged with the murder.

optimiam. derly" conduct of its guests. Naturally when these guests become disorderly, they can be thrown out Paris My 22. Pi The mother of Charles Nungesser clasped Charles Lindbergh to her bosom when called on her today "I warned to make my first call nn the mo ler of my valiant friend. Captain Nungesser." Lindbergh proffered haltingly, twisting his hat In his hands I knew Charles in New York snd admired his courage.

I still have hope for him. "I ask you to have confidence that he wily et be found my own mother had confidence that 4 would be safe at ibe end of my Journey." They then embraced. Still Hopes for Son. The danger zone along the eaat The Price Killing. bank of the Atchafalaya.

miles or two states. All Coelidgs Now. The other two are Harry A. Thorn- But bMide tn northwest of New Orleans and on the opposite side of the Mississippi Will Assist Authorities. asson, 19, who Is serving a life sen What the friends of Mr.

Dawes tence after cot that he and are hoping Is that the Lowden advertising conoesnlnns. the rlvei still waa rain swept today. More than luS.Oijo people live in the his brother Llmo, killed Adams. 'and movement will In some manner pre territory which would be thrown In Ray Hland, now In Jail at Marlon. Ortelg ptze.

An additional mo.imo is added as potentially Lindbergh's from the statement of C. C. Not Sleepy cr Hungry vent the nomination of Mr. Coolidge and that Mr. Dawes who is presumed Elmo waa killed when iJlrger's road-house was dynamited and burned.

the path of the flood should the waters break thru on the east bank of the Atchafalaya and the lake would tain handwriting of somo little school girl. Messages from all over the world poured In; so did visitors, many of them of great prominence. Anon them waa Paul Claudel, French ambassador to the I'nlted States, vl'h Pvle. snorts nromoter. that nn the 11 be acceptable to the business In tereata'of tha east will then be a Chief Stack said he also wanted to extend for 60 mile from the western see Newman In connection with the murder of Lory Price, state highway cveea of the Mississippi to the The injunction turns upon the point as to hether or not a restaurant or a hotel, serving ginger ale and cracked Ice In a dining room, or In the private apartments of Its guests, has "guilty knowledge" that these accessories and facilities are to be used in a technical violation of the Volstead act.

Much knowledge presumably woulu mean participation In a conspiracy. The "citizens service sssociation for law and order in the District of Columbia" says it will devote Itself primarily to assisting the authorities All heads turned ss the voice waa that of Sir Alan Cohbam, the greatest of British long distance aviators, the pioneer of routes to South Af "With the whole American pople I arrival of Oertrude Kderle In New 1 regret that the searches made far I York he could have filled a stadium Charles up to now have heen un- with lo.rifio persons at f.1 eeich. fruitful pursued Llndliergh, more Off.e.H HI. and more moved "hut 1 aak you to Al "r- Savings, keep on hoping." Lindlieigh hackers have stated highlands of western Louisiana, patrolman who. with his wife, was widening at Its base near the gulf kidnaped from their home.

Jan. 17. Price's body was found in Washing to a width of 100 miles as it spread Mme Nungesser, receiving 'enure, inciuo over the lowlands of rerreoone logical compromise. Thla preaup-posea a wllllngneas to abandon Mr. Coolldga on the part of the eastern republicans who really control the republican party together wUh the southern delegates.

The Hughes announcement makes It appear that tha Coolidge strength inside his own party Is increasing rather than diminishing and that if the convention were held tomorrow he would have an easy time winning the son's namesake in the same dining ton county, but no trace haa been diacovered of Mrs. Price. pariih. $20,000. room wh're she had her last meal with her lost one.

replied: When (he young flier first undertook to erest them In the project Severe Earth Tremors Wave Lengths Re-Allocated I am a mother that Is all. I i h.v In.l of mnn I np oriereo snVinCS or JJ IOO. 1 in the enforcement of the Eighteenth I amendment If is proposed to get a I very large membership and each hl son and daughter. The tennis star. Jean Borotrs came also, proud, he said, to be the first French sportsman to congratulate the aviator.

Almost at the same time the lonor of the prize of $23 000 that Inspired International efforts to make a ron-stop flight linking Parts snd New York, arrived st the "ate- Cav-mnnd Orte'r. He had msde a special trip yesterrtsv from the Cyren'es to greet Lindbergh on h's arrival, hut the aviator reached Paris before Ortelg. Has Good Sleep. "I feel a lot Ortelg rica. India and Australia.

"1 am mighty glad to meet you sir. I have heard a great deal about you. We I did It all by dead reckoning. IVe didn't carry any astronomical Instruments, and I don know hoar to use a sextant." "What points did you fly over In crossing from Ireland to France?" someone asked. "Hand me the map; I'll tell you." Lindbergh replied.

In answer to another question ha said he did not feel either hungry or sleepy during the flight, and as to his meals "I nte about a sandwich 7,800 Miles from U. Washington. May 22. W) A gl again. heart of a French w'uman An rt "nn for ni services knows how to support suffering and rnr Purpose, and stage ap- anxieties pearames fur one year wss cabled Maetin, Touching Scene.

IM Thereupon Mme. Nungesser's voice psnv ni America, and also president broke, tihe sobbed how sorry she of the F'rsr Natlonil Films corpo. member will take a pledge to report to the organization every case of whiskey-drinking which comes to his or her knowledge. After this re gantlc earthquake, estimated to hava occurred between 7,700 and 7.800 Woman Who Prevented Wreck, Granted Reward by Railroad port is received trained Investigators miles from Washington, was record ed tonight on the seismograph of viir v-uuiu ii. tin a urwuiKri raunn.

some of them formerly connected with the prohihitition unit will be put on the case and if 'the facts are found Federal Radio Commission Makes Assignment for U. S. Today. Washington, May 22. UP) A complete re-allocation of wave and power assignments for broadcasting statoins in and around New York and Chic.

go was announced today by the federal radio commiss.un which tomorrow will make a similai announcement for the entire country. The stations must begin operation under the new plan, June 1. In listing the radio stations affected the commission made another departure, using the kilocycle rating eofgetown university. Rhlnelander. May -U Josephine W'eyer, of Catawba, who The.distu.bance.

Director Tondorff. and a half and drank about a glass of water. I kept the windows open all the way but, you see, our ship, the last night to welcome and see her boy', comride of the air descend in triumph. He confusedly tried to comfort her. but was unable to re- i ply flmriy hugged her.

as he mlcht Prize Is All His Own to be right, the matter will be turned over to the police for arrests and prevented a wreck by flaggi.i a fi eight train after she disc ivcred a broken rail on the Soo Line tracts of the observatory said, began at 5:4" p. was still In progress at 8:15 and probably would continue for said this morning. "About $23,000 lighter?" some suggested. "No, I mean mv spirits lighter at the though of what this man has done." prosecution. The organization insists it will not near her home, has been 1 sentcd lth a cash reward by the railway two hours or more.

tolerate a "spy system," for "snoop company. Ing" into private homes, unless the his own recther In Detroit. Kt When Lindbergh left his blue eyes. vlctor 2 still tired from the strain of his mn- Zi Lj mentou. irip.

were dimmed with "VrVt Paris flight ot the "Spirit nf St. Louis." Director Tondorff could not trace the direction of the quake, but said "It must be one of the biggest we've drinking in homes amounts to "public nuisance." The new serv Instead of the wave length in meters way she Is built, you are protected from straight winds, and so we didn't have that discomfort." "How did you fly from Cherbourg on to Paris?" "Oh, Just came on In a straight line, picked up the beams of the searchlights, ail right and saw tne Seine. Then when I got a look at the LIffel tower all lighted up 1 knew that was Paris and I have been told at Borrows Ambassador's Shirt indicating the position given. had In years." The seismograph The Weather Man INDICSTIONS FOR TODSV Where two or more stations have Ice association will make hosts and hostesses more careful of their guests needle, he said, was thrown off the been placed on a single kilocycle Instrument several times, Indicating lontgnt tnat cap-j lain Lindbergh will have for his own I the $25,000 check handed him bv than ever. rating, they will be expected to di the seriousness of the disturbance.

Illinois: Showers and thunderstorms and Raymond Ortelg. donor of the prize. vide the time with each other. rontlimsd warn) Monday; Turnlijr partly cloudy Lindbergh slept on. and Paris went to lunch.

He had then had the regulation eight hours, but had earned more and he took them. New Flareup in China; tnd omettted. Rain Hampers Relief Work iiu an mner money which may accrue to the venture. Commander De Pinedo Has Postponed Hop to Azores Trepassey, N. May 22.

JP1 Commander Francesco de Pinedo. Italian four-continent flyer, postponed his flight for the Azores because of difficulty encountered in his preparations. He now oinns to Kip Rhinelander Plans Reno in East Peoria Flood Zone U. S. Gunboat Fired on Divorce, N.

Y. Paper Says London. Mav 23. (IP) The Amerl Peoria. 111..

May 22. (JFtA dialling rsin which fell thruout the afternoon and continued well Into the New York. May 22. (VP) The New York Herald -Tribune says Leonard can destroyer Preble was raked with Chinese machine guns on ihe Yangtse river Friday night, says a Lindbergh's timidity leads the St Louisan to believe he will waive theatrical contracts His own $2,000 was the la-gear Individual contribution to the collection, 'Knight said. Lindbergh's return to Ft.

Louis will he a gala civic event. Byrd Acclaims Rival; sweetly unconscious that some one had opened the door of his bedroom. He turned ever with a deep sigh, but did not awaken. It was a little after o'clock when at last he had his eye. open.

He retire! a little before 4 a after a light meal of consomme and glass of milk, his first food vince leaving New York except for. he start between 2 and 4 o'clock' n-dav morning. Favorable weather re Kip Rhinelander will establish a resi home that LeBourget was 14 kilo-I metres northeast of Paris, i "When I got there I was not quite sure that it was LeBourget. That is why I flew around there several minutes I thought LeBoureet must be a little farther on but when thev turned on the field liehts I fieured that must be the place. Then the crowd began racing out there into the lights, and there was not any more doubt about it." The French Journalists asked Lindbergh what was his opinion as to the fate of Nungesser and Coll.

as he took a path thru much the same dence in Reno, and will sue night made work of rehabilitation in East Peoria difficult today. With upwards of 200 people still being ai-ed for by the Salvation Army In this ports from the Azores later In the evening decided Commander le Pi Alice Jones Rhinelander, his CTianghal dispatch to the Daily Mall and replied wh Us main for divorce. According to the nedo to advance the hour set for his ments. It Is believed much damage plan, Rhinelander will make a sot start on the long ocean vovaue flight. city, the work went on this afternoon When clothing and food as wb Inflicted.

This dispatch report, that rorh- tlement on his wife to include her exnressed It. "about a sandwich and He announced he would be ready to LOCAL nVtTHe RECORD Muumum, 77; minimum. 67. I si Ism Thtrmomstsr 7 T6 70 Btromster IB IS 29.1S 00 Cloudy; nortbeiit wind; rain. Tg MpgRATURES Lowell Hitlwt Sturn 7 PM.

Siin.isi. Biuon eft. 70 Ntw Tor 62 64 46 74 SO IS New Orleans 78 4 70 Chinao 75 SO 67 Cinciwutl .,,..,76 6 bstrolt 74 S4 60 "nuns 73 76 66 Minneapolis 70 7 46 H.lsns 66 84 rrindsos 56 62 46 Winnipeg 86 68 44 sent to the area flooded Wednesday a hair." take off at 2 clock tomorrow norn Makes a Test Flight New York, Mav 22. JP, Vim dower interests in his real estate. He Is paying her $250 a month ali When Lindbergh awoke he found when Farm Creek went out of 'ts Ing.

If there was not suTi -lent 'Ight from the moon, he said, he would ern Chinese batteries bombarded Chlnklang. across the Yancxe. fn two hours Sunday morning, mosr of the shells fnlllne on the prnre-r'v of mony. Rhinelander lost his suit for binks. No trace has been found of route they were expected to follow.

on a table near his bed a mountain of telegraphed and cabled offers 'hat annulment which he brought on the body of Walter Mueller, son of "There are a hundred things could Louis Mueller, mayor of Peoria. have happened to Nungesser and thij Standard Oil company One tank grounds that his wife had deceived him as to her color. wait for the first light of dJV. Lindbergh Flew by Chart Is said to have been set afire. Recent Dry Bureau Shakeup Candy Gift Accompanies Bid Given by Commander Byrd Former State Senator Gark mander Richard E.

Byrd. while en-tiiuslastlcally proclaiming Captain Lindbergh's flight one of the greatest feats In history, was going carefully about his own preparations for a trans-Atlantic flight at Roosevelt field today. "We may not take off for a week." he said. In the meantime, backers of the endurance breaking Bellanca monoplane, thwarted from entering the Coll." he said "If they had very bad weather this side of New Foundlnnd one of the hundred things that seems not (mprohable Is that they got into (Continued on Page 2, Column 8) (Picture on Page 6.) may make him more than a hut In all the room there was not a stitch of clothes he could call his own. He had come from New with no garments save h's flying suit a tooth brush and raror.

Pajamas which he slept In the ambassador. The ambassador's shirt wn fojnd to tit f.ilrlv well and one of the foo- Draws Volley of Statements Washington. May 22. W) Rumb New York. May 22 JPl The New for Coolidge Vacation Site Mav 22.

(IP) A thirty- York American says Commander Passes Away at Los Angeles Chicago, Mav 22 Former State Richard E. Byrd gave Captsln lings of last week's prohibition developments. Including the passing of pound box of home-made candy ac Charles A. Lindbergh a carefully worked out chart of the air course Senator Albert C. Clark, who served the Thirteenth district of Chicago Ray A.

Haynes, were heard in companied a letter to President today, urging nim to accept Troul Lake, as th site for Washington today In several quar men cf the emhassy supplied a blue the young filer followed on his flight to Paris. The chart, it Is said, was for 16 vears in the state legislature, died today In Los Angeles. Cal. Mr. ters.

William H. Anderson, general one on which Byrd had been work Clark had gone to California with ing five weeks and on which he had his faml'v nt his defeat for re he summer white house this year. The candy, made by Mrs. Helen Cardinal, was sent by airmail from here to Washington and secretary of the American Protestant Alliance; Wayne B. Wheeler, of the Anti-Saloon League: Rep.

Britten, republican, Illinois, and Dr. Arthur J. Barton, chairman of the election by Harry Starr last year. lounsre suit that hung somewhat loosely on the slim frame of the modest young man from the west, A pair of tan shoes went to -nroplcte the imnrovised outfit In which he made his first public appearance since landinc When the birdman appeared on the i concentrated all hla skill as an air navigator. In preparation for his own He was sn active supporter of the 1122 postage, which was cjntri.iuted proposed trans-Atlantic flight Cslumet-Sag canal.

He wss horn In Stllesvll'e. In 1888. by neighbors. Anti-Saloon League's executive Colonial History Quilt Contest Entries for the Pantagraph Colonial History Quilt contest close Saturday, May 2-S. Contestants must have their entry blanks in the Panta-s'raph office by thtt date.

The blank is printed today on the society page. Enter Today! committee, figured in a barrage of statements on the dry question. lork to Paris contest by disagreements among themselves, were looking about for new world's to conquer while the Columbia lay idle In Its hangar. Clarence D. Chamberlln, pilot, with his unidentified navigator, was planning to fly ss far Into Europe ss possible, hoping to reach Rome.

A record breaking distance flight Is also being planned. Commander Byrd's big Fokker monoplane, the America, was taken up on another test flight today. The New York World says Commander Byrd Is considering a f4ight over the Arctic or over the Pacific as alternatives to the trans-Atlantic flight for which he is preparing his giant Today's Pautagrapb Page Agriculture 1 Church Activities 15 Classified Page 1' Cobb, levin 4 Editorial Fun Shop. Home and Community 9 Interview Editorial Local Statistics 3 Markets and Financial 1 Normal .....16 Radio 10 Railroad 7 Sansl Story 14 Society a Snortt 12-13 Joday', Views 4 wt 7 Freight Conductor Killed Galesburgr, 111.. May 22.

Run baleonv of the embassy, the crowd burst into a quick rising of "hravos." For Ave minutes Tiore he stood there with the ambassador. 1 Night Watchman Is Slain Chicago. Mar 22. While ap- ning in front of an Incoming pas Two English Flyers Forced Down in Gulf; Plane Wrecked Simla, British India. May 2S.

Lieuts. C. R. Carr snd L. M.

Gil-man, of the Roysl Air Service, who started May 20 from Lnsland on a non-stop flight to India have he, rescued In the Persian gulf. Their plane was forced down and ia a total wreck. Auto Racer Loses Control of Machine; Dies in Crash Erie, May 22. Lawrence Hoadler. of Erie, was killed today when he lost control of his rsetns machine snd crashed thru fence during 5fl-mil dirt track automobile race at the Erie exposition grounds.

parentlv resisting robbers Sunday night. Edward CofTer. 50. night watchman for the Patterson Pure senger train. R.

Castle, a Burlington freight conductor. killed here late today. He to catch his train, which larted to leave a siding and apparently mssjudsed the speed of the oncoming train. then he went down stairs anl looked i Into a hundred lenses that will make his smile known everywhere. Frnm there the ambassador led I Lindbergh to the marble staircase In- side the embassy and for several I minutes he was surrounded by re- I Food Pea comnanv here was shot and kiMed His body waa found fokker monoplane, tha America.

today. The robbery failed..

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