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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


A SURSTITUTK. dakim; safk hlowkks. Tlia linttera niitl Mi'ir'niuta' Slnto ll.ii.K ut Mutill -I I lli rcivi'H it bu-vi'i-i Nm-turiiMl VMtatlon. THICKS OF TAMMANY. i Another Mnal.niil I I apt'f In tit Mory lli inir 1'ti ll i-li il bjr tbo lirnplilc oininltti'e.

1 MViH TMtW. Il.e llraiy Armor I'lalu ol Hi" Milueaa te.aeia I'rnved I MlnernUie In lapne hi.l. Wi.iiiM.T'iv at. -To nsvy depart mi i.t l. i received in all advlcya giving au a.

i uuM of the great naval Intl." ll.c J.ii'.th.-ti and Chlneae war vessels off i a iMoUer Itdwa not olff-r nmtcriiiHy aecuunta aenl by the I Pn ca'ile at Ihu luiia. Il coif Bi it report that Ihe Japiucae lost not a amgip Vc-il, while the Clilneae lot four wcrellre.l. In this kind nf work the wrap the sat.i In b.niiaets. tilth mullia Ihe that It can hot tei In ard nt an deraiim distance-, and If board Is ireiierallf thought tu lm lh limau of a sign thing, a h.a iieing i vcrtutm or 'im tlitiig nf lial kind Mr Sam Williams and bis wife occupy rooms In a building on ihu next tri'l wnt (. thu lin In il hlocg from tho rear nl Ihu finding Mr Wi.

llama d'attnotly beard loo rip ah ml f.f teen minute apart, lir.t te. IIiiiik a it II l-'il in. II" c- .1 l.i ife' all. i tmn to aeeoiet and an 1 1 tl.nt l.n "win i.dn't be if wmr-b mI a ito l' blow Mr u.lie one. a young cl.

rk In Ibe I'mnilieri bmk. a tep in a room III the lenrnf ral slore. Ho went from the cli.U lo hla sleeping apart inei.t alioiit U. a m. thia inoriiliig.

at which tone by nulled Hint uil tho street lights with mil, unusual al that I. our lie i awakened Py soiimonii trying tin' north i ne of It.o to front dmus of the store ami up. en the lulls" ieaed, and be went to ai-aiii Liter, lm be.ird on-Hing the I. "lib window in I ho rear of Uie II" ore" and wi't. I out Inlo Km store t.i investigate Ho tripped over a il.slr linking quiie a nmsii.

I cu he went lo rtliiilow and looke I out lm saw men ing lu II. aii. j. Hi watch indicated I 4" a in It i the l-f lief of Mr. I.

M. h.iirbana. cisiiier of thu Farmer' and Merchants', the woik was begun aonn a illi.e aiier mniiiighl. and that tho snfe-olowurs M. nt In ago, nr.

ut I led Ihu tnwi. iinlh2 4da in Wabah tl iiiu. '1 l.e cIim in ttie bank al'ip-d al I a being me c. rialnly stopped ty ono i tho cs- osloti. (').

I'mwlili'liir IIWl'll. utulrr the laws of any alata may w.Hi tha tribunr of il.n I'mtcil stairs legal Irmler Kolna and nns lva crriiflra'cs thiTnfrr In the n.aiiin i ruviilinl in a of tli rrvued t'alulea of the Mainland; tbe of trcauiy umli rulot and reguUtixna lo lm tablihpi by blm, H-t mil auii Lai.ka to iTKuro and us In tha pn parstl'in of their the dutinctiva papr u'd In priiillng I'niU cI Mil. I'urilieia: but no bunk ihall print or pnaravc notea In of Mat-1 or crrlitli t- a ot nalloial tank tinte hM-clloii 5. 4, fl.

and are prctiCAlly tiia aatna aa In Ihe original bill. Aa la lb liiHriviitial on Nugar. V-iiisitii, Ih'O. 81. Wil-tuii, of the IIoumi way and nivjva connnll-lit, tayt no ronalderatlon hat)etbt'B gITvo lo further tariff legislation which would overcome tba Uiaagrocnirnt be I inn Ihlacouiitry and (iertuany, i'rance.

AuitrU and other Kqroiean sugar producing coun. tries aa tha result of tbo diffi rui.tlal duty ou sugars with thus couiilru, and which have led lo retaliation by tha eiHutUu of AnnTii an meala and eattav ttiiaoii aaya that auy stuie In tba direct mo of runoving differential dutlea oiusl on Ukuo by tl! Si.Ui, vhare tbe llouaa bill for free aimar la now pvndliig. Tha N-nnlu finance torn mlltee ruMitd favoring striking out tha enure lax of tha Houte hill and substituting i par wnt ad valorem duty. No reference waa made to the diSctvnlial duty of one-tent of one cent and tbe inference la the substitute repeaia It (arllala Itlll Dracl lg In Ilia I'll. Vaiiinoto, Dec.

The Carllle cur-fucy bill, now uvfore tho Ilousi), wllllo wlibilrawu aud a substitute presented. Tbla decision waa readied, after a caucua of Ihe lieniocratlc nu mbers of tha aod currency cotun-lttue buld quietly lasi night, followed by a conference between Secretary Carnale and Chairman hptingcr today The aubatituta la already drawn and will be offerrd by Springer touay, or tomorrow, certainly before the lioinUy recesa, aa tbe dcaire of all concerned is to get It before the country prior to adjournment. Il differs very materially from the ortgiual bill. TIRED OF LIFE. The aulrlda ol Mrs.

Mjrtla liranlr, Moutlrallo lllanir.l Her llaalmnd. Montk eux). Dec SI. (Special. Mrs.

Myrtle Orabla was found dead lo her bed at the borne of Col. A. Shively in Montlcello laat night. She bad takeo her owo life by taking an overdose of chloroform with auiehla) intent. She left a letter which reid: "Think not atraage.

1 was a happy aweel girl, now 1 am a moral and a apiruual wreck, and all for an untrue kua-baod, who nngbt bava made me a happy good wouiau if ba would. Good-bye to ail you wbo have been kind to me." She bad Men married to Ceorge Wood, of Flora, 111., and they had separated. She was a graduate of the Flora Justness College and a well-respected young lady, a member of the United Brethren cburch. Her mother and brothers live at I'emberUin. O.

Tho coroner's Jury decided that abe came to her own hauda by tbe uae of chloroform. CLEVELAND SUES DELPHOS. Mmatrel Proprietor TYanla 990,000 Dain- gra fur Malicious A rent. Dklfhos, Dee. S.

Cleveland, tbe miustrel proprietor, was thrown into Jail at midnight, hand-cuffed aud refused bail because, a ba claimed, his doorkeeper mistook tha town marshal for a hoodlum aod refused free admission. The charge was playing without a village license. Cleveland was not token from Jail until daylight. The mayor lined him 110 and costs and told blm to hurry out of town. Cleveland has commenood action against tlie town of Delpbos for and also against the arresting officers.

His contract required the opora house to furnish the license. THE PAN A MURDER. Is Noah Foster a hurt or "Jack-Uia-Rlp. prr" Maniac? Pina, Dec. 21.

A new development today lo ihe Paoa murder mystery waa tbe report that Noah Foster, the alleged mur-dorer, left here about a year ago in com-pauy with Henry Franke. Franke was found dead shortly afterward In Missouri, having been killed mysteriously and found near a railroad track. There waa no cloth-lng upon tne corpse of young Franke except an overcoat, and aa there waa no clothing except undorolothoa ana a vest found upon Biunion'a remains, It is thought that Foster is a "Jack-tho-Uipper" kind of a maniac and that he killed both tne boys while tramping with them. The ofllcors still continue the search for Foster. ST.

LOUIS BREWERIES CLOSED. Labor Leaders Claim the Credit for Their Boycott St. Louia, Dec. 21. The breweries of thla city owned by an Ruglish syndicate are preparing to ooncentrate their output in a portion of thalr property, and with that end In view It is understood that four breweries in their control will soon be closed.

Tbe Liberty has already shut down, the Chouteau is being turned into an exclusively ice plant, while tbe I'limnix and Excelsior will probably bo closed shortly, being already on short force. The Beer Drivers' Union officials here claim that this move is because of the boycott which labor organizations have beon enforcing upon syndicate beer having reduced the aales. MISSOURI FLOODED. A Fearfnl Snow Htorm In tha North Cannes Six Foot Hlia In tha ltlver. Sioux Citt, Dec.

sudden rise 4 I 4 in i A 0 A 4 1 1 1 4 a Tbe Ciirlile Currrtiry Hill Worknl Over Until It Motility In Wholly Lust. I firw BUI Introduced lii Taks lh rinr ef Uit crssy yUl I'f tl.e kniu HtaUniB. Hull. WioniKOTON, iHc. 1.

1 ho House pasd Joint resolution for iho free iiImdwi ot foreign exhibits for tbe Cotton State International Ehlbition at Atlanta, nest year. 1 bo till amending tha net creating ourl of app tot liriiTt of Columbia passed. Tbe Join resolution for a recess from tomorrow tlllJanuary 8 was adopted. Thi llou then went into commute of tba whola on tlitt currency bill. Jobnion.

of Indiana, Mid ha understood a substitute for tba pending bill waa bo offered aud It waa thought It shou be submitted Itbuut daisy. Sprlngorsald It on bla purpose, eoine tlma during tba afternoon, to iubinll tba substitute. Tha debate on the currency bill was resumed and tha remainder of the day occuilod In that manner, the pcaker being IWlclon, Democrat, of Weal Virginia, and Sickles, Democrat, of New York. In fa vor fcf tbo bill and Russell, Itel'ub-luan, of Connecticut; McLaughlin. Denio-prat, of South Carolina, and Hswiius, Democrat, of Utah, against It.

Springer then. In aecordnhi with tha no Ilea given oarllcr in the day. presented-amendments to tha pending mnurc In tbo ebapoofa eubstltuw. lie made a lengthy oililanatlon of tha substance and effect of tbe amendments, wbicb concluded by say lug that It did not change the general feature of tlie original bill. Cox.

IVmocrat of Tennesson, gavo notice Of two amendment that he would offer designed to reoiove the discrimination In lh original bill against tne national banks aod In faTor of aula bank. Tbcblliof l-yih. Democrat of tscon-aln. then passed by unauinK'u content for tha miff of homi-steadere property was devsstatud by me forest Urea tail yenr. The special order for the night session was vacated and the Home adjourned.

Substitute tlie 'arllle llill Wasuixuto. Dec. il After conferences between the Democratic members of the House committee on bunking aud currency, and with thu approval of the aocreury of tbo treaaury, Springer, today. Introduced a aubatltuto for the Carlisle currency bill. It aubauutially.

a new measure, although eotne sections of tbe original measure are retained In tbe new blil. Tbe bill la ar-rangod a to ahow tbo new features In parentheala. The firat section la aa followa That ao much of) all aula aod parte of acta aa require, or authorize the depoait of United State bouda to aecure tha circulating notes issued by national banking associations, la repealed aa to associations taking out circulation under thla act and auch uotci aball not contain the atatement that they are ao aecurod. Section 2 la changed ao that banka can not only depoait legal tender to aecure emulation, but alao (currency certificate is-aued under aectioo revlaed aUtuloa United StatesJ In section 5 provision la wade for keeping up a aafely fund and, In addition to ihe torma of the original bill. It provides that the collection of a tax of ono-fourlh of one per cent for each balf year ahall bo re-auraod and continued, until aaid fund la re.

stored to an amouut equal to 5 uer cent of the total circulation outstanding. All circulation ootea of failed national banka not redomned on presenUtlon to the treasurer of the United State shall bear lutcreat at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from date of the suspension of the bank until thirty days after public notice is given that funds are on hand for their redemption, and such notes shall constitute a first lien on all tnouejs thereafter received into the safety fund." Section la entirely rew, aa follawa: That every niulonul naulflng association, heretofore organized and having bonds on deposit to secure circulation, may withdraw auch bonds upon deposit of the lawful money of the Uuitcd States now provided bylaw; and, thereafter, such association may take out circulation under this act, and he entitled to all the rights, privileges and immunities herein conferred Section 8 specifies that iheortlon of the national banking net to be repealed is limited to so much of Section "as directs the secretary of the treasury to receive deposits of gold und isxuo certificates thereon. Section 10, providing for suite bauks, is also the same as In the original bill, except in restrictions on the state bauks. A new provision is made guaranteeing that the fund maintained by them may include "currency certificates under issue of section 'of the revised alatutes. An entire new provision added to tbo atate banks la aa follows: 'Whenever the secretary of tbe treasury and the comptroller of tho currency shall be satisfied that auy banking corporation, duly organized under tho laws of any state, and which transacts no other than banking business aa provided In this section, hat beon incorporated under the lawa of the state In which it Is located, which laws re-Quire that the stockholders shall be Individ-ually liable for the redemption of Its circu-lating notes to the full extent of their ownership of stock: and such laws require that the circulation notes thereof ahall constitute a Hist lien upon all the assets of the bank; aud also that auch laws require such banks to keep on deposit, at all times, with an official of the state authorized Oy law to receive and hoid the same, a guaranteofundas required in tbe fourth paragraph of this section they shall issue to said bank a certificate to that effect.

Thereupon, said bank may issue its notes as provided in this act, and thereafter the tax of 10 per cent, heretofore Imposed by law upon tho circulation notes of state banks, shall not bo assessed or collected upon the notes ofauebbank unless it appears that said bank bus issued circulatine notes In excess of 75 per cent of its paid up and jininipaired capital, or its capital is impaired and has remained ao for thirty davs. or the banic has not kept on de-Wrfcw. -Hh tho slate officials autboriaed by effect a receive and hold the same the W. iurje fund as requirru mo toro A. 1 1 paragraph of this section I said bank tins not promptly its notes in ibwiui i par 6' aeuiana ai i principal one or more of Its branch ofilcea m'irvicli ofnoe, anc no persons or I bank issuing i 1 -ions ci jip per iVata A V'l irteile nf I hleagu I'lnsmHa Ibe ifrtan mi vm lo aib, ami M'al IM.

MANrir.u. Deo special.) -Manlieid was a sceim of great rxcitiin.ei One morning, when It waa diMOvcrmi lima doling II. night an exc-r Hi g.y bold and d.irl- rutit- ry lis I b-rh tril. here, ailing anoltuT to tint lit ef depiedatlons of that character wl.i. have occurred bcrn.

Wbeu tt.ii employe of the Farmers and Mi icbanta' bsiiM oia-ned the dimriflho iiiiilii bmiii Una morning tl ey at a gl.ince, that tl.e place bad Ui-li fulled I. icrj Hung wo tope loi aud an odor of plaster and rl.em-Irala. Ihe door of thu vault a id'- pen. It nil sprung nut of ahape nnd tl." atwl framo to which It waa hinged waa partly ireed from the wall. 'I l.e knob and indicator were knocked i ff and the apiiul punched In.

'Ihu Interior of tha fault waa a mill of rulna. lluahet of piimler lilti red nnd tl.e rire proof safe and the attel treaauro box which It coiilnliii were by scraps and fragments of steui. They absolutely been Uiru te tlind 'r. Tlie aides and b.v of the former retained some Sumbiance nf their former proportions, but the atocl "burglar box i a total and com plete wreck, the biggest ploeo nf which one could put in hi ovurcnal pocket. Scatiiitfd around the vault were paiersaiid scrap of groeli bricks.

This was ail Uiat tln'ia was to represent the equipnieiit and content of a and ixeeiicut vault and tho treauru which it had contained. Tbe work bad boon dona ao neatly and cleverly and ao aecrelly that the denoue in out was a complete and grand surprise An employe of the ink had been In tt.o building tho night before from 7 to II. so that the org could not have en begun before tl.e latter hour. There was something like in bmk uioni'V lo culi in the treasure box, a aum lea than the avLrane mucn lea than had been In tha vauil on em of a number of bight of late. There was in the vault a.

so. but not in the burglar proif, a b-x containing about X0, piacod llfereln by postmaster Wacg. of this place. Mr Wsck has ben in tho habit of depositing his mouey, over night, In the large asfe in Moore'a geueiai atoro, adjacent to the bank; but owing to the recent death of Mr. Moore'a child, the store wa closed Thursday and ao ha toog the cash to tho hang.

The tl.fcM of bink innnoy wis almost utterly wiped out of material exlatenco by Iheesplosivea used lu tha work. It was torn aud renl into thousands of pieces, il looked Ilk tha upholstering of a mousa's nusL Tbnrs) were two or tbrae bits of the notes as large as a silver dollar, while all the rest were scrap from the size of a pinhond to that of a silver dime. It Is scarcely possible to realizi that such work could have boen done in such a way. It is almost certain that hut very little of tho money can bn Identified ao that il cau bo redeemed. Thore are a few plecca of tM bills thai are recignlzablo, but that Is all.

Posaibly tho government experts may be able to patch up some of it in such manner that it can be redeemed. The Ions of the bank In the matter of government notes depends altogether upon bow much of the money will be redeemed, aa it la believed that the robbera were unable to utlllzi any of the coulonta of the treaaure box aud look none of It. Tha lose of the bank by damage to the vault and destruciiou of the safes will reach fully (I 2ih. Tne box deposited by Postmaster Wack was missing. The which it contained was probably Intact, as thu box was doubtless taken from tho vault after the door was forced and before tho use of the high explosives In rending tho two safes apart.

Il is to be hoped, and it is believed, that the government will make good Mr. Waea's 'The bold work was undoubtedly done by a quartette of crooka, who came down from Chicago on the Wabash passenger train arriving at this place al 7 p. m. yesterday. Conductor William Loweu waa In charge of tne train and, when they reached Mansfield, is said to have called the station agent asido and told him that four suspicious characters had comedown with him and had gotten off here.

It seems the "lip" was not communicated to the town author! ties, or, if it whs, no attention was paid to it. It was a good one and, If rightly heeded, might have obviated the robbery and bagirod ttio thieves Tbe town has no night police protection whatever, so the genllunien of and the dynamite stick had a fair field. The bank building was entered from the alley in the rear. The thieves had first broken into a neighboring blacksmith shop and secured three iron bars and a sledge. The opened the rear door of the bank oy prying with a bar antll they forced oft the cap into which the bolt plays.

In tho thus entered a clork hae heretofore been accustomed to sleep, but, for some reason, he bad not Dean sleeping there for some nights, and was not there last night. Pehaps it is Just as well for him that he was not; al-though thera i but little doubt tbut the burglars knew the situation of tilings perfectly, and knew that Ihe coast was clear. Having entered the bang the crooks evidently worked promptly aud In a businesslike and scientific way. The manner in which they prooaDiy dccompnsnea inuir joo was stated to tho PANTAOuxrnEit vory clearly by an expert from a safe manufacturing company ol Chicago, who is here, looking into the robbery. Said ho: "Theso fellows did this Joo Just as fUty or more Jobs have recently been done in this state aud in Iowa.

Thore are comparatively new features in the method. They first knocked oil the knob on the vault door, and tneu punched in tho combination spindle, after which It was easy to work the lock and open the vault. Next they upuliod dynamite to the outer, or fireproof safe, fastening the dynamite with putty. Then tho dynamite was Cred by means of a portable electric battery, from a distant part of the room. The dynamite loosen-jd the Joints of the safe They then pomed nitro-glvcerine into tha opened Joints and fired this In the same way as the dynamite.

The next step was to take out the inner safe tha burglar proof and subject it to similar treatment. In this they made the mistake of using too big a charge of glycerine, by reason of wnlch the greenbacks were mutilated so as to beofuousoto them, aud possibly of no use to the bank. Tbe over charge also caused the bulging and almost demolition of the back wail of the vault It was, ail in all, a very clever is posslDla tbat they fired as many as six charges, but probable only four hmltilwrf Makes a ban Br -Cap Wlllauia aud In.pec or IDrii'S Ara Mulrrlud It Hh 1 1 lb. Naw Yung. D.

th Ia 4 comiulitoti Poliivmsn Clias testiftc i lo Ihe ownership of a larga aniui of proix-rly. Ite baa broo a pniirrmat fifuvn yara Ha aald ba made il in real estate speculation. i 1 ben Capl. Kchinittla-rg-r lava tba ataaj ami ated natloo bv aaylng ba hl cjn.e lo tell II. a whole.

IruUi aaid ward rxrrfd liifluemaj lo souring the protueUou of l'J Tl a iKi'itiriAna escA'UrJ luHuu'ico throuch tho police comiiilaaloocrj and aerci ana Who feared removal He ba! herd f.f caao lo which patrol men pan arHanta to be aa.igned lo eaay piaawsy He said Charluy lirant, Commlaal'inor if Cure's secretary, and a mau named a tniloron Broadway, were the go-bet wine in securing appoinlnionU. At Ibis polbt ruceaa was taken, After rerua CapL admitted that, owii.g to political Influence, in any of hla subordinates were able to defy hlui, they b' lo-giug to tho lanmany Club, of which Commissioner Sbechan Is proa-ident. Witnusa waa a member of tha club, aa were several other cap-tstna. Tlura waa a tacit uoderatanding f.if tho proi tion of fast housea and low- hreakirs. lie said no preicnte of observing the esclso law at the divos in bis precinct whlen wcra ireiueuieu ine criminals ui ow iw, i stated thatCommlaaloner Voorhlaappoluted bun captain, and he did not pay a cent.

At the time Sohmitlbergcr was captain of the eteainooat aquad Wardman Vail told him Ibe men hail to give up half of their salajie. "I told blm I did not want to keep up the prattle aixi he told ma I waa a fool, that the meo would Jual aa soon give It up aa not. aud that 1 might aa well gvl it. I agrewd to triie. and Vail waa my collector for about two monlhe and ihen (iannoo waa ap-polMeil, wbo collected about ll'AI per llionttt." Wblle waa In charga or the Sixty-seventh atrest station, there were about ten policy shops in the precinct from wlncb fill each was collected, aud the lijbiminn Dealers' Assodatiou paid about 1 per inonlb.

Wllnuss suted that ho waa called on by Inspector William to divide the collecwona, and be paid hint per month. The audience waa thrown into great commotion by thla- Schmlttberger waa next tranaforred to nr.nini-t where the collections from tho policy ahopa amounted lo about ji-uu, ana mere waa collected from each of the three pool rooms. Oannon, collector, got 20 per cent and lo-spoctor Willism Mot) per mouth. lioffoaked: "It viuw of the facta you knew that it waaPtha inspoetor'a duty to prefer chargea against you?" "Certainiy." "And you paid money to keep blm from proferrlng auch cbargesf" "Certainly." "Aod were any charges ever road againat you by himt" "Never." Scbmillbergor aald he was transferred from the precinct for Interfering with tha liquor dealers. Commissioner Martin proposed his tranafor to the police board.

At the Leouard' street statlou, whor ba was next placed. t''-0 each was collected from two pool rooms, f50 per month of which was paid to Inapector McAvoy. At the Forty-sovonth street station Schmlttberger collected between 50 and $iKXl per month from the policy shops aod disorderly houses. While there, Commissioner Martin told him not to interfere with the bouses in Forty -sixth street. "Dia ho mention any other houses," asked Goff.

"Yes, 234 West Forty-first street I sent one of my men there to investigate and, afterwards, some one made complaint to Commissioner Martin. Ho sent for me and said I would have to sond the aaiua man back to apologize." Did you do It?" "I bad to. Next day my man went and npolagizoal" Schmlttberger said he once received a letter of introduction from Sheehan Introducing a man namod Procter, and telling him to do what Proctor asked. Proctor wanted to open a gambling bouso, but Schmlttberger refesed to allow him until be bad seen Inspector Byrnes, and that official told the captain not to allow tha house to open. Wbilo In this precinct Schmittborger paid Inspector MoAvoy (150 a month.

In closing, Schmittberger said be made a clean breast of everything. The committee then adjourned till Wednesday. DEATH OF AN OLD CLOWN. Dolly Varden, an Old King Favorite, Commits Hulclde. New York, Doc.

Varden, who twenty yoars ago, waa a pooular clown, was found dead last night. Tbe e.asinhls room was. turned on snd it is thought be committed suicide. Warring- lor a t'alholio Churoh. SnELBYViLLB, 111., Dec.

villages of Neoga and Trowbridge are again at war, this time over the proposed removal of the Catholio church from Trowbridge to Neoga. The church is said to be one of the finest in central Illinois, and Neoga claims it might to be removed to ber corporate limit, as sho is mid-way between two Catholla communities, while Trowbridge is convenient to but one. Neoga has raised for a site and, it is claimed, has secured tho approval of Bishop Kyan. A vieoroua proteat has been made against the removal and delegations from both places have Tislted the bishop. Falrbury Favta.

Fairbukt, 111., Dec. 21. rSpeciai.J Mr. Charles Windelshafor, a peculiar character, died at bla borne in Falrbury today, aged 60 yoars. He was a veteran of the lato war, and belonged to Falrbury Post No.

75. G. A. by whom tho funeral will take place tomorrow. Tbe deceased bad queer ideas for several years and.

being troubled with OHtbma, he was not abie to work as be would liked to bave done. A wife and four children are mourning his death. The family of Alexander Milne, who reside in the extreme north side of town, have certainly had their share of afflictions, Aboutaysr ago they lost three of ttieir small children, -nd another child died last night Fire at Marslialilown, la. Mabsualltow.v, Dec. 21.

Tbe dry house of the Firminlch burn-ed with It contents this morning, and th adjoining buildings were badly damajed i SAonnn- Inauranne. one-half. IAIBi 'v 1 erj I lm Japanesd lost utn oni.era iti.l i.lne men killed and 14-1 wonmt.M. 1 loss la uiiKiiown, (ml It la not i. vi anv w.

r.i picked up fr.oii Ihe UTce ve. tui.K In tint action. 'I Japaneau ii i'iivorwl Mia vewHa much miro scicn-tl .111 than Wia i'tiliD-a. "I ne rrauita tl.e heavily armored vrasois of tbe Ci ii.e.. I.

et wlltito hI Ilia lira of the li.eCl.cti Yuen was not inuleriaily dutii igHl, Uiouifh bit HUM'S. This adds to the arguiio-nta loU'ly advanci in nl suili vrawia In preference lo A MiililMira light. I Mm ntr, Is IVc 81. -County SuH Strange, around whom tl.e of tho citliunis' commit tea agalut for eight oiontba. waa re-ii.

ived from ofllce today, Judge Van Waco-nen rcfualiig tlie motion for a new trial. Notice of appeal to toe supreme court wa at i.iue filed. Tliu was granted tv to Ilia a bill of exceptions, nut Judgment on the verdict was entered lm-mediately. lilna Watils I'eaie.

Iec. 21. -It la reJMirtcd this evonii.g on g.xid authority that direct (mace negotiations ara proceeding betwoeu IVkln and T.kio. Tba Japanese fleet bas loft IVrt Arthur and steamed south, destination unknown. VtAMiiMiTo.

Djc. 21. -Minister Denby mtiwrt tiiHliL tmlav that U4t.f.l. 11.0 w-' ha appointed twopmiceconimianlou-em, wbo will proceed at once to Japan. Demented l.y Ihe Awlul Heme.

IN( T. Di-o. 21 F'rank Trumble, attor liey of Council Bluffs, was present at tho receut triple shooting in a Council Illuffa bank, in which Clerk Huntington shot two detectives and hiuivif, has become tuane, the attack coming on wlulo be was in a hotel here, en route to his o.d home at Keokuk. It Is thought bis mind was atialtered by tbe bloody scene at the bank. Until Lea- lir nd Will Ilia.

Pekiv, Doc. 21 Wey rich, an employe of the Pekin HomiLy Mills, while at work loading goods tbla morning Intu a car oo tbe Peoria. Decatur Kvansvilie switch tracks at their work, was run over by thu Peoria, locatur Kvansvlllo switeh engine, having fallen under It. and had both legs cut off. It is not believed ho will live.

Wants .1,000 from tha Alton. Dec. Hern, ef this cltv, today filed a suit aralnst tha Chicago Alton Kallroad com-pauy for damages. He was run down by a freight tram pear Wright street on October lost a leg and was otherwise injured Ha claim tbat-lba wbrstla was not souuded and that the bell was nut rung and that the train was running at a aoeed of fifteen miles an hour at tho time of the accident. Charged with Heinous Crime, He Hulclde.

I intoh, Dec 21. N. Gaston, a candy man of thla place, was arrested for rape afternoon and an hour afterwards, uile out with the marshal looking for bail, shot himself in Rho lor'e tailor shop. The ball entered h.s loft breast and came out near tne shoulder blade. He la still living bud will probably recover.

Vrimin I'rotrata Innuoriiea. Cm.oKAi Sphinos, Doo. 21. Sylvoater Yeaman, part owner of the Black Wonder mining claim at Independence, on which Richard Newell, chief engineer of the Midland Terminal road, was killed, has been arrested as accessory lo the crime, iea-man protests that be never Instructed Van Houten. who did the shooting, to guard tbe cabin.

U'llnc of the Jree llutter Law. Bai.timoiie, Deo. 21. Aa the result of Justice Harlan'a deciaion auatalning the Miissachusotta oleomargarine law, Armour Co. bave decided to discontinue the sale of butterine in Maryland.

All other wholesale dealers in oleomargarine bave closed up. Appellate Court Proceedings. SrnisoriKi-D, Dec, in the appellate court, Third district, today, wore aa follows: Bloominglon Electric Light Company vs. Itiiibournu. Reversed and remanded.

Chicago Alton Railroad Company vs. Dubolse, administratrix. Keversod and remanded. ew Dominion Parliament. Montreal, Dec.

21. The new Dominion cabinet was sworn In today at tho residence of the governor-ireneral, Hon. Mc-Kunzie Bnswell as premier Burned In a Hoirdliig lloue. Vau.ejo. Dec.

21. A sailors' lodging bouse burned this morning. Jack Finn, John Del! and George Joahlyn were burned to death. The last named was quartermaster on the United States steamship Independence. Murdered by a Highwayman.

Goshes, Dao. 21. Jonathan Crum-backer, aged 67, a well-to-do farmer near Bristol, ten miles south, was murdered by an unknown highwayman on tbo public half mile from nia residence and his body robbed. Leaped to Death. Lyons, Deo.

21. -This morning Miss Wanny Markei, a highly respected young lady of Clinton, Jumped from the Clinton Jfc Illinois hiarh bridge into the Mississippi river abd was drowned. No cause known. A Colored lllsliop Dead. Newbi ro, N.

Dec. Joseph Thompson, D. M. of tho African Methodist Episcopal church, died today, aged 78. (lilt Uoes the (inld.

New York. Dec. 21. Gold to the amount of 13.250,000 bas been taken for export tomorrow. For rheumatism I have found nothing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm.

It re. lieves the pain as soon as applied. J. W-Yoong, West Liberty, W. V.

Tbe prompt relief it affords is alona worth many times the cost, 50 cents. Its continued use will effect a permanent enre. For sale by W. Marmcn, C. F.

Gaffron. Corn Bolt drug, store A. K. nineharl, druggists. fi.) Wahjsh who run the traio on which the men diim from Chicago, and wl.owarind tl.e station ngenl l.i re in n-grd to I ham.

il" was taking i.ole nn tt.a way down and, thla afteru mi, hen tho hu of tho robbery wa ennve.wd to bun. wired to Mr Fairbanks ill riplions of Iha men as illnw: Man about year old. black rcdor. batandaack coal of black Jiauta. b.nck ni'iaiarhe; a llttl't haul; 5 foct Im-hei c.

slightly rrocd Man i smooth, pale face; dark black atiff hat) dark suit; wore alines and brow overcoat. Man .11 years old fuel Id; durk hair and mustache beard a week old; a httiti bald: sack coat vtry muei: looked a machinist congress shot'; carried small jollowgrip; stiff hat; Pout I7Y Man of fit weight I ltd; rod facu; heard rmpprd; brown auit; square topiird atiff 'J bey ail bad overcoat. Cashier I-airhank and tbo other Inter etrd ill thu bunk and Hie town authorities are energetically at werk se-kmg to apprehend It." i a. who are certainiy a hold and scientif.o apii lu rns of their craft aa have ever operated In Illinois. KILLtD IN A HPEAO Fuiir Thousand and drrn I'all nil the Lima.

Dec. 2d. Ovi l.ihK) huugry women and children called on President Careres, who ordered them to dipt K'. ding followed, lating over three ho irs. Many persona were kill'td or woundel.

Mn. I or tha Heboola. WasiiixothN. Dec 21 Secretary Smith baa transmitted locnnaross a recommendation for ft" appropriation nf K.MU of the printing and distribution Gf copies of ten topographic atlas shoots to the grammar, normal and high school and tbe academics, colleges and tinlverstlios of tb couolry. Dublin Mats lin Iteslgu.

Dr.svrh Dec. 21 The Tim says tonight: "Word was received, informally. In this city, this morning, from Washington that the resignation of Bishop Matz. which was forwardod to Rome a month or so ago, bus not boon, aud will not bo, accepted by the pope." A Treasurer's fculilda. BiiKwru.

Dec. P. Farrlngton. treasurer of the Brewer Savings bank and a well known dry goods merchant, shot himself dead tnls morning. Cause unknown.

His bank accounts aro nil right Deb fakes Appeal. Ciik'aoo, Deo. Il was decided lato tonight by tho mtornoys for and iho other oflicials of the Amoricau Railway Union, to lake an appeal from decision of Juugn Woods. The caso will be carried to tho United States supreme coi.rt. FLASHES FROM TH WIHE3.

Eugene Iloyers, a noted murderer, wbo lias killed four men, was sentenced to hana; at Birmingham, Ala. Public schools at Suinmltville, have been closed ciosed owing lo an epidemic of diphtheria. Coroner's Jury Investigating tho Washington street tunnel accident, at Chicago, held the atroet railway company responsible. Tom McDonald confessed tho murder of Tom Patton at Wellington. but says he whs hypnotized by Anderson Gray, a wealthy land-owner.

Petitions were filed with Gov. Flower requesting him to commute tho suntunoo of "Bat" Shea from death to liuprif onmcnt for life. He is not apt to interfere. Ex Congressman Jero Haralson, fount guilty of forgery and perjury at Little Rock, wa sentenced to two years' imprisonment or to pay a fine of fTi.OLiU. Creditor of Henry Scitor, banker, farmer and dairyman at Lebanon, 111., have accented a proposition which will enable him to reopen at Lebanon and O'Fallon, III.

The New York board of estimate and apportionment have recommended that the city spend 130,000 for anti-toxlne, to oi-ercomo the prevailing diphtheritic epidemic. At Thursday's annual rabbit-hunt on tho l'iaius near Lamar, for the poor of that city, four Puoblo suorts bagged 223 Jacks In two hours. One car load of ore carrying HOO.OnO in gold has Just been shipped out of tho Cripple Cr 'Ok district. Tha weuk's shipments aggregate ioUO.COO. Iu a funeral service over the remains of Bank Cierk Huntington, at Council Bluffs, the minister, the Rev.

Stephen Pnelps, arraigned the young man's employers for having driven him to suicide by a merciless system of questioning. Eiitlit lloraes Were Huriied. It was learned at a lato hour that in the lire which broke out at the old George P. Davis homestead, on Towaoda avenue, at 11 :30 eight head of good horses were cremated. Loss about 1 1.000.

It was a corn 5bed that burned, and the lire was ignited probably by a spark from a trash fire in a fisld in the afternoon. Weather indioaciona. Washington, Deo. 21. For Illinois! Fair colder; north winds.

In the Missouri here today, nearly six feet, carried out the pontoon bridge. Four men wore on the draw wbon It went out and excitement ran high until tiny were taken off with a skiff. A terrific snow storm north caused the tremendous rise. necelrer for a Mullcllna; and Loan. Chicago.

Dec. 21. Lucian Broad well, a In the Inter Ocean Homestead and loan Association, has made applica tion for a receiver for the corporation, ne cbarga is made that the affairs of the concern are in baa shape and. If they ore not kept free from hostile litication, thny will not realize more than 40 per cent of their estimated value. The total face value of the assets Is placed at aud the actual value at ftHUKiO.

Tha application was granted aud a receiver appointed. Mfstery of Mrs. Matson'e 1 order. TorEKA, Dec. 21.

The murder of Mrs. Matson remains as much a mystery as ever. Llttlo can be made of the story of the deaf ond dumb negro, who olairns to have seen two men enter and leave the house nn the night of the and no tangible clue Is os yet discovered. Morcrer Worked Off. Kamstel, Do- 11.

-The execution of Calvin J. Christie, alias Charles Black, alia Cbarles Adams, for the murder of Mrs Cunuingham last April, took place at the lall yard this morning. His neck waa broken aud death was inatantaneoua. ft.

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