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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



A WILD MOB. KESIST JICOME TAX. trw Vurft Hanker Applies fur ir.lnliif Order Other to ollow hull. HACK WAR FKAHKI). A ruled Jtiiillen of Whiten uinl Nrg-rocs In Thirsting- Fur Karh Oilier' lliutxU Severe Stoim Maze lit Great Itrltaln tin! Irelatvl and ou Tliclr Coati.

Floods In llnllaml and Tempe' la glum-Long M( of tnllile tel- Iinkox, Deo. 2A-A aevor pale ha boon blowing all over Groat llrluln. Kumeruu minor cullle are reported at tea and ashore. Th eteamrr Helen Mr drivvB shore oo Ui north eoat of Ireland and four of bar crow drowned. Thirty or forty persona are already reported dead aa result of tha ttorm, while hundreds wur Injured.

F.ight persons, whllo at-tempting to eacaM from a bark driven asbora at Holyhead, wore drowned. A chimney at Sheffield i blown down down and five peraoua killed and oiar.y Injured. Ib'porta recolved from various parts of groat Britain ahow tbat tha Kale abating. There la bardly a to wo of any aire but ro-porta peraoual casualties and damage to property. Io tha manufacturing towna roofs wero town Off and chimney stack Col lapaed, crashing through the adjoinln building and killing and Injuring a oum biT of people.

A Dumber of fishing boati arc mining. Three boata went awamped off Stornoway and twenty -two occupant drowned. Much damage waa dona to bouse In Dub lin and suburb. All around the coast veeiol bare been re ported stranded or In the greatest danger. Tha ahlp Kirkmlchaul waa wrecked off IMyhead and five of her crew drowned.

Theeiacl auniber of death la unkuowo but It la expected the I ml will out be much icj lhao one hundred. fiends la Uollamt Dec 23. Heavy flioda bare beun cauaed by a storm In Holland. The river Maaa and Rotte roae twelve feet. In- nndatlug parta of Rotterdam.

Boats are uW in the street, which are like lko. In several places to water broke through the dyke, flooding the country and doing cooeiilcraole damage. At Ctrechl aereral peraona were drowned by the capsizing of boat. The bark Caroline from Savannah waa wrecked near EJgmoud-Soa and part of her crew drowned. In Belgium mild on Iter Coast But ssxixe, Doe.

23. A atorm has caused much damage throughout Belgium. Many of the Belgian fishing fleet are mlssiug. NINETEEN KILLEO IN A WRECK. Manchester Express Wreck Near Crewe Wind Derail Train.

Oriwb, Deo. 23. The Manchester express on the London Northwestern railroad waa in oolliaioo with a baggage train at Chalford today. Nineteen peraooa are dead and more than aiity injured, many faulty. The accident la reality waa caused 'by tho recent storm, which baa wrought ao much damage throughout England.

The luggage train waa tint derailed about o'clock tbia afternoon by tu force of the gale. Before notice of the dangor could be aunt to Crewe and neighboring atationa tha express struck the baggage oars, causing a great deal of damage to both trains. Tha express train was running at full speed at tha time the accident occurred. CENEROUS CARLISLE. Representative Illljt Expose Soma Facta Kegardlug Tt Proposed Paymuit of Wasbixoton, D.

Dec. 23. Secretary (Jresham's communication to congress, relative to paying for the Bohring sea Seizures is occasioning much discussion. 'Representative Hitt of Illinois, points out that the original claims, as filed, fool up $439,000, which la little mere than the amount of the proposed compromise. Of tbia :i57.003 is for probable earnings, "estimated catch," eta That Is, the ships claim large damages for what thoy might havo earned If they had not been seized, so that three-fourths of the claim is for prospective, or remote, damages, and only one-fourth for damages actually sustained.

Milt says thla theory of prospective damages was expressly repudiated bo fore the famous Ala bama awards commission. It Is also shown thai of tho eighteen ships claiming damagoa ten were American ahipa, some ot these American sealers flying the British flag. Hitt urges that it is not for Great Britain to collect alleged damages to American ahipa. The claims ol those American ships are Included In the settlement of the although Hltt says the United States should deal with its own ships in its own wav. After deducting for "probable earnings," and furthor deducting the claims of the American ships, Hitt holds that there Is little left of the origlnal'claims.

The sum of $425,000 la far in exceaa of what it ought to bo. BONACUM HAS WON. The Priests In the Tyrannical lllsliop's Dlooaae Ulve Up and Depart. OMAna, Deo. 23.

The prieste of the Lin-cojudioooae, who have been fighting Bishop Bonacum for two yoars, have surrendered. They admit that the bishop has won and, if be has not been sustained, the diplomacy ot Mgr. Satolll leaves thorn no chance but to seek employment elsewhere. Father English, the tenth priest to quit Bonacuin's dioceso, came to Omaha yesterday, and now has cburge-of a parish to thla oity. Tbe trouble betwoon Bonacum and the prioala hogan two years ago over the refusal of Father Corbett, of Palmyra, to aubmit to some ruling of tho bishop, winch be thought tyrannical.

The bishop was finally tried for libel charges but was acquitted. Satolll Visited Lincoln for tbe purpoae of settling the trouble but was unablo to do so. The matter waa appealed to Home, but, if ever pussed upon, the verdict waa never made public. 1'artiy Katen by Hoga. Toulon, 111., Deo.

22. William H. Dowty, a wealthy young farmer, living aix miles west of this town, was found dead and partly eaten by hogs on his farm last nigbt An the be of Mr. and In and tha In tauie point Has Thieve 11.14 'p a Train la luwe- Olllcere Mlia OT Mr Than They Can bw. invixi-oiiT.

IVo. U-Krr this morning tda safe of the Star drug store at West Liberty was blown opon and 1120 se cured. The burglar boarded tha west- bound Island train, paying their far to Iowa City. Meantime th rubbery was discovered. TU Iowa City police were telegraphed t) watch out for the mon They, however, landed at the outskirts of tha town and boardod an east-bound a- aonger and paid their fare to Davenport.

The conductor thought they looked aus picious and took the earliest opportunity to telegraph tLu Davenport to moot tho train. Al West Liberty tha train waa boarded by the marshal, deputy sheriff and deputised clliions. lh party asked for th auspic loua pnsseiigera aud the men were pointed out. The cuoductor advlaed tha oRlcura to ahadow th men to Davenport before at tempting their capture, but this advice waa refused, Three of tho oflK'cr approached the pair, with revolvers in their bands, and aid they wantod to search thorn. The rob bers parleyed till one raised a window and tliraw out the money and paper.

Then evh rirtw a brao of revolvers and held the ofMoere off, who were afraid to shoot Conductor Douonue ran to the exprcsa car for weapons and on the way tied a knot In the bell cord, but the robbers managed to jll It and the train alowc i up. 1 he robbers tired a volley over tho ils orthe paasen gurs, and retreaUtl to the rear plntforin and juiuoMd off. One throw a atick of dynamite struck the train midway of the smoking car, and smashed the windows and put out the llghla la two car, but Injured no one. They evidently desired to derail the train Ut assist them to escape. They then mado tbolr escape in the timber.

The train had run nearly to Moscow. Light ofllrer were awaiting the train Id Davenport, and five would bare boarded It at ihe city limita. The marshal returned to West Liberty, organ, tod a puraulng party aa eoon aa psa aiole and a posse of fifteen men armed with Wiurhesuirs and shotguns started out, and found the robber Dear Moscow, who seeing thoy were surrounded and resistance use less, aurreudercd and were taken to West Liberty. WANTED TO SELL HIS VOTE. Concealed Ktenograulier Props Unto I'rtty Mm In t'blrsgo.

Cuti'soo, Dca 20. A morniog paper this morning print a aensaltonal story that Alduriuao Jonn I'owera agreed to sell the board of aldermen out for f25.ono. A repor ter for the rper. concealed In a cloaet. took down a lemraiihtc report or tne conver- satton In which the proposition was made.

For this sum of money Mr. rowers agreed to kill the cigarette ordinance now pending. Several other aldermen wera implicated by name, but their names were held back, In connection with lb charges made agalnat Aid. Powers In this mornings Herald it Is reported that Powers makes nriou counter charges againat Mc Couil and Ueorgo W. Turner, of the New York ffreurdar, both of whom he charge with having attempted to bride him and ether members of the counoJL On the other hand McCoull reiterate tha charge against Power, and says that four other aldermen, two Democrats and two Kopubiicana, aro implicated in the attempt to secure bribes, on the tobacco company.

tie refuse, however, to divulge the name of the four aldermco. NEBRASKA'S DESTITUTE. The Reports Show That Three Thousand Fainlllea Ar In Nred of Help. Omaha. Deo.

22. President Mason, of tbe Nebraska alate relief commission, ha ecured a carefully prepared report of the nmbor of destitute families in ma ainer- ent counties In the state where there was a crop failure, showing nearly 8,000 families want Contributions are coming in oui hardlv as fast as they should, the com mission has carefully gone over me noia nd none but the unserving are to be as is ted. WAS IT THE MANSFIELD CANC? Hold Burglars Jlreak Into Forrest l'oet- otAre and lllnw the Safe. Forkest, 111., Djc. The postoflice at'thia place was burglarized last ight The burglar made entrance at tbe back door, blow tbe safe open and took sumps to the probable value oi aim about $200 Id money.

Nothing else was dis tnrbed. No cluo. RUSSIA AWAKENING. Alleged New Constitution Providing for Parliament ami Provincial Dlet'a. Berlin, Dec.

22. What purports to be draft of a new Russian published hero, provides for an imperial parliament and a diet for each province, to elected by universal suffrage. The czar romalus the supreme bead of the state. Fire fatalities. Memphis, Deo.

22. As tha result a small fire here, tonight, the 8-year-old daughter of Edward Shellon was burnod to death. An Infant sister is dying as the result of a skull fracture received from being dropped from a socond-story window, and Shelton will probably die from spinal Internal injuries suffered by being forced to leap from a window. Overcome by th Lexow Questions. New York, Dao.

23. Ex-Polico Sergeant Hugh Clark dlqd at his home and his many friends believe tbat his death resulted from oerarous prostration produced by recent police sensations. New York, Dec. police officials Implicated in levying tribute on lawlessness the testimony of Capt. Schmittbergor before the Iexow committee yesterday, stren-deov the truth of his allegations, except Inspector Williams, who" is very sore declines to talk.

Pourull the Vintor. New York, Dao. 22. This evening saw final efforts of tha French btlliardist Fournll and Chioago's veteran, Gallagher, a match for 3.000 points. The Parisian off tho victor with a score of 8,000 to Gallagher's 1,421.

Fournll couceded 1,600 in the 8,000. El Paso Open Another Opera House. Et, Paso, pec. 23. Special.

-The opera bouse wa openod tonight by tbe Gloriana company In their three-act comedy, "Glorl-ona a Joy Forever." All the aeota In the house were taken and the play wa enjoyed by all present. The frescoing wa finished Friday and tho seats put In place today. Tho frescoing is a beautiful piece of work, the predominating color being terra ootta. of a in in of 1st, bad his of top at was tbe Hon. state state the 9 Dry The head third Jail at Attk'ustn, Surrotimleil ly a TliniMitii'l Kxrit'-d lieu I'alllnir or Juk Wiggins Mnr.lrrs N.M and lUslsis Arrest, kilting Thr and Weni'dlng Othrrs.

At oi sta, 1 Vc ta-Wllllam P. Flem Ing, speaker of th Georgia House, and Judgo William F. Lvo. of tl.a county court tonight ad Jreasi a mob of H.H1 cltiten thst hsd gathered around the county lilt with the Intention of lynching Jaka Wiggins. It la bi'lleved that better counsel has pre vailed and that there will be no assault on the Jail.

Saturday bight Wlgglu killed a gro named Audersnn Williams, across the river Carolina. Un was tracked to Augusta. A posse of surrounded the house and broko la the dour. Wiggins opened tiro un the Mlcers with a pistil In earn hand. fcjteoilv Murrsy wa shut In tho bead aud I dying at the hospital.

Policeman Stringer wa shot In the head and ran probably Dot recover. Policeman Wrvun waa shot In tiie leg. John Davis, a spectator, wa shot lu the region of the heart and died to lest than aa hour. Tbe negro escaped, but a little later waa bnally arrested. During tho melon at the house when tbe fugitive was under 11 from many persons over one hundred and fifty shots were fired and the uiuu was slightly wounded In tha left side.

Al o'clock the crowd at tho Jail has In creased to Ther Is no leader and it Is not thought that any attempt wiU be made to enter the Jail, which la pro tectcd. TRY CINC MURDERERS TOCETHER, Hay ward and llllst Attorneys seam to Its (Jetting Together. Mikniapoi.1. Dec.

2J Harry Ilayward, accused of Instigating the murder of Catherine Glng Deo. 3, waa arraigned today io tbe district court on th charge of murder io the first degree. He pleaded not guilty, and his case was set for Jan. 21. Tho case of Claus lliixt.

the self-con fussed tout of Hay ward, wa reset for the same day aa lis) ward's trial. Ilayward had loot none of hia strange nonchalance as be came Into the courtroom. Attorne ys fur the accused are exhibiting a dispouoa to get together. It baa aeemed up to this lime that each man would attempt to clear himselt at tbe exponas of the other. SLUNCSHOT KILLED MRS.

MATSON. It Is Wellavad to llav Itlonif to th Murdered Woman'e Tenant. Topixa, Ik, moat Im portant development today In the Malaon murder ease 1 the identification of tbe slungshot with which Mr. Matson was struck and which was found wrapped io the about her bead. The weapon, it Is declared, belonged td Nelson Bailey, a colored man, who was a tenant of Mr.

Matsoo. Bailey disappeared from Topeka last-Monday and it has learned ha gono to Chattanooga, Tenn. The coroner's inquest adjourned over till Monday, in connection with the bust for the murderer it has been decided to photograph tha victim's eyes as possible nieaas of acting a clew. FROM DUCKS TO DUTY. The President and lila Party Return to Washington Prom Their Hnnt.

Washington, Dec. 23 President Cleve land and bla party of duck hunters returned the city this morutng on the Atlantic Coast ei press. The president is looking well, boing a little browner by exposure to sun and wind, the party was met at the station by Secretary Herbert and driven to tbe White liouso, where breakfast was served. The president spent the day quietly home, and in tne afternoon went driving with Mrs. Cleveland.

lie Is feeling much better than when he left his rheumatism having been much lessened by tho trip. Al together, tbe party killed about 800 ducks. tbe president being responsible fur rather more than half of them. WHISKY CUT A CENT A CALLON Trust Orders the Keduotlon to Oo In Ef. feet Thla Morning, Toulox, 111., Doc.

22. Prosldont Green- but thia evening said the only news In trust circles was the reduction in price of all goods of one cent a gallon, the same to go into effect Monday morning. Tho present basis is 1.23 for high wines. Lincoln Lines. LiKcoLtf.

Deo. 23. SpeclaLJ Rev. Mr. Hodder, of Colorado, officiated at Trinity Episcopal church today, preaching to largo and appreciative audiences morning and evening, tbe bishop taking part in Iho morning service.

Tbe western gentleman will be In charge of the Christmas service may be called permanently to this parish. Last night at 1:30 a. the "Screamer" blew the alarm of fire. The Mrs. Slieoley property on North Kicknpoo street was blazing, but was soon under controL Tbe house vras badly damaged.

Georgo D. Boydon, of Chicago, came down to spend Christmas with bis aged mother. a Deatba at Decatur. Dkcatcb, Doc. 23.

Speclol. Louis E. Kinney, one of the stockholders In the City Electric Railroad Company, was burled this afternoon. The remains ot Mrs. Lena Hankie Walter, aged 40, wifo of Jay Walter, who diod In acoouchment at Stoux will be brought to Decatur Mon for burial.

Klre In a Grocery. Philadelphia, Deo. 23. Tho four-story whelosale grocery warehouse of John Me- Glensey'sSon Co. was gutted by a fire, hlch started at 5:30 o'clock this morning.

origin is unknown. Loss, fully covered by insurance. Beaten by Masked Men. Rockforo', 111., Daa. 22.

Throe masked entered the home of T. J. Erickson, a demented old man, last night, and, aftor torturing him without avail to find where money was hid, left him gagged and In sensible, wttn lace Deaien in. encmun found this morning in a critical condition. Tbe robber secured $30.

No cluo. In of lu the Tbe and at jail him tho of A (ioinl lilt of a KramUl A Hue From Ortain iVal of IMii-iilohe ami lie KtninTor. Ills IllglinS'i a Trill Khnrt on Vain to I'ssi Ills HI. II mux, Dec, 22 The political aituatloo continuea grave. There I lull for the moment, but the prospet 1 1 that, at the re convening of the Knichslug, th difference between tha guvernmuot and parliament, which bad only begun to be dVllnad when tha aortallat aud radicals, by clever maneuver of II err Higer, precipitated ad journment, will assume the character of a real conflict On the top of the retiuffs of the govern ment cornea the premature exposure) of Uohunlohe'a salary affair.

It la buw known, In apilo of the half-hearted deuiala of the olllcial proas, that iluhenlobo u.outioned to the emp. ror the great discrepancy between Els previous salary as governor of Alsace-Lorraine and his preaeut aalary aa chan cellor of the Herman empire. Too emperor, thereupon, offered to make good tho deficiency frum the ao-called disposition fund. This projected agreement Is little less than a scandal, as the fund referred to waa granted to th eniperor by the Kolchalag for a Very dissimilar purpose, namely, to assist veterans of the war who were not otherwise provided for. The disposition fund amount to 8.UW.UI0 mums annually.

Prince lloheolohe accented this offer, as admitted by bis own organ, the Iixt, but be waa Induced to withdraw bla acceptance or Una addition to bia aalary by the violent agitation which waa alarted by the opposi tion preaa, Immediately afur the I set leaked out The matter, however, will not be allowed to drop, altogether, for the so cialists dorUre their Intention to question tbe government oo the subject in the iteiclis- bmperor William Is naturally very angry about the affair, which he deems to be a species of interfei-euce with b'a preroga tive, and th oiauner in which uie Heicb- tag i treating hi pel oieasurea la not cal culated to diailnlsb bia Ire. Things, in brief, binge on the fate of the anil revolutionary bill. The government can only rely on about ITS votes, which ia twenty-four lesa than a majority. Io order to paaa tbe bill the government needs to gain tt.o aupporl of the center party, and tbe members of that party have already formulated their demands and, unless tbeae are conceded, their support lsi)xireuioly doubtful. In the moauarhlle aigns of estrangement between the emperor and lb South German court are not musing.

Tbe hoaith of Prince llimrmrck continues to be satisfactory to htrpbystciana. NATIONAL '-CAPITAL. Democrat tlryan Denounces th Carlisle Bill aa fluty and Ooposed to l'arty Tradition, mate. Washmotos, Dec. 23.

George, of Ml- sissippl, objected to consideration of tha resolution for. holiday adlfniroment and asked that it go over till Monday, cutting off debate; and, a the Senate waa without quorum and buainess was Oniy transactible by unanimous consent, a session on Mon day seemed assured, but, later, George withdraw bis objection and the resolution passed. Cullom presented a series of resolutions adopted by the citizens of Chicago expressing sympathy wilb the Armenians; also bill for on assay office at Chicago. In executive session the. Senate con firmed the Domination of Cbarlo II.

Man-cur, of Missouri, to be assistant comptroller the treasury. After the executive session the Senate adjourned until January 3. Mouse. Doo, 22. After passing three bills of minor importance, including private pension bill, on motion of Gear of Iowa, tbe House resumed consideration of tho currency bill Coombs opened the dobate In favor of the bill, and Bell, Democrat, of Texas, followed opposition.

Bowers, Republican, of Texas, and Bryan, Democrat of Nebraska, also opposed tha bill. The latter attached the administration, viciously, for dumping into the committee oo baoking and currency and the House a hastily considered bill like the ono pending. Bryan declared It contradictory to the views of Jefferson and Cleveland, the first and last Democratic president. On tbe subject Bryan said be had been, and wa now, favor of gold and silver, because tha amount of money would dopond on tha law auppiy and demand. At the close or Bryan siieecti the House adjourned until January 8.

STEVENSON'S DEATH. Advice Prom Samoa Tell of the Lasf Hour nf the Novelist. Sax Frascisco, Deo. 22. Advice from Samoa to December 4 are that tho death of Robert Louis Stevenson, tbe eminent novel occurred very suddenly on the second instant He had boon busy till 4 p.

m. and written some fine passages. Leaving'! work for dinner, he went into tha kitchen to assist his wife in the preparation. a dish of which he waa particularly fond. Suddenly, he complained of a pain in the ot his head and went to the drawing room.

Ho almost immediately fell back unconscious and never recovered. He died 6 p. m. In accordance with bis wish be buried nt a romantic spot on me top or Vaca mountain, 1,400 feet above the sea. BIG AMOUNT FOR STATE.

Illinois Central Paid over 1,000,000 for Taxes During Two Vears, Cuicaoo, Deo. 23. From the report of Rufus N. Ramsay, treasurer of the of Illinois, for tbe two years ended September 80, lttt), it appears tbat the received from taxes for those yoars and from its share 7 per cent-of gross receipts of the Illinois Central Railroad A Fatal ire. La Crossk, Deo.

22. Shortly before this morning fire started in the White House department store of the La Crosse Gooda Company and spread rapidly. loss is $100,000. Miss Hauls Love Joy. milliner of the firm, jumped from a story window and waa fatally injured.

he at Id Is of pa ous this on COal he to He will time him than the a shall bo and In aay tbe and th Doc. 22. Th first aU'f bavq ben taken In th district supreme jour, to cat4he constitutionality of the In- oomo lix iw. John G. Moure, of a New York hanking Ami, by his attorney, has applied for an order restraining Coiiiinltsloncr of Internal ItoxutiUe Miller from assessing aud collect' tax on hi iiionme.

liecauae of the im- pQT sued uf tho action It la expected that tha Cjjrt win Ox an early day for the bwina I on a number of legal aoon bi made oa the Iricnina t.x. each based oo a UtfTnrcnl ground, the mov inf mrtti' being Ntw York business men. Ills ii.o lutentlnn of a number of these to rcfu.i to pay tho ux aud appeal to the courls In each case. M. ootnplaint out hi Case Io do- tvl llu represent that be I a charo-haider In Jlvera corporations which have rsrnltigs, from which they pay dlvldeuda to the roniplaitiant and otlu stockholders that, In addition these dividends, complainant has an Income derived from the gains and prohta of hia business lurgely In excess uf ft.lHjd pvr annum, and upon which income, Including dividends before mentioned, the defendant, the commissioner of Internal revenue, untcsa restrained, will pnxved to assess the sum of per rent.

1'lie ciinplaiiiant further ahow that corpora! uma are also renuired to nav a tax of 2 pur rent on net earnniga, witnout regard to any dm. lends buing paid out of net earnings, thereby wrongfully aup.lcattng on the comp.ainont, and the complainant ahos the court the said taxation waa un-Juat and unequal in mat ttdiscriminaie against me comniainanl by wholly ex wpting persona from taxation who have ao inc. ioe not Id excess of per annum, and thereby th complainant ana ail other in the same company, aro denied equal protection of the law. urther, it etiowa to the court that aliens who reside In tha L'nitnd States, permanently or temporarily, are likewise aubj.H to income tbx, although the Income la derived wholly from elsewhere than the United Slates, thus undertaking, unlaw fully and without authority, to tax the In oonio of citizen af foreign countries. It is also shown tbat the assessments are to be made upon the income cf the com plamant and otliera earned a-d received prior to the time tbe provisions of the act took eject and not within tho constitu tional Jurisdiction of congress to imp'iM.

I no act is charged to in the provision imposing aa itieoma tax until and la such provision I unconstitutional, inoperative and vMd. If the taxea are collected the com plalnant will be without adequate legal remedy for redress of iho Illegal collections; and, in view of the contlououanesa of the taxes a provided until January l'Jmi, uD leas retained by the court the complainant will be aubjocted to the harrassment and petty annoyance of a multitude of suit retorted to during tbat period in enforcing the aucssmonts. On tbia ground It Is prayed tanta aobooaaa imum to ronotru the com. mis loner ikemiavuauft td appear and ana war Ms MIL, -but not under oaUi; that during the pendency or the cans the com nilaaioner and person acuog under hi au thority shall restrained and enjoined from doing any act looking to, or oontemplaling, tho collection of the Income tax as provided by tha sot: thiitoti the final bearing of thia causa the defendant and all persons acting under him and by his muthorlt.

niay -be uerpetuully re framed and eujolued from doing any act or acta so looking to, or contemplating th collection or such tax or any part thereof. as provided for In act of congress; and for all other and further relief that may be Just aad equitable in the premises. MURDERED BOY'S COAT. Noah Poster Arrested for th Harder of Young- ltinnlon at Pana. Mopxt VgRnos, 111..

Doc. 22 Noah Fos ter, a coal miner, wa arrested at tbi place last night Qp auspicion of being tbe mur derer of Arthur Binnion, the young man billed at Pana a few day ago and whose body was mistakenly identified a that of George II Barbour, of Chicago. Foster came to thi city three day ago and began work in tbe coal mine. The city marshal of Pana, who had traced him to this city, made an unsuccessful search for him yesterday and lof town. Local officers continued the search and finally succeeded in arresting him at tho mine.

When arrested he admitted his name, but refused to say anything as to the rime. Among the clothing found in hia roooi at his boarding house were a coat trousers and shoes, which aro identified as belonging to tho murdered boy by the deputy sheriff of Christian county, who came here in response to telegrams. The officer left with his prisoner this morning, going by tbe Jacksonville road, as said there would bo a lynching party awaiting him at the Illinois Central depot Pana. Jailed at Teylorville tester's Career, Pana, Doc, 22. Noah Foster, the supposed murderer of Arthur Binnion, is now jail at Taylorvillo.

Ho firmly denies all knowledge whatever of the crime. Foster well known iu Pana, having been a resident bero for the past year. He is 23 years ago, married aud haa one child. Hi runts live in Oklahoma. He was at vari times employed in the coal shafts at place, but could not bold his positions account of dishonesty.

He went td Mt Vernon, where be was promised a Job in a shaft oster refuses to answer any questions regarding the clothing found on him. The evidence ia very strong against him. as he was seen the morning after tha murder with the dead boy's clothes on, and also had other things known to belong young Binnion. M'CLYNN BACK IN CHURCH. Will Celebrate Mso Cbrlstmaa Morning and He Oiven Pariah, New York, Doo.

23. -The Rev. Dr. Ed ward McGiynn early Christmas morning celebrate mass in this city for the first since Archbishop Corrlgan removed from the reotorship of St Stephen's church eight years ago tbis month. Further that Father McGiynn the first day of new year will take charge of a parish in city fifty miles from here, with the distinct understaading that as soon as a vacancy occurs in a church in Ibis city that be worthy of his acceptance bo is to made the reotor.

All this is the result of a meeting between Archbishop Corrigan and tho priest Friday morning, the friends of Dr. McGiynn who are a position to know whereof tbey speak tbe priest am not receae one step irom position be assumed many years ago. which led to troubles which have kept Catholio church agog for yoara. a to al aud here City, day The men tbe wa Mrren Nrcror Alrralr Mini All A rot Over tha Killing cf Lorn, a V) bite Man. QriruA, lvo.

2.I. With seven no-grmi dead and an armed mob uf whiiei and black iu near proximity of cvh other the outlook for race war iu this county is stai tling In Ita certainly. Tho incitement is the result of tho mur der Thursday of Joseph Isom, one of ti most substantial farmers of Brooks county Seven negroes' live wore taken yesterday aud list night to pay tha fcr th murder ml this wa only th uyiiinli.g of the affair. Aa Associated I'rraa correspondent vis. Ited tho scene of action this afternoon and found a p.msj of thro i hundred covering a apace of about five The largest croud wa congregated a mil and a half from Isom' bouse, cor slstiug of loo men.

armed to the teeth, and about half a mile further uo ther wo a mob of lugrixanf about tho sumo tiumbi armed with Win- chesteis. pIstolH, axis and clubs, waiting for th white to attack tl.em. It ha been discovered that a number of negroes conspired to kill every man that was in tbe posse that arrested Jerry Jef- rath for killing T. Moulden a few weeks ago, and that the killing of Isom was thu commencement to carry out this awful n- aplracy. What the outcome of this will In the next twenty-four hour cannot In.

foretold. No action lias been taken to slop tho mobs so far. Capt. Tillman, father-in- law of Isom, I doing all In his power to prevent further trouble and 1 (ending all oror Iho country for conservative men to come aud assist him in prevailing on thu mob to ceasa The names of the killed arc: Sam Tay lor, Kit 1'razie, Sam Pike, Harry Sherad aud three whose names could not be learned. No whites have been killed so far.

Tbe county comparatively sparsely aettled and the facilities for securing In formation are vory meagre. Tho negro who killed Isom baa been In hiding near where the trouble occurred and Iheauthori- tics here do not considi it probable that Le ha been caught. The reporter who visited tho scane says that every cross road wa found plekcud with sentinels, and that every man Iu the country Is armed to the tuelh. There are, In all, probably A00 man under arms cover ing an area of about five square miles. The negroes ar en trenched In and around a lot of net ra cabins la lb midst of a thlo grnvo and tho latest Information la lhat the white art advauclcg on them from two aides.

Tbe dotal! of tbe killing of tbe cven negroes are meager. Taylor, Frazlo, Piko and Sherad were together about sunset last night They were regarded as four of the ring louder of the conspiracy to kill and burn and were especially sought for. Half a dezin whites, one of whom Is aid to huve been Isrm'i brother-in-law mine upon them suddenly and ordered them to submit to arrest. One of the negroes answered with a shot that struck one of the whiles and the four blacks were shot down In their tracks. The other three were caught one at a time.

Many of Isom' neighbors, who aro In the crowd, it Is said, will not listen to any peaceful talk. They declare that, for tbe sakes of their wives aud children, and for their own safety, they must stamp out the gang that have sworn murder, if a fight comes it will be a desperate ono. The killiug of Isom occurred in the publtc road not far from his home, aud the circumstances attending tho doed seem to throw doubt on the conspiracy theory. Isom was here Thursday, and wbllo in town bad so mo words with Wavcrly Pine, a negro, living his neighborhood. Apparently, everything was smoothed over wbcu he left for home.

After arriving there he started with Henry Tillman, a brother-in-law, for Capt. Tillman's home. About half a milo from Isom's they mot four negroes, Piko and West McCall and two Herring boys. They camo riding over Isom. Ho said: Look out; don't run over me," and bad just stepped out the way.

Just then Pike drew a pistol and, without a word, fired, tno bullet piercing Isom's heart. Pike and McCall each fired three shots at the prostrate body si Isom, and they then broke for their horse. Piko mado his escape but McCall nnd iho Herring wore arrested and aro io jail. In this present excitement there is gruve danger of these throe being lynched. Mysterious order.

i Carhondalb, Doo. 22. --One of tho foulest murders ever committed In Jackson county was dlsccvored yesterday by two boys who wore out hunting. Tho corpse of James Towlo, of Hnrrlsburg, nitn two bullet holes In bis head was found secreted a ravine near the Cairo Short Line rail road, about three mile east of thia city. From the Investigation it is evident that man was shot whllo walking on tho railroad.

No motive for the crime has yet developed nor has the body been identilied. officers have oo clew to the murderers. Murderers Oot but W2. Carbondai.e, Dec. 23.

Dug Anderson Frank Seffry were arrested last night Carterville charged with the murder of James Towlo. They both confessed having committed tho crime, and are now lodged in at Murphyaboro. They say they shadowed Towie, at Carterville, and followed afoot to whore he was assassinated. Towlo bad only about $2 on his porson and murder was poorly re warded. Insurrection In Samoa, Apia, Samoa, Dec.

4. The rebels are preparing to renew armed resistance to the government. Evorything indicates renewal serious trouble. Weather Indications. Washington, Deo.

23. For Illinois Threatening weather; warmer; south winds, 13 4 ,1 .1 ,1 ,4 1 .1 I I I I For rheumatism I have found nothing equal to Chamberlain'a Pain Balm. It re. liovea tbe pain as seoo as applied. J.

W-Young, West Liberty, W. V. The prompt rellof it affords is alone worth many time the cost, 50 cent. Its continued use will effect a permanent cure. For sale by W.

W. Marmon. C. F. Gaffron, Iprn Belt drug tore A.

N. Hinehart, drugguta..

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