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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-r I vj llll Pantagraph Want Ads are salesmen. Try them when yon want to tarn into cash aome used article of value. INDICATIONS FOR TODAY IIIIMliI Oenafallr tale Meneayi Timdai uniittKs, I'1" Wiesafauira, 82 BLOOMINGTON, MONDAY I MORNING, APRIL 5, 1920. -SIXTEEN PAG ES SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS It ,1 GENERAL STRIKE STRIKE IN YARDS JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR.

LEADS CHURCH CAMPAIGN REDS ON THE RUN AS TROOPS CLEAR CALLED OFF; KING TAX OFFICES ARE RAIDED BY IRISH; DESTROY RECORDS OF CHICAGO GROWS POLICE ON GUARD CITIES 1 5 All Party Leaders Promise to Easter Day Battles Between Red Guards and Gov-. ernment Soldiers; Switchmen $trike Spreads to All Co-operate With New Ministry. Long Heralded Easter Demon ftration Fail to Materialize Easter Blizzard Moving Westward State Primaries to Suffer From Storm NO BRUTALITY IS SHOWN Detroit, April 4. With prac 'EACE IN DENMARK (Sr AnaclstaS Prw.) Copenhagen, April 4. Notwith 1 1 1 tically tn whole of Michigan In the grip ot a mld-wlntcr snow storm on New York, April 4.

John D. Rockefeller, at the head of a party ot more than twenty pub-' Ho officials, representative business men and religious leaders, left here today for a week' tour of the principal cities ot the country to present the program ot the Inter-church World Movement The tour, arranged as a result of Mr. Rockefeller's offer to give all his time tor two weeks, Is preliminary to the simultaneous financial campaign of the week of April 15 when the thirty denominations which are co-operating thru the Inter-church movement will seek subscriptions of from the Protestant population of the United States. Gov, Carl E. Mllllken of Maine, was In the party, and Gov.

Henry J. Allen ot Kansas has promised to Join the campaigners when they reach tha middle west. Others In the party Included Dr. 8. Earl Taylor, general secretary, and Or.

A. E. Cory, director of the field department. '-'he Inter -church World Movement consists of the churchss," said Mr. Rockefeller today; "It Is governed and con- trolled by thera.

it Is designed to promote their work, its object Is to enable the Protestant churches ot the United States to contribute their due share toward the evangelization of the woi-I. Every 'denomination that Joins the movement retains absolute autonomy over It own denominational policy. "Since all will appeal mainly to their own church membership, how are they to reach, except thru some agency of co-oper-atio like' the inter-church world, movement, the 26,000,000 adherents of Protestantism who are not attached by membership to any church? Thru the inter- church they will receive not only their denominational contrtbu- tlons, but will share pro rata in the undesigned gifts." Railroad! Entering Chicago Except Two Demand An Increase of Pay, One Dollar An Hour Officials of Union Say Strike Is Illegal Will Hamper Interstate Commerce, Throwing 150,000 Men Ont of Work. Dulsburg. Rhenish Prussia, April 4 '-By the Associated Press.) Easter Many Outrages Occur Nev Angle Develops When the Tai Records Are Barned Nv Casualties Where Women and Children Vere Involved Re-Assessments Will Be Made and Tax Will Be Increased.

brought real peace to Dulsburg. After heavy fighting the government standing the removal ot political obstructions and the announcement the strike bad been called off. It still con troops, which reached here early It yesterday, were today combing the tinues to be effective. The employers' organizations and the trade unions have not yet reached a defi country, where the scattered Reds are believed to have fled. How far rhlcneo.

111.. April south and east the troops will go de ttiU tonight wr guarding railroad pends on how the Reds act. the eve ot the presidential primaries, campaign managers ot ths leading candidates tonight alternately dlscust the not altogether promising election weather, and predicted victory for their candidates. In most of the larger cities, hotly contested municipal Issues were counted on to bring In a heavy ballot Seven Republicans, Ave Democrat and on Socialist ar seeking th stat endorsement for presidential nomination. Chief Interest however, seemed to center tn th race between Gov.

Frank O. Lowden. of Illinois; Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood) and Senator Hiram nite agreement Both yielded on many points, but are faced by serious, perhaps insurmountable, diffi i not intended to proceed to I jar.1i In th Chicago rwitcuing at the request of railroad at Essen or Duesseldorf unless there culties thru the uncompromising at fected by th atrlke of switchmen are unexpected developments.

Mili (Br AnaaUts Praia.) Dublin. April 4. Easter demon, tratlon In Ireland did not devlo Into a spectacular effort ot fore against th government which th adherent of th republican cause considered would be suicidal, but there wa a series of outrage In many part of th island. Th mal titude of certain workers outside the trade unions organizations. tary control wlU be maintained here tailed 07 Chicago, April 4.

Northern Illinois and portions of Indiana Michigan today and tonight were In the grip of an Easter blizsard, accompanied by gales and heavy fall of snow, The storm struck Chicago territory early this morning between three and four Inches of snow falling during the day, and according to tha Chicago weather bureau would abate during the night Tha temperature remained around SO degrees above zero. Tonight tha center of the storm, which moved noretheast from Texas thru Missouri, Kan- a and tha southwest, was In northeastern Indiana and was moving steadily eastward. Tha Chicago weather office reported the storm would 'follow the St, Lawrence valley to the Atlantlo coast with snowfall all thru the lake region. While northern Illinois was visited by a blinding snowstorm, rain fell In the southern part of tha state. Gales from thirty to forty miles an hour blew during the day from the northeast and the north.

loclatlon. only until the authorities are satis Copenhagen, April 4. The general All rallroada entering Chicago, fied of the stability of civilian ad ministration. ulth, the exception of the Chicago, strike called as a protest agitnst the resignation ot Premier Zahle, oa Burlington Qulncy ana tn ew York Central, were ald by union of content took a new angle in theli Relchswehr troops inarched Into March 10, was called off this morning. W.

Johnson ot California, all ot whom Tha announcement stated that all the Duleburg region today and cleared out the radical element nf ficers to be affected by the strike tnd efforts were being made to in work when they attacked sixteen us offices tn many cities and towns, destroying the records in various ways, made extenslvs campaign tours of tha state. FULL WINTER FALL INCREASED LOANS Red army pitched battlles in the duce switchmen on those road to th parties had agreed it would be necessary to bold elections after a new electoral law has been past but mostly by fire. Other Republicans on tha ticket were Gen, Pershing, Senator Poln- join the walkout, they said. The attacks against police barracks Chicago Junction Men uut. and police huts numbered thirty-five.

dexter of Washington, and William The strike, starting when 700 The Treasury Officials Have In most ot the case th police bad left the barrack to go to concen switchmen employed by tne in A Fall of 6.3 Inches, Exceed' ing Total of Winter premier Llebe declared upon the king's sugesticn that he desired to retire. The king will now ask former Director ot the Ministry of Justice Frlls to form a cabinet, with the understanding that tha Rigsdag will resume its session as soon as possible O. Simpson of Detroit Herbert Hoover's nam appears on both the Republican and Democratic tickets. cago, Milwaukee St Paul railroad walked out, demanding an Increase In tration point la th larger cities. Handled Matters Most Machine Guns Clear Streets.

Machine gun and rifle ulleta swept the business district like a driving rain, artillery threw solid shot and shrapnel and band grenades were tossed. There was house to house lighting. In some quarters. Four citizens were killed and a number were injured. The relchswehr and red casualties, It la officially announced, were light.

A detachment of police undertook to search houses for resisting reds. Closing. Where only women and children wtr pay from 60 to 65 cents an bour toj IS cents and SI. spread yesterday to i the Chicago Junction railroad, which left in the barrack or huts th raid era gave warning ot their Intentions, last mm Anoolatea Ven. Springfield, 111., April 4.

April ly Bawelatad Praia.) Washington, April 4. Government expenditures have exceeded tha rev records tor snowfall In central nil lerves the stock yards and the soil Central and Chicago Northwestern railroads. nols were broken by the snowstorm and begin negotiations for an electoral bill. Will Call Off Strike. Th resignation of the Llebe ministry after five days tenure of office, means that the Socialists will consent to call off the general strike, providing the new electoral hill is carried thru all the parliamentary stages before dissolution of the Rigsdag and the new elections.

enues from all sources by more than while the government artillery took up a position north of the old rates START FOR HOME Union officers said switchmen on 1200,000,000 during the flret nine months of this fiscal year, and the ether railroads were Joining the that began yesterday afternoon and continued tonight A fall ot 4.S Inches was recorded by the United States weather bureau station here between walkout voluntarily and that no gen reduction of (706.000,000 In the float eral strike had 'been called. The ing debt last month is but a "tem lirotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, i i Party Includes Fifty Women and Cross with which the railroads have work- porary" condition, Representatfve 2:30 p. m. Saturday and p. m.

Sun hence there war no casualties. Destruction Avail Nothing. At Dublin Castle tonight It was stated that the destruction of th tax recordls will avail nothing, all citizens whose record have been destroyed will be re-assessed and their taxes are likely to be Increased by the need of funds to replace the barracks and huts destroyed. Attacks on the police barracks and government offices are reported from Limerick, both town and county, and also from several places in County Claire. No casualties are yet reported except for the wounding ol two soldiers by John Mitchell, whom they arrested at Olenade.

Leitrim country. Mitchell replied repeatedly To find a parallel for the recent scenes witnessed In Copenhagen, it would be necessary to go far back Mondell, Wyoming, Republican lead In agreements, has declared the siiike illegal- of Dulsburg. from which spot it placed shots where the reds were grouped, principally in high school grounds. Reichawehr Drive Rede. The first shots between the Kali 1st1 forces and the reds were Bred In Kalserberg, on the eastern edge ot tha city.

Fighting soon followed in the down town streets of Dulsburg, the relchswehr advancing from corner to corner, driving the reds before them- day. This is more than the maxium snowfall for the month of April of er, declared today In a statement. Helps. Not Content With $634 Per Year, Say They Want More, Cripple Stock Yards, Tha strike of 350 switchmen of the Economy alone, he said, could avert any year on record at the bureau. It is also more than the entire snowfall a "calamatous crisis." Chicago Junction railroad was said to have crippled the transporatlon fa (By AMocliua pim in Danish history.

The striking procession from the town hall, to the palace Saturday, was followed by thousands bearing red flags, who awaited with more or less patience, the result of the visit of the deputation of councillors to the king. This deputation imploring the king to dis New York, April 4. The last of the of the winter Just closing. In the month of April, 1899, Immediately upon the "temporary reduction" In the floating debt Mr. Mondell declared, the treasury was "in the market for further loans, and cilities of the stock yards, only a lew cars entering the yards yesterday and Done going out.

Or Bnoclata even.) The heaviest righting was In Son- Amerlcan-Jugo Slavs who arrived here unexpectedly from Europe a few days' ago many of them hungry and Kan, York. Arjril 4. A Detltlon i newall street. snowfall of S.S Inches was recorded and In April of 1910 there was a fall The relchswehr en urging adoption of an educational -J the north end from an open square with machine 'Unless the strike can be stopt Immediately It will affect commerce, throw 150,000 men out ot employ this month must dispose ot a further of S. Inches, according to the weather ,1 In.

Til. with run li i ragged started for their homes in larger volume of temporary certlfl ment and curtail the food supply of Republican party, was presented to- guns, stood at a range of fifty yards. I cates." miss the newly appointed ministry, the monarch replied: "I will negotiate on everything when the general strike Is called off." A socialist councillor Interjected "it is too late, your majesty" and all the Dureau records. The snowfall will have little effect on crops, it was said at the weather bureau. Farmers also said, they expected little crop damage.

two and one-halt bil tna nation, 1 w. j. arien, general manager of the Junction railway, eald. day to Will H. Hays, chairman of sweeping tire of both sides citing the variou parts ot the country today, it was announced from local headquarters.

Inoluded in the party were fifty women and several children. lion dollar war deficit aa "not cov According to union representatives the Republican national committee by Judson F. Wright, president ot the ered by bonds or provided for by no efforts to settle the strike have social democrats present echoed his shivered halt the store windows. I The gutters were plied high with glass, so pulverized that It resembled piles ot drifted shaved ice when the shop keepers later in the evening swept the sidewalks to the accompa current revenues," the Republican leader said that such a sum to be At th outbreak ot the world war At Kama City. Kansas City, Me, April 4v Rail the Jugo Slav left their home tn carried by short term notes was "a New York" State Teachers' association, William McCoy, chairman of the' Illinois Schools "committee and been made.

Strike leaders tonight claimed that 1,000 switchmen and yardmen were on strike and that train eervtce out ot Chicago was on a 25 per cent basis. words. Demand a Republic Meantime from outside the palace were heard shouts of "Republic long live Social Democracy." These America and went to Europe to vol roads and highways are blocked by deep snowdrifts, rural telephone niment o( machine tire in the southern and eastern outskirts. unteer in the Serbian army a major before surrendering. The Sinn Fein flag ha been flying all day long from the masthead from the flagstaff on Admiralty pier at Queenstown.

It wa hoisted during the night and tha pole was well greased to prevent It from being hauled down. Important Document Burn ad. Masses of Important correspondence and documents were burned in a series of fires which kept the fire fighter rushing from I o'clock Inst night until after midnight. The circumstances indicate a well planned inendiary plot. Fires occurred In the offices of at least eight inome tnx collectors and surveyors in different parts of ths city.

The fires were well advanced before the fire brigade arrived. Just before the outbreak the care-taker of the burned building were held Olive M. Jones, president of the New service Is demoralised and live stock Jtallroad officers, however, declared serious menace at any time, ana particularly when the country was trying to recover from the war. Situation Handled Well. 'Treasury officials, the statement continued, "have "handled a trying York Principal' Association.

I the handlcao In hauling frelaht was cries were redoubled when the deputation re-appeared and former Min Gather Around Monument. Remnants of the melting reds is suffering from a blizzard which swept Kansas, Nebraska, the Texas Teachers are "not attempting to due more to the snowstorm than the itrike. ster Staunnlng aadrest tne crowa Pan-Handle, northern Oklahoma and Ity paying their own expenses. No notification of their return to the United State had been received here from th Jugo Slav government In case where relatives or friends could gathered around Bismarck's monu from the steps of the palace, an Missouri last night and today. ment, fled when the troops charged.

situation most admirably." but they Hundreds of office employes and McCoy said, "but with the llkllhood of woman suffrage becoming a law, thus giving the vote Barricades erected in Kasslerfelder Tonight all trains able to move "loyal" switchmen of the Brotherhood street where many aliens reside. were running hours late, and from of Rallay Train and the Switchmen's not be reached by telegraph trans were cleared out by shrapnel. nouncing the result of the conference with the king. The manifestants however, soon dispersed In orderly fashion. Late Saturday night, the scenes were renewed ar.d the klnsr evidently several places trains were reported bound in bv heavy drifts.

The tem union of North America were hur lied Into service today to switch pas The rede, who numbered only two or three hundred, were driven out portation was furnished by the Red Cross or one of the Serbian societies. It is estimated that since the first Balkan war in 1912 more than 18.000 icnger trains at the terminals In an to 80 percept of tne teacnerB In America, they feci that their vote should go to the party that most definitely pledges Itself to remove educational limitations from the children of the country. Teachers have within two and a half hours, but perature brought by tne northwest gale ranged several degrees below freezing. effort to maintain schedules. recognized the gravity of the situa-l desultory fighting continued Into up by armed men.

A man believed to be Private Laurence McKenzte, of Take the Matter to Labor Board, "cannot avert disaster until we Keep public expenditures within our Income." Congress, Mr. Mondell predicted, would grant appropriations for the next year of $1,250,000,000 less than estimated by departments, which asked for approximately five billions for all purposes. Further bond issues, concluded the statement, "could only be floated at greatly Increased interest rates, at the cost of a considerable reduction In the market alu. of nutatandinir irovernment se the nieht as small nests or tne rati While tne snowfall apparently had The executive eommltteo of the Belfast, was found shot thru the icar- element were located and cor never been in politics DUt mey are alive to the situation aa they never nered. The number of reds captured General Managers' Association and officers of the Brotherhood of Rail diminished in most localities, freezing temperatures were reported as far south as McAlester, Oklo, tonight.

have been before and are going to tne is not announced. head early this morning tn How in. southeast of this city. It Is thought the wound will prove mortal. tion when he summoned the various party leaders and held conferences all night long.

The new agreement grants amnesty for all political offenses and concedes all the electoral reform demands by the social democrat. All the Darty leaders promised to co way Trainmen, Issued a statement Topeka, Kan. advices were that Tha correspondent saw reds who had been captured passing thru the streets with their hands in the air. poll next November wltn that suua lion uppermost In their minds." Representative Delegation. Jugo Slavs left-America to fight In! the Serbian army.

Only a small fraction of this number has returned. CONDITION OF RUBBER WAS NEVER BETTER New York, April 4. Net Income of the United States Rubber Company for 1919. after providing for depreciation ot plants and adequate reserves for federal, Canadian and placing the controversy up to the UV boar board authorized under the rr cent transportation act. three feet snow is lying on the level country in that state, while drifts are from seven to ten feet.

Pension Offices Attacked. Cork. April 4. Two fires, believed Citizens eald that reds were exe curities, with the Rrave danger of This delegation represents the teachers of Illinois and the 53,000 wrecking the snecle basis of our cur to be the work of Incendiaries, oc operate with the new ministry formed 'bixty per cent of the switch engines are out of service." the state A complete tie-un of traffic was curred in Cork last nieht Th to carry out this program. teachers in New York' the petition declared, and added, "we may in a reported on the Rock Island between Topeka -and St Joseph, Mo.

rency, with the certainty of Increasing the price of commodities and further enhancing the cost of living- blazes broke out simultaneously In. ment said. "This has been caused by an outlaw organization whose de- Warsaw. April S. Polish successes the Inland revenue and pensions of-' flees, situated half a mile apart Under these conditions, a further are reported along the Slutzk river way claim to represent the educa' Uonal forces of the nation." There la a "areat and growing de British amounted to J21.S96,- bond issue la unthinkable." At ft Louis.

St. Louis, Mo, April 4. Intermit The water supply, which was In 099. according to the annual report manaa lor rates or pay had already been presented to the railroad organizations by the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and the Switchmen's Union of North America. These de where a bolshevik attack has Deen repulsed.

Oen. Litowakl' force cap sufficient at first was soon increased. issued today. terioratlon In public education which threatens the efficiency of education Renew Peace Fight cuted, but this is denied. No brutal actts were observed.

Took to the Cellars. The -city, which had lived In a stage ot fear for three weeks, took the matter coolly. The street cars continued operation in all parts ot the town except where the lighting was hot but cellars were popular. Tares ot the cltlzena killed were hit by a government shell, which went wild and wrecked a house: the fourth was cut down by artillery In the street Great damage was done to stores and places of business, but too late to prevent the total de tent rain and snow, a thirty mile wind and freezing temperatures com Net profits were 117,630,237. Sur traction of both buildings.

The Washington, April 4. The fight In plus Increased from 141, 484,510 at the tured 500 lour guns ana much ammunition and other material. The reds attacked in the mands are being handled hv the waee end of 1918 to 152,310.163 at the close bined to make this taster one of the worst that St Louis has ever experi firemen this morning were fighting to prevent a spread of the flames. conference at Washington, and must congress over formal termination or the war will be renewed this week because of deficiency in educational funds. The failure to pay teacners adequate wages hi a national sin, long contest, but unatoned for.

of 1919. Net sales amounted to enced. t226.589.465, an increase of almost uiiuer me transportation act De con-eluded before the labor board yet to swampy country in the region oi Slawezna. After a day of fighting the bolsheviki were driven eastward. The temperature Is steadily falling With the failure of th senate to ratify the peace treaty, the house win vnt nn a resolution DUt for "It will take years to man the Sever Wire Communication.

Belfast, Ireland, April 4. Wire $10,000,000 over 1918. The financial condition of the com uo appoiniea by the president." tonight and at 8 o'clock registered schools even as they wers in 1914. On the northern front in the region ward by Republicans declaring the pany, according to Chairman Samuel 28 degrees above zero, wnicn is within four degrees of the record estab We cannot afford to wait for the publlo to become sufficiently alarmed of Lake Woron, Just south of the river Dvina, the reds have also communication with the north and south and with Scotland was severed Saturday night some of which were wrecaea ana war ended. lished for the month.

April IT, 1875, There were indications today, now many badly cut up by bullets. ins statement said that tne railroads had contracts with the two union organisations, whose officers has agreed to carry them out until the wage question was disposed of by the labor board. launched an attack. The ngnting js when the thermometer dropt to 22 p. colt, "was never better than It is today." ARCHDUCHESS WILL that thia mieht result in fur Unknown person entered tha cus continuing.

ther riavaloDments in connection with degrees above, according to officials to act" The average yearly salary of the teachers in 1919 was $634, the petition said and there had been only a 10 percent Increase during tbat year. tha treatv. nossiblv Its resubmission at the weather bureau. Brussels. Anrll 4.

Th street car toms house and th Grand Central hotel, which is now occupied bv th government offices, and burned official document. Heavy snows hava prevailed thru- to the senate by the president aa mo MARRY BARON H0LDB0T out the northern part of the state, Resignations Not Accepted. Chlcacro. Til. anrll 1 nealimatlnna administration 4 countr move.

Brought Up Thursday. workers of Brussels Loulvalne and the Whole province of Brabant struck this morning. It is announced that the government 1 to requisition the There was no expectation of aerl- according to reports and trains from the north and west are arriving two Budapest, April 4. The youngest daughter of Archduke Frederick, the of 1,250 Chicago firemen, tendered Von Mayer Sends Note to Millerand, Paris, April 4 Wilhelm von Mayer the German charge d'affaires, and Dr. Goeppert head of the German peace commission, sent an identical note to Premier Millerand today in the tatter's double capacity as premier and president of the peace conference.

The note sought to belittle the importance ot the movement of Kerman trooDs into the Ruhr region, Tlia nAAj.a resolution 1 to be ous trouble her and the troops were not even confined to barrack Satur "uuruv nprnr. mMn fair -r- and three hours late. FROM PUBLIC PARADE TO FANES OF PRAYER New York. April 4. Cold, drizzling Archduchess Mary Alice, has become engnged to marry Baron Frederic brought before the house Thursday At Hannibal.

an eight Inch day night But th authorities were alert for possible outrages, especially with a rule caning ior a voie Fri 't April 10, will not be accepted, John F. Cullerton, manager of orop-rtles, fire department said tonight. street car tomorrow. GENERAL WOOD IN Haldbot scion of an old Prussian snowfall was recorded the heaviest day. Republicans believe it adop in April In twenty-eight years.

family. Frederic is SO years old and at present Is employed In a commer tion la assured, wnue uemocrais -ue- rain and skies that threatened snow failed today to prevent New York's ine department has a regulation Eight Inches fell at Havana, IU. clare it certainly will be vetoed by TOUR OF ILLINOIS cial bank at Budapest. He has wnen it was discovered mat tne telegraphic wires had been cut and that telephonic communication witb New-ry, Dundalk, Dublin and the South generally had suddenly ceased. Later President Wilson, without prospects the- number of which, it asserted, had been greatly exaggerated.

The annual JSaster parade in urn Ave nue. salary of 5,000 kronen annually, At Chicsgo, rhinmn. Tn. Anrll 4. General hlch makes it obligatory for the firemen to tender their resignations only thru certain channels before they will be accepted." Mr.

Cullerton of obtaining a two-thirds vot to note declared there was no neces which under the present exchange rate is worth about 120. Leonard Wood, candidate for the Re th. vatfV Chicago, til, March 4. Street car Gorgeous) bonnets and wonderful creations, examples of the French schedules in Chicago were delayed sity for the application of the demanded bv France. It be told.

"Not one of the resignations The father of the bride-to-be was In mny well Informed quarter the ImDresslon to growing that either it was found tbat raids on the police barracks bad occurred at Clough, Rostrevor, Lough and other place. the richest man In the former mon Placed in my hands was written on the blanks aunnliail fne that mtrnoia. and American modiste's art were seen, bravely defying the onslaughts of the The ranks ot the bafora, or mora crobablT along with considerably by the storm. Snow plow were employed all day in clearing th tracks, preventing a com archy. publican nomination for president, will depart tomorrow for a six-day tour of Illinois, during which he will speak In sixty towns.

Gen. Wood' train will make brief stops tomorrow at Kankakee, Oilman, ing stated that the presence oi me extra number ot relchswehr in the Ruhr district would not be prolonged. the veto message, the president might raturn the treatv to the senate with Raider Got Away. In Belfast Sinn Felner mad sim parade were a bit thin, but tne dauntless ones. In outfits more suited LACT0RS PATCHING UP plete tie-up ot tramo.

Trains from the west reached Chi jnd for that reason we will not honor I tllem." Mr. Cullerton exprest confidence that a settlement of the controversy M. Millerand. this atterrroon. conferred with Marshal Foch- affirmative expression regarding reservations.

Altho Democrat plan a vlvnroua flfrht on the resolution. caaro from three to twelve hour late. ultaneous attempta to burn government property; several buildings were set afire but without serious THEIR DIFFERENCES raxton, cnampaign, monuceiiu, catur, Clinton and Lincoln. He will the Atchison, Tcpeka and Santa Fe w. De reached and said no prepa- Berlin.

Aorll 4. -News late Satur speak at Springfield in tne evening. rebortine: the craatest delay. New York, April 4. First steps to i vt 4 i 1 1 for Palm Beach than Fifth Avenue In the early and uncertain daya of spring, atept forth to admire and be admired, Probably never before has mere man loomed so large aa a contender diLv from tha Ruhr district indicate they virtually are without hope oi preventing It adoption in both house result.

Thee Included th Grand Central Hotel, which I the head Gen. Woods Darty will inciuae mr. Train delays were partly due to ward patching up ths differences exlstlnar between the Actors' Enulty Wood. CoL N. W.

MacCheeney, stat uuns were being made to fill vacancies. A mass meeting of the firemen, no are asklnr a watte increase of and senate. that lighting is continuing in biu Bands of plunderers are tha strike of switchmen, wnich de quarter of th pension department of th ministry ot labor. All th chairman; former Senator Association and the Actors' Fidelity confiscating food and other property.

for saratorlal honors. Not only were Woman Oppose Leagu ef Nation. raider got safely away in th crowd. L.nanea nurouniu. vroicouu.

League were taken today at the pleted working forces in the railroad yards; and every available employe wa engaged In keeping the switches The government considers me situa the young men resplendent they were Waahinrton. Anrll 4. Mar The tire brigade was kept busy the Quarterly meeting of the Equity. a year will be held tomorrow. ayor Thompson, to whom the firemen appealed Saturday, will be pres- tion to be grave.

Wltn only one dissenting vote, tne gaudy, accoramg io-quoiauons i New York clothiers, the very latest clean ot drifting snow. Th snowfall was the heaviest re vice chairman tnd Harry Olson, chief justice ot the municipal court of Chicago. BISHOP M. S. HUGHES member of th Euulty adopted wnoie mgnt in otneront directions but so far as is knowa no aeriou damage wa caused.

stvles In "business suits" come to tin, defeated two year ago for the United State senate In Nevada, announced from her headquarters here today that she would make the race nln thia vaar for the Rwh'-fn resolution providing for admlsvon Worker Disarm Troop. London, April 4. A Pusseldorff ported In Chicago at this season In a $100 while evening dress clothes cost e.arly Sunday morning saven Etna of Fidelity members into the asso STEAMER ARRIVES number of years. dispatch to the London Times, at least 200. Felner forced an entrance into th Newry customs bouse.

They covered The strife between the two organisation was heightened during The avenue saw suits ol many DIES IN CLEVELAND At Lincoln, Neb. WITH CREW SAFE colors and cuts. There were fancy the actors' atrlke which lasted from the caretaker and his wife with re dated April say tnai in enim Workers Council at Essen is disarming its' troops and assert after an agreement ha been satisfactorily Lincoln. Neb. April 4.

Th almost Clevertnd. Ohio, April 4. Bishop topt shoes too, that would make a nomination. Mis Martin Mid ah would accept the nouuuuuuii .1 uttered on her platform, which Included opposition to the peace treaty and the League of Nations. volvers while they ransacked th August 7 to September 1919.

The Ltifllnrtnn. Ttfth inn iTh. Mathaw HimtMon HucheS. Of Port' unprecedented Easter storm, which action of tha Equity Is the first move place for document which they barber pole jeaious. Trousers were tight baggy and lust loose, while tht teamer Pere Marquette Four, arrived at Its dock here today with all swept the southeast ana eoutn cen concluded, that were will be no more toward reconciliation.

Membership burned. Thirty disguised men attacked an untenanted barracks at fish tins, aa tha workers have agreed land, Ore, died at a hotel her today ot pneumonia from which had been ill lnc Friday. bad been rainbow-hued shirts intensified the tral section of f-eDrasKa, abated of the Eaulty le estimated at about passengers and crew safe. Car ferry color scheme. 3.004, while approximately 700 actor Loughbrict that the best weapon to use in case tha government doe not keen it CAPTURED WHILE early this morning and with higher temnerature and with bright sunshine fjso was free of the Ice pack to nn lartura tour since October, The women for the most part, wore and actresses ar members of "'Km.

nil fnilf. farrln. WOTA agreement would a general strike. heavy fur neck pieces with their during the afternoon, the snowdrifts Jill held fast and were waiting for a SMUGGLING RIFLES Celnico. Cal April 4.

CoL-Bor- in many places four to six reet deep, spending last week addressing Lenten meeting here. wa born In West Virginia, 7 VMM ('" Previous to belnc or dellty. BOMB THROWERS ARE spring suits and almost an carried Kailv colored umbrellas and parasols. MORAL RESURRECTION vi wina. -ur Passengers from Carferry 17 were disappearing.

Train service wa stili demoralized tonight but main line of all railroads were opened Probably the greatest throng in the hiBtory of the churches of the city boa, said to be a member of Villa's forces, was captured at midnight laat an "nor8 today, after a pern TAKEN BY POLICE "aii-mns Trm over rough ice dained a Methodist bishop in 1914. Bishop Hughes held pastorate at Orlnnell la Portland. M.l Minne ctrrowded into tne eauices ior tne during the day and some trains were night a he was attempting to smug a-la son rifle and a Quantity of am NEEDED IN GOTHAM New York, -April 4. After a personal lnvestlgaton during which be visited several ot New York' widely BDecial Easter services. St Patrick's, Chicago, April 4.

Eleven men, Directors of 8ervica Division. moving oa branch line. the cathedral of St John the Divine three of them, said by the police to munition across the international boundary line six mile east of Ca- Infllanapolls, April 4. Gerald of Rutland, Vt, has been and Old Trinity were crowded to ca be officers of Cnicago local of the In Ohio. apolis, Kansas City, and Pasadena, Cal.

Bishop Hughes had been utrrlng from a aavara cold for some weeks, known resorts and mingled with the International Upholsterers' Union, Sandusky. Ohio, April 4. Fishing lexico, according to a statement ot Mexican authorities at Mexican, Lower California. Col. Borhoa i in were arrested today in connection habitues.

Rev. John Koacn Btratton, nastor of Calvary Baptist church to pacity. PEOPLE OF SLOVAKIA Interest sustained heavy damage Rev. Dr. E.

L. Waldorf, pastor ot the with recent bomblnca Incident to Sinn Felner Arrested. Dublin. April 4. Ten Sinn Felner were arrested today at Newry In connection with outrage.

A message from Tullamore reports tbat a masked band lat Saturday night roused from hi bed a farmer and hi family residing In Kings county and ordered them Into the farm yard. Tney seated th whole family oa chairs and having compelled th farmer's son. Kleran Flynn, to stand up fired at him, wounding him seriously in th arm and abdomen. They then attempted to blow up th house, and decamped. Sleep in Separata Places.

London. April I. According to th Dublin correspondent of the Londea Times all active Sinn Feiners there sleep in different places each night te here la today by high winds, fol Flrat Methodist church here, said to strike of uDholsterers. Seven of tne the military Jail at Mexican. night delivered a sermon in which he declared a "moral resurrection" 1 ten director, or the service ai Istrn of the American Legion, announced today by Frankjll "Uher, national commander.

TEMPERATURES men confessed to throwing bombs lowed by a sleet storm. Many net set in Lake Eri were ruined with STRVING TO DEATH needed in New York. night Laat week, he wa advised to take a rest but declined to cancel his encasements. He became seriously Into six home and slugging twenty INJUNCTION SUIT Vienna. April t.

Famine- condi five foremen of uoholstering facto- rles. the stat attorriey'e office ald ill Friday noon, Easter ervice in AGAINST UNIONS valuable catches. Street car traffic wa at a standstill and score of telephone and electric lights put out of commission. tions prevail in Slovakia, according to reports' received here. It is re-sorted that Deople are collapsing In local Methodist church were ud according to th confession of one The minister stated that tne "gua-1 ed palaces" of Broadway house vice! of the most vicious sort and stated he had been approaehed by women of questionable character while in these places conducting hi "investigation.

He said he learned that the dancing "Instructresses" employed In of the union orricer. Assistant State's Attorney John M. Lowery the streets due to hunger and that denly turned Into memorial for Bishop Hughe who bad been scheduled to deliver Eaater sermons in Cohen Paint Work ,3 in so there have been hunger riots in va said $100,000 had been used by the Denver, Col, April 4. The Denver building trade contractor at a meeting today voted unanimously to brin an Injunction suit against three building trades unions which struck April 1 for Increased wage. rious districts.

In Karschau the pop three churches. Warren, Ohio, April 4. -Fire, said union in It effort to win th strixe. uiace Invaded the office of the Cserh Bishoo Hushes was graduated from One hundred dollar was paid for 4l in in in 50 to hare been due to spontaneous romhiiation. early tonav eomnletelv 4 2S IS 11 food controller and dragged him to avoid arrest and deportation to Eng- each bomb thrown, and for every the fnivers.ty ot Virginia and re- some ot the resorts were women ot ill-repute who used this as a means the street and killed him.

The sol destroyed the plant of the Cohen celved honorary degrees of D. 1A and strike breaker who was slugged, thai land. The contractors allege that S3 sa tie ts here, entailing a luss LU D. front HmUna nlvers.ty, at union paid 125, according to to ai- iw military oarncaaea area diers thereupon tired on the crowd, of meeting men. Liquor is being sold strike I in violation of recent rbi-.

Paint Company il killing twelve persons, openly, he asserted. itratloa award. estimated at 1350 ontlUs" Minneapolis. legta eenieaaioa. arauim wcr ramgn eunoay.


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