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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3
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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 3

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


BAD NEWS FOR AXIS Chanute Officials Lift 'Off Public to Give Selectees Big Two-Cities Open Drive For Sixth Big Bomber Limits' Ruling From City difference," he aald. "It'a Just as Clothier, Henry Niersthelmer. E. V. Liermann, Max Klatoner, Jerry 1 4 '1 M- trm k.

VI (e I jiiontlx bampson, Burt F. Harrison and eorge Reeder. Mr. Helm eald the wish La that these committee go ahead and organize a voluntary deduction nlan for the bond and stamp drive. Room for AIL 'Size of the concern makes no Soldiers Glad To Bo Back In Bloomington fl4 l-4 the off 4.

ton at lo shutter rant inxton jtuMr niM. WoI.os tht hm4 Ui PI Big an flee tk'f JX e-l 1.e Uae Ut t. tt mn', iaf ALl, a a4 4 tvaw iat 4.4 e. Xh90 Wt 11 I 1 1 I r-l IVI Sh ow ''s To Raise Polio Funds Mrs. Barker's Death Recalls Founding of Colored Home HEADING FOR JAPAN.

Here one of th bir navy bombers Central Illinoi resident! are helping I nrle Sam finance. Thrs't already financed five, are starting on tlieir t.Utlu ARE YOU LISTENING. important that the small place organize aa It is for a large business." "We can't raise thl money unless all participate." he stressed. Towns outside Bloomingtn-Nor-mal are also expected to organise in a similar manner. Mr.

Helm said. TOKYO? read a Pan ta graph new dispatch with obvious delight and no little amazement. Said H. J. McGrath.

bo rot the information to the station. "That'll give those Japs something to think of. "And it'll show the hundreds of Central Illinois boys fighting so far from home that we've not forgotten ttiem." The government supported station may be heard each betwren 8 and 8:30 a Mr. McGrath said. sorb who had purchased, aa of Jan.

new cars then in dealers' hand ew cars then in dealers' hand rVhnthaf dair ,0 tet but who delivery Snofi )iiivai unuiuini Egvcrn e.t tt tn t-wAu It. 4 11. Jan. 30 e4k sMB a.M. tn4i At eWt (Um(9 1 a itw 1 1 1 li.a.fl ai.

-(. i 4). aa St. eae an. r.

wt i (WHti'i .4. en'. Owb lo He tf Ckon.1 Ffcn ISSCS t. at a. w.

1 J. v. 1 1. Men. Worn pn I flM 5t RESIDENTS OF Defense Bond Sales Here Get World Publicity Bad news from McLean county to certain little people in the Far Eat was hurled over a good part of the world Saturdavia a short wave propaganda station the Pacific coast.

It dwelt with this community's drive to buy Uncle Sam "a bomber a month." The government Half of Money To Help Fight Disease Here A ai4vtl f.alartnt,; Lar. rtnee aisl ovK'r ty Utt rul of e.r w.ei.;, known entertamers etsl Jan a. prtnipl'f el t. In itvediarn In Mrt fmwnff fe true fcHt acatn.t The Ma of rrtaable-x a eae aho I 4 the tr4. bir'tday fcefe last year DaiaM Ke U' number of oth.r ntry romrnMf.n' run Tare lrfewaaja, Cha.rman of the eiaiit Mrta county ram I.

itJ.4 llewmififlon attorney He a ty to irwtn Three t-r f.rnn-. al tne Ms in ta-e of the elaleJ yvar Adteewe tirkrf (tr.a Herman Meet 'art at 7. a I an a. trv.4 T. -)' Um4M al are Sunt Ke ii.A.

foe er4 aee whti i Jon Ii4 lar I of the rr tliou A I tas.4 Mt rr aSouit ort i in care of V. It H. ev4 VUtaU Half af Mas, Half of the und ta 4 In Mtaa rouaiy fr tr.tetfct ef kw-al rw of aluimiWl Tm otber ia and lUown aM Man. a w4 are In r. ef Mr.

WaU aari(a4 Ximi4t tia am a.r.f f4a4 wo'iAI Bremen Put Out Automobile Fire ew.f.i one tuimj. fH-LefilfcLa- ftM In e- w-saw on North Crvi.e a fon 0 thomfct to hate ive fa. 4tvaa aaa 4 'n iKeccivo Word of Dedtn mm. a. -I W.

of i an a arhenl I er I .4 wr I tiiaf cf (a. d.ath of ht fattier. ftiattwaa Mr, a4 and dsushl.r w.a te Hand Jan. 21 Snappy Program Planned to Honor January Draftees First public aendoff of eeleeUee under sponsorshSo of the eerrlre men's aid committee of the M.lan county American Lef Ion for p. m.

Wedneadey In Mfltarn.a Memorial KiKrn I- llr. committee chairman. eaid iatur day. L. Earl Kaon speak brttfly aid selectees will be ideate Invitations have ben Issued to civic and church The rn-eral public he Invited alao.

Hut committeemen cannot ee-d special invitations to selectees th.rneelvee Their Identity not betn an nounced. The Wednesday meeting Is preparatory to departure of selectees Thursday. Through It committee members and the Louis Davis post. American Lectors sponsored the original plan, hope to provide tne public with an oppor tunity to exrreaa appreciation 1 departing eoldlere The cofmlet program will be brief. War Relief Less Than Short of Goal 1 1 Townships Yet to Turn In Their Quotas McLean countya Ited CrvM war relief drive total wm ioat IVn hort of the IT? ro.l Satur day.

White Oak and Randolph lo n-ehips brought the drive nearer completion when they met tnlr quotas Saturday Name of lowrjh.M now at ptieted on North Main s'rt In the Red CroM.LU-ht of Honor roll hl records of t'i nahipa making thtir quota. Still to complete their drives are: Martin. Iaie. It.oomlncton town- hip. Old Town, Che net Crove DowrM.

Montr Creek. Iluan Anchor. Weat and town- hips, JleSm. campaign chairman, said. More cluha datly are dropping non-essential acitvitUa and con tributing to the Red Crc.

Lateet is the Needlecraft club of ItoU-flower. It la atorrtn tlce maath. ly luncheon and cvntnbuf in- Ihe 12 wtikh would be spent en food to tne ilea Crow. Money, Camera, Mai a ni I MiUm Three thef'i were tenrted to ir.onmincton police Saturday. Trie Iteker Hamburger Inn.

South Main etreet. was entete Saturday morning tween 1 I. tn and 7am about $-'iO In rah was taken. Noth ing eUe was molested Cntrance was gained by pr)tn ft the door lacing. A camera and trltmd were Ukta from the Hanoi.

WeeWvan atawns alary aumettme between Jan. and 17. ft k. 1 I a K. unjc.e oKr.rins 10 itona.d West wa alao reported stoWn from the front porch at ZZ7 Nrlh Ma-aon street, but it was recovered.

Jim LaBounty Heads Hi-Y Club Jim Laltounty was alerted pre-dent of the club Thura-lsy night at t.n TMCA. tther named were Ray Thoele. vice preei. dent; IUU ltrinjcham.aecr.tary and Jim Haatinica. treaeurer.

Cheater Thompson, faculty adviser, outlined a project for a dance. SPK.NCKU Indhlduall) IW(nrd Corsets and Brassieres list Mrure Anal) at ree Tail MRS. COUD.V HOW .11 Kit 100: S. Ua M. Itoe (AIL 768 $600 8 Tire Board Wi Ration Autos in collision Or 9 Ai'o Gi 10 Raf cf S' a jWit.M iuS i.n.

mt ttm. it, 1 'nil, 4' 0 a (lJ. i'V el t4i. ru I'l f.itiif e-w I 1. x-l V.a tjt.

w.a r)H a 4''e e. '(, t.n 4 7. J.f iit 'ii f' ae- t- yM T- l.w., 1 ah. it la, w. 1 r.

.,4 itml 4.4m FREDR1C.CS jailiort2 1JF.TTKR COATS i teMi lvi In- 'mm. (. dB Tarmday ifnty 75: 1c 2:1 4 4 If t.e 7 a.v,,,4; 1) I II I. ih iw a 4 A. 41 Already Have Financed Five Flying Ships BY DAN MILES.

BIoomington-Normal citizen a have already financed five big bombers for Uncle Sam through purchase of defense bonds and they're starting on a sixth. Total bought here in defense tonda alone since sale began last ilav is $1,547,751.40. McLean county's goal is to fur nish one 5300,000 Flying Fortress bomber to Uncle Sam each month through sale of defense bonds and stamps. Japs Start Up until Dec. 1, 1941, a total of $935,649.75 worth of defense bonds had been sold.

Then the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor. Then BIoomington-Normal citizens hurried to banks and postof- fice and bought S390.693.15 worth of defense bond in nn month's time This flood of buying exhausted local bond supplies and sent the year's total soaring to $1,326,342.90 The treasurey department has r.ftw caught up with the demand for blank defense bonds. Banks and postoff ices, however, still have meir nanas iuu. $220,658 This Month. Already this month $220,658.50 worth of defense bonds have been This means more than two thirds of January $300,000 Flying Fort ress bomber has already been bought through bond purchases.

And the month is only half gone Only a Good Start. Actually the organized drive for purchase, of defense bonds and stamps is Just getting under way The industrial committee, consist ing of labor representatives, un derwriters and industrialists was announced Saturday by county director Grover C. Helm. Members are Gene Harrison Willis MaGirl, Roland Read. Dan Cranfield.

Roy Martin, June Scott George C. Heberling, R. W. GLp-son, J. F.

Odell, Robert Wilson A. W. Tompkins, Millard Lloyd, H. Hoean. Otto Reich.

Rov Andres, Frank Donovan, William Burgess, William Hardwick, Hor ace Soper and Wilbur Galloway Jr. They'll Push Sale. The committee for chain stores and corporations will be Stanley Secord. Russell H. Palmer, Robert Ryan, D.

G. Pearson and Herbert L. Garling, Mr. Helm Said. Members of the committee fo department stores and all othe types of retail business will be Hugh Henry.

Clay Doolev. LJov Ever, Julius P. Klemm, Clarence Aliiler, Oliver A. McCIintock. F.

BULLETIN Board EMERGENCY CALLS Phone 2MB ..3290 IBS 603 Mmnonlu hospital EroKaw hospital St Joseph hospital Polio Sheriff County Jail Bloomlnplon tire department 1R8 340 Normal fir. department B3B6 MRRIAGE IJCENSKS. Radka arxl Chariott Radlca, Anthony Georjre Nltz. Cicero and Irene Biederman, Bioomingtoo. FuneraJ Notices, Cards of la Memorlam and Rpertal Notice, IS-Hn minimum, SI .60 per lnwrtloa line.

lSe each. Copy for full dajr'a rnn U1 be accepted up to p. day before poblleatloa and II o'clock noon for final edition. Kl.NtRAL NOTICE. Funeral aervicea ror Mrs.

Ernejrt W. Oreeaeerg of 601 West OiiT street, win held from the Bck Memorial Home. 209 Kant Grove street, Monday morninR at 10:30 o'clock. Krtetida Invited. Interment, Park HjSI.

Friend, may call at trie Memo-nai H- mie. tTNKRAL Friends ar. invited to attend the funeral aervicee for Mr. WVliam J. Long which wiil bn from the Murray Memorial h'ne.

Bit Main Monday morning at and trim Holy Trinltv church at iO o'clock. Interment in fit. Mary' cemetery. Friends may call at tha mo-jjiorial home. Ft NtBAL NOTICE.

Friend are Invited to attend the funeral arrvicea tor Mr. Kathryn Jobba to be held from the home of her amter. Mr. Bettv Oarbe. H01 blackstone.

Monday mormiiK at and from St. Mary', etiurch at 8 ciock. Interment St. Joeeph'a cemetery. Friend, may call at the Murray Memorial home until Saturday morning when th remain, will be taken to the home.

HXKR1I. NOTICE. Funeral aervice for Mr. Grace Wood Bray of 111 West Olive atreet will be held tram the Beck Memorial home. 209 East Grove street.

Monday afternoon at clock. JYia.ida invited. Interment Jn the cemetery. Friends may cali at the memorial home. FINFRAI.

NOTICE. Friend are Invited to attend the funeral ervicB. for Mm, Alex Barker which wii! tie tieid from the Murray Memorial borne. 914 N. Main Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Interment in Bloomington cemetery. Friends may call at the memorial lvme after 10 a. m. Monday. NOTICE.

Tt.e members of Bethlehem Retx-kah lodse No. 32. IOOF. we are requested to uie turcn aiemonai Home Monday morning at 10 a. m.

to attend the funeral of Mr Erawt W. Greenburg. HAZEL MILLARD. Noble Grand NAROLA HOUCHIN. Recording Sec'y.

AR1I OP TlltVkt: The famliy of the late WMliam Luj wushe to thank those who sen nowera, tne minister, the rireera. the pianist, the and friend and nenoore ior trie kindness shown at the ui tneir iatner. mm liriinnm a a MEMORIAL HOME FUNERAL SERVICE PHONE 3 203 GROVE ST. LOUIS I CutiKi CO Gel Pep ment agencies tnru-' JIUIUll Tire. fa tf rn 4ii h.q.4 i.

tj .4 i l4 4 4, 4.4. IM, List of Eligible Buyers Will Be Established The McLean countv tire ration. ing board headed by Dana Rollins win supervise distribution of new cars here, it waa announced Sat urday. The statement was based on data released concerning a ra tioning program outlined by Leon nenaereon, DfA administrator. A list of elieible buvera Mr Rollins waa informed, will be established including: (a) Persona engaged in fire fighting, crime pre vention or detection, enforcement or laws relating to the protection of public health and aftv mnA tv transportation of mail, and (b) per- I IW Xrtl a 4 1 2Hr- Give-Away ol Winter Coals! Cares for Family Of Sit Children; Movement EtpAndt arWee l.4- fS imi 4ei ef A A tUt4.

a 4-4 ITt.ief. was Me kra I 'jm i ftA-. 1 m.i i M'a ura tKe U. I ef a.ovtM eati' 4 ta ia I aV4e. te fes 4 a.

tv l' 1 4f. a t.s a-vrjie a 4 a siO- 4 ai.t s-t j4" a If ai.4 a 1 I'-cmi ii. It. 4 ir. ft awl li il 1' lMa tve ma i a t.

4 wa ef l- 4 rvta. eii e4 rae e) fM, I .4.. Va 1 1 1 tee rAa.S 1 1 4. a r'-waa t-te aa4 ai.e afc4 I on uoom 1 FOlt ItK.VT w. 11.

iiN r.ijHa. CLKAKAXI'K e-e ZLZH S279 vtatrtt S1E9 ar aeanai St)5 at tutt aM a- a. I I i tixr lUh a I t.lM'4 .44 4W ,4. ..4 Crothers Property, Once Owned by Lincoln, Sold Va a. I 1 I imh e- e.MMfc Vie-.

1 tVa Maal tltaf flicaoai 2n.DEOTna:. fixr. hay nNi.Y-ntiiiw. jn piuinKNT 9TII ANMWt. lURTIIIIW ATltlN Ike lWwe4 e4 Ialaa4ae raalaa DRY Cleaning On Our Siniln IVran! UWKKXCE WliLK and IIU AM PACINI.

Ml SIC raa V-alaJ Hlttt. tlfH S4e SWaa 4tr al r. All Seals Cesenred! SJv; Tola! 85c Sal tt Crlra I. 1 11 4 itr 1 K-4 1 lev, theee purposea. will have tn aKhi.

certificates from loca rationing KTiiimuin iwm to maae purchasea, government Instruction said. Mr. Rollins aaid h.i K.n in formed that if a tire dealer desires to return. tirea or tubes either to a wholeaaler or to a manufacturer. ne snouid write to the office of the general council, office of price administration, Washington, attention Daniel Margolies.

requesting such permtselon. OPA officials have also announced that a dealer may make any diapoaition he likea of tirea turned in for new ones. Normal, made a painting of the Crothers home hich was exhibited several months ago at the Russell Art gallery. Withers public library. Jt was one of several paintings of historic landmarks.

In Family Since 1HM7. The property has been in the Crothers family amce lh7 when Dr. Marie Crothers. mother of Rachel Crothers. bought It.

Miss Crothens made this her home until she waa 1 years old when she went to New York at the beginning of her great career. Her sister. Miss Lulu Crothers. lived there until her death In December, 1940. Mr.

Powell will bring his family to their new home at an early date. Going Fast! Don't Wait! We Still Have TUSEIID TTIIHIIES All Sizes Prices Reasonable GUARANTEED VULCANIZING FLAT TIRE COMPANY South Center at firote si. rilONK 415 21 Hour Sen ir SALE! JAXI7AKY The old Crothers property at the corner of McLean and Jefferson streets, once owned by Abraham Lincoln and later the home of Rachel Crothere. leading American woman playwright and author of "Susan and God," was purchased by M. D.

Powell of Edwardsville. Details of the purchase are being completed by the Burt F. Harrison Realty company. Subject of Painting. This old landmark of Bloomington is rich in historical significance.

In the late 1850 Abraham Lincoln, then a lawyer, was frequently in Bloomington and surrounding towns while touring the old eighth Judicial district. Bloomington naturally became the center of his profession for a time and he purchased the two lota at the corner of McLean and Jefferson streets for $325.08, contemplating building his home here. He later decided to settle In Springfield, however, and after owning the property for five years sold it for $450, a profit of $125. From that time until the present the propetry has changed hands seven times, Mr. Powell being the eighth owner.

Bernadine Custer, New York city artist whose home In In We Specialize tn FUNERAL FLOWERS MAPIJWOon GKEKMKIUSE J01 E. M.ller Rt Phone I Ml DENMAN'S FLOWER SHOP Funeral Sprays. $1.50 Up Flower TrlparaptieS Aerwhera 313 w- M'- Phone 447 Raaday PARK HILL CEMETERY PEUPETtAL CARE Choir. Lot PHONE 1M Arallable IJunllly Sfrvlcr! aUaaaa a fmtii Ijt Alin MIIU1, Monday and Including All PIAHOS (Hew and Uied) I J.l. trtraia ar Catal.

Vaave-i aa.4 Vtr4 fe 74 iHra ar I I a4 a a. I tVaaat a ta. om FOR EXPERT ROOFING SERVICE We hate drnty of all tntrr.U on hand ati.l ruarantr to da tte Jh qui. My and efficiently. It na rrpalr or rerof yotir a ipn Intrvtment.

We 1)1 N'th rrllenrw a ad lndatrUl wrk. A. C. ttlinl) Nafilcer. Owner ACME ROOFING (0.

1W V. Mlli, ST. ncrXiTa? i I e. a-aa, OTZ JJ 1 IIM3MI maaHi a4 eawM ojimao. mail (Va I at) THE 2 FOR 76c Oaf t'aaaaJ t'aje llttty ar BtOOHIIIGIOIl SOFT WATER UUIIDRY DRY ClEAliERS ALBERT NIEPAGEN FLORIST Flower, for Every Occaalea 208 Miller St.

I'horJ, 388 IVVT PIANOS tt lallLa4aBaaaJ 7 niuNK IU.

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