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The Pantagraph du lieu suivant : Bloomington, Illinois • Page 1

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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Warmer Mostly cloudy and a littlt warmer tonight. Low tonight upper 30s. Tuesday partly cloudy and cooler. High in lower or mid 40s. (More weather data on page 22.) Final Edition 10c 118th Year.

329th Day. Bloomington-Norrnal, Illinois, Monday, November 25, 1963. 30 Pages. Fina onor To am rresi Paic i dent and in the church, was French filed past the bier before the President Charles de Gaulle, funeral procession. Near him sat Prince Philip i The great copper dome of st husband of Queen Elizabeth II uh Cathedral blue-ereen of Britain.

Not far away was aunew winearai, Diue green Queen Frederika of Greece. from decades of weathering, Behind them in the proces- glistened in a crisp, clear day sion were the U.S. Supreme as the cortege approached it for Foreign Leaders Join in Farewell Court, the Cabinet, federal ofh-the requiem Mass. i tin It i rf WASHINGTON (AP) Amid pangs of sorrow and ciais ana vvnue nouse bum, As tne pr0CeSsion came by with solemn rites, America and world statesmen oaae Lips Move in Prayer Godspeed today to John F. Kennedy on his last earthly the White House on the way to the cathedral the Marine band played a dirge.

Earlier, the strains of "Onward Christian journey. The vast throngs along the streets now become high- Shm, a 'I r- I HW 4 4 "CI 1 k. I -f Hp I ,41, A0B. in -Tr? following the martyred President closely every inch nf his travpl tn tho erave in Arlington National ways of heartbreak were Soldiers Had filled the air. Cemetery was his young widow, Jacqueline, bravely mostly silent.

Many lips moved! Aiong with the 34.year-old bearing ud in Praver- But at tne corner 'widow of the fallen chief execu- tt i a i tne ireasurv cuuuinn, a live, ana sorrowing wan ner, nrt rf iho traaip wav nn fnnffrmn tho Whito HrtllSP i 0 a broke into high pitched wail: to St. Matthew's Cathedral for the Requiem Mass. went one of the greatest arrays of world statesmen ever assembled. From 53 countries they came 26 as heads of state or government. Cardinal Cushing Celebrent "President Kennedy is gone.

Oh Lord, Lord!" She continued her cry, but finally the words trailed away and became indistinguishable. So also did one of the greatest arrays of foreign statesmen weeping, lined the capitals ever assembled they came broad highways. And countless from 53 nations and included millions saw and heard by tele- 9.6 hpnds nf statp or unvprn-1 vkinn nnri rariin Richard Cardinal Cushing of ment ThP Mnst Rev Philin Han-1 ne procession was a scene Boston, an old tnend ot the Ken- At the Mass, Richard Card-'nan SabiKPASit J1 Jcolumned fJ8 nnetm nM rniA onmo nf passed by the great, columned the Mass at the church named for St. Matthew the evangelist Abraham Lincoln. and apostle.

Joins 126,000 Veterans The white horses pulling the friend of the Kennedy family, best-loved passages from Scrip-offered up the Holy Eucharist, ture, and words from the slain and prayed: President's inaugural address "Almighty God, may this of 1961. This reading was by sacrifice cleanse from sin the special request of the widow, soul of your servant, John, whoj At his last dinner, in Houston Then, across the gleaming caisson carrying the coffin plod white marble of Memorial ded along quietly, but the tra- Bridge, to the cemetery where 'ditional riderless horse turned, twisted and pranced sideways. has gone from this 'world', and last Thursday night, the bishop 1 126000 veterans are buried. On a still-green slope over- so he may receive forgiveness recalled, Kennedy had quoted; i i and everlasting rest from you." from the Bible: "Where there ine scb "i ue "Ji Near the flag-enveloped vision the people perish." wa! 1 fin, Mrs. Kennedy knelt before! Quotes President hill was a veritable blanket of the high altar and received JTSna tr hand from the cardinal's wafer of communion tha i I -i i dsivcu iiiai nunc uc umt tie maugural address how equivalent in money be giv.

I Kennedy had called on Ameri- Ln rt manv HM not At left is Attorney General Rolert V. Kennedy, and on right is Sen. Kdward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. The attorney general has been her public escort during her ordeal.

Washington (AP) Mrs. Jacfjupline Kcnnody and two brothers-in-law head the procession as the Ixxly of the slain President is borne from the White House to St. Matthews Roman Catholic Church. SYMBOLIC HORSE MRS. KENNEDY'S Mrs.

Jacqueline Kennedy's horse, Sardar, showed high spirit and inexperience in such matters, compared to the sedate cavalry horses drawing the caisson and John F. Kennedy's coffin in the funeral cortege. Just behind the stately procession pranced the riderless horse, symbol of the slain warrior, with its pair of empty cavalry boots reversed in the stirrups and a saber in a silver scabbard swinging from its saddle, the Associated Press reported. A military man led the dark bay horse. cathedral.

'walked behind a line of mem-! Chief Justice Earl W'arren, New President Grieves leans to take up the torch for a' thig word jn tjme Grieving in the cathedral "long twilight struggle" a The da -g proceedings began were the new President, Lyndon peaceful fight against "tyranny, at the capjtol where 240 000 B. Johnson and his wife, Lady poverty, disease and war it-ipersons had fUj past the bier Bird They too rode and walked self." tne uneral procession. in the procession that took the In a poignant touch, soloist, just before the flag-covered body from the Capitol, past the Luigi Vena of Boston sang "Ave casket was carried into the ca-White House, to the cathedral, Maria." Vena had sung this thedral a band played "Hail to and then to Arlington, across hymn at tne Kennedy the Chief" Then softly on the the Potomac River in Virginia. Listening taut.faced under the; autumn air came' the strains of The Kennedy-children, Caro- dome of cathedral hymns. Zh itl'ZEtJ two former Presidents, And, during the slow, final winli rlinf ff a anH D- Eisenhower.

The third living, was heard from the Black a nai uisning too pea anrformer chief executive Herbert! Watch Pipers who were among 4 Hoover, 89, was not able to at- the dead President's musical fa- 'Atty. Gen Robert F. Kenne-U('rs the immediate family former President Dwight D. Ei- 'Grammie' May Never Know BOSTON (LTD President dy clutched Mrs. Kennedy's lonoweu mrs.

rmmieay. isenhower and others also were I hand as they walked out the. Walking Procession ijn t)e waijn(, procession, northwest gate of the White! French President Charles dn: r. House. Gaulle was close behind, lead-, Kennedy's 9B-year-old Brand- President and Mrs.

Johnson ing the foreign leaders. 'Mike Mansfield and Senate Re- molhf.r has not tod and nunncan Leaner rvereu w. probably never will be, of the from President's assassination. Dirk.sen headed a group Congress. Finds Peace The youthful President, Mis.

rveniieuy, ner veil iiuai- ing in the cool breeze, took, Caroline and John by their I P'gnitanei Present Mrs. John F. Fitzgerald celebrated her 98th birthday Oct. 31. She is the widow of former vorites.

240,000 Visit Bier At the Capitol, 240,000 persons who lowering in ine procession, hands. They walked down the Rneffin Mmmt T.tin Before the casket was placed on the caisson at the Capitol, Urn ua 1 (Honey sought peace in an age of hot Fjtz) mis. i-vcuncujf iiciu nucu uciui cathedral steps behind the' casket. Little John Salutes As servicemen put the casket ana eoia wars, nnas nis owir mjnd very peace beside the nation's he-' keen, and we are afraid she'd roes in Arlington National Cem-! understand this awful thine all etery-in a grave overlooking too well," Miss Kathcrine Fit the memorial of another mar- maurice of Worcester, the wom- LITTLE BOY'S WISH FOR FLAG GRANTED WASHINGTON (UPI) "I want a flag to take home to my daddy." Those were the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. The little boy was seen by millions of people clutching at the tiny American flag in his fist as he walked down the 36 steps of the Capitol Sunday.

He got the flag in the Speaker's office for the tall man with laughing blue eyes who used to love him and pet him and take him on helicopter rides. The President who is no more. John-John, as his father affectionately called him, was taken there when he got restless in the Rotunda where he had to be so still and couldn't break loose from his mother's firm hold. His father, who was rarely still, would have understood. lyrea presiaeni, Aoranam un- an's constant nurse, said, oln- Mrs.

Fitzgerald lives with her But with the prayers for the son and daughter-in-law, Mr. dead there were hopes for and Mrs. Thomas A. Fitzgerald, new President. Lyndon John- She is confined to her room and son, who briefly laid aside the cannot see the flag flying at awesome problems he inherited halfstaff outside the house, to lead 20 presidents, prime 240,000 PASS BIER; 2,000 TURNED AWAY WASHINGTON (AP) Thousands upon thousands of persons braved long hours in freezing weather to file past the casket of John F.

Kennedy in the Capitol rotunda. Charles J. Sullivan, chief of Capitol police, estimated 240,000 had moved past the bier of the slain President when the doors were closed to the public at 8:30 a.m. At least 2,000 others, still waiting in a line stretching blocks away, were left stranded after standing for six to seven hours. Police steered them to vantage points around the Capitol plaza to see the funeral procession leave for the White House.

ana prayea Drieny. Then, as the coffin was carried from the catafalque, there was a roll of ruffles and flourishes. God of Loveliness," a band played, and the procession began, to the measured cadences of muffled drums and a mournful dirge. Mournful Bells A bell tolled as the cortege approached the White House. It reached there at 11:35 a.m., while church bells tolled mournfully.

Then at the White House, Jacqueline Kennedy set out on foot, leading the procession to the back on the caisson for the three-mile journey to Arlington, John put his hand up in salute. Little John, 3 today, seemed a little bewildered. Caroline, who will be 6 Wednesday, was composed but pale. The church bells tolled. The muffled drums beat.

Mrs. Kennedy and the others rode to Arlington in limousines. Atty. Gen. Robert F.

Kennedy, who has been by her side almost constantly since his brother's body was brought here late Friday, was with her. Hundreds of thousands, many ministers and kings in paying. Additional funeral photos on page 2. respect to the assassinated Kennedy. Not since the burial of the Unknown Soldier 40 years ago 'Other stories throuqh- has there been such a gather- ing in Washington.

Out the paper. J-) if I 1 4 1:1. -rv if Kj'-: I 1 i yy I il v- 9 -'I World leaders walk in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy House. From left, front row, Hcinrich Luebke, de Gaulle; Queen Frederika of Greece; Kim; Hau- opia; President Diosdado Macapagel of the rWIln funeral procession Monday as it leaves the White West German president French President Charles douin of Belgium; Emperor Hailc Selassie of KlhU pine (AP Wlwphoto).

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