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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 61
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The Pantagraph du lieu suivant : Bloomington, Illinois • Page 61

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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I 1 VANT You Can Join the Arbor Day Foundation and Get 10 Free Flowering Trees iltel I imp My best friend contends that a satellite can be "parked" over a place like New York City. I say the plane of a satellite's orbit must pass through the center of the Earth, and therefore the only place heard of it As you know, the genetic sex of the individual is determined at the time of conception by the sperm, which carries either an or a chromosome to the egg, which has only an chromosome itself. If the sperm carries an the embryo will be female (XX); if it carries a the embryo will be male (XY). So, because all eggs start with only an chromosome, you might (incorrectly) say that all human embryos start out female. But I know this isn't the information you read.

Instead you probably read that, regardless of their apparent destiny, all developing embryos will become feminized unless key masculinizing influences occur at the proper times. That is, every embryo (male and female) contains structures capable of developing into either male or female sex organs. Only at a later point do they begin to differentiate, but this re I I .1 len free flowering trees will be given to each person who joins The National Arbor Day Foundation. SStCuSd 8 busy satellite tolcskfcp a parking spat over KawYsrk City? a satellite can be parked is anywhere along the equator. Is he rightP Am I rightP David McGlumphy, Red Bank, Tenn.

Let's just say that you are a lot more right than he is. A geo-synchronous orbit comes fairly close to parking a satellite at least in longitude over a place like New York City, but because the orbit is inclined (that is, not in the equatorial plane), it moves up and down in latitude over the course of the day. A geostationary orbit is the only kind that actually does "park" a satellite both in longitude and latitude but it can do so only along the equator. Law-enforcement agencies indicate that we are losing our war against drugs. Wouldn't it make more sense to legalize drugs and spend the savings in enforcement money on more rehab centers? Walt Brogdon, Knoxville, Tenn.

Not for the reason you cite. Suppose we are unable to stamp out spousal abuse. Would it make more sense to legalize it and spend the enforcement money on more centers for battered women? After the birth of my second The free trees are part of the nonprofit Foundation's Trees for America'" Campaign. The ten trees are 2 White Flowering Dogwoods, 2 Washington Hawthorns, 2 Golden Raintrees, 2 American Redbuds, and 2 Flowering Crabapples. "These compact trees were selected for planting in large or small places," John Rosenow, the Foundation's president said.

"These free flowering trees will give your home the beauty of pink, white, and yellow flowers and also provide winter berries and nesting sites for songbirds." The six to twelve inch trees are guaranteed to grow or they will be replaced free of charge. The trees will be shipped postpaid in the Spring, February through May, at the right time for t.i i i i quires activity. And only if certain activity occurs properly can any XY embryo get headed in the direction of becoming a male. If it does not occur, all embryos head in the direction of becoming females, almost by default, regardless of whether they are genetically males or females. Surprising, isn't it? Two cliches about intelligence are: It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that-" and, It doesn't take a brain Which of these groups is actually the more intelligent, or is there another sort of person you would recommend for this honorP Alfred Dreyer, Enfield, Conn.

I think that people who have a real grasp of how all their frequent-flight programs work deserve this accolade! "5 planting in your area aiong wiui enciuseu pianung instructions. Members also receive a subscription to the Foundation's bimonthly publication, Arbor Day, The Tree Book with information about tree planting and care, and a membership card. All memberships are confirmed promptly. Join today, and plant your Trees for America! Trees Make a World of Difference i The answer was "Unidentified Flying i The National Arbor Day Foundation1" i What's the question? "What does a nearsighted birdwatcher seeP" Carolyn Stone, Santa Rosa, "What do my son's title manners and i my wife's cooking produce?" Cave Taylor, Pa. "V.TAt do rotins call kites?" YESt Please send my 10 free flowering treesTl I My $10 membership contribution is enclosed.

son, I read that all human embryos start out as the same sex and that something happens to them afterward to make them male or female. Later, I began searching through books and Journals, but I have been unable to find the information again. Did I dream itP! I've asked doctors and scientists, and no one confirms or denies it. They just say things like, "The male determines the sex." But do all human embryos start out as the same sexP Elizabeth Woodard, Willits, Calif. No wonder you didn't find this information.

It's true in a certain way, but most people have never I Name Address, City Grace Dwit, Cross Lane, W.Va, Ready to try (mother one? The answ er is: "The Scientific Method. i you have a question tor Marilyn voa Savant, who rt listad in the "Gumma Book ol World Reoords" Hall of Fame tor -Highest KJ," send it toe Ask Marilyn, PARADE, 7TI Third Ave, New York, MY. 10017. Because of volume of mail, personal repHes are not possible. State.

1171 7c National Arbor Day Foundation vv if fl Reader Service, Department JQ10-PF, P.O. Box 9020 AGS JANUARY 12, t987 PARADE MAOAZM1.

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